Taste of Darkness

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Taste of Darkness Page 10

by Katie Reus

  Now that she knew how he felt about her, however? Her wolf had been let off that metaphorical leash and didn’t understand why she couldn’t have Drake, in her bed.

  Right freaking now.

  Growling to herself, she shifted forms on the dimly lit porch, skin replacing fur as the rush of the change overtook her. It was a momentary discomfort that gave way to pleasure. Once she stood, she stalked to the west edge of the long, wraparound porch on the first level and glared into the darkness of the woods, not caring that she was naked.

  “I can smell you, Rhea.” Victoria had scented the female on her run through the woods earlier, but the tricky female had stayed out of sight. She was pretty sure the warrior wasn’t alone. Finn had probably sent Solon too. Or maybe even Gabriel. Whoever else was with her, Victoria couldn’t scent. When Rhea didn’t respond, Victoria turned on her heel and headed for the front door, snagging the clothes she’d left folded. “If you get cold, there’s an extra bedroom,” she tossed over her shoulder as she stalked through the front door and locked it. If the female wanted in, she could ring the damn doorbell.

  Upstairs she could just faintly hear water running. The shower. Drake was in there, naked. How hot would it be if she jumped in there with him? Or how embarrassing would it be when he rejected her? That was a slap of icy water right in her face, pushing her sexual hunger back down a fraction. The male was so frustrating, even when he wasn’t trying to be.

  Frowning, she went to the refrigerator and yanked the door open. Her frown deepened at the sight of a bottle of champagne and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries. There was a small white note that said ‘Enjoy your stay’. Huh. Finn must have bought a special package or something. She would have to thank him later.

  Grabbing the bottle, two flutes and the plate, she left her clothes on the counter and headed to the living room area, naked. Just through the French doors there was a huge deck with a whirlpool hot tub off the south side of the house, with a direct lookout over the mountain. She was sure in the daytime it was a beautiful view. Right now, she didn’t care about the view.

  She was going to crack through Drake’s wall tonight. If her naked body wasn’t enough to do it, she was screwed. After turning on the whirlpool, she dipped her toes in the water and sighed in relief. The real estate woman hadn’t been kidding about getting this place ready. The water was warm and felt amazing. Quickly, she twisted her long hair into a knot at her nape so it wouldn’t get soaked.

  Sitting on one of the built in seats, she popped the champagne, poured two glasses, submerged deeper into the water and waited. Luckily she didn’t have to wait too long.

  She swore she felt him before she even heard Drake opening one of the doors behind her. That earthy scent rolled over her as she turned in her seat and crossed her hands under her chin to look up at him. He wore dark jeans that highlighted his muscular thighs, making the juncture between her own legs flood with heat. She just hoped the water covered her scent of desire. Or maybe she didn’t.

  “How was your run?” His voice sent a shiver through her, but he didn’t seem to notice. He also didn’t seem to notice her state of undress yet; he was too focused on her face.

  “Good. Why don’t you join me? Finn must have bought us a package or something because we had champagne and strawberries in the fridge. I managed to control myself from eating all of them.” At least her voice wasn’t shaky. She’d never been so bold before and was nervous about how he’d react to her being naked.

  His lips quirked up when he saw the chocolate-covered strawberries. “It’s a miracle you didn’t lick off…” His gaze burned bright as it strayed toward the water. He was towering above her and could no doubt see that she wasn’t dressed. He cleared his throat as his gaze snapped back to hers.

  His eyebrows drew together as he watched her, almost in question, but he didn’t say anything. Just stripped off his sweater, revealing all those delicious muscles she wanted to rub her face, tongue, breasts and fingers over. She wanted to cover every inch of him in her scent. It was totally primal and even though she’d always been in touch with her wolf side, she felt as if more of it was coming out now. Clawing away at the surface, wanting to take what was hers. This new side of herself was a little terrifying.

