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Voice of the Chosen (Spirit of Empire, Book Three)

Page 44

by Lawrence White

  Reba, prone beside him and taking shots of her own, let out a yell. He looked up and didn’t see anything at first. Then he thought he detected motion. He stopped firing and looked hard. A body suddenly came into view falling through the sky. Its light blue camouflage uniform had made it difficult to find. As the body fell nearer, Otis saw the clear helmet, similar to helmets on a space suit, covering his head. His feet and arms were spread wide, the spaces between his arms and legs fluttering with sail-like webbing.

  Suddenly the body split in two. A heavy gun separated from the body and was lowered some ten feet, coming up short on a tether. The duo came over the park, still very high, then its arms and legs came together. It plummeted straight toward the ground.

  A streamer flew out of the body, then a rectangular, light blue parachute filled with air. Panels opened on the parachute as it continued down, but it was now moving quickly across the boundary of the park. More panels fluttered, the angle changed, and the horizontal movement stopped just as the body and gun touched down right in front of the chamber.

  Light blue shapes suddenly filled the sky, some falling in front of the chamber and others on the flanks of the attacking Rebels. Many came down on the tops of the walls themselves, and others disappeared behind the walls.

  Otis didn’t have to pass the word to his men. They’d trained with Waverly’s Raiders, and they recognized them. Fists beat the air in welcome.

  * * * * *

  The Raiders made all the difference. Otis shifted from defense to offense until Waverly landed, then he stepped back and let the experts manage the fight. He gathered up Reba and headed toward the main entrance to the chamber, thinking about the jump Waverly’s men had just completed. They had practiced hard - jumping from 50,000 feet was not something easily undertaken. As it turned out, the jump had not been necessary. They could have come in on ships, but the fall took a long time. The decision to jump had been made before confirmation was received that the control centers had been taken. He shook his head. What would these Terrans surprise him with next?

  He entered through the outer doors, closed them, then had to settle to the floor for a few minutes. Reba joined him without speaking. When he was ready, he stood, but he did not get the opportunity to go into the chamber. A Great Cat came through the door and motioned to him. He followed the cat outside and stared in horror. The ground was erupting. Round patches of lawn out in the park tore themselves free and pushed upward, then split in half, the grassy panels folding down. Platforms unfolded with ship-sized guns pointing up to the sky. More platforms unfolded from the walls of offices, and more unfolded from the Palace wall. He had thought the gzeikolts were vacant, but platforms folded out from high up on their sides. Even from the Palace, multiple gun platforms folded out of the towers, pointed in every direction.

  For the first time ever in his life, Otis tasted absolute defeat. His forces could not combat these guns. He had been certain they’d been taken out, but clearly, his information had been wrong. His thoughts went to Ellie. He had to get her out of here.

  He turned toward the chamber doors, but Reba called sharply for him to hold. His head turned toward the nearest gun a hundred meters away in the park. It’s short barrel pointed toward the sky. Why was it not pointed toward his men?

  Suddenly, the gun barked. All the big guns from all parts of the plateau barked. Only briefly, but that was enough. Green and yellow beams rose up from the plateau, all of them streaking into the sky.

  High above, a ship came hurtling down toward the plateau. Otis recognized a cruiser. Whose was it, he wondered? A frigate came into view, then another, both firing without pause on the cruiser. The green and yellow beams coming from the plateau found the descending cruiser, and all the beams merged. A tremendous flash of light filled the sky. Seemingly minutes later, but really only five or six seconds later, the blast hit, the focused energy of the disintegrating cruiser literally pressing people to the ground. The pursuing frigates raced past the plateau in an eye blink and were gone.

  Otis lowered his haunches to the ground, staring about himself in awe. What had just happened?

  The stubbly barrels suddenly lowered. The highest guns opened up on targets below the plateau and beyond Otis’ view. Lower guns opened up on stingers, turning them into deathtraps. Some stingers turned around and raced for cover on the far side of the walls, and some were just abandoned, their drivers jumping to the ground and fleeing.

