Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset

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Hot Alpha SEALs: Military Romance Megaset Page 80

by Sharon Hamilton

  As soon as I yield in his hands, he swipes his tongue inside me again, then swallows and goes back for more, groaning his approval against my body, “Fucking hell, you taste better the more aroused you get. I could dine on your sweet pussy all night long.”

  My heart rate rockets. I whimper and try to push closer, needing more.

  “Is this what you want?” he says, sliding a finger deep inside at the same time he captures my clit between his lips, giving it a brief tug.

  I pant and arch against him. “Yes, more.”

  He adds another finger, then slides them both in and out of me, exhaling his own groan. “Damn, you’re tight as hell.”

  “No surprise there,” I mutter with a half laugh. When he suddenly stops moving and lifts his head to stare at me, I tense. “What?”

  “Are you…is this your first time?”

  I bite my lip and nod, wanting him to know I’d chosen him on purpose.

  Apparently that was the wrong response, because he abruptly withdraws his fingers and stands up at the end of the bed, jamming shaky hands through his hair.

  “What the fuck?” Pacing a couple of times, he halts and growls toward the ceiling, “Why would you do that?”

  He sounds so angry, his mood so mercurial, I scoot back on the bed, resting my back against the pillows. “I’d hoped my enthusiasm would override my lack of experience. I guess that’s not the case.”

  Facing me, his hands fist by his sides. “You should be with someone else. I don’t deserve this.”

  “It was my offer to make,” I say, his words twisting my heart.

  He shakes his head in fast jerks. “Not to me.”

  It’s like he believes he’s undeserving. That can’t be further from the truth. “I want you.” It’s always been you.


  His voice is full of angst and banked desire, so I answer him honestly, throwing his words from earlier back at him. “You stand out. There’s definitely something about you.”

  He sits down on the bed, sliding his thumb across my ankle, as if he can’t not touch me. “I want you so bad my balls ache, but your first time should be with someone who—”

  “Knows how to make me scream?” I interrupt. “A man who knows every erogenous zone on the female body and exactly how to get me off? Why wouldn’t I want that for my first time? I might be a virgin, but I’m far from innocent, Sebastian.” Trust me, I’m as undeserving as you think you are, but I can’t help but wish for more anyway.

  His thumb slows on my ankle, his fingers curling around the arch of my foot. “I can make it memorable.”

  My heart trips, hope filling my chest, making my pulse race all over again. “Are you going to finish what you started?”

  “Say it again,” he says, moving his hand up my foot, pressing his thumb along the arch.

  My blood rushes in my ears. I’m afraid to move. Afraid to breathe. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours, Sebastian. All yours.”

  Snarling his agreement, he grips my foot and slides me across the bed with one powerful tug until we’re nose to nose. “Your name…” he begins. Wrapping my leg around his hip, he slides his hand all the way up my thigh, gripping me in a possessive hold. “If I’m going to be your first, the least you can do is tell me that.”

  Our breaths take over each other. Both of us pant with need, sexual tension arcing between us in invisible bolts of electricity. “I’m Red.”

  His mouth thins, frustration emanating from his stiffening shoulders.

  I cup his jaw, smoothing the ticking muscle there. “And you’re Black. Together we’re passion. You were right about that—”

  He claims my mouth, the press of his lips cutting off my words. Fingers spear through my hair, holding me tight, as if he’s afraid I’ll try to escape.

  I curl my leg tighter around him, pulling myself into his lap, but he quickly changes our position, his muscular chest pressing me back against the bed.

  While he kisses me senseless, his hands are everywhere, cupping my thighs, hooking them around his hips. He rocks his erection against me, creating glorious friction. I mewl and gyrate my hips under him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he rasps against my mouth. Just as I clutch him close, he quickly clasps my hands and pulls them over my head, holding my wrists with one hand.

  While I inhale deeply, he presses his hardness against my sex and dips his head to capture one of my jutting nipples in his mouth.

  I gasp and writhe under him, needing more.

  He moves to my other breast, sucking a bit harder, jacking my arousal.

