In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Bowles, Jan

“As bad as that?”

  “Yes, as bad as that.” Her mind focused on her sister, and anger seethed inside her. Her head hurt even more as she tried to figure it all out. It seemed impossible to comprehend that she’d lost everything. Teardrops fell from her eyes, running down her cheeks to converge around her mouth. There was no way she’d let him know she was crying, so she stopped herself from wiping them away.

  It seemed to be getting hotter, and she struggled for breath. The dizziness returned, and as if in slow motion, she felt herself falling, falling. She just hoped it would be a soft landing.

  * * * *

  Without warning, she slumped forwards, and her head touched the neck of their mount, Apollo. Luckily, Keaton had a firm grip around her waist. He pulled her back against him. Holding her in his arms, he removed her hat and looked down into her face. Tears stained her cheeks, yet he hadn’t known she was crying. He guessed she’d deliberately kept it from him. Obviously she didn’t want his sympathy. Or maybe she thought he had none to give.

  He withdrew his cell phone from his jeans and made a call.

  “Helena, it’s Keaton. You’d better get the doctor. Maddie is suffering from heat exhaustion.”

  “I’ll get him straight away, sir.”

  “We’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  He returned the cell phone to his pocket, and urged Apollo into a canter.

  Something didn’t sit right with him. Why had Maddie jeopardized a career she so obviously loved? She’d been so dedicated, too. She’d even lost her partner over it. However, she’d told him she really loved her house. Maybe that had caused her to turn to crime. He supposed she’d do anything to keep up the payments. He shook his head. No, there was more to this than he first realized. He would make a point of getting to the bottom of it. When she felt better, he’d find out a little more about her sister, Simone.

  * * * *

  The rest of the evening was just a blur. She’d been vaguely aware of Keaton carrying her up to her bedroom, and then the doctor had arrived. He’d prescribed bed rest and plenty of fluids.

  Later, she had wondered if Keaton would still expect her in his room, but Helena, his housekeeper, had brought word with a hot cocoa that he would see her at breakfast the next day.

  She realized that Keaton Rivers was firm but fair, and that he’d looked after her. He was reading his newspaper as she eased herself into the dining chair the next morning.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Much.” He was staring at her empty cereal bowl, and she knew he was watching to see if she would eat something. This time she had learned her lesson. If she was going to get her revenge on Simone, she needed to be fit and healthy.

  Leaning forward, she picked up a container of cereal and loaded her bowl with it.

  Keaton folded his newspaper and relaxed back against his chair. She guessed he’d half expected her to still put up a fight.

  “Thank you for being so understanding yesterday.” She poured on milk and began eating. “I’ve learned my lesson. If I don’t eat and keep from wallowing in self-pity, I might not be fit enough to seek out my sister and give her a good hiding.”

  He nodded and smiled. “Good. I’ve read some interesting articles about your sister, Simone.”

  Maddie’s attention sharpened, and she lifted her head to look at him. “Is there something in the newspaper about her?”

  He shook his head. “No news of her today.” She relaxed slightly, and Keaton continued, “I just wondered if any of the rumors about her were true.”

  Maddie spooned some cereal to her mouth. “Which ones? There’s been plenty of stories circulating.”

  He drummed his fingers on the table as he stared intently at her. “The wild parties, for one?”

  “True.” Why should she lie? Simone was the last person she wanted to protect.

  “And what about the drugs? Was there any truth in that?”

  Maddie nodded, a cynical smile pinned to her lips. “Absolutely true.” She pointed the spoon at him. “What you have to realize is, Simone is completely out of control. She’s spoiled and has an ego the size of Texas. When she fell in with the wrong crowd…” She thought for a moment. “In this case, the wrong crowd was not some low-lives from the rough end of town, but highly respectable professional people who indulged in, shall we say, recreational cocaine. Amongst other illegal narcotics.”

  “Figures. So did she have enough money to fund this extravagant lifestyle?”