  A loud voice came from somewhere, reaching all corners of the plateau, repeating itself several times. “Yo, dingbats! Meet planet Earth. Lay down your weapons and surrender. Line up against the nearest wall with your appendages above your heads. You will not be given a second warning.”

  Rebels began dropping their weapons and running for the walls, hands held above the heads of those who could do so and still run. Mixed in with them were quite a few Chessori. Otis wondered why he didn’t feel the scree, but he didn’t wonder for long.

  * * * * *

  Trexler watched as a Rebel cruiser broke away from its squadron and headed for the corridor. Two of Chandrajuski’s frigates met it head on, but it blasted through them and continued straight down the center of the corridor with the frigates in pursuit. Trexler knew that the captains on those frigates were acting out of a sense of duty and responsibility, knowing they would probably be shot down by the ground defenses.

  He called Stevens. “Do you see the cruiser coming your way?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Take it out. Do not fire on the frigates. They’re ours.”

  “Roger, sir. We’re deploying now. Man, is this cool! These things are fast. We also have a trader lifting at the port. Uh, more ships lifting. Gotta go.”

  Trexler’s sensors showed the multiple shots on the Rebel cruiser. It died instantly. Another ten ships lifted from the Crystal City Spaceport. There was no way to tell if they were friend or enemy so Stevens took them out, as well. Their carcasses fell back to the ground, severely damaging a number of parked ships.

  * * * * *

  Ellie really laid into the senate. She first ordered the exits barred. The senators would not leave until she gave them permission to leave. Even the wounded would have to suffer a little longer. Then she shamed them, shamed them for their willingness to sit on the sidelines and do nothing, for their failure to uphold Empire law. The Rebels had broken many, many laws, but most significantly they had chosen to toss aside the leadership of the Realm, including the Royal Family and this Imperial Senate.

  With a hand pointing to the Chessori standing on the dais under guard, she told of their exploits and of the horrible threat to the Empire they represented. The senators now had firsthand experience of the scree. There could be no doubt in their minds that her words were true.

  “I have arrested Struthers,” she said, getting ready to close. “He will be treated in accordance with our laws, the laws you, the Imperial Senate, have laid down. As for the rest of the Rebels and their partners, the Chessori, I will root them out one sector at a time if necessary, but I will root them out. I will not stop until it is done. Those of you who do not support me will pay the price. Those of you who do support me will have a place in the future Empire. Think hard on this, because the people you represent will have to decide. I charge all of you with a mission: return to your districts and tell the Rebels they are through. Kick out the Chessori. If you don’t, I will. Know that if you don’t, or can’t, I will.”

  At that moment, a strong scree sounded. Ellie went down instantly. So, too, did the senators. Josh stepped over to the captive Chessori, dragging his leg that held his Rider.

  “Stop, now.” he commanded.

  The one who appeared to be the head Chessori nodded. Josh gave him a minute, then stated the order again. “I know you communicate telepathically. Tell whoever is doing it to stop.”

  “They’re panicked. They cannot hear our commands. We’re trying.”

  Josh considered. The scree really wasn’t a hindrance
to his operation. He turned to Mike. “Ready to leave?”

  “Not quite, but close enough. Ellie made her point. Let’s go.” He stunned Ellie on his lowest setting. Her body stopped thrashing and relaxed. He picked her up and stared out at the long walk through the thrashing senators. He turned to Josh. “Open the doors and have someone clear the way for me.”

  Ellie’s Protectors surrounded Mike, and he started walking.

  “Wait,” Josh commanded. He got on the radio to Otis. “We’re done in here.”

  “The plateau is secure, all of it.”

  “Uh, say again?”

  “We’re secure. Call for pick-up.”

  Josh ordered Mike to the main entrance with a tremendous feeling of relief. They would not have to retreat back through the tunnels. He called Trexler. “Can you pick us up? The plateau is secure.”

