Courting the Darkness

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Courting the Darkness Page 20

by Fuller, Karen

  Mica scratched his head, looking at Desiree. She shrugged. “Caleb was jealous of my relationship with Desiree. He took off and stayed out all night partying. Apparently, during that time, he called Denise to come save me from being involved with a human.” Drake shook with laughter. “It was a very big mess.”

  “It sounds like it.” He pointed his finger between them. “Tell me, how did you get Caleb to back off?”

  “Caleb waited until Mica was making a security patrol. He tried to force himself on me,” She shrugged. “I rammed my knee in his groin, and I thought that would end it, but then he morphed and tried to attack me.” The smile left Drake’s face. “Mica came back into the cavern in time to fight him off. Mica kicked him out and put him on a bus back to New Orleans, but he didn’t stay on the bus. He showed back up again after Denise got there. He arrived just in time to hear me tell Denise that I didn’t have any feelings for him. Mica threatened to kill him and he finally backed off. He has now set his attentions on Denise.” Desiree laughed. “I haven’t had this much attention in my entire life.”

  “Denise…” Drake threw his head back and laughed. “So what does Denise say about all this?”

  She shook her head, continuing to laugh at his reaction. “Mostly she threatens to kill him, or cause him great bodily harm.”

  “That sounds like Denise. Denise can take care of herself. If she really wants Caleb to back off, then he’ll back off or suffer the consequences.” He sobered and looked Mica in the eyes. “Do you think you can trust Caleb after all this?”

  “I had never had any reason not to trust Caleb until this. In the beginning, when the rivalry first started, I could sense that he wasn’t being truthful. Before all hell broke loose, I could sense Caleb’s hostility, and at that time, I knew I couldn’t trust him with Desiree. A lot’s happened these last few days. Caleb’s finally given up on his quest for Desiree; I can sense his change in attitude. I remember him going through something similar to this about three hundred years ago and his pack almost killed him. He seems to be back to his old self now. Although it will take some time to totally trust him again, I think eventually I can.”

  “When this clan shows up to fight, you’re going to have to be able to trust him.” Drake shook his head. “Otherwise, you need to send him home. I don’t want to be ambushed from the inside of our own ranks.”

  Mica thought about it for a minute. “I trust Caleb to back me up in a fight. Whether or not he wants to stay and help is another matter.”

  “When do you think this other clan will arrive here?”

  “I’m sure they’re on their way right now, but since they won’t be able to travel in the daylight, it will be tomorrow evening before we should expect to see trouble.”

  Drake nodded. “I have much to think about.” He looked over toward the door. “Sean!” he shouted.

  Sean hurried into the room. “Did you call me?”

  “Yes, show Desiree and Mica to Desiree’s quarters.”

  He gave Desiree and Mica an apprehensive look, then glanced back at Drake. “Yes, sire.” He turned to Desiree and Mica. “You can follow me.” He walked out of the room, refusing to meet their eyes.

  It was obvious that Drake had dismissed them, so Desiree and Mica followed Sean to her new quarters. Sean opened the door, motioning for them to go inside. “I put the bags you had packed from your apartment in here,” he remarked as he backed away from the room.

  “Thank you, Sean.” She looked around; her attention was on the lavish room in front of her. This room was almost as posh as Drake’s. She walked up to the king-sized bed, gingerly running her palm over the silk duvet. “Do all vampires live this well?”

  “No, not all vampires, but many of us have amassed great fortunes over the years. Those of us who live outside the masses usually live well.”

  She continued to look around the room in awe. “Does the inside of your house look like this?”

  He walked up behind her, putting his arms around her and pulling her close. “No, I don’t care for all this flash. I prefer it a bit toned down. Drake’s the one who likes to flaunt his wealth. I prefer to just live in comfort.” He gestured to the room with his hand. “You won’t mind not having all…this glitter and sparkle, do you?”

  “No, I’d live in a hovel if it meant being able to stay with you. Wherever you live will be fine with me.”

