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Tale of a Tooth

Page 5

by Rogers, Allie;

  It was a good dog of pinky tongue sticked out. Jane could have for labels licking.

  There’s William Buckland, Danny!

  Jane twizzled round the screen. He wasn’t the actual man in the programme Tale of a Tooth. He was just a drawing done in black pen. But his tall hat he had. I putted my finger all around the edge of him. I readed words underneath I knowed.

  Megalosaurus. Coprolites.

  You’ve taught me something today, Danny, I didn’t know about him. There was another palaeontologist I do know about though. He was called Gideon Mantell. He lived quite near here in Sussex.

  Tippy tap again her keyboard.

  He discovered the fossil of a dinosaur called iguanodon. I think we have a book about it… Hang on. We do! It’s in the adult section though. Shall we go and find it?

  I nodded.

  This way.

  We walked past Meemaw on her phone. Little smiles and laughing. I knowed it was Karen inside. Karen inside I could snatch. Stamp stamp Karen crunched and all squashed inside.

  Just over here, Danny!

  Meemaw looked up then. Smiled at me. I went to Jane.

  The book was of Gideon Mantell and him on the front. The inside words were very small.

  Here we are.

  Jane holded it open to see.

  You don’t have to borrow it, Danny. It might be a bit heavy-going. But there are a few pictures, I think.

  Jane turned over a page. I touched.

  The fossil record.

  Shall I pop it here for you? You can look carefully, can’t you?

  Jane putted the book on the table opened up.

  The phone was ringing library phone. Billup billup billup. Jane walked away fast to answer.

  I climbed up on the squashy red chair to look. The book words were long sometimes nonsense. I readed them one and the next one. But hard to make them fit to sentences.

  I saw carnivore herbivore evidence that means proof. Proof actual true. Then I looked up because Meemaw had come.

  Come on, Danny, it’s time to make a move.

  Meemaw gone floaty light pink. Very prettiful colour.

  I want to borrow this book Jane finded for me.

  I’d forgetted. I’d said ten more words to Meemaw of a mistake.

  Meemaw leaned by my head.

  Is it not too hard, love?

  I didn’t say. Holded the book tight closed my eyes. Meemaw’s phone another buzzy buzz. I opened my eyes. Meemaw was smiley smiling at the phone like only for me. Smiling only for me of lovely boy. Looking like filled up pinky good.

  Meemaw walked away sweepy swiping her finger on the phone. Karen inside. Not looking at me.

  Come on then, poppet, bring it to the machine.

  Outside was a fresh air sky smell. But sudden my tummy did a fierce pain of grooble. Pain heavy and squeezy. Poo pain. I holded my tummy and went to still. Meemaw looked at me.

  What’s the matter? Do you need the loo?

  I nodded.

  I don’t ever do a poo in toilets in the world. It is a not good plan.

  But my tummy did the fierce pain again. Then came a trickle of wee I grabbed my willy. Squeezed.


  Meemaw taked my hand whizzed quick quick in the toilets. She pulled down my trousers pants plonked me fast on the toilet.

  I holded Meemaw’s coat. A big feeling. Big of the grooble pain.

  I putted my face inside Meemaw’s coat. I breathed of the Meemaw smell.

  Then buzz buzz again and Meemaw on her phone! On her phone then and even laughing in the library toilet! I looked up and Meemaw dancing her finger on the phone.

  I maked a groan of the wounded triceratops. Meemaw putted her phone in her pocket.

  You’re okay, love. Just relax… Danny, relax…

  I crunched up my hands in the Meemaw coat. I pushed my head on it. I could see again again the Meemaw phone screen flash. Buzzbuzzbuzz.

  Karen all the time maked light in Meemaw’s pocket. Grooble pains went one another on on. Then stopped. No poo had comed. Meemaw maked a sigh. I looked at Meemaw.

  She had a line come in the middle of her eyes. Pink was gone away. She had gone to grey now.

  Come on then. Let’s go home. Try not to worry about it.

  Try not to worry about it.

  We washed our hands of the runny soap. Pink as icing. I taked more more. Swirls and lovely it was. More.

  Meemaw did sighs and captured of my hands under the runny tap. She rubbed all our hands together all to bubbles. I pulled my hands away.


  Rinse it off, Danny, it’s not good for your skin.

