The Seeker

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The Seeker Page 29

by Ronica Black

  She lifted her head in surprise as she heard the girls shriek up ahead, hidden by the dunes. Picking up her pace, she called out. The girls sounded excited. One little head bobbed above the sand dune, followed closely by another. The girls were on foot and running toward her with huge grins and giggles.

  “Mommy! Mommy!”

  “What, what is it?” They collapsed into her legs, bouncing up and down.

  “Pirates! Let’s play pirates!” Rory exclaimed.

  “Yeah!” Kiley joined in.

  “Oh, girls. Maybe tomorrow, okay?” She rubbed their heads, hoping they would understand. She felt lonely and her soul cried out for Kennedy. She needed to call her. To tell her the truth. To explain her feelings.

  “But—” Rory started.

  Shawn glanced up, seeing movement beyond the dunes. She swallowed the lump in her throat as a figure stepped into view. Kennedy moved with confident grace as the wind blew back her thick brown hair. Her jeans were rolled up and her blouse was billowing in the breeze.

  Shawn stared in amazement, all but convinced it was a mirage. The woman approached her slowly and the girls continued to jump in excitement. Shawn’s blood pumped with heat, awakening her entire body. Her eyes met the golden brown ones before her and she tried to speak but her voice faltered.

  “Hi,” Kennedy said, a slow grin spreading across her face.

  Shawn leaned into her bike, completely captivated by her beauty. She found her voice. “Hi.”

  “I wasn’t sure about coming. I hope it’s okay.” Kennedy stared into her, slow and steady. She was different. She was confident. Her voice was deep and smooth. Sexy.

  “Yes, yes, it’s fine.”

  “We missed you, Kennedy!” Rory declared as she and Kiley moved to hug Kennedy’s legs.

  “I missed you too.” She tousled their hair but her gaze never left Shawn’s. “Why don’t you guys go see if you can find the treasure?”

  The girls jumped up and down and bolted back to the dunes.

  “I’ll race you, Kiley,” Rory said.

  Their little legs carried them to where a little flag stuck out of the sand. There they dropped to their knees and began digging.

  “Well, you certainly got them going.” Shawn said, clinging tightly to her bicycle.

  “I needed to be alone with you for a minute.”

  Shawn swooned a little as the heat continued to rush through her body. “Okay.”

  Kennedy took a step toward her. “I need to tell you something.”

  “There’s something I need to tell you too.”

  They both stood in silence for a moment, the wind playing with their hair. Kennedy took another step, and one at a time, she peeled Shawn’s fingers from the bike. It fell to the sand. Kennedy licked her lips.

  “What is—” Shawn tried.

  Kennedy wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  “This,” she said, bringing her in for a long, hot kiss.

  Shawn fell into her, nearly limp with longing. Her lips were soft and deliciously hot. When her tongue came, the sensation went straight down her spine to pulse between her legs.

  She groaned.

  The tongue came again. Seeking. Shawn let it, her toes curling in the sand. Her hands tangled in the hair at the base of Kennedy’s head. She kissed back, easing her tongue in, playing with Kennedy’s.

  A groan came. This one from Kennedy. She grabbed Shawn’s head, held it as she kissed her harder, deeper.

  Shawn responded at once by sucking on her tongue.

  “Jesus,” Kennedy whispered, finally pulling away. Her eyes danced like the sun off the water. Her cheeks were burning with red desire.

  Shawn was melting. Right there. In the sand. “I love you,” she said, the words spilling from her mouth.

  Kennedy skimmed her thumb over Shawn’s lips. She smiled. “I love you.”

  “You do?” She was breathless and so painfully vulnerable.

  Kennedy searched her face. “Of course.”

  “Of course?”

  “I mean, yes. Yes. Couldn’t you tell? Keri said it was written all over me.”

  “No, I couldn’t tell. Not for sure.”

  She stared at her mouth. Longed again for her lips. “You really do?”

  Kennedy caressed her face. “Yes, I really do. I’m crazy about you.”

  Their lips met again. Soft. Hungry. Hot.