  His laughter rumbled from deep in his chest. “I’m glad to hear you say that, but I would hardly call a ten bedroom mansion a hovel.” She caught her breath. “I even have a couple of servants and it looks like I’m going to have to hire a cook now too.”

  She laughed with him. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I really didn’t want to live in a hovel either, but if you saw my last apartment, you would understand. I’ve lived in worse conditions over the years.”

  “Why? You are powerful enough to conjure almost anything you want. Why live like that?”

  She turned to look at him. “I’ve spent most of my life trying to hide from the Hargrove family. I had to keep a very low profile so that they couldn’t find me. I had managed to do a fairly good job of that until my landlady decided to snoop around my apartment when I wasn’t there. She discovered that I was a witch and broadcasted that information everywhere. That’s where Drake heard about me, and that’s how Jason found me.”

  “Are you looking for revenge?”

  She smiled. “No, everything worked out okay in the end. She put me through a lot of trouble, but I wouldn’t have met you without her meddling.”

  “In that case, should I send her a gift?”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  His eyes sparkled, looking into hers. “Oh, I don’t know. I think we owe her something.”

  She bit her bottom lip, grinning. “Forget about the landlady; she wasn’t trying to do me any favors. She thinks I’m the devil’s spawn.” He raised both eyebrows at that statement. “Believe me, she wouldn’t appreciate anything coming from me. Besides, do you realize that this is the first time in almost two days that we’ve been alone? I don’t really want to spend that time talking about her.”

  “If you’re going to put it that way, I don’t either. In fact, I think we might just have time to spend several hours together—alone.”

  She put her arms around his neck, smiling. “Ooh, a couple of hours alone with you. The gods must be smiling on me now.” Grabbing the hem of his shirt, she inched it up his torso. “Come here, handsome, let me ravish you now.”

  He pulled his shirt up over his head, letting it drop to the floor, smiling at her choice of words. “It’s rather difficult to ravish a willing partner, but you can have your way if you wish.” He stepped out of his leather pants.

  She grinned and shrugged out of her own shirt. “I want much more from you than my way.” Stepping out of her shoes, she shimmied out of her jeans. “Much more.” She ran her hands over his washboard abs. Smiling, she stared into his eyes, inching her fingers around his hard erection. Her eyes never left his.

  He brought his lips to hers in a searing kiss, stroking his tongue with hers. She moaned, snuggling closer to him. He reached his hand under her butt, lifting her from the floor; he carried her to the bed. Placing her gently on the mattress, he eased in next to her. Running his fingers over her body, he eased his fingers between her legs, finding her wet and ready. She caught her breath. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I want to lose myself in you.”

  Her eyes, dark with passion and yearning, searched his. She wrapped her fingers around his erection again, rubbing him gently, but with urgency. “Save the slow stuff for later. I want you now.”

  “You’re so aggressive. Stay that way. I like it.” She smiled. He lifted her leg and entered her tight, wet sheath in one quick thrust, generating a gasp of surprise from her. He closed his eyes, luxuriating in the tight feel of her.

  She laughed and he opened his eyes to look into hers. “You surprised me,” she whispered, and
he smiled. “Now, my vampire warrior, my lover, make me burn for you.” She ground her pelvis to his.

  He needed no more urging than that. His hips pumped, slapping against hers with each deliberate, silken stroke.

  Her hips met his hungrily, stroke for stroke. She opened her legs wider, allowing him deeper access, until he buried himself as deep as he could go with each stroke, filling and stretching her with glorious sensations.

  He rolled over on his back, bringing her with him, impaled on his shaft, as he continued to pump. Bracing her knees around his hips, she pushed herself up, arching her back, and rocking her hips in rhythm to his. Gripping her hips with his hands, he thrust deeper until they both shuddered from the sensation of it. She fell forward, sprawling her naked body on his chest. His semi-hard shaft still impaled her.

  She smiled, wriggling her hips. “I’ll never tire of you. I love you, Mica,” she whispered, yawning.