  I pushed up on the underneath of the tap maked a whoosh all of water spraying.

  Danny! Stop making a mess! You know that’s not okay!

  Outside it was a all white sky. The wind and rustly leaves. Spiney did a dance of the leaves in the air.

  Spiney can always do poos. He does them in the bed I tell him off. We walked along Meemaw me and Spiney.

  Spiney pooed on every garden wall I telled him cheeky beast. Then I flied Spiney all along. Flying of the wind.

  Super Spiney!

  I runned runned forgetted about poos. Forgetted about Karen in Meemaw’s phone. Forgetted everything except Super Spiney.

  Super Spiney!

  Stop on the corner, Danny!

  I stopped. Meemaw holded my hand but no pulling.


  Two envelopes with windows were on the mat. Meemaw putted them behind the kettle.

  Right, you need to be drinking more.

  Meemaw runned a tall glass all of water. I did sips.

  Come on, love, big gulps. Try to get it all down.

  I did seven of sips and putted it on the table. Meemaw did another sigh.

  Right. Well that’s better than nothing, I suppose.

  Meemaw opened a tin of beans tipped in the pan. They were tumble orange in.

  Then I sitted by the table went in my jumper for three hundred and seventy two. Swinged my legs and counting.

  Here we go then!

  Plonk on the table the lovely beans smell.

  I had three spoons only of beans and sudden the poo feeling came back. Very urgent it came.


  I runned to our toilet. Pulling my trousers and Meemaw helped.

  Calm down, Danny. Calm now!

  It came a mighty ship. I did a small of sick too. It was sick of beans. I cried just three tears.

  It’s okay, sunshine, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.

  Meemaw stroked my hair I forgetted to still not talk to Meemaw and to be cross.

  Meemaw it was a mighty ship and sicky.

  I know, love. I know. Let’s pop you in the bath for a minute, eh?

  Meemaw maked me a little warm bath of myself. She letted Spiney in it too for a treat. Meemaw washed gently. She getted the sicky bits off my face with toilet paper wet of water and throwed it away in the toilet.

  I washed my bot of careful careful.

  Well done, poppet. Well done.

  After I getted out Meemaw wrapped me up in yellow towel. I yawned big and then another one. I was very sleepy like bedtime even in the day.

  It’s all been a bit much, hasn’t it? All a bit much. That was a late night last night and your little system’s a bit out of whack.

  I thinked whack is hit and hurt.

  Let’s have a little siesta, shall we?

  Meemaw pulled out the bed even in the day. She helped me one leg other leg into my pjs. She taked off her trousers and we getted in the bed.

  Cuddled up close in the bed. All my cross feelings were goned away like birds flown off. I heared the thump of Meemaw her heart. It was safe warm. My eyes went droopy droop.


  I came awake. It had gone dark in our flat. Swoosh and car lights zoomed across the ceiling. There was Meemaw’s voice but wrong. Meemaw asleep talking. All nonsense and strange singy songy. I knowed it was Spanish and wake Meemaw up. Right now.
  I shaked Meemaw’s arm joggle joggle.

  Meemaw! Meemaw wake up!

  Meemaw opened her eyes. She rubbed her hand on her face.

  Was I talking, Danny? Was I talking?

  Spanish words of nonsense.

  Oh I’m sorry, Danny. Did it wake you up? Are you okay? Did I scare you?

  Meemaw sitted up rubbed on her face again. I didn’t say of scared.

  God knows what that was all about. Blimey, it’s dark… What time is it?

  Meemaw leaned down picked up her phone. Then a gasp noise of shocked like tea spilled.

  What’s wrong Meemaw?

  Sudden I didn’t like it. All was wrong. It was sleep in daytime now turned to night Meemaw talking all Spanish and gasp.

  What Meemaw what?

  Meemaw didn’t answer. Instead dancing her finger on the phone screen. I knowed it was a Karen thing. I kicked my foot on the bed.

  Meemaw putted down her phone.

  Danny, guess what?

  Kick kick kick.

  Stop that, love. Listen, listen, this is a good thing! We’re going to Brighton tomorrow for a day out.

  Kick kick kick.

  Danny! We’re going on the train! Isn’t that good?

