Perilous: The Dragon’s Creed Series Book 3

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Perilous: The Dragon’s Creed Series Book 3 Page 7

by French, Katie

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s Santiago.”

  I made a point of not glancing in Santiago’s direction and focusing on Tom’s cerulean stare instead.

  “I saw him talking to Ivy last night,” Tom said. “She took him aside, so I don’t know what she told him, but when he came back, he was lost in thought and wouldn’t tell us what they’d discussed. I don’t like it. Maybe you should talk to him, see if he will tell you about it.”

  I peered at Santiago then, a definite suspicion developing in my mind. Ivy couldn’t. She just couldn’t. Santiago was too young to make a drastic decision. Besides, he wasn’t in his right mind at the moment. I definitely had to talk to him.

  “This is fantastic,” Fang said as he helped himself to a heaping second serving of sausage topped with bacon.

  I snapped back into the moment and forced another bite of eggs into my mouth, my reasons for worrying multiplying like horny rabbits.

  “Don’t get me wrong, it’s good,” Mercedes said, “but where are the pastries? The muffins? I’d even take a chocolate chip bagel.”

  “I like a muffin as much as the next guy, but the dragons need healthy fuel.” This from Black Rock who had just strolled in, looking freshly showered and wearing dark jeans, and a pristine white t-shirt that clung to his torso like cling wrap, the kind that seals things closely and tightly. I dragged my eyes back to my eggs, swallowing thickly.

  Even Mercedes was left speechless, which was a true feat, given that she hated him.

  He took a seat at the head of the table, placed a linen napkin on his lap, and piled a plate so high that made Fang’s mountain of food look like child’s play.

  “Su mate, Señor,” said a waiter, depositing a funny-looking cup next to Black Rock’s plate. Steam, as well as a curved metal straw, came out of the honey-pot shaped cup.

  Mah-tay? I subvocalized in my head, trying to remember if I’ve ever heard of it.

  “What is that?” Mercedes asked. “Some sort of South American bong?”

  I almost busted out laughing but managed to contain myself. Santiago, on the other hand, let out a hearty laugh that made me stare back in surprise.

  “Indeed,” Black Rock said, taking a sip through the weird straw and saying, “Martin, bongs para todos, por favor.”

  “Yeah,” Santiago said. “I’ve always wanted to try mah-tay, which by the way is spelled M-A-T-E.”

  “What the hell is mah-tay?” Tom asked, staring suspiciously at Black Rock’s drink and making air quotes as he carefully pronounced the word.

  “It’s just tea, mate,” Santiago said, making his own air quotes as he used the word for friend instead.

  We all laughed.

  A moment later, Martin delivered funny cups for everyone, looking as proud as a professional barista. I decided he probably prepared the tea himself.

  We all tried the drink, but no one liked it, except for me. It was bitter just the way I preferred my coffee, though I would not be switching morning brews any time soon.

  Mercedes gagged, then drank a full glass of milk after one sip. We laughed some more, turning the mood lighter than I would have thought possible. That was until Martin came back with a message that he whispered straight into Black Rock’s ear.

  Black Rock’s smile died slowly as he listened. We all exchanged worried glances and waited, our food and jokes forgotten.

  Martin stepped away and disappeared through a side door.

  With a sigh, Black Rock threw his napkin on top of his plate. “The fun is over. There’s trouble. Follow me.”

  He strode out of the dining room.

  Fang set down his fork, but waved at the waiter until he got his attention. He gestured to his pile of meat. “I’m coming back for that. Don’t throw it away, please.”

  “Why don’t you just bring the meat in your pockets, Fang?” Ki said tauntingly, smiling until Fang started to oblige. Ki shoved him forward, shaking his head.

  All six of us followed Black Rock’s clipped steps through the huge building. We passed by areas we hadn’t seen before, a maze of corridors that had me itching to draw a map. After a short elevator ride upward, we came out into a glassed-in area that sat right on top of the building.

  We stared in awe, turning in circles and admiring the view through the thick glass. Snow-covered mountains surrounded us, blinding us with their brilliance as the morning sun shone on them.

