Then There Was You

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Then There Was You Page 13

by D L Lane

  He started to tell her no, that she needed to stay put, but she was already heading out the door she’d just come in.

  Mason came over after hanging up the shop phone. “Did you hear?”

  “Yes.” Gage tried not to sound ticked off. “I’m heading over now and taking Danica with me. You and Breck keep the twins happy while we’re gone.”

  “We will.” Mason tapped him on the back of his shoulder blade. “Take care of Danny and yourself.”

  “That’s a done deal, brother.”

  Without wasting any more time, Gage stepped out into the night air, catching up to Danica getting into her vehicle. “Hang on!”

  She spun around. “Why?”

  “You’re riding with me. No arguments or you stay here.”

  She narrowed her eyes on him but then nodded. “Where are you parked?”

  “This way,” he said, taking her arm.


  It appeared the fire department had everything under control by the time Gage pulled up Danica’s driveway. Though her stomach was in knots as she took note of her black as sin tree, once so beautiful but now reduced to a sad char of limbs sticking in all directions, the ground around it scorched as well.

  Without a word, she undid her seatbelt and scrambled out of the big SUV, going to Darnell Parker, the captain. “Besides the obvious, do we know how this happened?”

  “Danica,” he greeted, his dark onyx gaze going to Gage. “This was done on purpose. You could smell the accelerant as it burned.”

  “Who would do that?” she asked, knowing they wouldn’t have a clue.

  “Kids out doing things they shouldn’t is my best guess,” Darnell said.

  “Do you have your phone?” Gage asked her.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You were showing me a security feed. Can we access it from a prior point?”

  “My phone captured a thirty-second clip, but we can take a look on my laptop inside by hitting the history.”

  “Let’s go,” he said, then glanced at the captain. “Darnell, you want to be in on this?”

  “Sure do.”

  With that, the three of them went to the front door, Gage staying close beside her.


  They were watching the feed, Gage’s blood boiling as someone tall, wearing black from head to toe, their face even obscured, poured lighter fluid or gasoline out of an unmarked container onto the tree. Stepping back, they struck a match and tossed it, the oak going up in a blast of flames before they scampered out of sight.

  “That’s all I’ve got,” Danica said.

  “How about a different view?” Darnell asked.

  She tapped a few keys on her computer, then the view switched, but the shot was from the side of the house, not showing the front lawn.

  “Anything else?” Gage asked, raking his fingers through his hair.

  “The back of the house.”

  “Hit it and let’s take a look,” he said.

  Eyes focused on the screen, he watched for something, anything, but nothing but a stray cat walked into view.

  “I don’t think there’s anything else.” Danny slumped in her chair. He put a palm on the top of her shoulder, feeling her tense, then relax. “I just don’t get why someone would do that.”

  “Meanness,” Darnell said. “Kids being stupid on Halloween? A combination of both?”

  “You’re probably right.” She sounded tired.

  “Chief,” Darnell said, “I’m going back out to check on my men, but the fire is extinguished, and nothing bounced. It was all contained to the front lawn.”

  Gage nodded. “I’ll let you know if I come up with anything else.”

  “Please do.”

  The two of them shook hands, then the captain of the fire department strode away.

  “Are you all right?” Gage asked.

  Tipping her head back, as he was looking down on her from behind, she said, “I suppose so.”

  “Is your husband working all night, or is he scheduled to come home?”

  Wasn’t that the million-dollar question? Gage thought he should have been with his wife and children, celebrating the holiday.

  “I haven’t heard from him yet, so I don’t know.” Sitting up straight, Danica inched her chair back, then stood, going over to the breakfast bar—the ankle-length dress she wore swishing like cornstalks in the breeze. “I’m going to make some coffee. Would you like a cup?”

  “Sure.” He walked over in his long-legged stride, taking off his coat. “Maybe you should stay with Breckin and Mase tonight if Marcus gets detained at the hospital.”

  “Do you think that’s necessary?” She reached into the cabinet, pulling down a couple of mugs.

  “I think it would make me feel better if you did.”

  Danny raised a brow, glancing over at him. “That didn’t answer my question, Gawonii.”

  The hard set to his jaw softened. “If you and the twins are going to be all alone tonight, then yes. I think it is necessary to be safe and stay with them.”

  “I’m sure it was just a kid thinking it was ‘gangster’ to light my tree on fire. I doubt it was anything more than that.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, but still…”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  “Give me your cell phone,” he said.

  “Whatever for?”

  He held out a hand. “Just do it, Danica.”

  With a sigh, she pulled it out of her coat pocket and gave it over. Gage tapped the screen, then handed it back. “Here.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I put my cell phone number in your contacts. If anything, and I mean, if you hear so much as a snap that sounds out of place, you call me. No matter the time. Got me?”

  Danica nodded, turning on her Keurig.

  Chapter Thirty


  “Danny!” her sister’s muted voice called. “Jillian is on the phone for you!”

  Glum, she rolled off her bed, feeling like total sludge, while at the same time wondering why J.J. was calling her. After all, she should be at the prom.

