Intense 2

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Intense 2 Page 117

by Hebert, Cambria

  “What I’m about to say to you Joe is difficult for me. It’s hard to admit the man I married would behave the way you did toward your own child knowing I wanted to keep it.” I took a deep breath. Joe sat on the edge of his chair.

  “I have a statement to read related to my child. A dear friend in Dallas owns a PR firm and has a press release prepared for me. All I have to do is text her when I’m ready, and she will release it to all strategic media in Georgia and around the country.”

  No one, especially Joe, moved a muscle.

  “I’d like to read you the statement that will be released if you don’t agree to what my attorney has stipulated in my divorce offer.”

  I cleared my throat and pulled a paper out of my purse. It was folded over a couple of times, so perhaps it didn’t appear too scary and definitely not professional. But the punch from what I was about to read would flatten Joe to the floor. I’m pretty sure he didn’t think I had it in me. He was about to learn otherwise.

  “Kelly Parker Jeffries, wife of Joseph Jeffries, the current Deputy District Attorney for Cook County in Atlanta, has chosen to end her twelve-year marriage to Mr. Jeffries. Mrs. Jeffries left her husband after he found out she was carrying their child, and insisted she seek an abortion to terminate the pregnancy. The previous statement can be substantiated by an email conversation from Joe Jeffries to Kelly Jeffries.”

  I let the paper drop from my fingers as I finished reading it. The paper landed softly but the words hit like a bomb. After watching the white paper fall to the table, I raised my head to see Joe’s white face. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

  “Well, this makes things a little different, doesn’t it, Joe?” Bradley snapped. His disdain for Joe sounded out strong.

  “Unfortunately for my client, I’ll have to agree,” Byers spoke and leaned into Joe, whispering in his ear. Joe remained pale and I almost became worried about him… almost.

  “Kelly, I wish you would have disclosed this little PR move to me,” Jensen said but his smile gave away his true feelings. I think he might have been a little impressed. It definitely wasn’t what he had seen in me prior to today. Thank God Tina owned a PR firm. She’d helped me concoct this whole plan. She was the genius behind it all. I just had to have the gumption to use it if needed.

  “Sorry, but I thought I’d keep it secret. I really hoped I wouldn’t need to bring it out into the open. It’s hard to admit I was married to such a man,” I sighed knowing I had come face to face with an ugly reality. Joe had a heart of stone.

  “Either way, you’ve got him by the balls, Kelly.” Bradley held my hand tight. “Look at them all over there. Joe’s getting a come to Jesus talk from his attorneys right now. Guy looks like he’s about to puke.”

  “He does, doesn’t he?” I said and turned back to look at my beautiful man. “I think it’s over, Bradley. He’ll do anything he can to cover himself publicly. He has an image to uphold after all.”

  My side of the table sat silently, watching Joe implode in front of us. It didn’t take long for him to come around, though. They knew I was in my perfect right to disclose the truth behind Joe’s reaction to my pregnancy. And since he was a pro-life, family values political figure, his days were over in politics if the press release was circulated.

  “All right, Jensen. My client will sign the settlement today. As soon as it’s filed with the courts and approved, we will transfer funds into Mrs. Jeffries’, I should say Ms. Parker’s, account as the agreement also restores her maiden name.”

  I watched Joe sign a paper and then his attorneys signed, too. It was over. The feeling of being free was almost euphoric. Bradley pulled me to my feet and wrapped his big arms around me and for some strange reason I began to cry. I think it was relief. All the feelings and fears over what I’d been through came together and were released like a break in a dam.

  “Oh, babe. It’s all right and it’s over.” Bradley’s words soothed my soul and helped me quit crying. My life was set on a different course now. Love and commitment. It was ours.

  “You’re right.” I smiled up at him. He wiped my tears away from my cheek. We were in our own little bubble. It was as if no one else was around us. No attorneys a few feet away. No crazy ex-husband, either. Until we heard Joe from across the room.

  “Well, you got what you wanted all along, didn’t you, Bradley?” The venom in Joe’s voice was undeniable.

