Paranormal Dating Agency: Lycan Her Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Wolf's Hunger Book 14)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Lycan Her Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Wolf's Hunger Book 14) Page 4

by Bella Roccaforte

  “He’s not doing well at all.” Kristi’s brows knit together with concern.

  Zane is in wolf-form pacing back and forth in the cell. Gerri approaches the cell she doesn’t have to lean down to be eye level with the wolf, “Can you shift back?”

  Zane bares his teeth in answer.

  “I have the solution, but I’m going to need you to shift and behave yourself.” Gerri’s tone is scolding hoping to get his attention.

  Kristi and Gerri watch as Zane struggles to shift to human form. A complete sense of defeat fills the jailhouse. He can’t do it. He howls in pain.

  “Come on sweetheart, I know you can do this. I’ve found your mate, you just have to claim her.” Gerri leans closer to the bars and with a smile dancing on her lips says, “She’s incredibly beautiful.”

  Zane paces and tests the bars again reaching out using the pack link, “I can’t, I’m hungry.”

  Gerri glances back at Kristi. “I need you get him something to eat.”

  “I can’t leave, and Clint isn’t scheduled to relieve me for another hour,” Kristi says with remorse.

  Gerri turns her stout frame toward Kristi taking a few steps toward her. “Sweetheart. Do you really think he’s going to be able to get out of that cage? I’ll keep an eye on him, go!” She shoes her with her hands.

  Kristi’s eyes dart from Gerri to Zane then back to Gerri again. “Okay, but you stay put. I don’t want to lose my job over this.”

  “You won't. Trust me.” Gerri says physically pushing her out the door.

  Kristi leaves and Gerri makes quick work of the bars across the cell door. She’s quite strong for the small little thing that she is. She fishes around on the desk for the keys and goes to the cell and looks Zane in the eye. “I know you’re not acting or feeling like yourself right now. But you have to trust me if you don’t come with me, you’re going to be lost forever.”

  Zane paces in the cell, he feels how close he is to freedom, he lets out a howl.

  “I’m serious. Feed and then you have to meet me at the crossroads in an hour, do you understand?” Gerri says with warning.

  Zane lets out a quick bark and paws at the cell door. Gerri slides the key in the lock, before swinging the door open she looks Zane in the eye one last time, “Run, feed and meet me in one hour.”

  Before Gerri can open the door, Zane pushes it open and breaks through the door. He runs straight for the tree line and out of sight.

  Gerri puts the key on the desk, brushes herself off, picks up the duffle bag and leaves.


  Kristi nervously walks up the three steps outside the small Sheriff’s cabin. There’s a sense of dread pulling at the pit of her stomach as she opens the door. She’s not surprised to find the building empty.

  “Shit!” She hisses and puts the bags of food down on the desk.

  “You done fucked up this time, girl,” Ryland says coming through the doorway. “I just saw him hauling ass in the woods.”

  “And you assume this is my fault?” Kristi knows it’s her fault. She left him alone with Gerri, abandoning her post.

  “Yes,” Ryland says walking across to the open cell door. “Did you just let him out?”

  “No, I had to get him something to eat.” She hesitates before telling the rest of the story. “He has The Hunger and if he doesn’t eat…”

  Ryland’s eyes snap to hers, “I know he has The Hunger and we can’t contain him.”

  “Gerri Wilder, she was here,” Kristi explains. “She said she found his true mate, and it will cure him.”

  Ryland freezes in place, “He has to be put down.”

  Anger rages through Kristi, “And you’ll finally get what you want.”

  Ryland’s caught by surprise at her comment, “What do you think I want?”

  “To eliminate the only threat in this pack.” She says boldly.

  “You think I’m threatened by that half-breed piece of shit?” He doesn’t await her answer, “I’m just glad I’ll finally be able to take out the trash.”

  Ryland goes to the gun safe and unlocks it pulling out a rifle and box of silver bullets.

  Kristi’s eyes widen, “You can’t kill him, he hasn’t done anything wrong.”

  “All the elk he’s killed? The fights he’s started? He’s done enough.” Ryland says loading the magazine.