  Stepping out of her bedroom, she went to the top of the stairs and glanced down at Breckin, who looked just as miserable as Danica felt. “I’m coming.”

  Breck nodded, and turned around, heading toward the kitchen where she spent most of her time if she wasn’t holed up in her bedroom—something she didn’t want to talk about going on between her and Mason. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

  After making it downstairs, she picked up the phone on the cordless and went back to her room, before putting the handset to her ear, saying, “Hello?”

  “Danny.” Jillian sounded upset.

  She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I should be asking you that. Why didn’t you show up at the prom with Max?”

  “He blew me off.” Danica’s heart twisted. She’d spent so much money on a formal gown she wore for all but an hour while waiting on him, only to be taken off and flopped over the back of her chair in a splash of powder blue. Not to mention the extra time doing her hair and makeup.

  “What do you mean? Did you guys fight?”

  “I mean just that. Max said he’d pick me up and never showed. I tried calling him to find out what was going on, and no one answered the phone.”

  “Oh, he did show up, but with Miranda Burrell.”

  Fire rolled up Danica’s neck. Was every boy she allowed in her life going to burn her? “He’s there with Miranda?”

  “He was. I heard him say something about heading out to the after-party at the lake.”

  “Is that right,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Girl, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I’ll tell Vance I have to go and come over there.”

  “No, don’t do that,” she said. “You stay and have a good time with him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  “Okay, but I’m
coming over tomorrow, first thing.”

  “All right. I’ll talk to you then.”

  “Love you, Danny-D.”

  “Love ya, too, J.J.”

  Hitting the button to disconnect the call, Danica’s blood simmered, making her pace the room until she came to a decision.

  “You’re not going to let another boy walk all over you!” she said rather loudly to the reflection in her vanity mirror.

  The handset bounced when she tossed it onto her bed before she went to her closet, slipped on her Nikes, and ran for the door.


  Wood popping and sparks flying up into the night sky, Gage and Mason were sitting by the bonfire, talking about how the little bit of the prom they attended pretty much sucked until something caught his attention.

  “Hey,” he said. “I’ll talk to you later. I’ve got to go check on something.”

  “Okay, sure, man.” Mason was quickly distracted by Phillip’s crazy antics.

  Getting to his feet, eyes narrowing, Gage walked toward the line of trees in the distance, where he was pretty sure Max just went. Only, from his vantage point, it didn’t look like he was tugging Danny along with him, but—

  “Maxwell Dillon!”

  Danica’s loud voice had his head whipping to the right. Sure enough, whoever Max was with, it wasn’t Danny. A sense of relief surrounded him, then switched to concern as Danny all but ran up to Max, then pushed the guy. Hard.

  “You blew me off so you could take her to the prom?”

  “Settle down,” Max said, holding his hands up in front of him like a suspect about to get nailed.

  “Don’t you tell me to settle down you rotten piece of pond scum!”

  Max gave a sarcastic laugh. “That’s the best you’ve got?

  Gage picked up his pace, wanting to get to them before things escalated from bad to worse.

  “Oh, I have a whole lot more, I’m just not going to lower myself to your potty mouth level.”

  “Potty mouth? You never complained about my mouth when I had it on yours!”

  “Watch it!” Gage yelled, swooping in beside Danica, his arrival barely registering on her stunningly livid face, too upset with Dillon.

  “We made plans to go to prom, and you pulled a no-show on me!”

  “Look. It was fun while it lasted, but I need things you won’t give me, and I’m tired of playing the choir boy on the slim chance I’ll get into your pants.”

  That was it. Gage balled his fist and swung, connecting with Max’s jaw, making him stumble back, and Miranda Burrell, he realized a little too late, screamed as the jerk bumped into her, sending her onto her backside.

  Gathering his composure, Max shook his head, then helped Miranda up. “Are you okay, babe?”

  “Babe? Really?” Danny asked, crossing her arms, still on fire. “You’re hooking up with Miranda because she puts out, and calling her babe?”

  “Shut up, Danica!” the girl yelled.

  “You shut up, Ms. ‘I’ll do you, just ask’.”

  Sadly, Danica had the right of it. Miranda, who transferred in two years ago, did get around a lot. Though he’d never touched her and wouldn’t, Gage just heard the other guys talk about their conquests.

  “You’re nothing but an uptight, prissy—”

  Smack! His little Danny slapped her right across the face. And it might be wrong, but Gage was proud of her at that moment.

  “Why you bitc—” Max grabbed his ‘date’ by the waist, as Gage grabbed Danny, stopping them both before the catfight ensued and a crowd gathered, which he was surprised hadn’t already started since they weren’t exactly keeping their voices down.

  “Shh,” Gage whispered in her ear as she squirmed in his hold.

  “Let me go! I’m going to snatch her bald!”

  Gage chuckled; he couldn’t help himself. “I don’t think so, Slugger.”

  Max glowered at her then up at him. “Get her out of here.”

  “Glad to.” Gage started to carry her off, but before he left snarled, “You stay away from Danica, Dillon!”

  “You don’t need to worry about that!”