  “At first she did, but when she didn’t turn up for castings and major bookings, the work dried up. She still might be famous, but it’s more for what she does outside the modeling industry now.”

  He stared at her. His blue gaze held her entranced. “And did she ask you for money? Is that why you couldn’t keep up with the payments on your house?”

  “Partly. At first I wanted to help out, at least to see if I could get her into rehab. It did work, but the people she became involved with sought her out.” She shrugged. “I guess the rest is history. So, yes, when I put my house up for sale, she had a big part to play.”

  “Now I can see exactly what drove you to steal the money.” His lips compressed together, and she had the distinct feeling that he was annoyed with her. He now had the perfect reason why she’d stolen the money. He rose from the table. “I said yesterday that I would be going shooting. A little target practice first. Would you like to come?”

  If she turned him down, she might never be asked again, and rattling around the ranch all day on her own was a lonely experience. Maddie had always been more of a social animal.

  “Thank you, I’d like that.”

  “Can you shoot?”

  She shook her head. “I know nothing about guns.”

  “Good, then I will enjoy teaching you the correct way. I’ll be leaving in,” he looked at his watch, “a half hour.” With that, he left the room.

  Maddie wondered if she had done the right thing by accepting his invitation, then shrugged her shoulders. What did it matter? Surely, he wouldn’t have asked her if he didn’t want her to come. She just couldn’t shake the feeling that he had something more to say.

  * * * *

  Keaton watched as Maddie emerged from the ranch wearing jeans and a multicolored chiffon blouse. She looked much better than she had yesterday.

  He remembered what he had learned this morning about her sister, Simone. Why would a sister be so selfish? And why hadn’t Maddie told him the whole truth? Well, later on he would enjoy getting to the very bottom of this sorry mess.

  He opened the passenger door to the black Mustang and she slid inside, revealing the swell of her ample cleavage as she leaned forward.

  Yes, tonight he would get to sample everything that Maddie had to offer. He’d make it a night to remember in more ways than one. There was something in particular that he wanted to show her, something that he would enjoy surprising her with.

  He must have been smiling as he settled into the seat next to hers, because she commented, “You seem in good spirits.”

  He turned to her, focusing on her pale green eyes. “I am. I’ve just discovered something rather interesting.”


  “Hmm.” If he wasn’t careful he’d let the cat out of the bag and ruin the surprise element. He gunned the car into life, reveling in the heady offbeat sound of the V8. “I’ve just shed some new light on a business agreement, Maddie. That’s all.”

  He drove for several minutes down the dusty dirt track, all the while aware of the woman sitting next to him. Occasionally, he caught a whiff of her perfume, reminding him how incredibly feminine and soft she was.

  Eventually, they reached his private shooting range and parked the car. He stilled the engine, and then turned to Maddie. “Now, we’ll be firing live bullets, so you need to follow everything I say to the letter. Understand?”

  Her eyes looked huge, and he knew the idea of live rounds scared her.

  “Perhaps it’s best if I just w

  “Maybe. We’ll see. There’s no reason to worry if you follow everything I say.” He stroked a hand into her hair and tucked a few stray tendrils behind her ear. He noted with some satisfaction that she accepted his touch without surprise or by pulling away. Maddie was clearly warming to the way he worked. And because she was neither submissive nor combative once out of the bedroom, he realized he was warming to her, too.

  “Come on, I’ll show you around.” He guided her to the range. “I had this built a couple of years ago.” His staff had prepared a table with an awning earlier in the morning. It gave dappled shade to the two chairs placed beneath it. He pointed to the excavated earth that lay sculpted around a pit dug into the side of the hill and allowed a line of paper targets to stand safely in a row.

  “It’s very impressive, Keaton.”

  “It’s all fully automated.” He pressed a button on the table and the targets fluttered like drying laundry toward them. Within seconds, he had them returning to the range.

