Intense 2

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Intense 2 Page 115

by Hebert, Cambria

  He would give me a certain amount of cash each week. I remember feeling like I was a teenager receiving their weekly allowance, not a wife who was sharing a life with a man she loved. If I ran out of money, I had to beg him for more. It was a game of sport to him. Watch the little wife plead as he held all the power.

  Bradley wanted to right any wrongs he could, so I let him help with the divorce. Maybe he shouldn’t have stepped in, but he insisted and I was truly thankful for his help. I couldn’t do it on my own as exhaustion ruled me most days. Maybe it was the pregnancy and moving back home under the circumstances. I’m not even sure. I needed support from someone who cared about me, wanted what was best for me, and perhaps even still loved me.

  Bradley and I hadn’t brought that word up yet, but we loved being together. He said he loved my hair, my lips, and the sound of my voice. The list of what he loved about me and what I loved about him were pages long. We hadn’t admitted to being “in love” with one another again, but for me I had never stopped.

  Today I was the lucky one. Not only was he in my heart and mind, he was also seated beside me on the plane. I felt his fingers weave through mine, and I opened my eyes to find him smiling reassuringly at me. He knew I was nervous today, petrified if I was being honest. I knew he was anxious, too, but he didn’t show it. He would be strong for me, and I would be forever grateful to him.

  “We should be landing in a few minutes,” he said. He rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb. His touch soothed me and gave me strength.

  “I figured we were close.” I tried to smile back, but I just couldn’t find one in me without having to force it.

  “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I promise.” His stare became serious, as if he wanted to scare the worry away.

  “You’re right. We’re prepared but nothing could be worse than having this divorce drag on for years and years.”

  “I don’t think Joe wants this divorce to drag on. He just wants you to cave. Give into his demands. He didn’t figure on your having an army to back you up.”

  “True. I think he thought I’d be a pushover just like I’d been in our marriage.” I searched his face before I continued. “You’ve saved me in so many ways, Bradley.”

  “Likewise.” He brought my hand to his lips and gently kissed my knuckles. “I’m here for you and the baby. In all ways, if you want me to be. Remember that today when we’re sitting across the table from Joe. I’m the one who cares for you. The one who lo—”

  I knew what he wanted to say, but he stopped himself for whatever his reason. I wouldn’t ask or beg even if I was dying to hear him tell me he loved me.

  “Dammit, Kelly. I wanted to tell you how I truly felt about you when we were doing something special. Like staring at the starry sky while I held you by the pool. After today’s meeting and this mess was over. Not like this...”

  “Your being here with me is special.” I squeezed his hands hoping he’d continue on.

  “Okay, then.” Taking my other hand into his, he leaned closer. A whispered breath away. I prepared my heart for what he was about to say to me. My vision blurred with unshed tears.

  “The very first time I saw you, I knew that there was something different about you. When you looked up at me, stared back into my eyes for the first time, I felt a special connection that’s still there for me today.” He took a breath. “It never went away. It’s like I carried around a piece of us, together, in my heart. My love for you was always there inside of me. Never dying and probably keeping me from loving anyone else. It’s only been you, Kelly. Only you.”

  Damn pregnancy hormones. My eyes were spilling buckets of tears. One after the other, after the other. He brought his hands to my face, our fingers still entwined, and wiped the streams away. His lips brushed over my cheeks as he kissed the salty torrents away. They all belonged to him now. His lips tenderly caressed me and comforted me.

  “I love you with all my heart, Kelly Parker.” He kissed me again. “You are the love of my life.”

  My breaths were short and labored as he spoke to me between his kisses. His words. Oh, his sweet, sweet words. I could survive on them like manna. They nourished me. Made me feel whole for the first time in years.

  “Bradley, you’re the love of my life, too.” His lips finally found mine. We had kissed a few times over the last few weeks, but nothing like this. The passion was intense. I wanted to crawl onto his lap and get lost in him. I didn’t even care that we were sitting on a crowded plane. After a minute or a few seconds, who knows, I pulled away for air. His kisses left me lightheaded and dizzy.

