Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  “Well, I was minding my own business taking a run out on the territory when I scented a strange wolf. I tracked her down to the large oak tree on the property. She was lying down, exhausted. When she saw me, she stood up and growled. I caught her scent and knew she was my mate. We both shifted and mated the entire night. In the morning I found out that her old Alpha had beaten her and tried to force a mating on her. He had convinced her that she wasn’t womanly and no one else in their pack would want her. He told her she was too tall, too outspoken, and not very feminine. Your comment may have cut deeper than you realize. She has always doubted she was woman enough for me. I’ve been working this past year to make her see exactly how beautiful she is, despite not being a girly girl,” Bran explained.

  “And I probably undid any progress you have made with her.” Caleb rubbed his hands over his face. “Bran, what in the hell am I going to do? Being with you and Kate is the first real sense of home I’ve ever had. Even with the leopards, I felt like an outsider,” he said dejectedly.

  “You are going to beg. Yup, lots of begging and you’re going to give her her favorite chocolate, which old man Gilberton happens to keep in stock since he knows Kate is addicted. The damn stuff is imported from Belgium. Then we’re going to put our heads together to think of the perfect apology gift.”

  Caleb looked at his Alpha.

  “Will that work?” he asked.

  Bran nodded. “I’m pretty sure it will work. Kate has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. If you are truly sorry and prove to her that you are really okay with her being the boys’ mother, then she will forgive you. I’ve fucked up more than once. Trust me, that chocolate can work miracles.”

  Caleb stood up and finished his beer.

  “Mojo, as soon as you find someone to replace me, I’ll need to quit. I’m going to be focusing on my painting and my mates,” Caleb said, smiling at Bran.

  “No worries. I have someone who came in here yesterday looking for a job. Paint me something for the bar and there won’t be any hard feelings. Maybe one of those fifties-style pin-up girls you have been doodling on bar napkins.” Mojo winked.

  Bran’s eyebrows went up and Caleb blushed.

  “I didn’t think you saw those,” he admitted and Mojo gave a great booming laugh.

  “They were all over the place, pretty blonde women. Ironic, thinking back, they looked a lot like Kate,” Mojo said.

  Caleb’s eyes widened. “They did, didn’t they?” he said, smiling.

  “Fate knows what she’s doing, kiddo. Don’t fuck up again,” Mojo said.

  Bran and Caleb turned to leave the bar. Bran grabbed Caleb’s arm.

  “You have got to paint Kate as a fifties pin-up girl for my office,” he said, a dreamy look on his face.

  “Sure, if you spot me the money to get that imported chocolate and my apology gift.” Caleb laughed.

  “Deal! I can’t wait to get my painting,” Bran said, rubbing his hands together.

  * * * *

  “Okay, Uncle Rian is going to introduce you to the best things in life, boys. Candy and coffee. Can you say coffee?” Rian said, bouncing Landon.

  “Rian, should they have sugar and caffeine?” Damian asked, worried.

  “If it’s tiny amounts, yes, they’ll be fine. Besides it’s fun to watch them get excited and it makes me the best uncle ever,” Rian said as they walked into Bobbles and Things, the local candy and toy store.

  “What do you think, Damian, a little cotton candy? It should dissolve so they won’t choke and they can have just a little bit.” Rian eyed the blue, fluffy candy.

  “That should be okay, as long as it’s a tiny bit,” Damian said, bouncing Lucas.

  “They probably had more sugar eating some of the cereals they have nowadays, relax Damian.” Rian smiled down at Landon.

  “So the fags are back,” a cranky voice said from behind the counter.

  Rian rolled his eyes. “Hello and a good afternoon to you too, Mr. Gilberton. It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?” Rian said sweetly. The old man harrumphed and went back to his books.

  “Can we get these for them?” Damian asked, holding up a pair of stuffed toy lions. Rian hurried over and gushed over the small toys. The boys squealed and tried to take the toys from them.

  “I think they want them,” Damian said, smiling.

  “Then they get them,” Rian said simply.