  “You may not tire of me, but you are tired. Sleep in my arms where you are safe.” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you too, Desiree.”


  There was rapid knocking at Desiree’s door. She sat up straight in bed, looking at Mica, she shrugged. “Who is it?” she called out.

  Caleb shouted through the door, “Mica’s needed out front, now!”

  Mica flew out of bed, throwing his clothes on. “What’s the rush, Caleb?”

  “They’re here.”

  Mica stopped. “Who’s here?”

  “The other vampire clan. Drake sent me to get you. He said to bring Desiree too.”

  Mica continued to get dressed. “Desiree, get dressed. It’s time to get this over with.”

  She started to yank her clothes on in a hurry. “Do I need to be thinking about a new spell to cast?”

  Mica stopped, raising an eyebrow at her statement. “I don’t think that will be necessary. We just need to make an appearance.” He raked his eyes over her. “These clothes suit you better.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, it’s nice to have my clothes back. I was a little tired of dressing like one of the guys.”

  “You definitely don’t look like one of the guys; you never did.”

  She eased her feet into her boots, and then stood up straight. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  They hurried from her chamber to the front of the warehouse. The entire clan barred the door from their enemy. Mica and Desiree pushed their way through with Mica taking his place beside Drake. Desiree stood beside him.

  The leader of the other clan spotted Desiree, baring his fangs. Mica snarled back at him in challenge.

  “Mica, this is Duncan, the leader of the Tennessee clan,” Drake remarked blandly in introduction.

  Mica loomed a head taller than the other vampire. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared. “We’ve met, although not by name.”

  Duncan pointed and Mica and Desiree. “These two belong to us.”

  Drake braced his feet apart, crossing his arms over his chest. “You forget, Duncan, whose domain you are in.”

  “He is a rogue! Our laws are clear. He was in our territory without permission. He dies!”

  “No!” Desiree shouted forcefully.

  Duncan pointed to her. “She dies too. She put a curse on our entire clan.”

  Drake crossed his arms over his chest, holding his ground. “These two are under my protection. Go home and we will forget this ever happened.”

  “Our laws are clear,” Duncan barked again.

  “These two were in your territory because of that witch hunter you listened to. They would not have been there if Hargrove hadn’t kidnapped Desiree in the first place. I sent Mica to bring her back to me. He serves me, so he doesn’t meet the normal definition of a rogue.”

  Duncan raised his chin. “If you protect them, then you die too!” Vampires from both sides crouched in attack position. Mica pushed Desiree behind him. “Desiree, go back inside.”

  “But Mica…”

  “Don’t argue with me, just go!”

  Desiree fled back into the warehouse, and all hell broke loose. “Go after her!” Duncan shouted. Desiree spun around just in time to see Mica take a vampire down by the throat right before he could reach her.

  “Hide,” Mica shouted to her. She did not argue this time, running deeper into the warehouse and behind one of the large couches. She crouched down on all fours, peering around the corner of the couch to watch.

  Caleb stripped out of his clothes, morphing into a panther. He crouched down in front of her, guarding her, waiting to pounce.

  The fighting had progressed into the front sitting area. The vampires fought fiercely. Their eyes glowed red with white fangs flashing with ferocious precision and speed. Desiree had to watch closely to comprehend it at all. One second someone would be fine and then blood would be everywhere with limbs missing and throats ripped out. One by one, the enemy clan fell. She inched forward on her hands and knees, trying to see better and to catch sight of Mica. An enemy vampire caught sight of her and ran in her direction. Caleb sprang for his throat, knocking him onto his back. His mighty jaws clamped down and the vampire ceased to struggle.

  Desiree’s eyes frantically searched the room for Mica. The fighting had now been contained to just two fighters. The rest of the enemy was dead. Desiree could see a crowd of vampires circling the two in the middle. She looked frantically around the room, and still could not find Mica. She sprang from behind the couch, running up to the group. That was when her eyes found him. He crouched in attack position, squaring off against the enemy leader Duncan. She caught her breath, throwing both hands up over her mouth. Her heart screamed where her mouth dared not.

