The Seeker

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The Seeker Page 26

by Ronica Black

  Ashley motioned for her to climb into the front and slide over. Veronica did so and clung to the passenger door, one hand on the handle.

  Ashley eased in behind the wheel and closed the door. She started the car and looked over at her.

  “Now.” She sighed with a smile. “We’re ready to go.” She put the car in drive and accelerated slowly. “I wouldn’t think about jumping out if I were you. The road sure would mess up your pretty face. And not to mention what would happen after that.” She held up her gun. “Understand?”

  Veronica nodded. She began to cry softly.


  “Where’s Phil?” She sounded meek now.

  Ashley smiled at her.

  “Phil? Oh, you mean Rambo? Is that what you called him?”

  “My driver.”

  “He’s back at Marion’s, sleeping off a bad case of shock.” She laughed. “Rambo. I never did see that movie.”

  “You didn’t kill him?” For someone who had a reputation for being a bitch, she sure was timid.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Veronica looked out the window. Her breathing changed. She was truly afraid.

  Ashley slid the gun into her coat pocket and reached down to take Veronica’s hand. Veronica pulled it away quickly.

  “It’s okay, baby.” She laughed and tucked a loose strand of Veronica’s hair behind her ear. “Hold my hand.” She reached out again and held her hand tightly. “I love you.”

  Veronica cringed and squirmed.

  “But I don’t love you!” she yelled, ripping her hand away. Ashley laughed heartily.

  “Finally,” she said. “There’s my girl. For a minute there I thought you were a coward. And I would’ve been very disappointed indeed.”

  “Let me go. You’re crazy. Crazy bitch!” She tried the door handle but found it locked. Ashley laughed again and accelerated.

  “Go ahead, I dare you.” She unlocked the doors. “Go ahead.”

  She knew she wouldn’t. Veronica watched the road and toyed with the handle. She remained in her seat.

  “That’s what I thought,” Ashley said, locking the doors again. “You know, I know you pretty well. And it doesn’t bother me that you don’t love me. Because you don’t love anybody.”

  Veronica straightened. “You’re wrong.” She stared straight ahead. “I love Shawn.”

  Ashley scoffed. “No, you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do. And nothing you can think, say, or do will change that.”

  Ashley wasn’t fazed. “If you love her, then why cheat on her with all those women? With Sloan Savage and Marion Grace. With—”

  “Because I’m selfish! Because I fuck up all the time!” she yelled between her angry tears. “I hurt her, but I love her.”

  Ashley didn’t like hearing her say that. Didn’t like it at all. Veronica was selfish. She was famous. She was rich and beautiful. But she wasn’t in love with Shawn. She couldn’t be.

  “You’ll love me.”


  “Yes. You have no choice, it’s destiny.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “We’ll do that too.”

  “No. No!”

  Ashley clenched her jaw. Veronica kept on.

  “I said no. Do you hear me? I said no!”

  Ashley retrieved her gun. She aimed it at her and spoke slowly. “I hear you. And now you will shut up.”

  “I love her,” Veronica said.

  “You love yourself.”

  Veronica closed her mouth.

  “It pains me to say it, but it’s what I’ve found. Still, you can change. You will love me. It is God’s will.”

  “Fuck you!” she screamed again.

  Ashley swung her arm and brought the butt of the gun down hard on her head. Veronica yelped and tried to fend off the blow. Ashley swung again and connected and Veronica went limp, chin resting on her chest.

  She set the gun on the dash. The words kept replaying in her mind and she rubbed her temple.

  Veronica was selfish and stubborn. But still, she was so beautiful. So perfect.

  But she loved Shawn.


  She loved no one.

  But soon, she would love her. And soon they would see God together.

  Chapter Thirteen

  FBI Field Office, New York City

  “I don’t know what it means,” Kennedy said, meeting Allen’s gaze. They were going over all the letters sent to Keri. The handwriting on the latest threatening letter was a match to the very first letter to Veronica Ryan. Her head spun.