  “Wow,” Ki said under his breath. “I’d heard this place was something, but…” he trailed off, speechless like the rest of us.

  “Will you be able to brief me while we’re on our way?” Black Rock was saying to a bearded man in his late thirties who was wearing nothing but scaly pants. His chest rose up and down as if he’d been in a race, and there was a deep cut across one of his pectoral muscles that oozed blood. This was more serious than I’d thought.

  “I will, sir,” the man said.

  “Go, then. Get that taken care of.” Black Rock pointed at the man’s wound. “I’ll contact you when we’re ready.”

  The man disappeared into the elevator, leaving us all waiting for an explanation from Black Rock.

  “That was one of our members, Joaquin. He’s one of my most trusted and powerful dragons,” he said, glancing around the glass-domed space as if searching for something. “Ah, right there.” He strolled to the far corner where several ring-shaped packets lay on the floor. He picked up a blue one.

  “This is yours.” He tossed the thing to Tom, who caught it one-handed.

  Black Rock picked up the rest of the rings and called out names as he slung the bundles in our direction. “Ki. Lila. Santiago. Fang.”

  “Hey, how about me?” Mercedes asked.

  “Sorry. Dragons only,” Black Rock said in an all-business tone that sounded cold, even if I didn’t think that was his intention.

  “Well, he’s just been promoted to General Douche,” Mercedes mumbled, crossing her arms and turning her head to one side.

  “What is this?” Tom unrolled what looked like some sort of spandex footed pajamas with a zipper down the middle.

  I unrolled mine. It was the same, except magenta and with room for boobs. A blush crept into my cheeks.

  “Gag!” Mercedes exclaimed. “I take it back. I don’t want one.”

  Ki pressed his black suit against his body. “Neat.”

  “Until you learn to meticulously control your magic and are able to do this,” Black Rock said, scales rippling up and down his arm and taking the shape of a long glove, “the suits will keep you warm or cool, depending on your needs. They are light and roll up easily into a ring so you can slide them up one of your claws, horns, or tip of your tail. Whatever you prefer.”

  “You mean this existed? Like, I didn’t have to get buck naked all those times?” I stared at the boys in shock and anger. They diverted their eyes so I couldn’t tell if they’d known or not. I let it drop, suspicious they’d let me prance around in my birthday suit on purpose.

  Black Rock assessed everyone, his pupils down to pinpricks due to the brightness from the snow.

  “Are you ready, then?” He asked, pulling off his t-shirt in one fluid motion.

  “Wait.” Mercedes stepped into the middle of the circle we’d subconsciously formed. “Ready for what? Where are you going?” She directed the question at me.

  I shrugged, avoiding her gaze.

  “Oh, no. You ain’t leaving my ass behind. I didn’t come all the way to Chile to stay in a prison, no matter how fancy,” she declared.

  “I’m not going,” Santiago said, tossing his golden suit back to Black Rock. “I’ll stay with you, Mercedes.”

  The conciliatory leader gave Santiago a puzzled, slightly angry look.

  Uh-oh. I guess I should have mentioned Santiago’s lack of dragony interest lately.

  “If there is anyone who should come, it is you,” Black Rock said. “We need your healing abilities.”

  “I don’t have any healing abilities.” S
antiago turned to leave, but Black Rock stood in his path.

  “You will come.” Black Rock’s voice rumbled in his chest as a strange power seem to emanate from him.

  Inexplicably, I found myself lowering my gaze and feeling as docile as a puppy. I peeked out of the corner of my eyes and noticed everyone acting the same, except Mercedes who was still staring defiantly at her would-be jailer.

  What is going on? I asked the boys in our private channel.

  Tom answered. He’s using his alpha power.

  Alpha power? I didn’t know dragons—

  It’s not a common trait anymore, but some of the older dragons have the strength to assert their will, Tom explained.

  You mean Santiago can’t say no?

  That’s right.

  That was unacceptable. I took a step forward to protest, but a quick glance from Black Rock put me back in my place. What the hell?

  “I’ll stay with Mercedes,” Fang said in an unusually weak tone. “If that’s okay?”