  His expression changed subtly, his desire shining clearly in his eyes. A burst of hope leaped inside her. Maybe this would work after all. When he started working the button of his jeans free, her mouth actually watered. Like she was Pavlov’s dog and he was the dinner bell. As he started to push them down his hips she turned away, champagne glass in hand. Her cheeks were flushed and it had nothing to do with the warm water.

  She couldn’t be ogling him like he was a steak dinner. She needed to be smooth about this so he wouldn’t bolt and so far, she was failing. Despite her desire to play it cool, she turned when he slid into the water. Disappointment punched through her when she saw he was wearing boxer briefs. Well, that and more lust. She could see the outline of his very hard length under the black cotton. That sight punched through most of her disappointment.

  Meeting his supernova gaze, she suddenly felt awkward. So much for a flawless seduction. Now things just felt weird. Hoping to keep things somewhat normal, she reached behind her for his glass and plucked it from the deck. “This champagne’s really good.”

  As he sank into the water across from her, he took it from her hand, his gaze dipping to her barely covered chest. Sure, the bubbles were fizzy and swirling, but her cleavage was clear.

  “Thanks,” he rasped out.

  Deciding to take a chance, she moved to his side of the hot tub and sat directly next to him. He went completely stiff, his back going ramrod straight, watching her almost warily. But the heat was still there, more than simmering now. The liquid silver of his eyes was mesmerizing, making her lightheaded. “What are you thinking right now?” she whispered, amazed she could talk at all.

  “I want to know what color your nipples are.” His eyes widened after he’d spoken, as if he was as surprised as she was by the bold statement.

  Her wolf pranced around in victory.

  Setting the glass behind them, she stood up, her nipples pebbling tight, the reaction a combination to the cool rush of night air and the heat from his gaze as they zeroed in on her pale, pink nipples. She felt exposed yet powerful standing in front of him like this. And so, so needy.

  His big body shuddered, his eyes going heavy-lidded as he set his own glass down. He leaned forward, his head dipping as if he wanted to taste her and it took all her restraint not to just shove her breasts at him. Because that would be a little crazy.


  Her nipples tingled, the heat between her thighs growing out of control as she stood there and he just watched. Hungrily.

  “Touch me?” It was supposed to come out as a seductive demand, but instead came out as a shaky question. She wanted his hands on her. Everywhere.

  This time when he reached for her with his big hand, he didn’t stop until he cupped her left breast. They both shuddered this time. Her heart pounding erratically, she kept her gaze on him, watching in fascination as color infused his cheeks. Not from embarrassment.

  He was ridiculously turned on. His breathing was harsh, uneven, and he looked as if he was about to pounce on her. Yes, please.

  She didn’t care that they were going from zero to this in one night because the truth was, this wasn’t a big jump. They’d been building to it from the moment they’d met. From the moment he’d burned all those vamps attacking her pack in that cemetery and gone all growly to anyone who looked at her wrong. He’d cemented everything when he’d given her the blade showing a wolf and dragon intertwined.

  Oh, so slowly, he rubbed a thumb over her nipple, teasing it, staring at it almost in awe. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his gaze zeroed in on her breast. Then he lightly pinched her nipple, as if testing her reaction.

  She couldn’t stop the groan that escaped. Didn’t want to. She wanted him to
know exactly what he did to her.

  Moving slowly, she closed the rest of the very short distance between them, the warm water swirling around her hips as she came to stand right in front of him. He looked almost nervous so she was going to make sure he knew all this was okay in her book.

  When she clutched onto his shoulders, he looked at her face, but still held her breast almost reverently. He was so gentle for such a big male. Digging her fingers into his muscles, she spread her legs and straddled him, her knees sliding against the smooth bench, her inner thighs rubbing against him as her bare mound moved over his unfortunately covered erection.

  He jerked against her, swallowing convulsively. “We shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  He seemed confused for a moment, as if he couldn’t remember what his silly reason was so she took advantage and kissed him. He didn’t need to be worthy or ready for her. That was such a ridiculous concept. She wanted him just as he was and made sure he knew it.