  “She was after your sister,” Allen said.

  “The labs on the blood are in,” Gale said, sliding into a seat next to Kennedy. The testing on the letter Keri last received was finished. Kennedy refused the lab work, encouraging Gale to read it.

  “Human blood. Type O positive.”

  “So we have nothing.”

  “We have her DNA.”

  “Which is useless.” She stood and paced. Her mind wouldn’t stop and neither would her body. “Why Keri? She doesn’t look like Veronica Ryan, she’s not famous…”

  “She could be after your brother-in-law,” Allen said.

  “No. You saw her place. She wasn’t into football. She’s not into anything other than Veronica Ryan.”

  “What does Keri say?” Gale asked.

  “She’s clueless. She’s never seen any woman like the composite.”

  “What about her assailant?”

  Kennedy ran a hand through her hair. “Keri said it was possible that it could’ve been a woman. But she’s not sure.”

  “Williams would’ve had to travel to Seattle,” Allen said.

  “Yes. But it doesn’t make sense. The handwriting has to be a fluke. There are no connections between my sister and Veronica Ryan. There’s nothing.”

  Allen’s phone rang. He excused himself and answered. Kennedy studied Ashley’s photo on the large screen. It was one she’d used on her fake ID for her job, and it was a good match to the composite. Her hair was heavy and thick and it hung over the sides of her face. There was no smile. Just a detached look.

  “Who are you, Ashley Williams, and are you after my sister?”

  “Kennedy.” Allen returned, he could hardly breathe.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Ms. Ryan. She’s gone.”

  Kennedy’s stomach dropped. “Shawn?”

  “Veronica. She left for a photo shoot and never made it.”

  Panic rushed through her. Possibilities and scenarios did as well. None of them good. “Wasn’t anyone with her?”


  “Just Phil?”

  “Yes. Larry was meeting them at the shoot.”

  “What happened?”

  “They may have detoured. We don’t know. We just know they didn’t show for the shoot. And neither one are answering their phones.” He looked to several other agents who had come over to hear the news.

  “Check with her contacts, her friends and colleagues.” He pointed at Gale. “Call Marion Grace.” Gale rose and went to a nearby desk.

  Kennedy closed her eyes. Where would she have gone? Why?

  Allen continued. “Monty said they left for the shoot early. So she may have had Phil stop somewhere else first. My bet’s Marion Grace. She’s renting a house close to the movie shoot.”

  “Her security should know better,” another agent said.

  “Phil hasn’t worked with her before. She probably sank her teeth into him,” Kennedy said.

  “And we all know how difficult she is,” Allen added.

  Kennedy felt on edge. She felt sick. Just like she felt every time those calls came in about the missing children. The calls reporting a body. They made her want to scream, to rage, to pull her hair out. They made her want to sink to her knees and cry.

  “God,” she said, voice quaking. “Let’s just hope she’s at Marion’s.”


  Ashley remained crouched in front
of Veronica’s chair. Her love was strapped to it tightly, with lots of duct tape. The chair was bolted securely to the cement floor. Veronica would be safe there for a long while.

  She rose and rounded the chair, running her hand lightly through Veronica’s hair. The room was tiny and dank, nearly dark save for the lantern. The smell of the deep earth comforted her. This was her home. The only place she felt safe. Water dripped from one of the overhead pipes behind her. She found it without the light of the lantern, by scent and hearing alone. She stuck her tongue out and tasted the drops. There was a slight metal taste and the drops were cold and heavy. She loved them. Her water drops.

  Veronica stirred, gaining her attention. She was trying to shake the chair. She moaned against her gag.

  “If you stay quiet, I’ll untie you,” Ashley said, coming to stand in front of her. “But only if you’re good.” She stroked her face. It was wet from where she’d been crying. “Shh. Now, now. You have to calm down. It’s the only way out of the chair.”

  Veronica made another muffled noise and tried to move. She angled her head toward the ceiling.

  “No one will hear you. No one knows about this place or this basement. They have no idea where you are. You’re mine now.”