  “Resolve is waiting nearby. I’ll have a cruiser there in five minutes.”

  Mike’s escorting Protectors threw open the great double doors of the Chamber and cleared the corridor, though no one was presently moving there besides their own men. They advanced to the outer doors and opened them, and Mike stepped out into sunlight for the first time in days with Ellie in his arms. Otis and Reba joined him, though no words were exchanged. There was no need.

  Mike set Ellie gently on the sidewalk just as Washburn came trudging around the outside of the Chamber with Krys in his arms. “She needs away from the scree,” he demanded.

  “It will stop shortly,” Mike told him. “Resolve is on the way. They can pick-up Ellie and Krys. The rest of us can wait until everyone is loaded onto a cruiser.”

  Just then the scree stopped. Resolve angled down onto the plateau and pulled up right outside the Chamber entrance. Washburn rushed Krys toward her home, and Mike followed a little slower. It was a long walk to the ramp, and he was done in by the time he got to the top. He set Ellie on a waiting floater and she stirred. Resolve needed to leave, but he decided to wait the few extra minutes it would take her to fully come to.

  When she was fully awake, a look of horror filled her face. “I can’t leave like this!” she exclaimed, struggling to sit up. “Their last view of me has to be of a strong Queen. They have to know I’m in control.”

  He nodded his understanding. “Can you walk?”

  “I will walk,” she said, struggling to get off the floater.

  She swayed on her feet, but she was able to stand on her own. A few minutes later she and Mike left the ship arm in arm staring around in awe at the battlefield. Inside the chamber, Senators were still milling around, struggling to recover from their own ordeals with the scree. She walked through them, greeting several but continuing without pause up to the dais.

  She waited patiently for the room to settle down, though there were cries of pain from injuries here and there. When she spoke, it was in a kinder tone than earlier.

  “The doors were locked. Now they are open,” she said. “You are free to leave, but I ask that you endure with me for just another minute or two. I explained the scree earlier. Understand that it is a mind weapon of the Chessori, creatures from outside our Empire who are set on enslaving us. My forces have learned how to defeat the scree. I will drive the Chessori from our Empire.

  “You have endured much. We have all endured much, but know this: the Realm lives. Your Realm lives. When you next gather, I will stand before you and demand an accounting. After that, you may choose to relieve yourselves of the burden of the Chosen should you so desire. I would welcome your release. However, know this as well: until that time, I rule. Empire law will be upheld, by me and with force where necessary.”

  She turned to Mike with raised eyebrows. He took that as approval for him to speak.

  He turned his own microphone on. “The fighting here in your Chamber is regrettable. As Great Ones of the Empire, you deserve better. The Rebels don’t care about you. They knew the Queen would come here today. They called on gleasons and the Chessori to combat her, knowing you would be helpless against them. Despite their best efforts, they did not prevail.

  “Your Queen will never condone such treatment of you. When you leave this chamber today, you will leave through a battlefield. Please appreciate that Struthers intended the battle to be fought right here in this room. The Queen chose otherwise. Her Protectors, at great cost to themselves, drew nearly all of the fighting away from this chamber, away from you.

  “Struthers is defeated. Were it part of her plan, the Queen’s forces would stay and take back Triton, but she has other commitments. She will be back, and the next convocation of the Senate will be held with the Palace restored. This august body will never meet in fear again.

  “The Rebels have lost, but not all of them know it yet,” he said. “There will be more fighting. Some of you have risked everything to help restore the throne. He looked to the great yellow dragon standing to his right near the front of the chamber. “One in particular among you, Imperial Senator Truax from Rrestriss, risked his life repeatedly during the past three years.”

  He addressed Truax directly. “Your Queen is leaving now, Senator. I invite you to accompany her. I cannot guarantee your safety, but I can guarantee you will be safer than if you remain here. Any other senators who wish to accompany us may, with your approval, join us.”

  He turned off his microphone and turned back to Ellie with a nod.