  “What are you talking about?” Bradley asked.

  Bradley had turned to face Joe while edging away from me toward the side of the table. I was afraid of what he might do to Joe, as he was beyond upset.

  “You know what I’m talking about,” Joe hissed. “You have my sloppy seconds and a whore’s son to raise.”

  The next few seconds seemed to go in slow motion as Bradley flew around the table and drew back his fist. I knew what was going to happen as he made his way to Joe. The next thing I heard was a simultaneous sound of a smack, a thud, and what might have been bones being crushed.

  Holy shit! All hell had broken loose. Joe had fallen to the floor and his attorneys gathered around him, shielding him from Bradley. I ran to Bradley’s side, trying to pull him off Joe.

  “You’re going to pay for this, Bradley.” Joe spit out a mouthful of blood. “You deserve that whore and her bastard child. Who knows? It’s probably yours anyway.”

  “You’d better shut up, Joe,” I warned. Byers called for Mindy on the desk interoffice phone. He told her to bring paper towels from the lounge and stressed the word “lots.”

  “I’m not raising a bastard child and you know it!” Bradley yelled. “You’re the only bastard in this room. What a sorry fuck up you are, too.”

  I clung to Bradley and wrapped my arm through his punching arm as I felt we’d had enough violence for one day. He’d stood up for our child and me. I couldn’t believe I could say that now but it was true. Bradley would be my baby’s father.

  “Don’t even think of pressing charges, either.” Bradley voice was steely. Not an ounce of emotion in them. “Press releases have a funny way of popping up when one least expects them. Really funny how that works.”

  A silent Joe lay on the ground in front of us, defeated and cowering. It was a picture in my mind that would never be forgotten.

  “Let’s go, Ms. Parker.” Bradley pulled me away from Joe and his attorneys. Jensen watched from afar, talking animatedly into his phone while giving us a thumbs-up as we walked to the door.

  “I think we have a bit of unfinished business back at the hotel,” Bradley whispered into my ear and a shiver of anticipation ran through me. His seductive words worked as an aphrodisiac, and I was thankful the hotel was just a block or two away. If I wasn’t pregnant, I would have run the distance.

  “Lead the way.” The thought of what awaited us back at the hotel made my blood race through my veins. I wasn’t sure how long this body of mine would hold out. I think I was operating on adrenaline at this point. If I could just keep it together and not give in to the exhaustion, I was pretty sure Bradley would make it worth my while. Those kisses he’d given me earlier still lingered on my lips, neck, and behind my ear. They were truly wicked and lethal to me.

  “Jensen, I think we’re finally finished here, don’t you agree?” Bradley crossed over to Jensen and extended his hand. “I have to say this one more time. I hope I never need your services again.”

  “Me too, Bradley,” Jensen agreed. “But this time I’m pretty sure they brought you the best thing in your life.”

  “Indeed.” Bradley and Jensen shook hands. I thanked him, too. Before I could extend my hand, Bradley had me out the door and clambering down the hallway. He was a man on a mission and I was fairly certain that mission was me. Lucky, lucky me.

  Chapter 9: Kelly’s Turn

  Giggling and holding hands like a couple of silly lovesick teens; we walked back to the hotel. We didn’t say much to one another. I think the promise of what was going to happen once we got there kept us quiet
with goofy smiles on our faces.

  We’d won today and it was time to celebrate. Once we arrived at the hotel, Bradley nearly slid me sliding across the marble floors of the lobby. I didn’t want to waste a second. The tension rose as we rode the elevator up with another couple. When we got off at our floor, he scooped me up into his arms, carrying me like a small child. Instinctively, my hands went around his neck and then his lips found mine. He kissed me with his eyes open or we’d have run into the hallways’ walls.

  “Reach into my suit coat pocket. The one on my left side, darling. I think you’ll find our room key.”

  I searched the inside of his jacket and felt the keycard resting there and pulled it out. My fingers ran across its outline. I turned in his arms and pushed the key into the slot. The green light appeared and somehow Bradley pushed down the door handle.