  “You can’t sentence him to death for killing some elk.” Kristi’s waves her arms in outrage.

  “I can, and I will.” Ryland slams the magazine into the rifle and heads for the door.

  Kristi chases after him tugging at his sleeve, “This is wrong, Ryland. You can’t do this.”

  Ryland turns to her in a menacing way, “He’s out of control. It’s only a matter of time before this escalates. He won’t be able to shift to human form and he’ll be a danger to everyone.” Ryland continues forward to his truck.

  Kristi shrinks back and remembers how Zane couldn’t shift. “But Gerri found his mate.” Kristi pleads, “He’ll be better once they’re together.”

  “No, that makes him even more of a problem.” Ryland tosses the rifle on the seat of the truck and climbs in.

  “Ryland, please!” Kristi bleats chasing after the truck, but Ryland ignores her.

  Kristi stands in the cloud of dust left behind. If Gerri can cure The Hunger, what’s the problem? She doesn’t understand why Ryland is so hell-bent on killing Zane.

  She walks back into the cabin and kicks the chair over. She wants to wreck the place out of anger. She and Zane have been friends for a long time and he deserves better than this.

  Something sparkling on the floor catches her eye, she leans over and picks it up. It’s Gerri Wilder’s card. She dials the number.

  “Gerri Wilder, Paranormal Dating Agency.” She answers.

  “Gerri, it’s Kristi. The deputy.” She says in a half panic.

  “I know who you are, dear. I’m sorry we had to take off, but I have to get Zane to his mate. It’s the only thing that will save him.” Gerri says in a calm tone.

  “Is he with you?” Kristi asks.

  “Not yet, but he’ll be meeting me shortly.” Gerri answers.

  “Ryland’s pissed, he’s on the warpath and he’s got a rifle full of silver bullets. He’s going to kill Zane if he sees him.” Kristi needs to make sure he’s safe. “Ryland’s...scared.”

  “He should be scared,” Gerri says as though it’s obvious.


  “Because if Zane finds his true mate, he’ll gain his Alpha power.” Gerri explains, “His father was an Alpha.”

  “True, but his mother was human,” Kristi argues.

  “Doesn’t matter. That’s how The Hunger works and that’s why Ryland’s so spooked.”

  “What are we going to do?” Kristi paces the floor with worry.

  “You don’t have to do anything, dear. I’ve got everything under control. Zane is going to meet me, and I’m going to bring him to his mate. Then all will be well.” Gerri’s tone is reassuring, but Kristi is still concerned.

  “What if Ryland finds him before you do?” Kristi asks with a lump of emotion balled in her throat.

  “He won’t. Fate is far more powerful than an angry wolf.” Gerri says, “Don’t worry hun, everything is going to be okay.”

  “Please take care of him,” Kristi says before hanging up the phone.

  She stands in the doorway of the cabin looking out at the pack unsure of how all of this is going to unfold. If Zane gains Alpha power, he’ll never be allowed to come back.

  Chapter Eight

  Gerri pulls over to the side of the road, gets out of her SUV and opens the back hatch. She can smell Zane’s scent nearby and hear his paws pounding on the ground. She reaches out to him with the pack link, “Zane, we’ve got to go. Come on now.”

  Zane’s huge black wolf emerges from the tree line and leaps into the back of the SUV. Gerri quickly closes the hatch and gets in the driver's seat. She puts the car in gear and peels out
getting back on the road.

  “Can you shift?” She asks looking in the rearview.

  Zane doesn’t answer, he scratches at the back door growling.

  “Calm down, don’t scratch the leather.” Gerri snaps at him. A truck coming up behind them fast catches her attention. “Oh hell no.”

  Gerri slams her foot on the gas speeding down the mountain, muttering, “Who does that son-of-a-bitch think he is? Chasing after me like a madman. I’ll cut his balls off.”

  Zane watches carefully out the back window as Ryland draws closer.

  “Zane, I need you to shift,” Gerri demands.

  Zane tries to shift, but still can’t manage. He tries to focus, but nothing happens. He reaches out to her via the pack link, “I can’t shift.”

  “Then stay down.” She answers.