  They were on the way to the counter when they saw Caleb and Bran walk in, holding the distinct burgundy bag from their local jewelry store. He dragged Damian into the back of the store. He prayed that the overwhelming smells of the different candies masked their scents. He overheard Bran ask about the Belgium chocolate that Kate loved. Damian nudged his side and pointed excitedly to Caleb. He had heard it too. Poor Caleb looked as though he had been kicked in the nuts and anxious. Bran paid for the chocolates and turned to Caleb, saying that Kate should still be at the library.

  “Here take him real quick, he said, handing Landon off to Damian, who juggled both boys.

  He took out his cell phone and quickly sent a text to Kate. He was so glad that the three newly mated ménage members seemed to heading in the right direction. He zipped off one last text as Bran and Caleb left the shop before he put the phone away and took Landon back from Damian.

  “Let’s get out of here and head to The Grind. I am dying for one of Nic’s frappes,” Rian said.

  They went to the counter and paid for their candy and the toy lions. Mr. Gilberton was rude as usual. They walked down to The Grind and stepped in. Both men stopped and breathed in deeply.

  “Heaven must smell like this,” Rian said. Damian nodded. They heard a laugh and saw Nicholas behind the counter looking at them. Rian and Damian carried the boys over and sat at the bar.

  “Who do we have here?” Nic asked, smiling at the twins, who beamed back.

  “I need caffeine, Nic, or I’m going to die,” Rian whined.

  “He needs caffeine, Nic, or I’m going to kill him,” Damian said, rolling his eyes.

  “Your usual extra-large, quad-shot, raspberry white chocolate mocha with whip?” Nic asked.

  “Stop talking dirty to me in front of the babies,” Rian said, making a shooing motion at Nic with his hand.

  “Coming right up. Damian, anything for you?” Nic asked, laughing.

  “Can I get a medium caramel frappe with extra coffee and drizzle?” Damian asked.

  “Of course. Be right back.” Nic turned and starting pouring espresso shots into cups.

  Rian and Damian settled the boys into two of the shop’s highchairs and scooted them between the two barstools. Rian’s phone buzzed. He checked his text and smiled before sending one back. He then hit a contact on his phone and hit send.

  “Hey, Zane I need a favor. If I place an order, can you pick it up tomorrow? You can take on any hyena, Zane. It’s why I called you… Yup. I’ll text you with the details later. Thanks, bello! Ciao.” Rian then squealed when Nic placed his drink in front of him.

  “What was that about?” Damian asked.

  “Kate needs me to order some stuff for her,” he said, sighing happily as he sipped his mocha. He then turned to Landon. “Now we’re going to learn about coffee.”

  Damian groaned.

  * * * *

  “Was I wrong? I mean I know it’s soon in the mating and all. But, I thought that, you know, they would be mine. I didn’t mean to cross any lines or anything.” Kate knew she was rambling but couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  “Kate, honey, sit down,” Rebecca said from behind the circulation desk at the library.

  “Everything will be fine. You’ll see. Caleb is a great guy. I think what you said just surprised him. I mean he moved himself and the boys into the Pack house and completed the claiming, so you know he’s on board with this mating.”

  “What if I screwed everything up being presumptuous? I mean he never said I could use the “M” word.” Kate straightened all the books on the counter until
they lined up perfectly.

  “Hun, your OCD is coming out. Maybe some ice cream would help,” Ashby offered.

  “The Xanax-flavored one maybe,” Nic said and Ashby slapped his arm.

  “Kate, please sit down. I can feel your anxiety through our bond and it’s making my tummy feel weird.” Rebecca looked a little pale.

  “Oh God! Anything but that!” Ashby said, frantically digging through his pockets. His hand came out with a tiny green rock that he handed Rebecca, who immediately popped in her mouth.

  “What did you just give her?” Kate asked as Rebecca leaned back and began to chew slowly.

  “Well, she had such great results with the ginger mint tea, we kinda made mint-wrapped pieces of ginger with a sugar glaze on it. That way we can carry them around.” Ashby pulled out a bag filled with what looked like small rocks.

  “What if he doesn’t want me to be their mama?” Kate asked quietly.

  Rebecca opened her eyes and looked at Kate. “Kate, he’d be an idiot not to want you to be their mother and he doesn’t seem like an idiot.”