  The girls ran up from behind.

  The women pulled apart, but Shawn couldn’t tear her eyes from Kennedy.

  “Mommy, we found the treasure!” Kiley said.

  “Yeah, yeah, and we got lots of gold.” Their little hands were full of chocolate coins.

  Shawn finally looked directly at Rory and Kiley. “Okay, good job! How ’bout we go inside and count them?”

  “Okay! I bet I got the mostest,” Rory said, leading the way.

  Kennedy retrieved their bikes and hitched them over her shoulders and Shawn pushed hers.

  They walked toward the setting sun.

  “Care to come count the bounty?” Shawn asked, her face flushing.

  Kennedy smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “What about counting your blessings? I plan on doing that a little later on. Want to join me?”

  Kennedy fired her a heated, passionate look. “Oh, absolutely.”

  Shawn laughed, a bit nervous and giddy. Her skin burned from Kennedy’s embrace and every cell ached oh so pleasurably as the wind blew against her.

  The walk back to the house was dreamlike and she blinked several times, convinced Kennedy would disappear. But to her amazement Kennedy remained and she found herself staring at her muscular calves, the slight sashay of her hips, the tendons in her wrists. The sea breeze carried her scent to Shawn and it was something new. Something tingling and masculine, and she knew it was on her neck and jawline where Kennedy had held her and kissed her. She wanted that scent all over her. She wanted it in her bed and all over her sheets. She wanted it in her mouth. How long would she have to wait to get it?

  Kennedy slowed as they reached the two-story beach house. They had just gone inside when the doorbell chimed and Rory and Kiley sprinted, anxious to see who it was. Shawn was calling out for Monty, who was still her main security.

  “He took the night off,” Kennedy said with a grin. Shawn still seemed confused as Kennedy answered the front door and found Keri and the boys waiting on the landing. Keri waved at Shawn and Kennedy explained, “I thought the girls might want to stay the night at Keri’s.”

  Shawn’s face showed genuine surprise and Rory and Kiley began jumping up and down.

  Shawn touched their heads in a failed attempt at calming them. She chuckled a little as she said, “Sure.”


  Landon and Luke cheered as well and Keri had to speak over them. “Why don’t they come now and you can drop their clothes and toothbrushes by later? The pizza is on its way.”

  There was more jumping and cheering.

  “Okay, okay. Go have fun,” Shawn said with a smile.

  The girls ran out the door and the kids all held hands as they headed down the stone path. Kennedy knew they’d be safe with Keri’s security and new nanny.

  Silence engulfed the house as Kennedy closed the door.

  “You planned all this,” Shawn said, looking at her like she was prey.


  Shawn stepped toward her. “For how long?”

  “A few days.”

  “Monty knows?” She took another step.

  “Yes. He seemed quite happy. And a little relieved.”

  “Well, you’ve grown on him. You’ve grown on us all.” She tilted her head and bit her lip in a playful manner.

  “Have I?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Even you?”

  “Especially me.” She took Kennedy’s hand and placed it on her chest. “Right here.”

  Kennedy felt her heart beating, and her own heart rate kicked
up. She swallowed and inhaled deeply.

  Shawn touched her face. “Have you missed me?”


  There was a brief silence as they stared into one another.

  Finally, Shawn asked in a whisper, “Do you want me to kiss you?”

  Kennedy could hardly speak. “More than anything.” She inhaled again, this time quickly, as Shawn pressed her lips to hers.

  Softly. Gently. Tentatively tasting and feeling. Her mouth was so incredibly warm and when her tongue came it felt hot and slick, sending a bolt of fire throughout her entire being. In and out it came, just rimming her lips and then vanishing once again.

  Something was building inside Kennedy. A wildfire spreading into every cell.

  “I want you,” Kennedy said, breathless. Yes, that was it. It was desire. For Shawn. She didn’t know how else to say it. She only knew what she wanted to do.


  But Kennedy silenced her with a deep, probing kiss, moving quickly to pin her against the wall. Her tongue filled Shawn and she was lost in an erotic dance, tongues gliding and seeking.

