69 SHADES OF RED: Femdom Stories of Spankings and Other Sexual Punishments - Bend Over! You Know You Deserve It! Volume 2 of the WellHeeledDominatrix.com Collection

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69 SHADES OF RED: Femdom Stories of Spankings and Other Sexual Punishments - Bend Over! You Know You Deserve It! Volume 2 of the WellHeeledDominatrix.com Collection Page 8

by Nika Bella Dea

  “Well, technically, I wasn’t trying to peek,” he said, leaning on the door frame, and looking down at me.

  “Well?” I asked him in the mirror.

  “You look good,” he said, obviously taking a long gander down my thick, tanned side. "But, I have always liked your body. You know that.”

  “You’ve always had a thing for my ass, actually,” I said, smiling in the mirror. Done with my eyes, I turned to fix my friend with a really good stare. Even then, turned to Brian, wiggling so I managed my 36DD’s between my elbows, he didn’t really as much look down my chest as he did try to peer over me to see my fleshy round bottom in the mirror's reflection.

  “Go ahead, get down behind there. Give it a good look,” I snickered.

  “Dana, come on.”

  Out of the two of us, I was certainly the sexually brazen one. Even married now a good twelve years, I could be known to go out with the girls, drink some tequila, and flirt unmercifully with men I knew I’d never cheat on my husband with. Brian sure wasn’t a prude but I could tell even then, with us standing so close—and me so naked—he was nervous, and slightly sweating. Really, when a girl’s got tits like mine, you either covered them up, or relished teasing with them.

  “Really, Bri, get down there on your knees behind me. I want you to give it a good, long look.”


  “This is the only chance you’re gonna get. Offer’s on the table now,” I teased, staring still into his eyes. “You can either finally get to set your little baby blues on my kiester or, I promise you, you’ll never get a chance again.”

  To my delight, and not a little surprise, my best friend moved around me, knelt quickly, and lay his soft right cheek right against mine!

  Brian’s worshipping began that day.

  Since then, I have taken to always keeping the bathroom door half cracked when putting on my make-up. Also, after that Saturday, I have made sure to keep a pair of heels in the bathroom with me. The devilish addition of height—not to mention me naked in heels—always floods my pussy and I know sets my round behind up nicely like a shelf over Brian who, when he ‘happens’ upon me now, simply walks into the bathroom without a sound, kneels behind me, and begins to softly, sweetly, and ever so slowly kiss my cheeks back and forth.

  I’m not even sure when the kissing began and, for sure, he's never attempted to spread my cheeks or even get up any further under me. After Brian attends my ass now—sometimes only once a weekend, sometimes a few more—he simply leaves the bathroom and we never address his ass worship.

  Student Servitude

  by Chase

  “Mr. Steamsmen, are you paying attention?”

  What could I say? Trigonometry bored me to tears. It was why I had to pay Mrs. McCreaty once a week for extra tutoring...and why I hadn’t been paying attention to her. She had been reading from her book, only to look up, and catch me staring out into space.

  “I need you to keep your concentration with me here.” She suddenly stood from her desk.

  “Let’s try this,” Mrs. M. continued, coming from around her desk, and stepping to me. “See if you might focus on this,” she added, and the lady spun on her short heels, turning to bring her ample bottom close to my face.

  I sat back, knowing what my busty tutor was suggesting. I was enjoying quite the eyeful of the lady’s fantastically round rump in her tight, light blue skirt. I had certainly checked out this 40-something’s fine, thick bod from time to time—the pretty Mrs. M. was well known around the college campus as much for her math acumen as her short, yet loaded frame. And, her ass in my face right then was certainly a welcome respite from my boring math problems.

  "Are we afraid of a little servitude to set your focus right?" the lady asked, settling a questioning, brown-eyed gaze over her shoulder at me.

  As much from shock as from the creeping arousal that had my cock pounding then, I kept my tongue, and lifted my gaze to the lady who was looking down at me.

  Sure, the lady was 15 years my senior and the Mrs. at the front of her name probably meant she was married but, if she wanted to stick her supremely round kadunka in my face, who was I to argue?

  But, servitude? Whatever was she proposing?

