Broken Kei (The Broken Ones Book 4)

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Broken Kei (The Broken Ones Book 4) Page 9

by Jen Wylie

  Stalling, she peeked into the kitchen and waved at Bo and Elaina, smiling as they pulled away from an embrace. "Late lunch today?"

  Elaina blushed at her joke as Bo mock-scowled at her. "It will be if you interrupt us," he said with a laugh.

  Shaking her head, she decided not to bother them. Hopefully they'd be done soon, and eating would distract Kei. His intake of food had slowed down a bit, but not much.

  A loud thump upstairs startled her out of her thoughts. Another followed and then the slamming of a door. "Kei?"

  Baelan appeared at the top of the stairs, eyes wide and hair disheveled as he plunged down them. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

  She ran for the stairs. "What did you do?"

  He stopped at the bottom but wouldn't meet her eyes. "I told him."

  He didn't need to tell her what. She froze and stared at him for a moment before smacking him up the side of the head. "Idiot! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

  "What's going on?" Bo stepped out of the kitchen, all humor gone. Crashes and bangs continued above them.

  "Baelan's provoked Kei. I can handle it, just stay out of the way. And protect Elaina," she added. Baelan hadn't left. "Go! Now!" The sound of the door breaking down upstairs stopped her rant.

  "Aro, he's–"

  "Get out of here!" Not waiting to see if he listened, she bolted up the stairs. "Rotting…stupid… Elf."

  Kei barreled into her as she reached the top, all fangs and claws and blazing red eyes. A terrifying Fey in full fury.

  Except she wasn't afraid of him. Crazy crazy…

  Pushing her hands against his chest, she tried to gain his attention. "Stop! Stop it now, Kei!"

  He bared his teeth and tried to move around her, but didn't hurt her in any way. "He. Killed. You."

  "I know. And I know why. And he's paying for that now by serving me. Get control of yourself!"

  His eyes blazed as he turned his attention to her. "He. Killed. You!"

  She fought to keep him from passing her, but he'd grown stronger than her already. Knowing she was going to lose, she chose another tactic and began pulling his fury from him.

  They sparred against each other as he tried to pass. Even lost to the fury, he still tried not to hurt her. Suddenly his eyes blazed and he roared. Pushing her to the side, he flung himself down the stairs.

  She hit the wall hard and swore, looking up in time to see Baelan dart into the living room. He still hadn't left? "I'm going to kill him myself," she muttered, running down the stairs.

  If Kei didn't first.

  The worst part was she couldn't blame Kei. In his shoes, she'd have the same reaction.

  Growls and crashes echoed through the house.

  Get out of the house!

  But you might–

  Out! Now! Rotting stupid Elf.

  Swinging around the banister, she hurled herself through the doorway to the living room. Kei stalked Baelan around the furniture. A chair flew through the air. Baelan blocked it with a rune and it crashed to the side.

  Kei charged him and another rune sent the small table into the air between them. With a roar, the Fey tore at it with his claws before managing to push it aside.

  She swore again. Their house would soon be destroyed at this rate. Glaring as the Elf pushed more furniture into Kei's path, she stepped farther into the room.

  I told you to get out of the house!

  Yes, well…

  Now, run by me. And leave this time!

  He did, nimbly slipping by the Fey with the grace only Elves possessed. She sprang forward, but Kei's strength and speed still overwhelmed her as he mindlessly tried to follow the Elf. Wrapping her arms around him, she twisted and turned, throwing her weight to unbalance him.

  They crashed to the floor in the hallway. Before he could throw her off, she held on tighter and pulled at his fury with everything she had.

  She had a lot.

  He had a lot of fury.

  The sudden silence hurt her ears as she slumped over him, heart pounding in her chest, breaths coming in quick gasps. How had he gotten so strong so fast? The fury roared and spun within her. Wild. Savage. Barely controlled.

  Kei shifted under her, curling in on himself. Pushing back, her heart broke at the soft whimper coming from his lips. With a shaking hand, she traced her fingers down his cheek. "Shh. All is well."

