Tale of a Tooth

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Tale of a Tooth Page 4

by Rogers, Allie;

  That’s right.

  Then it was take turns. Turns like talking but the cards talking. Numbers ones just tell of next please! Best are clubs the bally shape I like and seven is the goodest of them.

  Jacks queens kings and all alone aces tell give me give me! You have to. I had lots. Meemaw had to give me. I getted a fatness of cards hard to hold. Meemaw only a thin littleness of her cards.

  But then Meemaw had a all alone Ace. Give me give four and I had to. Again again came the kings and queens and all. All my fatness of cards I had to give Meemaw. Then I runned out. None. Empty.

  I looked at the cards all in Meemaw’s hand. My hands empty of nothing just air. Rage comed up fast and fury. I tried snatching of the cards.

  Raaaaar! Give me the bloody bloody cards!

  Danny… calm down…

  Meemaw holded up her hand high. All the stealed cards up high.

  Give them! You horrible poo! You didn’t win of me I winned of you!

  I pushed Meemaw.

  I winned of YOU!

  I pushed Meemaw again. She dropped all the cards they fell down. All on the carpet. I grabbed one scrunchled it up.

  Meemaw turned around went to the kitchen. The scrunchled card in my hand and stamping. Meemaw filled up the kettle. I stamped two times hard hard. My foot hurted underneath. Crying.

  Meemaw bringed back a glass with water.

  Danny! Danny!

  I wanted to push it away all the water to fall down on the floor. All to wet and a mess. But I looked at it the silver top of it moving. Moving a gentle slosh of it.

  Danny, have a drink.

  I taked it two hands careful drinked. It was cold and grey flavour. Good. I gulped big gulps.

  Right then. Let’s count these all back, yes?

  We did counting still I was crying just a little bit.

  Fifty five… Give me that last card, Danny.

  I looked at the scrunchled card.

  Oh! Oh, oh! Such a mortal wound! A mortal wound of him, Meemaw!

  I holded him in my under arm.

  Come on, love, let’s pop that one back in and the others will flatten it out. It’ll be okay. Let’s put it away now…

  At the last I kissed him. He was nine of hearts. I was sorry. Meemaw tucked in the flap of packet.

  Come on then, I think lunch might help.


  I watched Meemaw spreading peanut butter. Gloop. She cutted four triangles. Four triangles together comes a rectangle.

  I eated them one three two four nibbled down to strips just crust. I maked them be a cross.

  Meemaw! Crusts for you!

  You sure you don’t want them?

  No. Crusts for you Meemaw!

  Meemaw smiled. Meemaw sitted by the window, smoking her rolly. Yumming up the crusts.

  I needed a wee then and it was a long long wee. A splashy waterfall in the toilet. The water gone to yellow.

  Okay, I’m turning the heating off, come and snuggle in!

  Snuggle in!

  I jumped but not bouncing. Not really.

  Right, what’s first then?

  Walking with Dinosaurs!

  Meemaw opened it up looked at the words and pictures.

  Okay… Seven pages, okay? You choose.

  I choosed about the ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic.

  They look a bit like dolphins, Dan.

  No Meemaw. A dolphin is a mammal of the present day.

  Yes, so it is.

  After Walking with Dinosaurs it was time for a old book. I choosed A Squash and A Squeeze and I can read all to Meemaw. Meemaw joined in for repeating bits but I readed the story.

  Take in your cow said the wise old man…

  I did good reading. My ear on Meemaw’s booby. When she joined in I heared her voice inside. She stroked my hair. At the end we went round of it again.

  After book mountain I stayed snuggly in bed in cover cave.

  You stay warm, poppet, okay? Flat egg, yes?

  Yay! Flat egg and beans!

  No beans, love. It’s a bit of a Mother Hubbard situation.

  Meemaw opened the tins cupboard showed me inside.

  I thinked of the sweety yum of orange beans. None.

  How about you have two flat eggs, eh? I’m not hungry anyway…

  Can I have the phone, Meemaw? Tale of a Tooth?

  Let’s see how we’re doing with data, okay?

  Meemaw went sweep and swipe and did a nod.

  Yep, we’re okay. Here you go.