  “Your pants,” I say breathlessly, bucking underneath him. “Take them off.”

  He lets out a restrained chuckle. “You’re a live wire. Let me build your desire.” Bending close to my ear, his voice is velvet sliding across my skin. “It’ll be worth it, Little Red. I promise. I’m going to release your hands, but I want you to keep them above your head. Don’t touch me.”

  I try to keep my hands where he leaves them, but the second he rubs his thumbs along the sides of my breasts, I quickly grip his shoulders, breathing out, “I want to touch you. Every part of you.”

  Jerking a heated gaze to mine, his shadowed expression intensifies, his nostrils flaring. He exhales harshly, “Not yet.”

  When I don’t immediately remove my hands, he backs up. I’m surprised to see a pleased smile curve his lips just before he turns away to grab something from the floor.

  “Scoot back some,” he commands, setting his knee on the bed.

  I eye the soft leather strap in his hand, recognizing his belt from his costume. My heart trips, but I do as he asks.

  “Raise your hands above your head.”

  When I don’t immediately obey, he lays the strap across my breasts, then slowly slides the material across my nipples, turning it so the rougher edge trails along the sensitized tips. I suck in a breath, then narrow my gaze. “I won’t be tied.”

  “You’ve proven you have no will power,” he says on an arrogant purr.

  When I snap my chin up, ready to deny his statement, he cuts me off, his tone calmly even. “Do I have to tell you again?” But it’s his eyes that make my breath whoosh out in an excited huff. There’s nothing laidback about the light and dark orbs staring back at me. They’re pinning me to the bed already, mimicking the tension in his shoulders. He’s a panther, waiting to strike if I dare defy him.

  And I so want to be devoured, so I lift my arms.

  Grunting his approval, he crawls over me and quickly wraps my wrists, tying them to the wooden slats on the headboard behind me.

  Not about to be completely overruled, before he moves away, I press my lips to the hard muscle along his inner thigh.

  He inhales a quick breath, then shifts with lightning speed, his hands capturing my jaw. Crouched over me, he tugs me half off the bed, his big body surrounding me in steely muscle and dominant magnetism as he captures my lips in a devouring kiss.

  My chest wedged between his corded thighs, I feel every bit of his hard heat. I kiss him back with just as much feverish passion until I’m shaking with longing all over again.

  He breaks our kiss and rests his forehead to mine. Our breaths commingling, hearts pounding, I tug on the belt binding me. “Are you sure you want my hands tied? I can think of at least one place I want to wrap my fingers around.”

  “Minx,” he rasps, biting my bottom lip before he releases me to slide down my body.

  I nurse my swollen bottom lip between my teeth and watch his hands glide over my skin, my breathing hitching in anticipation. When he pinches my nipples once more, I arch my back and moan at the arousing sensations building inside me. With a dark smile, he prowls back up my body and tilts my chin. As he alternately licks and nips his way down my neck, along my chest, then past my navel, I start to quiver all over, I want him between my legs so bad.

  Once his warm mouth finally hovers over
my sex, I keen, but force myself to still. My body bowed tight, back arched, I wait for him to connect where I want him most. The second he grabs my hips in a possessive hold and latches onto my clit, sucking hard, I let out a shuddering, hissing breath and rock my hips against his delicious onslaught.

  “Like that, do you?” he teases, burying two fingers inside me.

  Tears streak down my temples. I moan, my body taut and vibrating its need for release. His masculine scent lingers in my nose. I inhale deeply, trying to draw every part of him in as he masterfully slides his fingers in and out of my body. “I’m going to hurt you if I don’t prime you first. Understand?”

  There’s something incredibly heartwarming and seductively sexy about the volatile pulsing of his attentions from fierce possessor to tender lover then back again while his hot breath bathes my sex. Everything about him heightens my senses, teasing me even more. I nod in response, near frantic for him to take all of me fully into his mouth.

  When he adds another finger at the same time he teases my clit with his teeth, my legs start to quiver. “Oh God. Oh, God. I’m going to—”

  “Not yet,” he says harshly. He stills his hand and moves to plant a soft kiss where my leg meets my body.