  "Do you need extra inducement?" my tutor asked and, turning fully forward then, Mrs. M. placed her hands to the zipper at the back of her skirt, and unzipped it.

  Interesting, I thought. (Okay, that’s not all I thought!). Here she was wanting to get me to do something in the realm of ‘servitude’ but it was the lady herself who was removing her clothes to nothing more than my silence. I could be, and normally would have been, quite vocal in a circumstance such as this. But, me not speaking a word had gotten me this far. In fact, it seemed to me the fact that I hadn’t answered my tutor in the requisite time she figured I should have is what had gotten her walking over to me in the first place. Was my silent shock egging this lady on? Did she feel she had to shock me even further so I would pay attention and focus?

  I’d gladly play this game as long as she liked! We did have a full hour here in this back classroom.

  I sat where I was as Mrs. M. shucked down her skirt, revealing her ass and the backs of her thighs in tight black pantyhose, with a tight cotton panty under...sky blue it seemed, like her skirt, but I couldn’t be sure considering her hose were light gray.

  “Well?” she said to the blackboard.

  Reach out to fondle? Lean in to kiss? Sit back, and offer an assessment? Which did this lady want? Wanting to show the very best servitude and focus, I decided I should wait for her command.

  “Your generation doesn’t do a blessed thing these days unless someone texts you the instructions!” Mrs. M. spat. Looking behind herself again, she thrust her shelf of an ass even further at me, and then hooked her thumbs to either side of her pantyhose waistband. “Shulip-szzz” I heard as the lady pulled down her hose with her panty, down the round bump of her rump, and presented her bare cheeks to me.

  “Now, do I have your attention?” my tutor asked, looking down over her shoulder at me again. She backed up to balance her booty on my desk top.

  “Yes,” I mumbled.

  “And, will you assure me that I do by kissing my ass?”

  “Okay,” I said. I leaned forward, and did just that, giving Mrs. M. a loud lip smack on her fleshy and warm right cheek, pushed-up right there on the edge of my desk.

  Again, I was delightfully aware of the fact that the lady had asked me to kiss her bottom, that it was she who had gotten herself bare-assed, that it was my tutor here who thought getting me to focus (and I had to give it to her, for the past few moments, I was really focused!) was to strip down her skirt, peel down her pantyhose and undies, and suggest I lean in for a kiss.

  I’d certainly have no problem with servitude, and would come to look forward to doing more of this with this lady, if that is what my classes now entailed.

  “More,” Mrs. M. said and I leaned forward again, this time lifting my hands so I could get a good grip on the lady’s hips.

  I moved my face forward, and brushed my lips and nose across the right cheek I had just kissed, then over to her left. She smelled nice, light like that perfume trickle I always caught when the lady walked past, and felt warm with the brush of her bottom. Shit, I could do this all day, I thought, as I made a pass from kissing her left cheek back to her right again.

  “Good, good,” my tutor said, popping up from my desk then. “I think we can get you to focus after all.”

  Mrs. McCreaty wiggled, and pulled herself back into her clothes as I sat back and regarded my Trig textbook anew.

  Maybe there was something to this servitude thing after all.

  Ann’s Aversion Therapy

  by Ralph Greco Jr.

  “Actually, I think this could be considered aversion therapy,” Ann said.

  Crack, Crack!

  She landed another two swats to Jake’s bare ass.

  “I don’t think I like the idea at a
ll,” the skinny man said, looking up and back at his girlfriend.

  “That’s kinda the point, babe.”

  Crack, Crack!

  Ann landed two more perfectly placed connections dead center of her boyfriend’s ass with the tiny, yet effective square leather paddle she held in her right hand.

  Crack, Crack!

  She landed again and, when Jake didn’t even lift his erection off her bare legs, she let go with two of the hardest she had hit him with in the past ten minutes.


  “Ann! Fuck!” Jake growled, and spun his face up across his girlfriend’s soft legs.

  Ann dropped the paddle, and reached down with a smile, massaging her man’s balls just like she and Jake both loved, and exactly what kept Jake blue-balled and hard—until, and if, she allowed him to come during her doming.