  Kate smiled. “You always think the best of everyone.” Kate took a seat at the counter. For some reason just being around Ashby, Nicholas, and Rebecca made her feel more calm and together.

  “Not true! I don’t like the hyenas!” Rebecca argued.

  Kate smiled. “Hun, no one likes them right now, considering they are responsible for mass genocide,” Kate said wryly.“While we’re here, we need to have a group meeting to discuss Ashby wanting to go back to Purgatory.” Nicholas frowned at his best friend.

  “Gabriel wants me to come back for a visit. He feels really bad about what happened the last time I was there,” Ashby said, blushing.

  “I didn’t get an invitation back,” Rebecca said, looking at Ashby closely.

  “That’s because he doesn’t want to sleep with you and chomp on your neck,” Nic said, exasperated.

  “We don’t know that for sure, Nic! That man is like a God. He could have any guy he wanted. I’m sure he’s just being nice. That’s all.” Ashby flipped through one of the books on the desk to be checked back in.

  Kate saw Rebecca and Nic’s eyes meet with identical looks of concern of their faces before they turned and looked at her. Kate could feel the attraction that Ashby had for the handsome vampire. She could also feel the growing sense of unease from Rebecca and Nic about this budding attraction.

  “Just don’t go off on your own,” Nic said, looking worried.

  “Okay, okay,” Ashby said, still looking down at the book. Nic’s eyes narrowed and he was about to say something when Emmett, Aleks’s younger brother, started heading toward them.

  “Dammit, Rebecca, I’m not going out there anymore while they are still here!” Emmett strode up to the counter, one hand rubbing his backside.

  “Emmett, what in the world is the matter!” Rebecca exclaimed.

  Emmett looked at Ashby, Nic, and Kate standing there and a slow blush worked its way up his neck.

  “Emmett?” Rebecca asked again.

  “They won’t leave me alone,” he said quietly.

  “Who?” She lowered her voice to a whisper.

  “The Blue-Haired Lady Brigade,” he said, wincing.

  Ashby and Nic hid smiles and Kate turned around. Sure enough there were no less than six little old ladies sitting at the table near the shelves where Emmett had been working. One was high-fiving another.

  Oh dear, Kate thought.

  “What is the Blue-Haired Lady Brigade?” Rebecca asked.

  “Them,” Emmett said, pointing to the small group of senior citizens.

  “That is Ms. Tully and her book club. They are harmless,” Rebecca said.

  “They are evil old shifter females who haven’t died since Satan doesn’t want them!” Emmett protested.

  Rebecca’s eyes widened. She had never heard any of the Arkadion men speak about a woman that way. She glanced over to the old women with curiosity.

  “Rebecca, have you ever heard of the term ‘cougar’?” Kate asked, trying to clear this up.

  Rebecca nodded and Kate continued. “Cougar usually refers to women in their forties, women in their fifties are considered ‘jaguars’ and these ladies… I guess they would be like pumas,” Kate said and then pointed to Emmett. “Emmett is perfect prey for them.”

  Rebecca’s mouth became an O.

  “Oh, Emmett, I’m sorry. Ummm, can you work on the shelves in the archives instead?” Rebecca asked, patting his arm.

  He gave a quick nod turned to scowl at the “book club” then hurried down the stairs. Kate noticed the death grip Rebecca had on Ashby’s hand. Once they heard the basement door shut, Rebecca erupted into helpless giggles.

  “You are absolutely wrong,” Nicholas said.

  “How come you two aren’t prime prey?” Rebecca asked wiping her eyes.

  “I think it’s because they know we’re gay,” Ashby said and Nicholas nodded.

  “They heave great big ol’ sighs around us and say ‘damn shame’ a lot,” Nic added.

  Kate smiled and jumped when her phone buzzed.

  Hey gurl - ur men are at B&T getting ur fav choco, C looks like his dog died, go easy on him -lurves R

  Kate jumped up and waved her phone in front of Rebecca.

  “Look! Look! He’s not mad! He’s actually sorry and is buying my favorite chocolate!” Kate exclaimed.

  “See! I told you he was a good guy,” Rebecca said. They all jumped when the phone buzzed again.

  Headin ur way now!