  “Make yourself comfortable. It’s been quite a while since I was last here. Work pressures see to that. Let’s see if I’ve still got the knack.”

  Chapter Nine

  Maddie relaxed into the soft seating, glad for the shade that the awning gave. Keaton had brought a cooler box full of drinks and food, and she opened a bottle of sparkling mineral water. This time she’d make sure she didn’t dehydrate.

  The light breeze that blew in occasionally from the west kept her cool, although whenever she looked at Keaton, her temperature rose. What was it with jeans, cowboy boots, and Stetsons, anyway? The man looked like he’d just stepped off the movie set of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Every so often he’d fire off a quick succession of rounds, and then bring the targets up for inspection, some of which he’d replace. He seemed meticulous about safety. The barrel of his shotgun, when not in use, was left open and pointed at the ground. The earlier anxiety she’d felt at the mention of live bullets had eased somewhat. There was something quite macho and exciting about guns that turned her on, even though she would hate to admit it. However, she definitely had second thoughts about having a go herself.

  After a flurry of bullets, he turned and started to walk back to where she sat. “We’ll have some lunch, and then you can have a go with the hand gun. It will be lighter and easier for a woman to handle.”

  He placed his shotgun back in its gun case, along with the rounds of live bullets, and then took the seat beside her. His long legs stretched out as he relaxed back in the chair.

  “How did you do?”

  “Rusty at first, but I soon got back into it. Working in the city means I miss out on all of this. I’d much rather be here at the ranch, close to nature. I’m a natural cowboy at heart.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  “What? Give up my position at Goldstein Rivers?” He opened the cool box and handed her a sandwich.

  “Yeah, why not?”

  “I took over as CEO at Goldstein Rivers when my father died. I hold the majority of shares in the company. What I say goes, and all my employees know it. I’m not ready to hand over power just yet, although the idea of breeding horses on this ranch appeals to me. It’s something I may do when I retire.”

  Maddie peeled the foil from her sandwich. God, pastrami again. She wrapped it back up and placed it on the table.

  Keaton didn’t miss a trick. “I hope you’re going to eat that.”

  She shook her head. “I hate pastrami.”

  “But you ate it yesterday.”

  “I did it to please you.”

  He looked amused. “You ate something you hate in order to please me?”

  “I thought that was the type of relationship we had, although I have to admit, I was extremely hungry at the time.

  He shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “Now we’re getting somewhere. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Believe me, I can’t. What happens between us is by mutual consent. I enjoy dominating you, and you enjoy being dominated by me.”

  A tight coil of desire centered low in her stomach at the way he looked at her. His bright blue gaze burned into her very being. My God, what did he have in store for her this evening?

  Breaking eye contact, he reached into the cool box and fished out another sandwich. He pushed it toward her. “I hope you like tuna.”

  “I do, but how do you figure mutual consent when I have little choice in the matter?”

  “It’s the way your body responds to mine. You like what I do, and you’re already looking forward to tonight.”

  Maddie felt her cheeks flush with heat, and she hurriedly turned her attention to her food. Keaton made it worse when he laughed out loud. Thankfully, he just left her to drown in her own embarrassment because she knew what he’d said was absolutely true.

  * * * *

  He lifted the handgun from the case and grabbed some live cartridges. “Come, Maddie, it’s time to teach you how to shoot.”

  He waited for her to come to the center of the range and then held up the gun. “Now, this is a forty-four Magnum. At the moment, there aren’t any rounds in it, so it’s perfectly safe.” He showed her the empty chamber and then handed it to her.

  She held it gingerly as though it was about to explode. “It’s very heavy, Keaton.”

  “Yes, it carries quite a kick, too. It’s the exact gun that Clint Eastwood had in the Dirty Harry movies.” He laughed out loud and then said, “You remember the one. ‘Make my day punk,’” in his best Clint Eastwood voice.