  Danny was still kicking as he put her down by his car, boxing her in with his hands on either side of her, resting on the roof. “Calm down and take a breath.”

  Angry blue eyes lifted up to him. “Did I ask for your help?”

  “Nope, but you’re getting it just the same.”

  She turned her head, not looking at him while her chest heaved.

  “For whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry Max did that.” I always knew he wasn’t right for you. No one will ever be because they won’t love you like I do, he didn’t say.


  Her grunt of displeasure made him want to smile, but he put his amusement on lockdown.

  “And I’m sorry he ruined going to the prom for you, too.”

  Slowly, she brought her gaze back to him but remained quiet. Well, all but for her heavy breaths, which were, he noticed, doing very nice things to Danny’s chest and the cleavage she was showing in the V-dip of her tight t-shirt.

  Don’t notice! “Do you think you might ever talk to me again?” he asked.

  “Take me home, please.”

  Gage locked his eyes with hers. “I suppose that’s a start.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Sipping on his cup of coffee, absently listening to the radio, Gage took his usual morning route to work, watching the clouds roll across the sky, wondering if it were going to snow.

  “This just in,” the D.J. said in his throaty voice, and something about it made Gage take note, turning the radio volume up when he came to a stop at the sign. “The Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin highlighting the continuing terror threats to the U.S, calling for all citizens to remain aware. Today, one of the Al Musa terrorist cells was taken down successfully in Chicago, bringing that staggering number to fifteen raids in the past four years here on U.S. soil. According to our sources, several detailed plans, as well as homemade detonation devices, were confiscated from the scene, making this the latest in Al Musa’s unsuccessful plots to take place. Stay tuned for more information as it arrives here on WKJL, the Alternative Heart of Seattle.”

  Scrubbing a palm down his face, Gage’s bad mood, which started last night when some malcontent (and that was putting it nicely) set a tree in front of Danica’s house on fire, took a further nosedive into dark territory. Turning on his blinker, he straightened and put his game face on.


  “Listen up,” Gage said, striding into the station a few minutes later, gaining the attention of his officers in differing stages of their morning rituals. “Meeting in the war room. You’ve got fifteen to make it happen. Everyone is required to be there.”

  “Chief?” Dixie stood from behind her desk. “Officer Stanley is still out on patrol.”

  “Call him in.”

  She nodded. “Will do.”

  With that, Gage went to his office and shut the door.


  After purchasing gas, groceries, and the twin’s first Halloween costumes the other day, Danica had run through all the cash she had on hand, so, on the way to the holiday committee meeting at the church, she made a quick pitstop at the ATM again.

  It was cloudy and too cold, she thought as she popped her card into the machine, fingertips freezing while she punched in her PIN.

  After a second or two, the machine started beeping at her. The sound drew her attention from the weird feeling she had, which made her look behind her, returning to the issue at hand.

  Brows pulling down, she stared at the screen as DECLINED blinked at her.


  Taking her card, she brought it to her lips and blew her warm breath across it, not sure why, but thinking perhaps the chilly weather had something to do with the error. Satisfied she’d done what she could, Danica slipped the debit card back into the slot and re-entered her personal identification number.

Another wave of something she couldn’t quite pinpoint made the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Danica once again turned around, expecting to see someone watching her, but there wasn’t anybody there.

  You're just paranoid after the whole tree thing.

  Another series of beeps took place, making her focus on the screen, seeing the same DECLINED blinking at her.

  Ticked, she took her card, turned for her vehicle, got inside, cranked up the heat, and pulled out her cell phone.

  After five rings, her husband’s voice mail kicked in. “Hello, you have reached Doctor Harding. I’m unavailable to take your call right now, but please leave me a detailed message, and I will return your call as soon as possible.”

  “Marcus. I need you to call me back right away. There’s some issue with the debit card. The ATM has declined my transaction twice.”

  Disconnecting the call, she stared at the sparkle of her wedding ring. She’d asked Marcus to stay home that morning, wanting to talk more about the whole debacle that took place in their front yard the night before, but he placed a kiss to her forehead and told her he couldn’t. He had two surgeries scheduled.

  A sense of loneliness and confusion hit her in a one, two punch.

  Rubbing her temple, her gaze shifted to her iPhone, then lifted to her reflection in the rearview mirror. “What is going on?”

  The thing was, the woman looking back at her was just as clueless, and the feeling wasn’t very settling.


  “All right,” Gage said from his spot behind the podium, “I don’t know if everyone is aware, but the FBI took down another terrorist cell last night in Chicago. While I get that our mindsets tend to fall into the ‘small town’ mentality, that doesn’t mean things can’t or won’t ever happen here. I want all of you to be extra watchful. I don’t care if it takes you a few more minutes to check something out. If you get that tingle on your skin or the rumble in your gut that says something isn’t right, listen and look into it. We’ve all heard the saying, better safe than sorry. Adhere to it. If you think you have a situation that might need backup, don’t be a cowboy. Call it in.”

  Gage’s gaze went around the room, momentarily landing on each of the faces of his men. “Am I in any way unclear?”


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