  Kate stared down at her phone as a rush of excitement flooded her body. She had the best friends in the whole world.

  “Kate, they’re here,” Rebecca said, pointing to the door a couple minutes later.

  Kate turned and watched as her two men walked toward her. One dark, reminding her of cool, long nights and the other auburn with red-tinted hues reminding her of the sun’s warmth. She never felt more thankful in her life. She watched as they walked right up to her and then surprisingly, both men dropped to their knees.

  “Kate, I am so sorry for what I said to you at the diner,” Caleb said, his voice shaking in spots

  “I never meant to hurt you or insinuate that I didn’t want you to be the boys’ mother. I was just afraid that the boys would forget Renee and I didn’t want that to happen. You are the most beautiful and amazingly caring woman I have ever met. I couldn’t beg God for a better mate and mother for my children. Will you please accept this as our way of asking you to be ours?” His hand trembled as he held up a small white box.

  Kate reached forward and felt tears drip off her cheeks and run down her neck. She took the box and opened it. She closed her eyes as her chest shook in silent sobs. Caleb and Bran stood. Caleb took the box out of her hands.

  “See, it’s an adjustable chain. It can be smaller when you’re human and if you have to shift in a hurry, the chain will slide and become larger to accommodate your wolf’s neck. I got three charms. They’re birthstones, mine and the boys’, so we’ll always be with you.” Caleb took the chain out of the box, sliding on the three charms and handing it to Kate.

  “I got you something too, Katie Belle. I took for granted how we came together and I never took the time to show you how much I thank Fate every night for sending you to me, even though I know I’m not good enough. You make me remember how to smile and laugh. Without you, I’m empty.” Bran reached into his pocket and pulled out another charm. It matched the white-gold charms holding birthstones that Caleb had given her. He took the chain from her shaking hands.

  “It’s my birthstone. And later, when we have more children, we can add theirs to the chain as well.” He added his charm onto the chain and passed it back to her. “Where’s my birthstone?” she asked, looking at Caleb then Bran, tears in her eyes.

  “Katie, don’t you know?” Bran asked gently. Caleb stepped forward and placed a hand on her cheek.

  “You’re the chain, baby. You’re the one who hol
ds us all together,” Caleb said.

  Kate threw her arms around Caleb’s and Bran’s necks. She sobbed so hard she didn’t think she would ever be able to breathe again.

  “IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!” She wept as she held on as tight as she could. Caleb pulled away to kiss her gently on the lips before turning her to Bran so he could kiss her as well. She smiled up at them, her tears slowing. Behind them, she heard sniffles. Every single one of the old ladies was crying. She heard more sniffles from behind the counter. Ashby, Nicholas and Rebecca had their arms wrapped around each other and were boo-hooing.

  “That’s so be-bea-beautiful!” Rebecca finally managed.

  Ashby and Nicholas nodded.

  The library door swung open and Aleks, in his sheriff’s uniform, strode in. He saw Rebecca crying and raced behind the counter.

  “Becca, baby, what’s the matter? I could feel you crying across town.” He looked around and saw nearly everyone except Caleb and Bran in tears, though their eyes were very bright.

  “What in the hell is going on!” he demanded.

  Rebecca continued to cry. “It was so beautiful! I want you to be like Bran and Caleb, but you’re only one man and I love you and don’t want anyone else, but it was so perfect. I love you!” she wailed.

  Aleks’ eyes widened and he simply scooped Rebecca up and sat in her chair. From the looks of things, he was getting used to her outbursts. He no longer got that panicked look on his face. Kate knew that Rebecca’s meltdown was part hormones and part of the feelings she had gotten through their bond. She would have to apologize later. Kate smiled and brought the necklace up and fastened it around her neck. She wiped her eyes and took both of her men’s hands.

  “I want to go shopping! I have two sons now and I want to get some home furnishings that all three of us pick out so Caleb feels more at home at the Pack house.” Kate smiled up at them.

  “As long as we don’t spend too much money,” Caleb said, kissing her nose.

  She rolled her eyes. She looked over to where Rebecca was down to tiny sniffles and wiping her nose on her sleeve.

  “Meet you at the diner later for dinner?” she asked the three. Ashby and Nicholas smiled and nodded.


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