  I went on YouTube and looking for Tale of a Tooth but it went buzz. It went buzz buzz again of messages for Meemaw.

  Let me look, Dan, that might be important.

  I holded the phone tight in my two hands. Didn’t want to give it but Meemaw’s hand came in under the duvet.

  Come on. You know what we agreed. If you want to go on my phone you have to give it back when I ask. I’m asking, Danny.

  I putted the phone in Meemaw’s hand then I peeped one eye at the crack.

  Meemaw smiled at the phone she did sweepy swipe to make a reply.

  My turn Meemaw!

  But she didn’t give it back. Meemaw did more sweepy swipe and buzz buzz came more replies. Little laughs. Meemaw sharkling up and I waiting.

  Meemaw! Come on!

  Hang on…


  Sudden Meemaw spinned round looked in my peeping eye. Blink.

  Change of plan, Dan the man, we’re going out!

  Meemaw runned to the bathroom I heared water. I stayed under. I putted my mouth by the crack for calling out.

  It is a pj day! No going out! Flat egg now. Flat egg please thank you Meemaw.

  Meemaw didn’t say a reply to me.

  I looked out again she had taked her green top out of the laundrette bag and she shaked it. Then Meemaw sniffed her jeans. She was going very fast getting dressed. I putted my mouth back at the crack.

  No Meemaw! No going out! No going out today!

  Still no reply I looked again. Meemaw in the mirror her hair brushing. Flying up. All the bright ruby red of her she went close to the mirror rubbed her eyebrow of a finger. Then she came by me. Crouched down.

  We’re not having a debate about this. We’re going out and you’re going to get dressed right now.

  I started crying. Meemaw very still waiting. She was sharkle red. She was strange not right. Not right. Even my crying she was still sharkle ruby red.

  I wanted to change her. I shooted out my arm banged Meemaw hard on her shoulder. She falled back.

  Meemaw went to purple deepness fast fast. She reached in my cave grabbed me right round pulled me out all her strongness. Plonked me on the floor.


  I spitted. Spit and spit. It went on Meemaw’s jeans. I did kicking hard just in the air. Meemaw standed back.

  I will not get dressed right now! I will not get it! Horrible poo!

  Then no more words just crying. Loud. I climbed back in the bed. I digged in deep under pillows.

  Meemaw putted one hand on my sticky out leg of the covers. I heared her talking calm but loud because of crying.

  You will get dressed, Danny. You will get dressed right now and I’ll tell you why.

  I feeled her hand on my leg. I flapped my leg for get off. Meemaw’s voice louder.

  Because we’re going to the pictures!

  I went still.

  Going to the pictures is a thing of long wanting. Wanting since when I was even three I think. On YouTube I see little programmes Meemaw telled called trailers. In cinemas now and that is also pictures.

  Meemaw telled pictures is a room all dark and the screen big of a wall. Seats in a row. All in the dark. I wanted it and Meemaw said one day. One day when you’re a bit older. One day when we can get the money together.

  All sudden it was one day on this day.

  Come on then! Shake a leg, matey, or we’ll miss the trailers!

  Inside me was a crash of things then very hard. I wanted it the pictures
. But this was a pj day. And flat egg. But the pictures. The pictures very exciting the screen big of the wall and darkness.

  I wasn’t crying then. I came out of under the pillows. I sitted up at the edge of our bed.

  Come on then, poppet. Let’s get these on.

  Meemaw holding pants for stepping in. Trousers and t-shirt and all. Then it was coats.

  I knowed something sudden. I thinked I knowed it. I needed to check of true or not.

  Is Karen coming to the pictures?

  Yes, it’s Karen’s treat, Danny.

  Not Danny’s treat. I thinked about Karen then her bobbly nose and loud smell of her. But the pictures. The pictures of darkness and a mighty screen. I putted on my coat.


  All the way on the bus Meemaw sharkled the ruby slippers. She was bright. Her eyes went twinkle and looking around at the people. Her face opened up and smiles.

  I was very hungry because of no time for flat egg. I looked out the window. All the street was nearly night-time. All the drops on the glass were like Christmas lights. One day will come Christmas. Father Christmas chocolate in a advent calendar. Meemaw’s birthday.