  “I love you.” I tried to catch my breath. “No one but you.”

  “We can make this work.” He used a spare cocktail napkin to wipe new tears from my face. “I want to make this work. For better, for worse. No matter what we face today. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

  Holy shit. Did he mean marriage? I wasn’t even officially divorced. It should have been wrong to even think about us married. But the sweet idea of us together forever, well, I couldn’t think of anything more I wanted in the whole wide world.

  “I think I do,” I replied. “The thought of not having you in my life to love and be with makes me feel ill. I need you, Bradley.”

  “You’re mine, Kelly. Mine.” A shiver went down my spine when desire swept over his face. I needed this man like no other. I wanted to be his and make him mine, too.

  “I’m yours.” My words were quietly spoken; nothing more needed to be said. He placed his hand behind my neck, weaving his fingers into my hair, and drew me to him for another kiss. His lips pressed hard and passionately to mine once again. Heat flashed through me. My body ached for his touch. Every cell of my being was on fire. In all the years I’d been married to Joe nothing came close. Nothing.

  “Yes, mine,” he said between hungry kisses. We were shamelessly making out like teenagers. Our hands wandered everywhere they could without touching too intimately. I placed my fingers on the skin of his back beneath his shirt, going for broke, letting my fingernails rake over him. This time he was the one with shivers as I ran my nails across him slowly.

  I wanted this man. Needed this man. I moaned quietly, and the sound of my own voice startled me back to reality. We were on a plane. In public. What was I thinking?

  God, we needed to stop. If no one had been around, our clothes would’ve been off in seconds. Only the poor flight attendant was likely getting the full show.

  That thought made me release his lips, rise up in my chair, and glance around the cabin. No one was watching us thankfully. I smoothed down my top and looked into his eyes. He moved closer to me, if that was even possible.

  “I want you so much, Kelly.” He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. “I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I got a bit carried away. I’m sorry.”

  “I feel the same. And, yes, we were a little out of control. But to be honest, I loved it.” I giggled like a young schoolgirl. Actually, that’s how I felt. Young and discovering love all over again. A heady and happy rush.

  “Tonight,” Bradley spoke in a deep voice, getting my undivided attention. “We have two adjoining rooms at the hotel. I don’t want you stepping a foot into yours. You’ll be sleeping with me.”

  My heart skipped a beat. We had purposefully chosen to stay chaste as our relationship crossed beyond friends. For some reason, I thought it was best to wait until I was divorced. Add the baby to the mix and things got confusing fast.

  I wasn’t sure how to handle being pregnant with one man’s baby while making love to another. It was hard to wrap my head around that. Seemed a bit warped, but my whole life was a big mess. The only positives were Bradley and the precious baby growing inside of me.

  But his kiss. His hands all over me. I was done with the worry and done for him, too. I wanted him in all ways now. No holding back. We had years to make up for and nothing was going to stop me.

  “I like the sound of that,” I purred while rea
ching up to caress his cheek. “What do you have in mind?”

  “My lips everywhere on that sweet body of yours. My fingers following them.” I shifted in my seat as the heat of his words set me back on fire.

  “You’re killing me,” I whispered. “I’m about to go crazy.”

  “Oh, believe me, you will later. I promise. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  “I don’t feel too sexy right now, though.” I glanced down at my stomach, pointing at my belly with my finger, although I was sure he knew what I meant.

  “You’re as sexy as hell to me. Don’t forget it.” I cuddled into his side after hearing his words.

  Bradley has been so supportive of the baby and me. He’s even gone with me to my last two doctor’s appointments and laughed when they called him the baby’s father. Never once had he corrected the nurse or doctor.

  There was so much to think about today, though. Joe and his reaction to our meeting stayed on the forefront of my mind, overshadowing everything. Joe had become our future’s biggest obstacle. My mood became graver as if a dark cloud had moved over us.