  “Tam is up for it,” said the curly haired girl. "And, you really don’t have a say now, do you?”

  “It’s…all…it’s all a little much, no?” Jake tried, wiggling to the steady tickles of his girlfriend’s beautiful long fingers on his tight, aching sack.

  “What’s a little bit much...” Ann stopped tickling and teasing to land one smack of her right palm to first the upper inside of Jake’s right thigh, and then his left.

  “Ow, honey!”

  “…is how much you are coming to want these spankings. How much, no matter what I buy, from that paddle there to that ass warming cream, you are coming to like what I do more and more.”

  “I told you from the beginning I wanted this as much as you did.”

  “That’s what I was afraid would happen,” Ann said. “The minute a man agrees that means he usually wants the spanking more than even I want to give it to him. Couldn’t it just be enough that it turns me on? Couldn’t it ever just be that way?”

  “A girl spurned by her own kink,” Jake said, slipping off his girlfriend’s bare lap, and then turning to sit next to Ann. Adjusting his still stinging cheeks, he reached over to kiss the round right cheek of this girl who had brought as much joy as she had sexual desire to his life the past three months.

  “You know, whatever you want to try I am up for, and yes, I want to make it enough that this all turns you on.”

  This said, Jake reached across to take Ann’s meaty right breast in his hand, and tweak her rock hard nipple. The pretty girl with the round apple cheeks leaned her head back, and half-closed her big-lidded eyes.

  “Then you agree to the aversion therapy? You’ll let Tam do it?” she cooed as her man dipped his mouth to the nipple he was teasing.

  “Of course, Ann. Anything for you. I might not like it but I will do anything for you.”

  In this instance, the ‘anything’ Jake was agreeing to was to submit to consistent, hard spankings from Ann’s cousin Tamerlane. The 25-year-old relatives were closer then sisters. Ann and Tam were the only children in their respective families, and had been born a month apart, shared many a secret, once even a man with first Ann dating him, then Tam after—and had been looking for a possibility like the one Ann and now Jake were allowing.

  Yes, it was Ann’s idea. Yes, it was she who always looked for, usually found, and got off on doming the men she dated. But, she also knew none of those men, least of all Jake presently, would allow for any spanking, ass-fucking, or even now the idea of some ‘aversion therapy’ from a third party unless that man wanted to.

  Now all she had to do was sell the idea to Tam. She knew her cousin would be tickled wet by the idea. Tam had a thing for Jake to be sure but, if one thing was true of Tam beyond any other fact, she liked to be convinced into her perversions to lessen the guilt she might feel about them later.


  “I don’t want him cured of it, per say,” Ann was explaining to her cousin the next day as the two women sat in her aunt’s bright kitchen.

  Tam shuttled her time between her parents' house and her boyfriend’s condo. She had agreed to meet Ann far from the ears of her boyfriend, though, because she knew it would be a delicious plan. Ann had been texting her for the past two weeks that she might have a kinky wrinkle to the possibility of the cousins both doming a man, something Ann openly discussed often—an idea Tamerlane fantasized about but feigned shock over.

  “I just want him not to be so excited by it.”

  “And, you think me spanking him will get him less so?!”

  “I don’t know,” Ann said, sipping at one of the two take-out coffees she had brought by. She leaned in to look deeply into her cousin’s pretty face.

  “Either way, I figure it's a win-win for us all.”

  “You are really too much,” Tam said, suddenly standing up from her chair. She grabbed her coffee while passing by the kitchen table to the big bay window.

  Ann took a breath and a sip of coffee, and settled back in her chair to continue with a whisper. “You know he is fine. You’ve said as much to me many times. You’ll just love seeing and spanking his ass.”

  Tam spun on Ann and, despite herself, a thin-lipped grin spread across her face.


  “I will probably be taking my vibrating rabbit to my cunny every single second, knowing you are over there spanking him.”

  “Ann!” Tam squealed louder, taking a step back to her cousin, and gently slapping her arm. "You are so bad!”

  “And you aren’t?”

  Tam sat once again across from her cousin as Ann made her final plea.