  The glass went to grey of breathing and I did my name. Then I did the tooth found by William Buckland the palaeontologist. Underneath I writed tooth.

  Then we were in town. Meemaw holded my hand. It was the dark street and we hurried. I did a yawn.

  There were puddles. The puddles were the ripply ripped world of orange lights.

  I didn’t like the pictures door. Pictures cinema had a blue door that swinged itself open fast at me. But inside was better. Very very sweet smell of cake in the oven. My tummy groobled loud.

  The carpet taked my eyes in the pattern. I wanted to stand still and just be in it but Meemaw pulling.

  There she is!

  Karen lifted up her hands. She had hot dogs three wrapped in white tissues. A cup a straw popping up.

  Meemaw and me don’t eat hot dogs they are meat and we are vegetarians. One day I asked by the library. It was a van of good smell but Meemaw telled they are of meat. Meat is a animal’s actual body.

  Hi, you two! I got tea!

  Meemaw’s mouth very close my ear it tickled.

  Don’t say anything, Danny, it’s just this one time.

  Meemaw taked two hot dogs. Karen gived a man a long orange paper of black writing. He teared it and gived it back.

  Enjoy the film.

  Karen was gone fast through the door. Meemaw squeezed my hand.

  Right, come on then, Danny. Ready?

  I knowed it would be dark and a big screen Meemaw had telled. But very very loud.

  I standed still holded my ears hard. I could still hear music and Vauxhall Corsa a voice. A road on a mountain the car twisty this way that way. So big.

  Meemaw pulled. I walked along but not letting go my ears then.

  It was tippy up seats I don’t like. Meemaw knows I don’t like because of being squashed in. But she holded it down and I climbed up for a try. I was doing lots of tries because this was it the pictures cinema. I had been wanting.

  A baldy head man was too much in the way. The light was shiny on his baldy head. I twizzled. I tried to get down but Meemaw holded up her hand of wait it’s okay. She folded up her coat and I sitted on top. Then it was better.

  Meemaw holded out the hot dog. I sniffed. It smelled good my mouth went wet. It had red sauce I love. I taked it.

  The noise was louder now with no hands for my ears but I liked it the hot dog. I eated it fast fast. There was a advert of M and Ms. They are little mans I like. Hot dog was the taste of smoky and sauce and white bread we don’t have. It was chewy chewy and yum.

  I swallowed the very last.


  A mighty burp came in a moment of quietness. Meemaw and Karen laughed.

  The film name was there. Called Home. A big letter U in a green triangle.

  At first I liked it the pictures. It was with aliens and funny. All the people sitted still watched and it was bright big. The voices up down good to hear.

  But I was thirsty then very sudden. I looked round to Meemaw for a drink. Meemaw and Karen were doing kissing. They were doing kissing with mouths open like beasts and boyfriends. Devouring.

  Very wrong very wrong very wrong. I looked back on the screen my heart thumpa thumpa thumpa.

  I wanted home and nothing of this be true. I shutted my eyes and counted. I counted to two hundred then splitting two hundred up to twenty fives and there were eight. I like eight eight is a good and safe number of two circles. Then I opened my eyes slowly. Looked at the big screen. Only look there Danny.

  But I was so so thirsty I slided my eyes sideways. Meemaw and Karen had stopped doing kissing. Perhaps maybe they had never done it I thinked. But that was not true. I knowed it. Tears started coming up of crying. I pulled on Meemaw’s arm.


  Sorry, love, I forgot to bring water.

  I hate and hate it if Meemaw forgets water because then what then what?

  Noooo! Meemaw! Water!

  Karen leaned across Meemaw with the big enormous cup of a straw sticking out. Sticking it at me.

  Hey, Professor, cool it, eh? Have some of this.

  I twisted. I tried to get down away out.

  Noooo! Out! Out! Water!

  Meemaw pressed on my legs.

  Danny, stop it this minute! Sit still!

  Hissed of a snake and Meemaw’s hand hard on me. All the big huge screen runny of tears. I went still. I holded my ears closed my ears. Tears runned fast on my face.

  Meemaw’s voice whispery. Mouth air warm on my face.

  Just have some of this for now, sweetheart, and calm down. Come on.

  I feeled the straw touching on my mouth and Meemaw’s hand on my cheek.