  He blinked up at her and she let out a deep breath in relief to see his golden eyes. "Aro." His voice cracked and he grimaced, closing his eyes again. "Sorry," he whispered.

  Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Nothing to be sorry for. Just rest. We'll talk. I'll…explain."

  He nodded slightly but didn't open his eyes.

  The fury within her howled, pulsing along every nerve. She gritted her teeth. Had it ever been this bad before? She needed to let it go. Pressing a hand to the floor, she tried…but nothing happened. Wood and stone and space… the basement. She needed ground. Dirt.

  "Wither me." Her jaw hurt, she clenched her teeth so hard. It didn't stop the tremors running along every limb. Every small hair on her body stood on end.

  "All good now, pup?"

  She managed to raise her head and look to Bo. "Well enough. Can you take him up." She paused. "If his bed is gone, use mine."

  "You look like you're going to fly into pieces."

  She snorted at his blunt comment. "I'll be fine. Just need to get outside."

  "Go on then."

  Somehow, she managed to push herself to her feet. The fury swelled and shrieked within her. Black and red. Fight. Kill. She stood to the side as Bo scooped up Kei and headed upstairs. Still shaking, she walked into the kitchen, freezing when she saw Elaina staring at her with wide eyes.


  She winced. Had Elaina ever seen her with blazing red eyes? "I'm fine. No fangs or claws," she said through gritted teeth, forcing a fake smile. Elaina didn't move. Aro eyed how many steps it would take to get to the door to the side yard.

  Fight. Destroy. Kill.

  She closed her eyes and swore under her breath. "Excuse me." Her fist slammed into the table, shattering the top, and breaking her fingers. The power needed to heal them wasn't enough to make much of a difference. It just hurt. At least it did help change the course of her thoughts.

  Elaina continued to stare at her, wide-eyed and hands now over her mouth.

  "I'll replace that," she somehow managed to say before forcing her legs to move to the door. Once she reached it, she flung herself outside.

  Remembering the stairs would have been good. She tumbled and fell, landing on her side. Rotting fury. Forcing herself to her hands and knees, she put both hands to the ground and let it go.

  The explosion was new.

  She hit the side of the house and then stared in surprise at the decent sized hole in the ground. Blinking, she looked down at the dirt covering her. "Wither me."

  Exhausted, she just leaned her head back against the house and closed her eyes.

  When Baelan sat down next to her, she didn't even move. It'd been too hard of a day already. She was too tired to yell at him.

  Leaning back against the house, he set his forearms on his raised knees. "I am so very sorry, my lovely," he said cautiously.

  Snorting, she shook her head.

  "I thought it would be better if I told him. I know you didn't want to."

  "I didn't want to because I knew how he'd react," she snapped.


  She really did hate Elves sometimes. They sat in silence for a while. "Where have you been," she finally asked.

  He shifted uncomfortably, fingers fiddling with the wrappings on his wrists. "After…" He cleared his throat. "I had to do some thinking. And I didn't think you wanted to see me. After being reminded…" His voice trailed off. "I tried to keep the others away," he said after she didn't respond.

  "The not hovering was nice," she admitted.

  He sighed and dropped his hands. "I can't help that, Aro."

bsp; "I know."

  Turning to face her, he opened his mouth and closed it a few times before speaking. "I didn't mean for all of this," he finally whispered. "It was supposed to be painless. I didn't want you to suffer. I didn't know…" Groaning, he turned and sat back against the wall. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

  Closing her eyes against the emotions flooding her, both old and new, she tried to come up with some response that made sense. "I've told you, I understand why you did it. You didn't want him to suffer because of me. Killing me was…extreme. But I understand it. That I survived, and what I have endured since then, wasn't your fault."

  "Yes, it was." When she frowned at him, he continued, "You are human, and I didn't see you as a person. I still didn't want you to suffer…but you weren't important."

  "Am I a person now?"

  He nodded.

  "Bo? Elaina? All of us humans?"