  “You haven’t said no and we both know you’re not going to…”

  “Geez girl, how…"

  “It will be easy…” Ann just kept on speaking, “Jake’s out in the car waiting.”

  “What?!” Tam said, shooting up again from her seat. This time, she did make the bay window, spied Ann’s Mazda, and Jake, just then getting out of it. She then turned to her cousin who was putting away her cell, obviously having just used it to text Jake to come inside.

  Recognizing both arousal and nervousness in her cousin’s open-mouth surprise, in how Tam was shifting from the window to the table, gulping her coffee, and back to the window, Ann knew that catching Tam with no avenue to escape had been the last but best part of her plan for her cousin and her man…and for herself. Tam did not want to say no. She damn well would want to spank Jake, and see him naked.

  The door bell rang. Ann stood, and walked with her cousin to the front door and their combined fate.

  Editor-in-chief for the international lifestyle latex magazine Von Gutenberg (and its online blog writer / editor), sex columnist / reviewer / interviewer for shortandsweet.com (L.A. and NYC), east-coast correspondent for vintagerock.com and internationally published author of short stories, essays, SEO copy, children's songs and one-acts, Ralph Greco, Jr. rests his ego in the wilds of suburban New Jersey.

  Bound and Gagged

  by Geoff

  Where am I? I look around, trying to remember what happened last night. My brain seems fuddled somehow and, as I glance at the feeble sunlight struggling to cast its rays through the curtained window, little pieces of information start to emerge from my drugged (?) brain. What the hell happened?

  Let me see if you can help me to piece together the events of the last 24 hours. My name is Geoff and I am 31 years old. I come from New York originally, but now live in Kissimmee, Florida. I have a good job in a bank, and a wide circle of friends. In fact, the only thing missing from my life is a partner. I had thought I was okay with that until recently, and had figured out that it would happen when the time was right. Life would have carried on as it was, if it were not for my friend Marty suggesting that I joined him for a night out.

  “I’m going to Leather and Lace on Friday night,” he said. “Do you want to come along? It’ll be different from anywhere else you’ve been...that’s for sure.”

  I had heard about the new club that had opened in town, and curiosity got the better of me. For awhile now, I have relied on porn to masturbate to, figuring that it was better than nothing. But, you g
et fed up of the same old stuff in your wank bank, don’t you? So, I thought I could do with some new material.

  “Okay, I’ll give it a go,” I replied. We made arrangements for that Friday and I got on with my work without giving it another thought.

  Friday arrived and, as I got showered and changed, I wondered what kind of night I was in for. Little did I expect what I actually encountered! We arrived there at about ten o’clock, after we had done the rounds of several bars. To say I was inebriated would probably be understating the obvious! So, already smiley and happy, I sat with Marty to enjoy the ‘show,’ which consisted of women in very little clothing disciplining men on stage.

  “What the fuck’s this all about? I didn’t know you were into this kind of thing,” I slurred to Marty.

  “Just watch and learn,” he smiled. “If you have never cum while having your ass spanked, you’ve never lived buddy!”

  So, I watched and I learned that most of the guys there seemed to be well into this whole discipline idea. I relaxed, and watched, and was suddenly captivated by the azure eyes of a blond woman on the stage. She was whipping a naked guy’s ass as he kneeled on all fours. There was something almost electric about her presence and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I had never realized that clubs were actually allowed to show guys cumming, and was quite surprised when the guy who was being whipped came bucket-loads all over the stage.

  Marty explained that this club was very exclusive. It costs a fortune to become a member and one of the bank managers (who secretly had the hots for Marty,) had allowed us in as his guests. The guy on stage had crawled off now and the blond looked straight toward me.

  “You,” she pointed, and I looked behind me just to make sure.

  “Yes, you,” she reiterated. “Come here. I have a feeling you would like a private lesson, wouldn’t you?”

  Her eyes were almost hypnotic and I felt myself standing up, and following her into another room. This room was done up something like a dungeon and I looked around, wondering how many men had been punished in here. The girl walked over to me with a seductive smile playing about the corners of her lips. She put her hand out, and stroked my cheek gently. “You are going to be a good boy for me, aren’t you?” she whispered. I nodded wordlessly.


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