  She went slow enough that he could stop her if he wanted. When her lips touched his, soft and sweet, it was like coming home. It was the only way to describe the warmth that spread through her, starting where their mouths touched.

  Gently, she bit his bottom lip, tugging it playfully with her teeth, shivers racing through her when he rolled his hips against her. His other hand snagged around her waist, pulling her close as his tongue teased insistently against hers.

  As they learned the taste of each other, he continued strumming her nipple slowly, as if he had all the time in the world and nowhere to go. Which was good because that was exactly how she felt. She arched into his hold, letting her other breast rub against his chest, the friction making her crazy in the best way possible.

  She couldn’t even feel the cold air anymore; she was so surrounded by his heat and—Drake suddenly jerked back and pushed her off his lap, keeping his hands gripped tight around her hips before he shoved her behind him.

  That was when she realized two things simultaneously. One, they and the hot tub were freaking glowing, like a bright lighthouse beacon.

  And two, they weren’t alone.

  Chapter Eleven

  Drake stared at his two siblings who were watching him with grim expressions. DNA test or not, he was almost certain they were related as he looked at them now. And he was pretty sure the reason the female looked so familiar was because she was a replica of their mother. That thought was clear in his mind, like one of the bright neon signs on the wall at Howler’s. This female looked like his mother. Which meant he’d had one.

  His first instinct was to demand to know why they were here but he, Victoria and the hot tub were putting off an impossibly bright light and it was coming from him. As he looked around at the water, his anger at being interrupted fizzled, along with his lust. The light immediately dimmed. Behind him, Victoria peeked her head around him, but didn’t move. Probably because she was naked.

  “Why are you here?” he asked quietly.

  “We need to talk but perhaps you both would like to put on some clothes?” His sister glanced away as she spoke, looking out over the moon and starlit mountains.

  His brother did the same, turning around to give them privacy.

  Drake reached around and squeezed Victoria’s hip. He didn’t want to take his eyes off the other two. Even if his instinct told him they weren’t enemies, he wasn’t taking any chances with Victoria’s safety.

  She paused and he could tell she didn’t want to leave but finally she said, “I’ll be right back.”

  He inwardly smiled but didn’t move a muscle until she was inside. Once the door shut behind her, he moved from the hot tub and tugged his clothes on. “Talk.”

  At that one word they both turned around to face him.

  “You’re serious with the shifter.” Conall wasn’t asking as he watched Drake intently.

  The shifter? “Her name is Victoria.” He didn’t keep the edge from his voice as he walked around the hot tub, closing the distance between them. Motioning to the line of cushioned, oversized, wooden chairs, he lifted his eyebrows. Unless they planned to attack, they could all sit and act somewhat civil. Even if that was an illusion for all of them.

  “I know. I… We haven’t been introduced properly and I didn’t know if I should call her by her first name.” Conall actually flushed, seeming embarrassed as he and Keelin moved to the chairs.

  The sight eased something tight in Drake’s chest. “You can call her Victoria.”

  Conall cleared his throat again. “I’m sure you know by now but I’m Conall and this is Keelin.” He motioned to his sister who was watching him silently, her gray eyes moist. Crap, was she crying?

  At the sound of the French door opening he turned to find Victoria stepping out. She’d pulled her hair out of the twist thing and it fell in soft waves around her shoulders and over her breasts. Breasts he’d gotten to see and touch. Soon he’d be doing a whole lot more. He should hold off and wait until he had more to offer, but after having a taste of her—it wasn’t happening. He only had so much control. Just like the male he’d been in Hell, he certainly wasn’t a gentleman. His need to claim Victoria was damn near overwhelming, overriding everything else.

  She wore dark jeans and a blue cashmere sweater much too big because it was his. She’d given him the sweater for Christmas—the first time he’d ever celebrated—and he loved that she’d put it on now. Now his scent would cover her even more.