  He stood behind her and directed her. “Now, using both hands, take the weight of the gun in your dominant hand. That’s it. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, your left leg slightly forward.” He heard her gasp as he gently kicked her legs into position with his feet. God, she smelled good this close up. “Raise your arm until your elbow is almost straight. That’s it, good girl. Now line up the two sights on the target.”

  “Feel happy?” he asked when she’d followed his instructions.

  She nodded.

  “Now gently squeeze the trigger. Don’t jerk it.”

  The soft click of the trigger being pulled belied the power that could be unleashed.

  “Now, let’s try it with a live round. Keep the gun pointing down at all times until you raise it to the target, okay?” He placed a live bullet into the chamber and handed it back to her.

  “Keaton? Do you think it’s wise handing me a loaded gun when I still owe you half a million dollars?”

  She said it so casually, but he couldn’t help but hear the irony in her voice.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not about to step into your line of sight, and somehow I don’t think you’re the murdering type. Now remember what I told you. Take your time, and when you’re ready, take aim and squeeze the trigger.”

  When Maddie lifted the gun, he saw she had difficulty stopping it from shaking due to a combination of its weight and her anxiety.

  She sighed and let her arms down. “I guess you were right. I can’t do it. It scares the hell out of me.”

  “Shall I help you?”

  “Would you? I know I’m being a girly, but I’ve always had a fear of guns.” He heard the worry in her voice.

  “It’s okay.” He moved behind her, pressing his chest against her back. He could feel nervous tremors racking through her body, and he couldn’t decide whether it was because of his close proximity or the gun. “Shh. Now raise the gun again, and I’ll squeeze the trigger for you.”

  He ran his hands down her arms, enjoying the response as she shivered from his touch. He cupped her hands in his as she held the gun and pressed his body firmly against her back. “Now line it up with the target and breathe in. When you breathe out, I’ll squeeze the trigger, okay?”

  Regaining her composure, she nodded. Just as she began to exhale, he pulled the trigger. The loud bang had her backing into him even more. It made him feel
needed, and he wrapped an arm possessively around her waist.

  “Wow. That has some kick to it.”

  “Yeah, it’s probably a little too powerful for a woman. Want another go?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think my shoulder will stand any more.” She made to move, but he held her more firmly around the waist.

  “Not so fast. How does it feel to have something so potent and explosive in your hands?” he whispered against her ear.

  A strangled moan escaped her lips, and he knew she’d caught the double meaning to his words. He smiled to himself. He’d push her just a little further.

  “I’ve got something equally hard as steel for you tonight. I know you’ll enjoy it.”

  He knew he’d hit his mark when she breathed deeply and lowered her head. “Keaton, I can’t think straight when you talk like that.”

  “You don’t need to think. You just need to feel.” She ignored what he’d said and handed the gun back to him. “Do I unnerve you, Maddie?”

  “You know you do.”

  A moan escaped her lips as he slipped a hand inside her blouse and gently caressed her breasts, tugging at her nipples before placing the barrel of the gun between her cleavage.

  “You’re frightening me, Keaton. Please don’t do that. Is it loaded?”

  “Yes. It wouldn’t be exciting if it was empty. Go on, admit it, Maddie. The feel of a loaded gun between your breasts really turns you on. It makes you feel alive.”

  “Yes, it does, but you’re freaking me out.”

  He laughed. “You protest too much. I know you like the feel of it next to your skin.” Satisfaction flooded through him as she ground her ass back against his hard cock.

  Taking the gun from between her breasts, he placed it on the table. He smoothed his hands down to her jeans and unbuttoned the waistband. When he teased his fingers into her panties, a small animal cry left her lips. Her pussy was soaking wet. “I’m so glad I turn you on, Maddie,” he whispered gently into her ear.

  The words, “Oh, fuck,” hissed from his lips as her fingers explored his throbbing shaft through the material of his jeans. It was the first time she had ever touched him intimately.


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