Ghost of a Gamble (Granny Apples Mystery)

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Ghost of a Gamble (Granny Apples Mystery) Page 7

by Jaffarian, Sue Ann

  They were almost to The Raven’s Craft when they heard, “Emma?”

  Emma looked up, still lost in her thoughts. It took her a minute to focus to see who had called her name.

  “Emma Whitecastle, is that really you? Here on Fremont Street?” The voice was male, deep, and confident.

  Both Emma and Granny turned to see the tall, dashing figure of Dr. Quinn Keenan standing not more than ten feet away. He was staring at Emma with amused disbelief. She stared back at him, her mouth slightly open. A group of people passed between them. Quinn threaded through the crowd of pedestrians to make his way to her, a wide smile on his handsome face.

  “Uh-oh,” whispered Granny in Emma’s ear. “Don’t look now, but I believe that door Laura mentioned is coming your way.”

  Quinn scooped Emma in his arms and gave her a hearty hug. “I can’t believe it’s you. What are you doing here?”

  Caught off guard, Emma blurted out the truth. “Granny and I are here helping Milo with a ghost problem.” Quinn knew about her skills and about Granny, but ordinarily Emma would not have said something like that out loud in public. Fortunately, with the noise, lights, and action, no one walking near them noticed or gave it a second thought.

  Quinn looked to Emma’s right. “Hi, Granny. Nice to not see you again.”

  Emma pointed to her left. “She’s there.”

  Quinn adjusted his eyes to Emma’s left. “Hi, Granny.”

  “Hi back at ya, handsome,” the ghost said with delight.

  “Granny says hi back,” Emma reported.

  Granny shot Emma a dirty look. “You forgot the handsome part.”

  Ignoring the ghost, Emma asked Quinn, “And what are you doing here? Don’t tell me there’s a famous archeological dig under these old casinos.”

  Quinn laughed. “I’m here with a few buddies for a bachelor party. We flew in on Friday night. Most took off Monday morning but two of us stayed on to get in some more golf.”

  “There you are,” a tall man said, approaching them.

  “Hey, Bob,” Quinn said to the guy. “I want you to meet Emma Whitecastle.” He turned to Emma. “Emma, this is my mate Bob Emmons, the groom-to-be and a fellow dirt digger.”

  Emma shook hands with the man. “Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. When’s the happy day?”

  “In three weeks.” He gave Emma a wide grin. “So you’re the famous Emma Whitecastle. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Next to Emma, Granny said, “He’s almost at cute as Quinn. What is it about these archeologists? They’re all as dashing as Indiana Jones. Is that a requirement?”

  Ignoring Granny’s remark, even though she agreed with it at the moment, Emma smiled at Bob. “Well, don’t believe half of it.”

  Bob laughed. “One thing for sure, old Quinn here wasn’t exaggerating about your beauty, fair ghost chaser.” He gave her an exaggerated bow. “So I’m sure he was on point about your brains.”

  Emma felt the blush traveling up her neck and was helpless in stopping it. She looked at Quinn, who seemed to be taking delight in her discomfort.

  “You here for work or play, Emma?” asked Bob.

  “Emma’s working,” Quinn answered for her. “Ghost stuff.”

  “Yes,” Emma said, finding her voice. “And I’m about to meet someone, so I’ll be off and won’t hold up your fun.”

  “Actually,” Bob said, “I’m shoving off tonight. I’m off to grab my bag from our hotel and head to the airport, but Quinn here isn’t leaving until tomorrow.” He nudged Quinn with an elbow. “Maybe you could help out the lady before you go.”

  “I am available until tomorrow afternoon,” Quinn commented, looking at Emma. “And I believe I proved to be a valuable sidekick on one of your other adventures.” He paused and looked around. “Unless, of course, Phil’s here to watch your back.”

  “Phil didn’t come with me,” Emma answered. “At least not this time.”

  Granny tried to get Emma’s attention. When she wasn’t successful, she got between Emma and Quinn and faced Emma. “Be careful here, Emma,” the ghost warned. “Just because the door presented itself doesn’t mean you have to open it and walk in. Remember that.”