  Veronica shook her head.

  “Yes. I’ve waited so long, Veronica. So very long.” She knelt and kissed her forehead, then her brow, then her cheeks.

  Veronica sat with her head slumped, tears softly making their way down her face. Her chest shook with sobs.

  “Are you sad?”

  Veronica glared at her.

  “I was sad too, at first. But it gets better. You learn your purpose and you accept it. But you have to be calm.” She rose. “I bet you’re wondering what your purpose is. That’s understandable.” She stood before her and started unbuttoning her shirt. “It’s simple, really. It’s about seeing God. You and me.” She slipped the shirt from her arms and let it fall to the ground. Then she removed her under tank. Her hands skimmed over her small breasts. “Yes,” she hissed. “I can already sense him near.”

  Veronica started jerking again, trying to cry out. Ashley frowned.

  “Stop it.”

  Veronica jerked some more, shook her head violently.

  “I said stop!” Ashley took a step and smacked her hard across the face. Veronica stilled and her head went limp. Ashley raised her chin.

  “You must watch me. You need to learn how.”

  Veronica blinked, slowly. When Ashley saw her focus, she continued.

  “Now, where were we?” She moved her hands down to her jeans. She undid the button and lowered the zipper. Then she slid her hands inside the waist and eased the jeans down, underwear too. She tossed them to the side.

  Veronica was looking at her in a hazy way. Her head was limp and her eyes were glassed over.

  “Are you watching me?” Ashley wanted to be sure. She’d dreamed of this moment. “Veronica? You must tell me you are watching.”

  Veronica nodded.

  “Good.” She lowered her hand to her center, her sacred place. It was clean shaven and ready; she was already wet and eager. “This is how we do it,” she whispered, touching herself. “Yes, we do it like this. It feels so good. It’s the love. The tender love.” She relished knowing that Veronica was watching her. “I’m going to see him now. I’m going to see him now with you watching. Oh God, I’m here. I’m ready. God. God.” She trembled and tensed, her body convulsing in sheer pleasure. “God, God! I see God, oh God.” Her hand flew in a fury of passion and then stilled at once as the moment passed. Breathless, she walked to Veronica and straddled her, collapsing against her. She held her head to her breasts and hummed.

  “Oh, Veronica. It was so beautiful. So blissful.” She kissed her hair. “Soon it will be your turn. God is waiting. But right now, I have to take care of something. Something I thought I wouldn’t have to do after all. But you’ve changed all that.” She held her tighter. “I have to go find Shawn and take care of her.” Veronica tensed and shook her head. Ashley stilled her, holding her tighter. “Shh. It has to be done. It’s the only way. You must be free to love me.”

  Veronica moaned through the binds. Jerked in the chair.

  “Shh, it’s okay. It will be okay.” She stood. “Come, you can lie on the bed and think about me and God.” She retrieved a knife from a dark corner and cut Veronica free from the chair. Then she cut the tape around her legs so she could walk.

  Leading the way with the lantern, she tugged Veronica into a small room with a thin wooden door.

  Inside, the musty dank smell was worse, mixed with the stench of urine and human excrement. Ashley didn’t mind; she was used to it. Perhaps having Veronica down there would help to air it out a little.

  She led her to the blue flower–patterned mattress that sat against the wall. It had a blanket and her yellowish pillow on top. She eased her down and then lifted her ankles onto the bed. Then she showed her the ceiling with the light from the lantern. She’d taped magazine photos of Veronica everywhere. She still had stacks of them against the walls.

  “See how much I love you?”

  More tears fell down Veronica’s face.

  “I told you I did. Now do you believe me?”

  Veronica turned her head, refusing to look at her.

  Ashley crawled atop her, rested her weight on her. “Oh, Veronica. So, so beautiful.” She kissed her neck, sucked on her skin. God, it was glorious, perfume mixed with nervous sweat. She could lick her from head to toe and never tire.