  Meemaw’s face was Cheshire Cat of the Alice book. Meemaw’s teeth in the dark. I thinked of just the teeth left behind.

  Meemaw! Meemaw! Turn on the light! Turn on!

  Okay, okay, calm down, Danny! Hang on.

  In the light she was Meemaw. All of Meemaw but a ruby shine sharkle red again. A explosion.

  Hey! It’s okay! It’s a good thing, Danny! A good thing.

  I looked away by the pillow.

  Meemaw leaped out of bed. Long legs of skin and hurrying.

  Right, I’m going to make us some hot chocolate and pack a bag! Then we’re both going back to sleep because it’s an early start for Brighton! You’re going to love it, Danny!

  Meemaw putted milk in the little pan. She getted bread and spreading for sandwiches. I watched then I pulled the Gideon Mantell book out the bag. I opened it on the bed. All the little words close close. I sended my eyes sliding all along. Sometimes I stopped for a word I knowed. Mostly I letted my eyes go. Along along.

  Danny? Danny? Danny, I’m talking to you.

  I looked up Meemaw stirring. The teaspoon in the green mug. Round round tink tink tink. Then round round the panda mug. Tink. Tink. Tink.

  Karen is very special to me, you know?

  Meemaw looked at me.

  At the moment Karen is very special to me, Danny boy.

  I pressed my hands hard on my ears feeled the squish.

  Meemaw stopped talking putted the panda mug on the chair beside the bed. She crouched down not talking. Meemaw’s waiting face.

  Sweetly sweet of hot chocolate came very curly in my nose. I picked up the mug.

  Sometimes two people suddenly really like each other a lot, Danny. It just happens, you know? Sometimes it happens like that. Sometimes it happens to a man and a woman and sometimes it happens to a man and a man and sometimes it happens to a woman and a woman. And that’s what’s happening to Karen and me.

  Hum mmmmm

  I did the mmmm and gulpy down the warm. Sweet warm and mmmmm.

  Danny? I need to know you’ve heard me Danny. Do you understand?

  Meemaw was doing a spell. It was a spell of a hundred words of wicked.

  I went louder.


  I gulped. Big gulps fat cheeks of all the warm chocolatey.

  Hey, take it easy, love! You might choke!

  I holded out the mug.

  Empty Meemaw. All gone.

  Meemaw taked the mug to the sink. She runned the tap. I turned to a new page. The words went sudden to clear. I heared them in my mind. Then fast they came to my mouth.

  Gideon Mantell emerges as a leading light in the new science of palaeontology...

  Emerges is comes out. Comes out of a dark place. Dinosaurs in the smoky and dark. Gideon Mantell a shiny man of light.

  Meemaw snapped her head round fast to look. She came close crouched down again.

  Are you reading from that? Did you just read those words?

  Meemaw tried to turn the book round. I holded on tight. Tight tight and no talking. Meemaw did a sigh.

  Danny, do you understand what I’m telling you about Karen?

  I turned the next page. Meemaw standed up walked her skin legs away in the kitchen. I sended my eyes back in the words. Sliding sliding all along.



  I was having my krispies. Knock de knock on the door. It was Karen comed to our flat. She standed by the table. Too near. Darkening. Filled up the air all her perfume smell. Under her arms two big rolled up things. She was breathing loud and huff going in my ears.

  Only last krispies left now. Soft baby fish krispies swimmed in the milk. I chased chased one and the next. Licked them off my spoon. Spoon was wetty silver milk. No fishes left now. I slurped it spoon and spoon to empty.

  Karen plonked the rolled things.

  What shall I do with...

  Meemaw speaked quick tumbly.

  Just stick them over there for now. I haven’t said.

  They did a cuddle. My eyes slided off.

  Come on then, Danny. Go and give your teeth a brush and then we’ll be off. I’ve made some sandwiches, Karen.

  Karen did a kiss of Meemaw’s cheek.

  You’re so sweet, baby. There’s no need. We can get fish and chips.

  In the bathroom mirror I saw a slice of the other room a slice of Meemaw and Karen doing kissing. Moving as beasts of the sea. I shutted my eyes brushed harder harder to make shhh in my head. The whole world to minty. Minty in my nose eyes ears. Meemaw came behind me.

  Blimey, Danny boy, don’t forget to spit!