  “I know, Granny.”

  Bob’s mouth dropped and he turned to Quinn. “Is she actually talking to a ghost right now?”

  “Yeah, Bob, she is,” Quinn answered with amusement. “The ghost of Granny Apples is her almost constant sidekick.” He moved his eyes away from Emma to his friend. “But isn’t it time for you to head to the airport?”

  Bob looked from Quinn to Emma and back to Quinn. “Yeah, it is.” He slapped Quinn on the shoulder and laughed. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  Quinn embraced his friend. “I’ll catch you at the wedding.”

  Bob held out a hand to Emma, extending it through the determined Granny, who bristled and moved out of the way. “It was a real pleasure, Emma. And I mean that.”

  “Same here, Bob,” she said, shaking his hand. “And again, congratulations on your upcoming marriage.”

  After Bob left them, Quinn turned to Emma. “So where are we off to tonight?”

  “I don’t know about we, Quinn, but Granny and I are meeting someone.” She consulted her watch. “In fact, we’re running a little late, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Us,” Granny corrected. “Excuse us.”

  “Let me come with you. I don’t have anything else to do tonight with Bob gone. I’ll be quiet as a mouse unless you need me.”

  Emma was torn. Quinn did believe in ghosts and had a good head on his shoulders for facts and piecing them together. It couldn’t hurt to have someone else, someone objective, to run ideas past. As Granny had said, just because the door is there, it didn’t mean she had to walk through it, and having Quinn’s company didn’t mean she was entering his door. Then again, maybe Quinn wasn’t the door Laura mentioned. Laura could have been way off on everything, including the new murder and the ghosts doing battle. Then she remembered the voice coming from Laura’s lips. It hadn’t been Laura’s voice. It had sounded like Lenny the Lightbulb, and he was warning her. But Lenny wasn’t warning her about doors and choices for her personal life.

  “A ghost, not Granny but the ghost of a former Vegas hood, told me just minutes ago that someone is coming for me. It could be dangerous.”

  Quinn didn’t hesitate. “I’m in.”


  WITH Quinn by her side, Emma stepped into the bead store. Megan was still there, waiting on a couple. The woman was eyeing some of the baubles in one of the glass cases while Megan expertly described the stones and the artist who made the jewelry. The man was slouched against the next cabinet looking bored. There was no sign of Dolly. Two older ladies came in right after Emma and Quinn. They went straight to Dolly’s office and eyed the clock. It still said Dolly would return at six thirty, but it was now past that time.

  Megan cast an eye at Emma, then at the ladies standing by Dolly’s door. “I’m sorry,” she said to them all, “but Dolly isn’t in yet and hasn’t called. You might want to try back a little later.”

  The ladies, looking genuinely disappointed, left saying something about returning after they had dinner. Megan smiled at them before going back to helping her customer, who was deciding between a bracelet and earrings. The man with her looked at Quinn and rolled his eyes, looking for manly sympathy. Quinn chuckled and shrugged in response.

  “Looks like Dolly isn’t back yet,” Emma said to Quinn. She turned to him, but aimed her next words at Granny in a low tone. “Granny, would you be able to check on Dolly? See if she’s on her way or still at that rest home.”

  “Will do.” The ghost disappeared.

  When Quinn and Emma stepped back outside, he turned to her with a grin. “That’s pretty handy, sending Granny to check on people whenever you want. It’s like you have a private and portable surveillance camera. Ever check up on Phil like that?”

  Emma was not amused. “No, I
don’t, and even if I wanted to, I don’t think Granny would go along with it. She’s pretty closemouthed about things like that. She visits my daughter regularly and won’t say a peep about Kelly’s life at Harvard.”

  Emma looked around, trying to decide what to do next. “Besides,” she continued, “Granny can’t always zero in on people she’s not close to and can’t do it at all with people she’s never met. She followed Dolly earlier today. That’s the only way she knew she had visited a rest home. If Dolly’s left there, Granny might not be able to reestablish a connection since she and Dolly have had very little contact.” She looked at Quinn. “If there is something I’ve learned, it’s that working with spirits is not an exact science.”