  The sound of gunfire crackles in the air and the back window of the SUV shatters. Gerri is torn between wanting to stop and take Ryland to task, but she has to get Zane down the mountain.

  “Call Theron,” Gerri calls out in the car to activate her Bluetooth phone.

  “Gerri?” Theron answers.

  “Where are you?” She demands.

  “I’m south of Duskmoon like you asked.” He answers with worry in his tone. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, it’s not. I’m going to need your help.” She says as Ryland fires a volley of shots.

  “Is that gunfire?” Theron asks in a panic.

  “Yes. We’re almost to you. I’m going to need you to get this guy off my ass.” Gerri yells out. “Zane, you still okay?”

  Zane growls, trying to decide if he can fit through the blown out back window.

  “I’ll kill him,” Theron says with grit in his voice.

  “No, just get him off me.” Gerri orders.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Theron agrees.

  Gerri waves as she passes by Theron in a truck at the side of the road. Theron pulls out slamming into Ryland’s truck pushing him off the road.

  “Okay, Gerri. You’re clear.” Theron says over the speakers.

  “Thank you, hun. Remember, don’t kill him. We need him alive.” Gerri says clicking the button on her touchscreen.

  “Okay, Zane should be smooth sailing from here,” Gerri says gripping the wheel.

  Chapter Nine

  Emma sits in her apartment checking the time again. She’s been waiting for Gerri’s call which is now more than an hour overdue. She kicks her heels off, puts her feet on the coffee table and grabs the bag of chips. “Even the matchmaker stands me up.” She says blowing out a breath. “I can’t believe I put pantyhose on for this.”

  She jumps when her phone chirps with a call, “Hello?”

  “Emma. Sweetheart.

  I’m so sorry I’m late, we ran into a bit of trouble.” Gerri says in a calm tone, but there’s a lot of wind in the background.


  “Yes, but everything’s okay, but we’re going to have a slight change in plans,” Gerri says with confidence.


  “We’re going to be at your apartment in about ten minutes.” She says. “Now, this is very irregular for how this should normally go, but is there really a normal when it comes to love?” Gerri laughs for a moment. “Don’t answer that.”

  “Um…” Emma doesn’t know what to say.

  “Just, keep an open mind.” Gerri hesitates.

  “Okay.” Emma answers cautiously, “I will. So are you coming here and then we’ll meet him?”

  “No, usually I would’ve just sent him to pick you up, however, that’s not going to work right now,” Gerri says.

  “Okay, so you’re bringing him here?” Emma says, hoping to God it’s a him. She’s unsure what Gerri means by open-minded. “You do know I prefer men, right?”

  Gerri laughs boisterously, “Of course I know you prefer a male. Don’t worry your pretty head about it. Five more minutes. We’ll be there.”

  “Okay.” Emma agrees and looks around the apartment.

  With Jenn gone, it stays pretty neat, but she makes quick work of some of the clutter and the bag of potato chips.

  A knot of excitement and apprehension grows in Emma’s stomach and she regrets eating the chips. The knock at the door draws her attention, she smooths out her skirt and heads for the door.

  She opens it and her mouth hangs open. There in the doorway is Gerri and the huge black wolf from her dreams.

  Gerri begins with no apprehension, “Now I asked you to keep an open mind.”

  Emma walks past Gerri as though she isn’t there, “You.” It comes out on a whisper as she kneels down to Zane nuzzling his huge head and running her fingers through his fur.

  Relief mingled with excitement ribbons through Emma, as though she’s able to breathe and feel alive. Her eyes well with tears as she buries her nose in his fur. Zane takes a step back shifting into human form quicker than he ever has before.

  He closes the distance between them stopping short in front of her. Hesitant to touch her for fear she might not be real. He lifts his hand and slowly brushes the hair back from her face, then sliding his finger under her chin to lift her eyes to his, “You.”

  He can smell her arousal and has no way of hiding his own since he’s wearing nothing but a smile.

  Emma smiles and falters at the intensity of his stare, heat travels up her neck and her face reddens.