  Mercedes’s dark brown eyes lit up. “Well, in that case…” she let the words dangle while her eyes traveled down the length of Fang’s body.

  “That should be fine,” Black Rock said, relaxing. “You may take the limousine and explore the city if you wish.”

  Mercedes took Fang’s hand and dragged him toward the elevator as if she expected Black Rock to change his mind.

  “It’s settled then.” Black Rock proceeded to lower his pants.

  I turned and stared at a faraway snowy peak, trying not to think of the way those boxer briefs followed the curve of Black Rock’s tight butt. Instead, I fought the worry unfurling in my chest. Being at the mercy of someone who could dominate us this way was bad.

  Sure, Santiago needed to face his sudden fear of magic. I was good with that, and so were the others. In the long run, it was what he needed. He was a magical creature, after all. Swearing off magic was like a fish refusing to swim. But what if Black Rock forced one of us to do something against our moral code? What if we changed our minds about helping and he didn’t let us leave?

  My head hurt with the implications, but it wasn’t as if I had any other options to choose from. I needed Black Rock on my side so he could convince Ivy to make time to find a cure for Dad. He needed intervention. Now. There was no time to hesitate or fear “what ifs.”

  A gust of arctic wind hit me as Black Rock opened a wide glass door and stepped out onto a snow-covered cliffside.

  I gasped when he jumped off and plummeted down the mountain. Heart in my mouth, I ran to the door just as a massive black shape swooped upward, flying with the ease of a graceful eagle.

  Ki and Tom started to undress in a hurry, flinging their clothes to the floor without care. Tom jumped first followed by Ki, both holding their new suits in one hand. I shook my head as they dove then reappeared in their dragon shapes.

  Santiago sighed, removed his glasses, and placed them on the floor carefully. “You should know that this couldn’t be further from my wishes, Amor.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could say anything, Santiago took off at a run and jumped off into the void without even bothering to undress.

  My heart leapt as an awful thought crossed my mind. What if he chooses not to shift?

  I rushed outside, James Bond images flashing in my mind. I would dive head first. I would catch up with him and then—

  Santiago’s beautiful golden dragon soared, following the others. He seemed to shine brighter than the sun. I exhaled in relief.

  I swallowed the thick lump in my throat and, clinging to my spandex suit, I jumped. Like Santiago, I was dressed. I didn’t love this outfit anyway.

  Frigid wind buffeted my face and, for a moment, I worried I’d turned into an ice sculpture before shifting. Then my magic burst out, and my clothes fell away from my expanding body as if they were a layer of dust. In the next instant, I was flying, my huge dragon heart feeling more exhilarated than ever before.

  Chapter 10

  Black Rock led us over the ice-capped mountains, down into a spread of lush green. Trees went from sparse to a thick canopy, releasing a verdant scent. Below our outstretched wings, houses clung to hillsides, and I worried someone might spot five freaking huge dragons, but then I noticed the shimmer in the air. Black Rock was casting a cloaking spell. We were safe from view. I let my wings ripple in the wind, reveling in the safety of flying free.

  That is, until I thought about where we were headed. Black Rock had something up his scaly, non-existent sleeve.

  We flew for about forty-five minutes out of civilization. The city thinned and then disappeared, leaving behind smaller villages with little brightly-colored houses, little cars zipping in and out on two-lane roads.

  The ocean appeared on the horizon. Waves danced on a sheet of gray-blue water that seemed to stretch forever. A brown belt of beach divided the water from what appeared to be a small fishing village, dotted with canoes and boats. It was a cloudy day, so there were no beach-goers, probably a good thing since five mythological creatures were currently kicking up a huge amount of sand as they landed.

  We shifted under the protection of the cloaking spell and stepped into our suits, zipping them up.

  “We look like the X-Men,” Tom said, marveling at his blue skin-tight suit. “I call Cyclops.”

  Ki didn’t seem so sure. “Did the X-Men’s costumes reveal so much… er... ” He gestured below his midsection, them cupped his hand over his privates. “I mean, no one wants to see all this. Sheesh.”