  Quinn gently took her arm. “Since we seem to be in a holding pattern, why don’t we grab some dinner and you can tell me what this is all about. There’s a really good restaurant here with a great view of Fremont Street. It’s primarily a steak house but they also have a nice choice of seafood for you, m’lady.”

  Quinn started gently guiding her down Fremont Street, but Emma hesitated.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  Was she? Emma wasn’t sure. She did need to eat dinner, but would a meal with Quinn mean something else to him, or to their relationship? If he was the “door” Laura spoke of, was she about to open that door with its consequences? Had Laura not said a word, Emma knew she wouldn’t have given it a second thought. Quinn knew she was in a serious relationship with Phil and dinner would simply be just that—dinner with a good friend. But would Phil think otherwise? He was very jealous of Quinn. As far as Emma could see, Quinn was the only man Phil had concerns about. She’d told him about her attraction to Quinn in Pennsylvania and even about the kiss, but assured him that it was just a passing fling with uncertainty and that she was now dead sure she loved him and wanted to be with no one but him.

  Still, the words of the young psychic rattled in her head like a snake about to strike. With a brush of her hand through her hair, she dismissed them and with a smile followed Quinn to the restaurant.

  The restaurant did have a spectacular view of Fremont Street and of the light show. They were seated by a window just as it began and watched in silence while enjoying a glass of wine. When it was over and they were eating their salads, Emma told Quinn about Lenny and Dolly and everything else she’d uncovered since coming to Las Vegas.

  “Wow,” Quinn said, putting his fork down. “All that has happened just since this morning?”

  Emma took a bite of artichoke heart and nodded. After she swallowed, she said, “I have a whole list of questions to ask Dolly as soon as I find her.”

  “And you think she knows the ghost in her light?”

  “I think she at least knows who he is. I also want to question Madeline. That’s her partner in the shop we just left. They were showgirls together years ago and most likely hung around the same people, but she’s out ill today according to her great-niece Megan.”

  “Was that the girl in the shop?”

  Emma nodded and took a sip of her wine. Her attention had been captured by the people now zooming along on the zip line after the show was over.

  “You ever do that?” Quinn asked.

  “A zip line? No, never, but I’ve always wanted to.” She looked back at Quinn. “There’s one in Catalina I’d like to do, but haven’t yet.”

  “Why not? It’s not far from you.”

  “I know and I visit Catalina at least once a year. I love it over there.” She smiled to herself. “It’s just that Phil has a fear of heights.” She looked back at the zip line. “I wanted to take Kelly when she was home visiting in March, but we never got the chance.”

  Quinn laughed. “That big gruff guy is afraid of heights?”

  “It’s true. He can stare a rattlesnake in the eye and tackle the wildest bronco, but take him off the ground and he’s a mess.”

  “But he flew to Australia to be with you last year.”

  “And had to be sedated for the flight.” She smiled again, and warmth filled her heart. “One time Phil took one of those tiny private helicopters to Catalina because he thought I was in danger. He did it cold-turkey, without drugs or even a drink. He put my well-being before his biggest fear. My ex-husband would never have done that. That’s when I knew for certain Phil really loved me.”

  After their meals were served, Emma started eating her seafood entrée with enthusiasm. Quinn didn’t start eating, but instead took two slow sips of his wine, pausing between each as he studied Emma. “I really don’t have a chance with you, do I?”

  Emma stopped eating. She studied the smart, rugged, and handsome man across the table from her. The door had been opened. The choice to walk through it or not was hers. She knew the answer. “Romantically? No, Quinn. My heart belongs to Phil and only him. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he told her. “I kind of knew it when he came to see you in Australia. You two are good together and he’s a great guy. I’d like him a hell of a lot if he wasn’t my competition.”

  Emma laughed and put her lips to her own wineglass.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked her.

  After swallowing some wine and dabbing at her lips with her napkin, Emma picked up her fork. “Phil said exactly the same thing about you when he was in Australia.”

  When they were finished with their meal, Quinn pointed out the window. “Let’s say we take a ride down the zip line when we leave here. At least we’ll always have that.”