  “Give it up, Duncan,” Drake shouted. “You’re grossly outnumbered and my buddy Mica here is lethal. He has more reason than anyone here to see you dead, especially since you are threatening to kill is mate.”

  “Vampires don’t take humans for mates,” Duncan hissed.

  “This one did”—Mica lowered himself to attack position—“and I’m going to kill you to protect her.”

  Desiree sucked in her breath, and Duncan locked eyes with her. She cringed away from his glare. He turned to spring at her and Mica went for his throat. Duncan fell; he was dead before he hit the floor. His blood pooled around him.

  The crowd of vampires broke formation, picking up the bodies and cleaning up the mess. Desiree ran for Mica, launching herself into his arms, still trembling from head to toe. He held her tightly to him. “It’s over.”

  Drake crossed his arms over his chest, staring at them. “I need to see you two in my quarters. I’ve made my decision.”

  She locked eyes with Mica. “Come on,” he encouraged softly, “we’ll deal with whatever he has to say.” She nodded and they followed Drake.

  Drake opened the door, holding it open for them to come inside. “Have a seat.” He turned, closing the door.

  They each took a chair.

  Drake walked past them to his chair, and cleared his throat with a nod. “As I said a minute ago, I’ve made my decision. First, I still believe Desiree is too big of a commodity for me to release. I have word that we’re soon to be at war. I’m not talking about small clans like Duncan’s. I’m referring to large ones like Texas that want to overthrow us.” Desiree’s mouth dropped open to protest and Drake held up his hand to silence her. “I know that your powers are limited when it comes to us. However, your illusions are strong enough to convince the enemy that what they see is real. You and I know that it’s not. That will give us a strong advantage in this coming war. I have no problems with fair fights, but the Texas clan is four times the size of ours. We’re outnumbered four to one. I think you could help even those odds a little.” Mica narrowed his eyes at his friend and opened his mouth. Drake held up his hand to him. “Let me finish. Second, I’ve decided to let her leave with you, Mica.”

  Mica tilted his head in question. “Okay, I don’t understand. You just contradicted yourself.”

Drake laughed. “I decided to let her leave with you on a condition,” he stated while staring Mica down.

  Desiree apprehensively bit her lip, waiting on Drake to spell out his condition. Mica was not that patient. He bellowed, “Okay, Drake, what’s the condition?”

  “It’s actually the same condition you’re under, Mica. She can go off and be with you as long as you both agree that she has to come back and serve me when I need her magical services.” Mica started to open his mouth and Drake held up his hand for him to be silent. “Before you speak, understand that this is the only way I will allow her to leave with you. Otherwise, she stays here and you are free to visit, or stay with her here, as you choose.”

  Desiree placed her hand on Mica’s, shaking her head to halt his objections. “I’ll do it.”

  “But Desiree…”

  “No, Mica. I’ll do it,” she remarked forcefully. He opened his mouth to object again and she shook her head stubbornly. “I would walk over hot coals barefoot to be with you.” She shrugged. “This little stipulation is nothing. You can even come with me when I have to come back. It’s worth it to me to see you happy. You wouldn’t be happy living here.” She looked back at Drake. “I’ll do it.”

  Drake’s laughter rumbled deep from his chest. “Excellent!” he boomed boisterously. “We have an accord. Mica, I congratulate you, my friend. You managed to find a woman just as stubborn as you are. I never thought that would be possible.” Mica glared at him and he laughed louder. “You two are free to leave whenever you wish. You will both be hearing from me soon, I’m sure.”

  “No doubt,” Mica remarked dryly. Desiree elbowed him in the ribs, catching him off guard. He grunted in surprise, looking down at her. She raised an eyebrow, giving him a chastising look, and he laughed. “I guess that look means I should apologize for being rude.” He cut her a side-glance, shaking his head. “Thank you, Drake. We’ll be leaving now before you change your mind.”


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