  I whimper and dig my heels into the covers, trying to get him to give me what I want. Tender kisses bathe up my inner thigh, then down toward my sex but not touching. Finally I get it. He’s waiting for me to calm down.

  The second my hips settle on the bed, he moves back to kissing and sucking on my clit while his fingers plunder and tease, exploring every part of me. Again and again, he does this until my head is thrashing, my body is quaking, and I’m near incoherent with need.

  As waves of heat flush my skin, I beg him, “Please, please, Sebastian.”

  “What do you want?” he asks, his voice calm and controlled. He slows the sensual glide of his fingers inside me, then withdraws, his movements now a teeth-grinding unhurried pace. Sweat beads between my breasts. My skin feels too tight on my body, all prickly and warm.

  “Let me come!” I demand through clenched teeth.

  “That’s my girl,” he says in a smug tone before latching onto my clit with a ravenous ferocity he hadn’t used before.

  I scream his name as all the raging tension building in my body unfurls in spasms of pleasurable, mind-numbing contractions. I might be tied to the bed, but I feel intimately tethered to his hands and mouth, like I’m floating in a surreal dream I never want to wake from.

  Once I stop panting, he gives me one more long, lingering lick, then quickly stands to kick off his shoes and shuck out of his pants. When he reaches inside the nightstand to grab a condom, my gaze locks on his hands while he rolls the protection down his very impressive erection.

  The second he sets his knee on the bed, I scoot back, tugging on the belt to sit up. He’s massive. Both thick and long. He puts BOB to shame by at least three inches. Oh shit! “You’re too big,” I strangle out, worried he’s going to split me in two.

  Reaching over, he effortlessly pushes my fingers out of the way, tugs one end of the belt, and the whole thing comes undone, releasing me. Before I can ponder his expertise with magical knots, he clasps my wrist and pulls my hand toward his erection. “You will take all of me.”

  I experience a moment of panic, expecting him to wrap my fingers around his cock, but when he releases my hand just as the tips of my fingers touch him, I relax. The trust I feel for this man melts my heart, rocking me to the core. Taking a breath, I revel in the heaviness lifting off my chest the moment I slide my fingers around him. I love that he’s giving me free reign. When he shudders and groans, I flex my fingers, enjoying the fact I can make him feel as deeply.

  Biting my lip, I start to slide my thumb over the rounded tip, but he lifts my chin and bends close to capture my mouth in another devastating kiss, whispering against my lips, “You’ll be begging me for every inch soon, Little Red.”

  Chapter Seven


  The thought of connecting with him like this overrides my apprehension, and my fingers reflexively tighten around him. He bites my bottom lip again, exhaling a deep groan as his hips flex forward. “Lay back,” he says, his words almost guttural.

  Leaning over me, he slides a seductive kiss along my jaw as he eases the head of his cock inside me. When he pulls back slightly, I exhale an unsteady breath. That wasn’t so bad. I lift my hips, encouraging him to continue.

  He shakes his head. “Take it slow.”

  I flatten my hands on his hard pectorals, loving the feel of his muscles flexing under my palms. Running my hands past his wide shoulders, I clasp his neck to pull him to me for another kiss.

  His fierce eyes snap to mine for a second before he kisses me, his tongue hungrily swiping inside my mouth, swirling against mine, thrusting deep…pillaging me. My whole body tightens in blissful response.

  I moan against his mouth and lift my hips again. I trace my nails down his back, thrilled that he’s finally letting me touch him. He’s sculpted in all the ways that make my mouth water, slabs of defined muscle and sinew flexing with each move he makes.

  This time he slides deeper and I let out a low, pleased moan, enjoying the sting of my body resisting his girth. Slowly, ever so slowly, my muscles give way a fraction at a time.

  His breathing ramps and his hips flex forward, moving deeper. “Holy shit! You’re so fucking tight.”

  Rock hard arms strain over me, his body a tight bow, arching, ready to release. I hate that he’s holding back. I surge upward, forcing him to take me.