  “My desire for you is so great. It’s all consuming, and only God understands. He wants this, Veronica. You and me. In this bed. Giving the tender love, in his name.” She traced her hand down to Veronica’s blue jeans. She unfastened them and then lowered herself to pull them down. Veronica cried.

  “Shh.” Ashley tugged her half boots off and removed the jeans. She folded them and placed them on the dirt floor. Then she inhaled the flesh of Veronica’s thighs up to her panties, where she stuck out her tongue and pressed it against her covered flesh.

  “Oh, yes. Veronica. Heavenly.” She pulled away and looked at her. “I cannot wait to discover you and take you to God. It will be so good. So very, very good.” She licked her lips. “I can already taste you, smell you.” She squeezed Veronica’s hips. “I can hardly wait.”

  She pushed herself up on the bed. “Tonight. It will be heaven tonight.” She pointed to the bucket in the corner. “If you have to go, use the bucket. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Veronica sat up and moaned furiously. She tried to stand.

  Ashley came up on her and smacked her once again. Veronica fell back to the bed, but shook her head. Ashley hit her again, this time a backhand.

  “You will stay here and be quiet.”

  She hit her again and again.

  Veronica lay back, head lolling to the side. Blood trickled from her nose.

  “Look what you made me do to your pretty face.” Ashley made a tsking noise. “It’s okay, though. You’ll learn in time.”

  She left the room and pulled the wooden door closed. As she stepped into her clothes, her thoughts went to Shawn.


  Kennedy sprang from the vehicle and hurried up the steps to the home of Marion Grace. Allen followed closely behind. Veronica had been missing for three hours, and they finally had a lead.

  Soft thunder rolled in the distance, grumbling from a gray sky. Cool rain dripped down, wetting the grass and trees, giving an earthy scent to the crisp air.

  Kennedy caught her breath as she and Allen hit the cover of the front porch. Three agents came out from the house and got them up to speed.

  “We found Mr. Phillip Frye over here.” He pointed across the gravel drive and walked down to the steps back into the rain. Kennedy and Allen followed as he led them into the woods. The rain pricked their skin as they maneuvered through the trees.

  “He’d been shocked with a stun gun. Several times. And bound with duct tape.�

  “Is he going to be okay?” she asked, wiping the rain from her brow.

  “Looks that way. He’s a little weak and maybe a little hypothermic. His blazer was taken and he was left out here in the rain. We found him thirty minutes ago.”

  “Is he talking?”

  They stopped outside the yellow crime scene tape. She eyed the ground and noticed the fresh drag marks.

  “Not yet.”

  An indentation in the pine needles showed where he had been tied and dumped. There were button prints in a small area of mud where he’d been lying on his stomach.

  She followed the drag marks back to where the Ryans’ car had been parked. She saw the tire tracks and stated her theory. “She zapped him over here next to the car and then dragged him into the woods.”

  “Ashley Williams?”

  “I believe so.”

  “You think she could’ve moved Phil on her own?”

  She examined the footprints in moist earth. She matched them up to the footprints they’d found in Sloan’s bathroom. They were boot prints. Military style.

  “It wasn’t that far. Sure, if she’s determined.” She continued to search the area. “Anything missing?”

  “The Ryan vehicle. And, well, Veronica Ryan.”

  “What’s Miss Grace have to say?” They began their walk back to the house. The place was crawling with FBI.

  “She says Veronica showed up, stayed for about thirty minutes, and then left. She didn’t notice anything suspicious, other than the fact that Veronica got in the car to leave without assistance. But she said when she’d arrived she got out on her own as well. She assumed it was because of her security. Veronica was unhappy with her driver and she complained to Marion.”

  Kennedy sighed. She had a headache coming on. A bad one. “Any news on Ashley Williams?”

  Allen held up a hand as he answered his cell phone. Kennedy glanced over at Marion Grace, who was being questioned by two agents. She was a tall woman with thin, graceful, elegant beauty. Her dark hair and green eyes were a striking combination. She’d just divorced.


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