  “What if Joe stalls? Doesn’t agree to my attorney’s offer?” Fear rose up inside me again. I couldn’t help being afraid of Joe’s reaction. I knew him. I’d seen him cut his adversaries down to nothing. He used his power as a deputy district attorney to crush people and leave them a whimpering mess. Hardened criminals feared him. A wayward pregnant wife was no match against his brutality.

  “Please don’t get upset,” Bradley said, trying to soothe me. “I can see it in your eyes. You’re going there again. Remember we have the best lawyers in Dallas, paired with the best in Atlanta.”

  “You’re right... I think.” I knitted my brows as his words sank in. “I want to believe you, Bradley. You have no idea how much I do, but I lived with that man. I know what he’s capable of. My leaving him wounded his pride. Embarrassed him. Joe doesn’t do embarrassed.”

  “We have some arrows to shoot at him, Kelly,” Bradley said reassuringly, making me remember the plan. “Ones that would be even more embarrassing to him. It’s his political future now that’s his main concern.”

  As I was getting ready to respond, the flight attendant’s voice came over the intercom. “The captain has just turned on the ‘fasten the seat belts’ sign. Electronic devices must be turned off and stowed at this time. Seats and tray tables must be returned to their upright and locked positions as we prepare for landing.”

  “Hey, Kelly.” Bradley’s hand wrapped around mine. “Trust me when I tell you that it will all be all right. We’ll walk out of that office with papers signed. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I sat up taller with my shoulders pushed back trying to convince myself that Bradley was right.

  After landing uneventfully and getting off the plane, we gathered our bags at the luggage carousel. My attorney from Dallas flew on our plane too, even staying at the same hotel so he joined us as we waited at baggage claim.

  My doctor told me I’d be okay to fly, just to drink more than my normal amount of water, which led me to the next question for my escorts.

  “I need to stop at the ladies’ room before we get in the car to the hotel.”

  “Sure.” Bradley scanned for the nearest restrooms. “I think they’re down this way.”

  He motioned to our right and reached for my hand. “We’ll be right back, Jensen. Would you mind staying here with our bags?”

  “No problem,” Jensen answered. “I’ll make a quick call and let our Atlanta office know we’ve landed on time.”

  We arrived back to find Jensen turned away from us, engaged in a deep and heated conversation. My heart started to pound when I heard him say Joe’s name laced with disgust. I felt nauseated. I knew it was a bad idea coming here. I wanted to back away from them. Run. To where? I’m not sure. Bradley wrapped his arms around my trembling body and whispered in my ear.

  “Kelly, it’ll be okay. Please don’t worry. Trust me.”

  All I could do was nod. Jensen slowly turned around and froze when he saw us, the phone still stuck to his ear. He looked away and continued his conversation.

  “Listen, Greg. I need to let you go. Thanks for giving me the heads up. I’ll discuss this with my client.” Jensen listened intently. “I agree. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on, really. I wish we could throw more at him, too. But it will just delay things, so let’s stick to the plan we agreed on.”

  What were they talking about? Was Joe’s attorney’s pulling out something fancy to use against me? My head started to swim and I became faint. Bradley’s two strong arms circled tighter around me, holding me up.

  Jensen ended the call and muttered under his breath.

  “Let’s head to our car. It’s waiting for us outside.” Jensen grabbed the handle of his luggage and pivoted toward the exit. Bradley and I did the same and followed dutifully behind.

  The walk to the outside pickup area seemed to take forever. I couldn’t wait to know what Jensen had learned. I glanced at Bradley who was dragging both of our suitcases. He appeared as tense as I was. It was the unknown that was eating at us.

  Jensen flagged a car holding up his name. The driver pulled the car up in front of us and jumped out to handle our bags. Silently, we climbed into the car. Nothing was said until all the doors were shut.

  “Here’s the deal,” Jensen started. “Joe has decided to play hardball. We figured he would but his attorney’s claiming he has an old prenuptial agreement that you signed, Kelly. Do you remember signing one?”