  In the mirror my chin white as Father Christmas. In my mouth hot fire.

  I’ve been on the train two times before. Best time to Haywards Heath for a treat instead of a bus. Meemaw founded three pound coins in the foldy bed they were from a person before us who was long gone away Danny. Finders keepers! Let’s go on the train!

  A other time to visit Mick who is my grandad in Hove on one rainy day when his tummy was a ulcer. We saw the sea a square green blue at the end of the road. But no time today Danny we walked fast by. I wanted it the sea but Mick’s flat was the biggest biggest telly all day CBeebies and Wotsits from the shop. That was good.

  I knowed it the station. I like the platform numbers crissy crossy fence long forever tracks. Karen was carrying the bag. She plonked it down.

  Right, you two, wait here. Let’s start as we mean to go on, eh?

  She runned off up the steps. I wished not come back not come back get on the train no Karen. Meemaw stroked my hair.

  Are you excited, sunshine?

  I didn’t say looked at the silver forever tracks. Feeled Spiney’s tail.

  We’ll have a lovely day. You’ll see. We’ll have a lovely day, Dan.

  Karen runned down the steps. Come back and not disappeared which was a sorry thing.

  Here we are then!

  She had a scrunchled over white bag of paper. Two cups in a holding thing.

  I got you a cappuccino babe, okay?

  Meemaw peeled off the lid all a coffee smell came out. She blowed it did a little sip. Meemaw drinked it not liking coffee.

  Karen went in the paper bag getted out a huge thing of red jam and icing. Huge and shining of sticky.

  How about this, Professor?

  Red jam is not good as purple jam but icing I like. I looked at it. Bended down looked underneath.

  Blimey! The full inspection, eh? Do you want it or not?

  Meemaw taked it. She folded round the paper for a handle for the sticky. Gived it to me.

  Thanks so much, Karen. What a treat, eh, Danny?

  In Meemaw was a wobble of her colour like clouds in her pinkness. She looked fast in my eyes for please. She said
please of no words.

  I taked one bite. It was thickly in my mouth. I wanted to open up out it fall but not nice to spit out our food. I chewed it up. Did a swallow.

  It’s as big as his head!

  Karen laughed. She laughed on on.

  I putted down the thing on the bench and Meemaw scooped it up quick.

  We’ll wrap it up for later.

  All the time Karen looking at Meemaw her eyes round wet. Nostrils sometimes big. Mouth wide. I thinked she wanted to eat perhaps Meemaw. I standed up taked two steps back.

  Stay away from the edge, won’t you, Danny? Behind the line!

  I taked Spiney did a nod. I didn’t say but I knowed it anyway. Live rail. I know of it the live rail.

  Meemaw telled one day you never forget anything, Dan, do you? You remember all the safety stuff, you’re like a little manual. I thinked a little man. Dan the man. Don’t forget.

  Spiney and me walked the stripe of sunshine concrete. Sharkles and straight shadow line each side. We went away far of Meemaw and Karen.

  We went to a sign Passengers must not cross the line a walky man a line right through him. Do not must not. Next a sign yellow black waspy danger. Live rail. Zigzag of lightning for electricity. Electricity.

  Electricity in the track can zap you killed to death. Just a tiny touch. Meemaw telled me invisible to see electricity but it’s hiding in the silver forever train track.

  I sended my eyes in the track. Shimmering singing wheedle wheedle down along the sharpy stones. Sudden I thinked perhaps hidden electricity might jump in my eyes and kill me. I runned back to Meemaw.

  Look, Dan! Here it comes!

  The train face came bigger bigger. Stopped. Beep beep beep for the doors a orange light. Karen pressed.

  After you, babe.

  Not babe my Meemaw.

  On the train was a new smell. Greasy grey smell. The windows gone grey too. All over spickled. Covered grey over the world. I holded my nose.

  Meemaw looked at me but not cross. Meemaw happy for the sunny day of train and Karen.

  It’s okay, love, it’s just a bit grubby on this tatty old train.

  I letted go my nose slowly. Taked small air in to get used to it the new smell. Grey of tatty train smell.

  Karen putted her trainers up on the other seat that is rude. Hand on Meemaw’s leg touching. I looked close to the grey window to see out of the tiny gaps. Teeny tiny gaps. The world outside.


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