  Come on, sweetheart. You’re okay.

  I sipped. It was sweet as sweeties and all bubbles. It was a surprise in my mouth. First a little tiny sip. Then more.

  You take it. Okay? You hold it, Danny.

  I did hold it. Cold. Wet. Such the sweetness and bubbles. I opened my eyes.

  I put my eyes sideways watched Meemaw and Karen in the darkness. Sippy sippy sip. Karen reached holded Meemaw’s hand in her own one. Put it on her leg. All was cold and trickly running down inside me.


  Outside it was windy dark. Mans shouted and a motorbike of a roar came by. Karen came to the bus stop with me and Meemaw.

  How’d you like the film then, Professor?

  I didn’t say.

  He’s really tired, Karen.

  Late night, eh?

  She came close, crouched down.

  Have you had a nice time?

  I pulled on Meemaw.

  Stop it, love!

  Meemaw picked me up. I pushed my face in her neck. Smelled of right and mine. Karen’s voice very close.

  How about we go down to Brighton on Saturday?

  Meemaw’s voice was a buzz in her neck when she speaked.

  You know I think that’s too much.

  Karen did a laugh. It was a evil laugh of a baddie.

  I’ll message you. You know how persuasive I can be.

  Meemaw laughed and it was a nearly evil laugh too. I twisted and pushed.

  Hey come on now, Danny. Here’s the bus!

  Inside the bus was yellow bright warm. We sitted by the window me on Meemaw’s lap snuggled in.

  I looked out peep under Meemaw’s arm. Karen was outside. She kissed her fingers blowed it to my Meemaw. I pushed my face in Meemaw’s neck again.

  Danny boy, are you okay, my angel?

  I wouldn’t wouldn’t look up.


  Jane was sitted behind the desk at the library.

  Hello Danny, how are you?

  I’m very well thank you.

  That is nice to say a polite boy Danny. Jane is my friend. Not Meemaw today but Jane is.

  Jane taked a rectangle of white from a pile. I looked i
t was a label of the library. She speaked not looking at me.

  Watch this, Danny.

  She pressed it on a thing beside. It was a black thing with a rolly part that shined.

  It’s got water in it, Danny. It’s wetting the labels for me to stick in these books so I don’t have to lick them all. Do you want to help me with one?

  I looked at it the thing. I touched with my finger the shiny of it. Wet. Jane helped me hold the label.

  Just gently. Let it roll… Right, now press it down.

  The label was wrinkled of wetness on a book. We pressed it on. Jane’s fingers pressed. My fingers pressed.

  Another one!

  I taked a label. Rolly rolly on the spinny thing.

  Not too much. Danny, now, come on. Let’s press it down. Gently…

  Another one!

  Last one. Last one, okay?

  We pressed again.

  All done! Thank you, Danny. That was helpful.

  Jane taked the books to a trolley. I like them the trolleys but only for library persons to push. Jane taked away the rolly thing too.

  I taked one more label pressed my tongue on. Sticky tasty good. I holded my tongue right out label flapping on it. I closed my one eye. Other eye watched it flapping.

  Jane sitted down again. She holded out her hand for give it back. I did because Jane.

  Paleontologists are dinosaur hunters of the present day.

  Indeed they are, Danny. They hunt for fossils, don’t they?

  William Buckland had just one clue a gigantic tooth that he acquired in 1817.

  Did he? I don’t know about him, Danny, was he British?

  I didn’t know of that. I looked at Jane’s crinkle face. I like it. She smiled.

  I’ll look him up…

  Jane tippy tapped on the keyboard. I looked for Meemaw.

  Meemaw was gone far away in fantasy and sci-fi. I didn’t care. Today I had said six words only to Meemaw. Krispies please no yes I did. No was of needing a poo. Yes was sure. I did was brushing my teeth.

  That was a actual lie to Meemaw. A lie is not true. True was I putted my brush under the tap and it was gone to wet. But no teeth. No teeth. That was a lie and a trick I did on her a new thing. The trick is inside me. No one can see.

  On the bus Meemaw was bright and yellow and

  Danny! Triangles in the glass there!


  See that big black dog?

  Meemaw doing tell of nice things to Danny. I didn’t say of triangles or the dog.


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