  "Yes," he answered softly.


  She was surprised he'd figured that out. Many of the other races saw humans as something less. Humans weren't immortal, had no magic or powers, so were thought to be lesser creatures. Especially by those who had little to no interaction with them.

  "Baelan," she said in exasperation, "You need to stop torturing yourself. I think we both need to just…move on. I need to. There are too many other crazy things I need to deal with right now."

  "Like being covered in dirt?"

  "That is one of them." She grimaced. "I've never blown holes in the ground before, but then I don't think I've ever taken that much fury and released it."

  He frowned. "This could be a problem in the future. With what you plan to do."

  She shook her head. "I've taken from other Fey. Kei is so much stronger than them." He wanted to ask why, she could tell, but for some reason didn't. Perhaps he had his own ideas.

  Wincing, she sat up. Her whole body ached. She held the full amount of fury she could handle still within her. The ache wasn't from an injury. Maybe dealing with the fury itself? She'd never understand how all of this worked. "I need to get cleaned up, and talk to Kei, and then we need to go to the market to replace everything we broke."

  He grimaced.

  She chuckled. "You'll be busy for a while."

  Once inside, the broken table surprised Baelan. His, "I didn't do it!" rather amused her. She took a little time in the bath room to get the worst of the dirt off. When she came out, she found Bo waiting in the kitchen.

  "How is Elaina?"

  "She went back to the tavern. She'll be fine. Would have been better if she hadn't looked in the living room."

  "I'm going to go see Kei and then I'll drag Baelan to the market." She turned to the Elf. "Actually, go see what we need to buy." With a slight bow, he left.

  Wait. Where's Garen?

  We were going to head right back, so he stayed at the tavern. I imagine he's trying to beg scraps in the kitchen.

  She closed her eyes in relief for a moment. Suddenly noting the Were's absence had given her a bit of a panic.

  "Kei's in your room. He rather destroyed his again. He's calm for now."

  "I'll take care of it." She looked to the side. "I'm sorry Elaina had to see that and was in danger. I know–"

  He rested a large hand on her shoulder. "I think she understands our life better now. And she was never in danger, pup. I know that."

  Pressing her lips together, she nodded. "I'll go sort Kei out then." Walking by him, she grabbed and squeezed his hand. "Thank you."

  "Always here."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Spring had certainly come to Westport. The sun beat down on them, giving a comfortable warmth. Aro wrinkled her nose. The warmer weather also brought back the cloying city smells. She wouldn't miss that when they returned to the forest.

  After finding Kei curled up asleep, she'd grabbed some clothes and quickly cleaned up. While discussing what needed to be replaced, she and Baelan ate with Bo, who would stay while they were gone to keep an eye on Kei.

  The damage hadn't been too severe in Kei's room. He'd only overturned the bed and his dresser, though he broke the chair and door. Baelan thought they might be repairable. The kitchen table, couch, chairs, and tables in the living room were likely not. Apparently, some Elves were quite gifted in making and repairing such things, though Baelan admitted to never being interested in learning how. He would try, however, if they had no luck replacing them.

  The carpenter they'd bought furniture from previously had very little in stock and lamented the lack of wood in the city. None had yet been harvested and no new shipments from the west had arrived either. She did at least purchase a new kitchen table, even though it was a bit smaller than she liked, and one chair. After arranging delivery, the owner grudgingly suggested another carpenter closer to the docks. After all the effort of finding the shop, they only bought one chair for the living room.

  "It's not as though you use the room very often," Baelan commented as they headed back to the market.

  Glancing over at him, she frowned. Not at his words, but how he chewed his lower lip and hunched away from her, worried what she might do. "Very true," she finally answered. For some reason, she wasn't particularly upset over the destruction in the house.

  "I am sorry I–"

  "It's fine," she interrupted, sending him a small smile.

  He stared at her for a long moment before nodding. They walked in silence for a while. "What did you need from the market?" We're being followed.