  Zane captures her gaze gently cradling her in his arms, “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, smelling you, needing you since the moment I first saw you. Now I’m going to make you mine.”

  “How…” She asks caught in his gaze.

  “I don’t know, but I’ve never felt so much happiness as I do in this moment, with you. You are the answer to every heartache, every loss, every joy, every need, everything.” He says knitting his brows together.

  His sincerity is like nothing she’s ever experienced, the world around them has disappeared and there is only a man and woman standing in the moment of truth. A lump forms in her throat knowing she feels exactly the same for him. The key to her lock of happiness. She can’t speak for fear the words will sound small.

  “You don’t have to say anything, I already know.” His lips crash down on hers in a kiss so passionate the room trembles at their heat.

  “Wooh, is it getting hot in here?” Gerri says fanning herself.

  They don’t hear her, she doesn’t exist where they are in this moment.

  Their tongues dance and play with one another in the beginnings of a mating ritual. The exploration of who they are fated to be together. His hands run down her back to the curve of her ass. Her hands tangle in his hair as their kiss floods them both with hunger.

  Emma nips at his bottom lip, and her fingers dig into his broad shoulders holding on for dear life. She’s afraid to let go, she doesn’t want this moment to ever end.

  Zane inhales the scent of her arousal deeply into his lungs letting it fill him with more desire. His cock grows thicker with need and he can feel the heat pooling between her thighs. He has to have her, be one with her, mate with her.

  His wolf goes wild inside his head, trying to take over to be part of the ritual. Zane pushes the wolf back, taking full control of himself and his mate. He scoops her up into his arms and heads down the hallway toward the room where her scent is strongest.

  Emma locks her hands behind his neck and buries her head in his solid chest. He lays her gently on the bed. “I need you, I want you.” He steps back from her leaving her feeling a chill with the distance. “Will you be my mate?”

  Emma sucks in a sharp breath, she wants him. Her core is on fire wanting him to touch her, claim her as his own. A flurry of doubt enters her mind, she doesn’t understand this world or this feeling, but it all feels perfect and right. “I will.” She says on a whisper. She pushes away her fear and uncertainty. The mundane life that she’s lived is screaming at her that this is all wrong, but her heart and soul know its right.

bsp; He kneels down in front of her on the bed, “This is for life. There’s no going back.”

  “I know.” She says, “I want it.”

  Zane looks down at himself, covered in dirt from running in the woods. Conflict roils through him as he eyes her for a moment, “I need to shower. But I don’t want to leave you. Will you join me?” He offers his hand to her.

  A lascivious smile dances on her lips as she takes his hand. She tries not to get caught looking at his huge cock but fails.

  He gently moves her hand to his steely length, “That belongs to you now.” He nibbles in her ear as he speaks the words, “If you want it.”

  She releases the words on a ragged breath, “Oh, God yes.”

  Zane stands in front of her and undoes the first button on her shirt, “May I?”

  Emma nods even though she fears that he won’t find her attractive once she’s naked. She inhales a hesitant breath. Zane senses her apprehension, “Only if you want. All of this is on your terms. If you don’t want me to take your clothes off, I won’t. But I want to see you, touch you all over and bask in your beauty.”

  Confusion and joy wrangle in her mind, she pushes away the worry, swallows hard and puts his hands back on her shirt, “I want you to undress me.”

  Zane cuts a smile into his cheek and unbuttons the rest of her shirt. Slowly he slides the silk blouse off her shoulders. He marvels at the beauty of her breasts and buttery-soft skin, he can’t help the grin that erupts when he unhooks her bra and her ample breasts spill out. He slides his hands around her taking her breasts into his hands, “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  He can’t stand one more second not tasting her, he covers her nipple with his tongue bringing it to a hard peak. He sucks with just the right amount of pressure grazing his teeth against her. He rises up to kiss her again pressing his length against her trailing hot kisses up her neck to her ear and growls, “Let’s get the rest of these off.”

  He slides his hands around the waistband of her skirt and slides it down to the floor while running his tongue down her belly, stopping at the delicate mound between her legs. He trails his fingers lightly along her panties taking them down. He takes in her delicious scent and kisses her pussy.


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