  The suits were very revealing, like those morphsuits some boys from my school wore for Halloween. Luckily mine had some padding over my chest or I’d be just as embarrassed as the guys. Nothing like nipping out while fighting crime. Lord.

  “Heads up,” Black Rock said, currently rocking his scale pants and showing no embarrassment whatsoever. “This is no time for jokes.”

  “He always thinks it's no time for jokes,” Santiago said under his breath as he tugged at his gold suit. I could tell he was still harboring resentment about the alpha orders Black Rock had forced on him. I made a mental note to talk to Black Rock about being so heavy handed. Teenage boys didn’t respond well to threats and manipulation.

  A piercing scream cut through my inner monologue. Then another. Something was very wrong.

  We all rotated toward the sound.

  A handful of people streaked between a row of houses, tearing toward the beach. Fear drove them, that was clear. But fear of what? My body tingled as my heart rate increased. Magic crackled in the air. And there was a smell, too. I sniffed. It was rot. Rot and disease.

  Then I saw them.

  Two untameds in human form surged out after the villagers. My first thought was zombies, but I quickly reframed it. They looked like the undead—matted hair, torn clothes, dried blood on their faces and chests—but they didn’t move like zombies. They were fast, hampered only by what seemed to be injuries to their bare feet, which they’d likely torn up by attacking innocent people.

  Watching them go after the villagers, I remembered the way the untamed at the lab had tried to bite Mercedes. They were like rabid dogs.

  They had to be stopped.

  My ring glowed hot as I summoned as much magic as I could. The air seemed to tingle with it as I stretched out my hands.

  “Do we shift?” Ki yelled, eyes darting between the approaching human villagers and Black Rock.

  “No,” he shouted. “Use your magic.” Then he took a step back and folded his arms across his massive bare chest. He was sitting this one out, it seemed. I guess this was what he’d meant when he said that coaxing our powers out would be dangerous. Fly little birdies. Fly, he was saying as he kicked us roughly out of the nest.

  “Great,” I mumbled, exchanging quick glances with Santiago, Tom, and Ki. “Only two of them, right?”

  “Two,” Tom repeated. “Should be a piece of cake.” He spread his hands out, his magic manifesting as tiny blue sparks at the tips of his
fingers. Just like his mother and brother before him.

  Ki’s magic couldn’t be seen, but I felt it like electricity building in the air before a storm. I had no idea what he could do, but there was something for sure.

  Could it really be this easy?

  “We got this,” I said, running to put myself between the villagers and the charging monsters who were carving through the sand toward me.

  Where was my frickin sword when I needed it?!

  My ring glowing hot, I held my hands up and tried to channel my power, but all I could focus on were the two untamed. They were the stuff of nightmares—eyes searching for blood, hands out ready to tear, legs pistoning as fast as their ruined feet allowed. I stood frozen, mesmerized by their horror as they cut the space between us in half. They were nearly on me.

  As one of the untamed attacked, Santiago charged in front of me, determined to protect me. He went after the creature with punches and kicks, a valiant effort, except the untamed was wild, driven by madness and void of any self-preservation instinct. He tore at Santiago, quickly forcing him to the sand as he clawed and bit.

  “Santiago!” I reached for the untamed on top of him.

  But Tom beat me to it, blasting a bolt of blue lightning at Santiago’s attacker.

  The bolt hit the creature in the back and his body went rigid, vibrating into the sand as if he was being tazed. It rolled off a shocked-looking Santiago.

  Angered, the second untamed surged toward us. He hit Tom like a freight train. They went down hard into the sand. The untamed was incredibly strong, tearing with fingers and teeth as Tom did his best just to hold the monster off.

  Forgetting magic, I dove down and grabbed the untamed by the arm. I pulled, attempting to haul him off, which did nothing but earn me a swift kick to the ribs. Sprawling into the sand, I sucked in air hard, trying to breathe, and caught sight of Black Rock. He stood there observing. Doing nothing.

  “Help us!” I screamed, angry and frantic now.

  He slowly shook his head. He was willing to let his little birdies plummet to their deaths if that’s what it took. Monster.


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