  “What?” I felt like someone had slapped me in the face. A prenup? He had to be lying. “I don’t remember signing anything like that.”

  “Do you remember signing anything before the wedding?” Jensen asked.

  “I signed some papers related to his family’s company. He told me they would protect me if anything happened to him. I’d be fine financially is what he told me.”

  My mind raced. I tried desperately to envision those papers again. It’d been a crazy time, and I’d been right in the middle of last minute wedding plans. I think he’d even brought them to me at the country club when I was going over the seating chart.

  “I’m worried that you signed something he can use against us. Our office here is emailing me a copy. They’re just waiting for Joe’s attorney to fax it over.”

  “Jensen, what in layman’s terms does this mean?” Bradley questioned. “Will this affect what you’re planning on presenting today?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ll know more when I get my hands on a copy of that document. I still think we have the upper hand. Joe and his team have no idea that Kelly is coming today. They believe I’m here representing her in absentia.

  “It’s best we stick to the plan no matter what happens with this crazy paper his counsel produces. When you walk in seven months pregnant, the game totally changes.”

  “Thanks, Jensen. It’s hard to believe Joe has kept his lawyers in the dark about the baby. It’s a game changer for sure.” Bradley was pleased with what he heard.

  I was still struggling, on the other hand. Maybe it was all those years living with a tyrant. Those kinds of memories fade slowly if at all. I knew what this man was capable of. I hadn’t followed his orders to get rid of the baby. And when I’d left him, even though he didn’t want me back, he had a point to prove. No one leaves Joe; he was the one to decide who left him. He would be out for revenge, and it was likely to get ugly.

  Finally, the car pulled up to the hotel in the downtown area. I scooted out of the backseat, and Jensen helped me out of the car. Once on my feet, Bradley was right behind me. He grabbed my hand and our fingers once again intertwined. His touch gave me support.

  “I’ll have the bellhop take the bags to our rooms. We need to discuss what’s going to happen again over a quick lunch. You all go ahead. Get Kelly out of the sun. They have a nice restaurant and it’s usually quiet. I stay here when I’m visiting our Atlanta firm.”

  “Sounds goo
d, but make sure they place Kelly’s bags in my room. She’ll be staying with me. That’s protected information under the attorney client privilege, okay?” Bradley smirked.

  “Got it.” Jensen winked back at us.

  Oh, great. Nothing like broadcasting that we’re going to be sleeping together later. But I really couldn’t think about that now. I needed to focus on the matter at hand. Getting out from under Joe’s control once and for all, not about having sex with Bradley. God, could my day be anymore mixed up?

  Bradley led me into the hotel. It had a beautiful lobby with shining marble and sparkling crystal light fixtures everywhere. There was a restaurant off to the side and we made our way toward it, walking together side-by-side. It felt like we were one and the same. I found him gazing at me lovingly. His affection was really all I needed when it came down to it.

  There was definitely something about this moment when our eyes met. A calm feeling washed over me and made me realize what was important.

  Bradley, my future, and the baby. Until now, I’d lived my life on what ifs. Afraid to leave Joe. Paralyzed by fear. I was sick of being weak, so it was time to change, starting now. Somewhere I had the strength to fight this cruel man and I wasn’t alone this time. I had the love of a beautiful man standing beside me. He was beautiful inside and out.

  “You know what, Bradley? I can do this, we can. No matter what happens, at the end of the day I have you. I can’t ask for anything more.”

  Suddenly, I found myself pulled into a corner next to some big tropical plant. Next thing I knew his lips were all over me. Kissing my face, behind my ear, and up and down my neck.

  Oh good God, his lips on my neck. I hadn’t felt them there in years. It was so intense. He had just a touch of scruff that tickled my skin. I was getting so worked up and felt hot all over. My knees wobbled as he made his way back up to my mouth. His arms were the only things supporting me. I can’t believe how just a few kisses made me go mad. I’d probably combust later in his room.


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