  Oddly enough, he only put his foot into the room, using it to hold the door open. I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t want to enter the room. We had both been hell-bent on getting in there to mess up those sheets.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “I need to ask you something before I carry you across this threshold.” He bit his lip and lowered his head. Could he be a little nervous? His actions weren’t the typical Bradley that I knew.

  “What is it, Bradley?” Surely, he wasn’t having second thoughts? I couldn’t bear that today. “You’re starting to worry me.”

  “Oh, please don’t worry, baby.” He kissed all over my face while pulling me a little tighter to his chest. I enjoyed his kisses but I worried that I was beginning to get too heavy for him.

  “I want to ask you something that I wish I could have asked you years ago.” He gazed into my eyes. They were so intense, full of fire, and mixed with a love that I couldn’t deny.

  “Will you marry me, Kelly? I want to make us, you, me, and the baby, an official family.”

  “Of course, I’ll marry you.” I tightened my arms around him while pressing my lips against his. My sweet and beautiful man. “But right now I’m dying to get into our room. I don’t think I can wait another second. These pregnancy hormones. They’re brutal and making me as horny as hell.”

  “Say no more, darling. I’m at your service tonight.”

  Bradley used his foot to push the door fully open. I heard it slam shut as he carried me to the bed. The room was dim. It gave the room a sexy ambiance, and also I wasn’t sure how much daylight I wanted streaming in on me. I doubted Bradley had ever seen a seven-month pregnant belly without clothes on. I didn’t want to scar him for life.

  He laid me across the bed, not letting my feet touch the floor. Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked up at him. His eyes were on fire and hooded. Their heat seemed to scorch me as he slowly browsed over my body.

  “Lay back, Kelly and let me show you how much I love you. This is all about you. I want to thank you for letting me back into your life.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with that. So I lay back and closed my eyes letting the moment sink in. I was finally going to be with him. I tried to squelch all of my insecurities, but it didn’t work. They floated around in my silly brain.

  He removed my heels. I felt his fingers on my feet. Massaging them, pressing into the arches. This simple touch ignited me. I couldn’t close my eyes any longer. I needed to see him and let him see what he was doing to me.

  “Bradley,” I moaned. “I can barely hold myself together, and you’re only touching my feet.”

  “Hush,” he whispered. “Concentrate on the pleasure, babe. Let it work through you.”

  He moved up to my calves, stroking lightly. Even his light touch made me squirm. I was not too proud to beg for more.

  “I need you. Please, Bradley.”

  “Relax, babe.” He moved his hands to my thighs and slipped them under my dress. My breathing stopped as I felt his finger grazing across my sex, touching me intimately, pressing into me and making me arch my back in a pleasurable pain.

  “You’re killing me.”

  “No, I’m going to make you come. It’s all right with the baby and all?” Sweet Bradley. We’d never really had this discussion and right now, it was the last thing I wanted to think about.

  “It’s more than fine and I’m more than ready. Please.” I panted as his fingers slipped inside my panties. “Don’t stop.”

  His thumb found my clit and pressed against me, then began moving in a torturous circle. I was so close to coming, and we’d only just begun to make love.

  “Too many clothes.” He stretched out beside me on the bed and kissed me on the lips as he reached behind me and gently pulled the zipper of my dress down. He rose to his knees next to me and slipped the dress down my arms. My black, lace bra was exposed, rising and falling with my rapid breaths.


  His hands possessed me as they covered my breasts. My nipples became hard and ached for his touch. He began to pinch and pull, and I could hardly control myself.

  “God, Bradley. I feel like I could come with just this.”

  “Not yet.” His voice was raspy with need. “I’ve just started to have fun with you.”

  Holy crap. Just started? I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a real non-battery operated orgasm. It might have been years. Joe had never given a shit about my needs once we were married.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been touched like this. I don’t think I can hold out long.”

  He unhooked my bra.