  She didn’t delay. “This convocation of the Imperial Senate is dismissed,” she said.

  This time she walked out of the Chamber on her own two feet. Mike accompanied her to Resolve.

  Stven waited at the top of the ramp. “Welcome back, Your Majesty,” he said with a bow.

  “Will the Queen be safe leaving with you, or should we wait for the cruiser?” Mike asked.

  “I guarantee her safety, Sire. Provided she accomplished her goals, I would think the sooner she leaves the better. There are a lot of wounded. It will take an hour or two to load the cruiser.”

  Mike turned to Ellie and kissed her. “Congratulations, Your Majesty. We’ll join up out in space.”

  Alarm filled her eyes. “You’re staying?”

  “Of course I’m staying,” he said. “These are my men. I was first in, and I’ll be last out.”

  She sighed and nodded. “Very well, First Knight. Be careful.”

  He turned and limped back down the ramp. The ramp closed immediately behind him and Resolve lifted, disappearing swiftly. Stven would fast-ship out of the system the moment he cleared atmosphere.

  Mike joined Josh in the chamber. “She’s away. Congratulations, my friend. You did it.”

  Josh stared back at him grimly. “We’ve paid a high price, Mike. Waverly’s men are running the recovery operation. It’s going to take a while. I just got a report from Team Three, the guys in the control center. The Rebels found them, and they’re under attack. Forg’s weak scree is holding them back for the moment, but I expect they’ll reinforce with K’tiri soon.”

  “Can we help?”

  “We have a couple of options. We can fight our way to them, but it will take a while and we might be too late. A better option is to put all the Rebels to sleep.”

  Mike glanced toward the ten Chessori captives and knew exactly what Josh was saying. “I like that option. There are a lot of Rebels loose out there, and some of them are still armed.”

  Josh spoke to the captives. Moments later the scree sounded. The senators were again instantly thrashing around on the floor, but Mike wasn’t particularly concerned about them. He wanted no questions in their minds about what it meant to side with the Chessori.

  He made his way to the waiting room where Jessie lay unconscious on the floor. She was still alive, but he had no idea how severe her wounds were. He stunned her, hoping it would remove some of the strain on her body from the scree. He then removed his equipment harness, clipped it to hers, and lay down beside her to squirm back into his harness. He struggled to his feet with her dead weight hanging from his shoulders and back, one h
uge paw over each shoulder, and stumbled from the room with her legs and lower body dragging on the floor behind him. As he passed Josh who was holding the Chessori at gunpoint, Josh winked at him, then turned his attention back to his prisoners.

  Gasping with each step, Mike made his way down the center isle of the chamber and out into the sun once again. The nose of a cruiser was just settling into position in front of the door. Mike stood there waiting, knowing he would never be able to get up if he lay down with his load.

  Boarding ramps reached to the ground, and Mike trudged ahead. Reba came panting up behind him, carrying Val in the same way he carried Jessie.

  “We’re a fine pair, aren’t we?” she gasped.

  Mike couldn’t answer. He was close to the end of his strength.

  “Come on, soldier. Just a little farther,” he heard. Suddenly the weight on his back lessened. General Waverly and one of his Raiders had each put a shoulder under the cat and lifted. Mike made it into the ship and over to Reba and Val who lay on the far side of the loading bay. When he reached them, he simply collapsed. By the time he got his equipment harness released, Waverly had disappeared.

  Reba lay beside him catching her breath as well. When she stood up she just left, on what errand he had no idea. Mike considered going outside to help, but he knew he was not needed there.

  The wounded were brought aboard to lie scattered about the deck. Then the dead were brought aboard, lined up in long lines against a side wall.

  Otis limped up to Mike, the straps of his body armor holding a deep cut along his side together. “Everyone is accounted for, Sire. It’s time to leave.”

  “Not quite yet. Some of those senators will suffer retribution. We’re bringing Senator Truax and a few others with us. Can you assist Waverly’s men in identifying them?”


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