  Smiling in that soothing way of hers, she directed her warmth at the others as she approached. “We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Victoria.”

  After introductions were made, they all sat. Drake didn’t know what to say and thankfully Victoria broke the ice. “Why don’t you tell us why you’re here, other than to see your brother?”

  “You believe we’re siblings?” Keelin asked, her voice as soft as it had been at Bo’s club. The hope there made him feel guilty for the way he’d reacted before.

  He shot Victoria a quick look for support before focusing on Keelin. “I would like to do a DNA test, but yes.”

  Relief bled into her gray eyes as she smiled. “We followed you from Biloxi because we’re not letting you out of our sight. Whether you want our help or not, you’re getting it. You’re our blood and even if you don’t remember us, we remember you. You were the best big brother, protective and loving and…” Keelin’s voice broke but she didn’t break his gaze.

  Something warm spread through his chest, his throat growing tight, but he wasn’t certain how to respond to the kind words. He was getting used to it from Victoria, but this female was still a stranger. “Do you look like our—your—mother?” It felt too strange to say our when for so long he feared he’d either been abandoned by his parents or never had them at all. As if he was this thing who’d just been spawned and left to rot in Hell.

  She nodded, her long blonde ponytail falling over her shoulder. “People say we’re carbon copies.”

  “Is she…” He couldn’t say it.

  “Both our parents are alive but they’re in a Protective Hibernation.” This time Conall answered.

  He wasn’t exactly sure what that was, but he could guess. “Protective Hibernation?”

  Conall answered. “They found a place to go to ground—a cave most likely—and barricaded themselves in. No one knows the exact location, but it’s on our clan’s land. We’re sort of like bears in that sense, but we hibernate for a lot longer.”

  That sounded familiar. If Drake remembered right, dragons came out of Protective Hibernation only when they were ready and could remain in hiding for decades, even longer. “How long have they been in it?”

  “Hundreds of years.”

  Yes, that definitely sounded familiar. He didn’t respond.

  “I was in one too, for a long time. I only came out a year ago. This new world is fascinating. Are you finding it the same?” Keelin said.

  Drake’s gaze swung back to Keelin. “Anything would be better than Hell

  When her eyes went wide, as if she didn’t know what to say, guilt immediately speared through him. He hadn’t meant to make her feel awkward.

  “Is a Protective Hibernation something all dragons do?” Victoria asked, smoothly taking over.

  He reached out, taking her hand in his, his inner dragon calming when she linked their fingers.

  Keelin shook her head. “No. My mother insisted I go into one to keep me safe.” Bitterness laced her words.

  Drake wondered if it had anything to do with him being taken but didn’t ask.

  Conall cleared his throat. “We need to talk about what’s happening between you two. When you were in the hot tub, you were sending out a beacon to pretty much all supernatural beings, letting anyone within distance see your light.”

  “What was that?” He hadn’t even known he was producing the light until he’d sensed a shift in the atmosphere and saw his siblings standing on the deck.

  “When dragons mate we put off an energy. It manifests in different ways, but the Petronilla clan, your clan, gives off light.”

  Petronilla clan. Yes, he knew that name. “Mate?” He wanted Victoria for his mate, but he hadn’t planned to take her tonight.

  Conall nodded. “Even humans, if there were any around here tonight, could have seen. It’s why we’re careful when we mate.”

  “When you say mate, do you mean have sex or do you mean actually take a mate?” Victoria asked.

  Conall looked at her, his gaze shuttered. “Take a mate. Once a dragon picks a mate, we tend to put off that glow whenever we’re with our chosen in a sexual way until the mating is complete.”

  Victoria’s fingers tightened in Drake’s, but she didn’t look at him as she continued. “Are there any specific uh, rituals or, I guess traditions when dragons mate?” Her cheeks had flushed pink and Drake loved that she was asking.


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