  Her brows rose, and she glanced over at him. He acted as if nothing were amiss. She hadn't even noticed how he constantly scanned the area around them. How he walked relaxed, but ready. "Bread. We're out of honey." Humans or Elves? "Perhaps some different tea."

  One Elf, two humans.

  "Kei didn't like the last kind." Looking up ahead, she saw they were still a good distance from the market.

  "Do you have everything for Bo's marriage?" What would you like me to do?

  She rubbed at the back of her head. "I have the dress Roan bought me." Wait a little.

  He tilted his head as he looked at her. "You didn't get a new one?" At her frown, he continued, "It's not like you can't afford it."

  "I don't like dresses. Or fittings. It will be fine. Do you have something?"

  He actually stopped walking. Starting again, he couldn't hide his surprise. "You wish for me to go?"

  "Well, they can only bring up two others each. But there is a standing area." She frowned. "I'm not sure how they do it here. Bo said something like that. Either way, I assumed you'd be coming with us to the tavern after. So, do feel free to find something appropriate." Are they still there?

  "Very well." Yes.

  We can lead them–

  No. You will not be put in danger, he interrupted sharply.

  Fine. She looked at the shops around them and then stopped. "Kei needs a hat. I might as well look now." Can you slip off and–

  "I'll wait outside." Yes.

  He followed as she crossed the street, trying not to look around and see who followed them. Don't kill them if you don't have to.

  Of course.

  She paused at the door to the hatter's shop. "I'm not sure how long I'll be." If you do, then clean up.

  "Take your time." I know.

  As the door began to close, she glanced back, rubbing her temple. That double conversation had given her a headache. Be careful.

  It took her longer to find a hat.

  When she walked out, box in hand, Baelan waited by the door. "That was quick," she murmured as he took the box from her. He shrugged a shoulder. She paused before they headed back into the crowded street, giving him a quick look over.

  I'm fine.

  She smiled, but licked her thumb and leaned forward, wiping some blood spatter off his cheek. "You had a little something…"

  His cheeks flushed and he quickly ducked his head, silver hair falling over his face.

  Rotting adorable Elf. More often than not, it was hard to hate

  "Come, let's finish so we're back for dinner."

  No one drew his attention in the market, thankfully, and they quickly set about gathering the few items she wanted. Soft music, barely loud enough to be heard over the crowd, caught his attention more than once.

  "What is that?"

  He smiled slightly. "Just a simple pipe."

  "I like it," she decided. "Do you play?"

  The smile faded as he looked out over the crowd, avoiding her gaze. "I used to."

  She dropped the subject and sent him off in search of honey while she moved through the market toward home. The music grew louder as she moved closer to the booths, stopping in front of one with a variety of instruments. A thin man noticed her interest and pulled the pipe away from his mouth, smiling brightly at her.

  "Is that your best one?"

  Grinning wider, he shook his head and pulled out another pipe, this one with faint carvings of vines and leaves.

  "It's gorgeous. Is it–"

  "Elven, yes. But very expensive."

  She glanced over her shoulder but didn't see Baelan. For a moment, she hesitated, then decided yes, she would get it for him. Then she could have him play for her. Surely not for any other reason. "I'll take it."

  She barely haggled with him. "Is there a case?"

  Nearly bouncing, the man whipped one out from behind the booth and told her the price. She narrowed her eyes and he cut it in half. "Good enough." She looked over her shoulder again. "Wrap them quickly, please. It's a gift and I don't want him to see."

  "Yes, yes. Of course."

  Baelan caught up with her by the bread stand and she watched him carefully, wondering if he'd seen. He didn't give her any strange looks, so she assumed not. On the way home, she tried not to second guess her impulsive decision. She could still change her mind.

  She really did like the sounds it made though.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  After eating, she pulled Kei toward the front door.

  Baelan, I'm going to talk to Kei about what happened. Out front.

  You would like me to make myself scarce then?

  Yes, please.

  Kei cast her curious glances as she led him outside but didn't say anything. He'd not said a lot since he'd gone into a fury. She tried not to worry about that.


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