  She felt Shawn heat beneath her touch. Heard her moan with desire. Felt her tongue respond with wild abandon.

  And then all rational thought was gone.

  There was only need.

  To take. To give. To worship. To love.

  She leaned into her and attacked her neck, sucking and licking and nibbling.

  “Kennedy,” Shawn rasped.

  “You feel so good,” Kennedy said, breathing into her ear. “Better than I ever could’ve imagined. God, and your skin. I could inhale it for a lifetime.”

  Shawn’s nails dug into her back. She groaned at the sensation, wanting them scratching her bare skin. Her head spun as her superheated blood slammed through her. This was all so new. So crazy. So primal. So damn good.

  “Now,” she said, sinking her teeth into her neck for a long suck.

  Shawn laughed wickedly and inhaled sharply.

  “You feel so good too. I can’t wait to taste you. Thought about it—oh God—for so long.”

  The words sent Kennedy into a frenzy. She bit and sucked Shawn’s neck and lifted her up so she straddled her waist.

  Shawn called out softly in surprise. “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know.” She hurried across the living room and growled with need as she headed up the stairs. Shawn was laughing softly and licking her ear.

  “Don’t hurt yourself, Agent Scott.”

  Kennedy’s skin had erupted in goose bumps and her center screamed for mercy. Unable to go any farther, she knelt and set Shawn down at the top of the stairs.

  “We didn’t quite make it,” Shawn said, stroking her cheek.

  “Yes, we did.” And Kennedy was on her again, crawling up to kiss her and ease her back on the landing. Then she tore open her blouse and assaulted her with hot, hungry kisses leading all the way down to her loose jeans.

  “Kennedy,” Shawn said, raising her head to look down at her.

  But Kennedy kept on, driven. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off quickly. Shawn still had her head raised and Kennedy stared at her for a few long seconds before she lifted her hips and moved her forward, placing her at the lip of the stairs. Then, without missing a beat, she peeled off her panties and tossed them aside. Kennedy bent Shawn’s knees and gently set her feet flat on the top step. They were both breathing heavily as Kennedy ran her fingertips softly across the tops of her legs.

  “Kennedy,” Shawn said again. “I—”

  Kennedy waited.

  And then, “Hurry.”

  Kennedy flushed with an insanely hot heat and she lowered herself to lick along Shawn’s inner thighs to her center. Once there, her heart hammered in her ears and she gave into that animalistic yearning and forced her tongue inside the smoothly shaved lips until she felt a firm knob of flesh beneath her. Shawn at once came up off the floor with her hips. Her nails clawed at Kennedy’s scalp.


  Kennedy pressed herself harder into her, moving her tongue heavily in an up and down motion, focused on her clitoris. Her taste was light but stirring, like a distant sea breeze. She couldn’t get enough of it. She groaned into her, wanting more.

  She eased Shawn’s legs farther apart and then used her thumbs to open her up more. She found her clitoris red and waiting, a tiny vein racing with blood just next to it.

  Shawn cried out as Kennedy returned her tongue to it, flicking and massaging it, listening to Shawn’s cries for direction. She pressed more firmly, causing her to groan deeply, and then she teased it in a hurried motion, causing Shawn to lift her head up and plead for more.

  Kennedy kept on, flicking madly, wrapping her arms around Shawn’s legs to hold fast to her as she began bucking.

  “Kennedy—God, I—oh my God—I—it’s coming so fast—I’ve wanted you so—long—I—”

  And then Shawn groaned, madly, deeply, like a creature of the night, tearing at Kennedy’s head while her own thrashed back and forth.

  She was climaxing. Calling out to the rising moon. Insane with pleasure. Pleasure Kennedy had given her.

  Nothing had ever moved Kennedy more.

  The moment seemed to last a lifetime. Everything in Kennedy’s world froze. Shawn fell still and silent, her flesh throbbing against Kennedy’s cheek.