  “Love black lace, but I love these even more.” He kissed around my nipples. I felt his tongue licking. Teasing me. Driving me wild. I took his head in my hands, weaved my fingers through his hair, and pushed him into my breasts demanding more.

  “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?”

  My body cried out as he answered my want with his teeth rubbing across a nipple. The feeling sent heat through me down to my sex. I wanted him. I wanted more. I was an aching mess of want.

  He continued to suck on my nipples as he removed my dress. Bradley was a good multitasker, and my dress found its place beside my bra on the floor. Now the only barrier between us was my panties. I cringed when I thought of how large my belly was right now.

  “Bradley, I hope my big belly isn’t a turn off. I would…”

  “Not another word or thought. You’re sexy and beautiful. Lay back and let me show you.”

  My panties joined their fellow brethren on the floor. And my eyes meet Bradley’s. I wanted to see if he was being truthful when he saw me fully nude. His eyes were dark and full of desire. So I had to believe that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. His head dipped lower as I watched.

  His lips landed on the top of my thighs and he pulled my rear to the edge of the bed. I couldn’t really see what he was doing, but I had a pretty good idea what was next.

  Bradley ran his fingers up my inner thighs as he pressed my legs open. Then I felt his tongue. Oh, God, his glorious tongue was against me and inside me. Flicking over me. I was so close I had to ball the sheets up in my hands to keep from screaming like a lunatic.

  When he placed his fingers inside of me, I felt my orgasm getting even closer. He’d brought me to the edge and my legs began to shake.

  “Let go,” Bradley commanded as his tongue left my clit.

  His tongue returned to find me again, but this time it was joined with his lips. Those sweet lips began to suck on me and sent me falling. The pleasure was almost too much to handle. My screams were loud enough to alarm security. I’d never had an orgasm like this. It went on forever as he twisted his fingers around inside of me and flicked my clit with his tongue.

  Finally, my orgasm subsided, and truthfully, I was spent. I felt limp, lifeless. It was like every tense muscle in my body became shaky Jell-O.

  “Damn.” I giggled. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”

  “That’s just a start.” I felt Bradley’s fingers playing with me once again. Teasing. I was so sensitive where he li
ghtly touched me and knew it wouldn’t take much to get me worked up again. I’m not sure where he learned to make love like this, but he definitely had learned a few things in the fourteen years we’d been apart.

  But I didn’t want it to be all about me. He needed this as much as I did. He confessed that he’d not been with anyone in a year. Well, that drought was ending tonight, dammit.

  “It’s your turn now.” A quizzical look came from his eyes. “Lie down.”

  He hesitated and I had to get stern and bossy. “Now, mister. I have plans for you, too.”

  Gone was any self-consciousness on my part. I moved over his body completely nude. After all he’d just had me in his mouth, there was no need for modestly at this point.

  I started with his dress shirt. Button by button I worked away, stopping a few times to kiss his newly exposed chest and abs. Hard and toned, I felt his muscles flexing under my lips. He hummed in pleasure as I continued to place kisses on his skin, but I had other ideas for my lips.

  Once unbuttoned, I pushed the shirt off of him. Then I removed his socks and pants as he helped.

  He was down to his boxer briefs. My beautiful man. He appeared fully ready for me, filled out in all the right places, not a love handle in sight. Carved well and defined.

  I’d seen him before, made love to him countless times. Granted it was years ago, and he was a man now, but tonight there was something totally different between us. All the past memories didn’t seem to count. They’d faded and felt like a lifetime ago. We were truly having a new beginning.

  I found the waistline of his briefs, and he sucked in a breath as I felt under the elastic, stretching them, and pulling them down over his erection. I licked the length him, making him twitch. He was perfect. Tall, muscles, and all man. I could hardly stop staring at his perfection.

  His hands laced through my hair and subtly guided me back to his erection. I licked and sucked. Listened to his throaty moans.

  “Damn. I’m too close.” He pulled my head away. I looked up at him confused. I didn’t really know what he wanted me to do next. I was willing to do just about anything. Well, anything my body would let me.


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