  “I have to get back to the store to see if Dolly’s in.”

  “Call Megan and see if she’s arrived yet.”

  While Quinn paid the check, Emma stepped into the hallway by the restrooms and called the store. Megan answered and said Dolly still had not come in or called. Emma then called Milo but only got his voice mail. She left a message saying Dolly had not shown up yet and asking did he know where she was? Granny hadn’t popped back in with information either.

  “No Dolly yet,” she reported when she rejoined Quinn. “And Milo isn’t answering his phone. He did say he and Tracy were going out for a romantic dinner tonight so maybe he shut his phone off.”

  “I really hope I get to meet Milo.”

  “I know both he and Tracy would like to meet you. But if you’re leaving tomorrow, there might not be time, unless you’re leaving later in the day.”

  “I don’t have to leave tomorrow at all,” he suggested as they got up to leave. When Emma raised her eyebrows, he added, “No strings, I promise. But I don’t have to be anywhere in particular and you might need some help if this turns crazy.”

  Emma thought about what Phil might think of Quinn spending more time with her. “I don’t know, Quinn. It might not be the wisest thing to do.”

  “Because of Phil?”

  “Yes. Both he and I had spouses that cheated on us. I wouldn’t want him to think he has to worry about my faithfulness.”

  “Would he have to know I’m here in Las Vegas?”

  “Yes,” Emma answered with no thought to doing otherwise. “He would. I plan to tell him tonight when he calls.”

  “See, Emma,” Quinn told her with a wry half smile. “It’s exactly that kind of loyalty and confidence that makes men want you even more.” He opened the door of the restaurant for her to exit.

  She shook her head and laughed as they left the restaurant and headed for the zip line.

  “I was just thinking,” Quinn said after they climbed the stairs to the zip line platform to wait their turn, “maybe you should text Milo. If he has the phone’s ringer off, he might see a text sooner than notice your voice mail.”

  “Good point,” Emma agreed. While they waited, she took out her phone and quickly sent Milo a text with the same message as her voice mail.

  Emma loved the zip line. After being strapped into the harness and receiving instructions on how to secure her purse, she took off, speeding down the high line at a slight angle toward the other end of Fremont Street. Wind streaked throu
gh her hair as she looked down at the people and colorful signs and activities below her. It was exhilarating and made her want to do the one in Catalina all the more. On the line parallel to hers flew Quinn. She looked over at him and laughed, letting him know she was glad she’d taken him up on his offer of the attraction.

  The ride was over in a matter of seconds. At the platform at the other end, Emma’s happy smile dropped from her face as she flew through the scowling figure of Granny Apples and landed.

  After Emma and Quinn were unharnessed, they walked down the stairs to the street level.

  “I take it you enjoyed that?” Quinn asked once they were on the ground.

  Instead of answering, Emma walked to a doorway of a closed business, signaling for Quinn to follow. When they got there, she said, “Granny’s back and she’s not too happy.”

  “You bet I’m not happy,” the ghost said with her arms crossed. “I’m off working and you’re pretending to fly. And you know I hate it when people go through me.”

  “Then, Granny,” Emma told her with frustration, “you shouldn’t have been standing at the edge of the platform in my way. It’s not like I had anywhere else to go.” She quickly gave Quinn a rundown of the conversation, which he found hilarious.

  “Laugh it up, Indiana,” Granny snapped. Emma didn’t relay that message.

  “Granny,” Emma said, trying to get down to business and diffuse the ghost’s annoyance, “Dolly still hasn’t shown up here. Did you locate her?”

  “No,” the ghost answered, still testy. “She wasn’t at that place anymore, but I do have something to report.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You know how Laura said someone was being murdered at the moment we were talking to her.”

  Emma nodded.

  “Well, the man Dolly visited is now dead.”

  Emma leaned back against the wall of the building. “He’s dead?”

  “What’s going on?” asked Quinn.

  Emma held up a hand, signaling for him to give her a minute, then to Granny asked, “Are you sure?”

  “I know death when I see it, Emma. Trust me.” Granny sniffed in the air. “He was alive when I saw Dolly with him earlier. Now he’s dead.”


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