  When Shawn raised her head to look at her, her face was scarlet and her eyes were sparkling like crystals. She had a new look to her. One Kennedy hoped to see for all eternity. Like a woman at her most primal and elemental level. A woman pleased but yearning for more. Much more.

  “Come on.” Shawn stood on shaky legs and led Kennedy to the bedroom. She switched on the gas fireplace and headed for the bed. She looked incredibly sexy in nothing but a long, torn blouse.

  “God, you are an unbelievably good lover,” Shawn said as she turned and unbuttoned Kennedy’s blouse.

  “I could’ve done that forever,” Kennedy said, wanting more, a raw new addiction already taking hold of her.

  “I know. But now it’s my turn.”

  Shawn helped her step out of her pants and slipped her fingers under her panties to push them down. Then she pushed Kennedy back onto the bed and seared her with a long, hot kiss. “Mmm. Thank God we’ve got all night.” She tugged on Kennedy’s lower lip and then dropped to her knees.

  Kennedy watched as she opened her up a bit and licked. Kennedy tensed with surprise and then with need as a mad wave of pleasure washed over her. Shawn moved closer, held on to her thighs, and buried her face in her. Her tongue moved wildly and expertly, assaulting Kennedy with slick, firm thrusts.

  Nothing had ever felt so good. It was pure primal pleasure.

  Truly overcome, Kennedy gripped Shawn’s head and tightened her fingers in her short hair. Shawn moaned at this, and stopped to gaze up at her.

  “I’m going to do this first. Make you come in my mouth right here on the edge of the bed. Then we’re going to crawl into the bed and I’m going to lay you down and ravish you. Act out every fantasy and dream I’ve had about you.”

  Kennedy struggled for words. “I need to have you.” She didn’t know how long she’d be able to wait to taste her again. To feel her writhe beneath her with pleasure again.

  Shawn grinned. “We’ve got all night.” She rose and kissed her, once again tugging on her bottom lip. Then she looked deep into her eyes. “Even better, though, we’ve got eternity.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, we do.”

  Kennedy could feel Shawn’s breath on her inner thigh. She shuddered with lust and fought the urge to yank her up on the bed, hold her down, and lick her from head to toe. Her desire was powerful and intense—so much so that she couldn’t ever imagine stopping.

  “I’m afraid eternity won’t be enough.” She could hardly speak as she cupped Shawn’s face.

  Shawn smiled and kissed her thighs. She groaned as she edged closer to Kennedy’s flesh. “I know what y
ou mean.” She looked up at her. “I will never get enough of you, Kennedy Scott.”

  Kennedy swallowed, her heart melting at the fire in Shawn’s eyes. “Nor I you.”

  “So what do we do?”

  Kennedy licked her lips, aching for Shawn’s skin, aching for Shawn’s mouth to be on her.

  “Try,” she let out on a whisper. “To get enough.” It would be impossible. But oh so worth it.

  Shawn stood and eased Kennedy back onto the bed. She stared into her eyes as she crawled alongside her, running her hand down Kennedy’s body to her center where she teased at the hairs and slid her fingers into the folds to frame her clitoris.

  Kennedy tensed and cried out at the sweet pleasure. Her hips moved.

  Shawn’s face flushed and she kissed Kennedy hard, tongue swirling. When she pulled away she trailed kisses along her neck and whispered in her ear.

  “Okay, baby. Let’s try, then.”

  About the Author

  Ronica Black spends her free time writing works that move her, with the hope that they will move others as well. She is a firm believer that “what does not kill you makes you stronger.” Each step she takes in life is a journey meant to be experienced, whether it be a smooth step paved with green grass, or a rocky one marred with boulders. She keeps stepping, keeps writing, and keeps believing that women are far stronger than they believe. She’s an award-winning author with six books currently published by Bold Strokes Books: In Too Deep, Deeper, Wild Abandon, Flesh and Bone, Hearts Aflame and The Seeker. Several of her short stories appear in the Bold Strokes Books Erotic Interludes series: Stolen Moments, Lessons in Love, and Road Games. She was also published in Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2005.

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