  Swallowing my yelp of pain, I tense for a second. I can’t help it. Damn that hurt, but in a good burn kind of way.

  He completely stills and curses under his breath. “Why did you…are you okay?”

  When he doesn’t move, just stays buried deep, the heat of his balls teasing my sex, I flex my muscles, tightening my walls around him. “I’m not made of glass, Sebastian. I want to see you unleashed, to be yourself with me. I want you to fuck me.”

  A hiss escapes his mouth and the beautiful planes of his face harden. He’s on the edge. Leaning down, he runs his nose along my cheek before he husks next to my ear, “You’re going to feel me tomorrow. When you pee, you’ll burn. When you sit, you’ll squirm. When you cross your legs, you’ll throb. Every movement will be uncomfortable, and you’ll know I was here.” To punctuate his point, he surges even deeper, taking my breath.

  “Is that what you want?” he sounds shocked and hopeful and intrigued all at once.

  I hook my hands behind his neck and slowly nod. “If I don’t have a hard time sitting for at least three days, you didn’t do it hard enough.” His breathing ramps as I trail my fingers through his thick hair and hold his gaze. “I always bet on black. Now make it memorable.”

  “Think you can match me?” he challenges as he withdraws, then slowly eases back inside, setting an unhurried pace.

  I move my hips in tandem to his, pleasure building all over. He counters my movements, his hand sliding to my ass. Gripping me tight, a growl rumbles from deep in his chest right before he slams inside me in one hard, powerful thrust.

  I scream out as my orgasm roars past the swift pain in my core, pleasure shooting from my sex straight to my chest. Clenching and contracting, my body fists tight around him, wanting to milk him, but he’s not done. Not at all.

  His breathing rushes out in harsh, rampant gusts as he slides his hand to my thigh and hitches it high around his hip, giving him better access.

  When he surges into me this time, I swear I see stars, the jarring pleasure radiates all the way to my scalp. I dig my nails into his back, and with one heel anchored on his hard ass and the other pressed into the soft bed, I meet each of his thrusts with my own.

  “That’s it, Red,” he grates out. “Damn, you feel so good. My own fucking beautiful wet dream.”

  I know I’m going to be sore for a while. And I’ll probably have bruises. His grip on my ass and hip is beyond bru
ising. He’s just so freaking big, his body incredibly powerful, like steel covered in skin. But I don’t care. I welcome the onslaught and rake my nails down his back to encourage his thorough taking. “That’s two days, not three,” I taunt through my own panting.

  He roars, then grabs my other leg and pushes them both up to his hips as he thrusts hard, pounding into me.

  This time my scream is a bit of pleasure and pain. The new position allows him much deeper access, and I know I’m definitely going to have a hard time sitting comfortably for a while.

  Sweat drips off his face, sliding down my chest, but all I can feel is heat and want. Delicious, toe-curling anticipation builds, tightening my belly and lower muscles.

  The second my next orgasm hits, he grunts out against my throat, “Take me. All of me,” before he pumps his body deeper and deeper. He’s relentless, continuing to overwhelm me, hitting on nerves I never knew I had. And I do take all of him, shocked that my desire starts to build all over again. He doesn’t stop until I come once more, arching against him, crying out his name. Only then does he let out a deep growl of satisfaction and collapses on top of me in a masculine heap of muscle and warmth.

  I lay there, a bit dazed as he cups the back of my head and presses his forehead to mine. When our breathing slows, he runs his nose across my cheek, leaving tender kisses along the way. “Mine,” he says in my ear, then he leans over to reach for the tissue box on the nightstand.

  Before I can move, he turns and gathers me against his big frame. Tucking my back in the cradle of his body, he wraps his arm around my waist and locks me in place.

  As we lay together, listening to the rain, the sports watch on the nightstand lights up, flashing one eleven. A couple seconds of worry flickers when he starts to lean over me. The glow is illuminating my whole face.

  But he just touches a button on the watch and the room goes dark once more. Exhaling quietly, I ask, “Is this your room?”

  He settles back into place and traces his fingers up my hip. “I stay in here, yes.”


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