A Winter's Kiss (A Winter's Tale Book 1)

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A Winter's Kiss (A Winter's Tale Book 1) Page 6

by Tailor, Kristi


  “And thanks for being so welcoming to Nicholas . . . I know how much family means to you.”


  “Another time, mother, my fiancé wants to visit the harbor . . . after driving all of this way for nothing- it’s the least I can do, right?” she smirked turning slightly, her tone mocking. “Thanks for the advice . . . you’ve always known best.”


  Bright lights and coral reefs decorated Downtown Baltimore illuminating the streets with seasonal merriment. Charlotte slowed her pace as Nicholas silently walked behind her taking in his surroundings. Night life in the city was at its peak as Christmas weekend drew closer. Couples walking hand in hand admiring colorful light displays in business owners’ windows, shoppers lugging gift bags over their shoulders, tourist snapping photos of Baltimore’s skyline . . . Nicholas took it all in.

  “Damn, it’s cold out here,” he laughed rubbing his hands together before bringing them to his face.

  “You should have brought a heavier coat with you,” Charlotte admonished. Turning around to face him a bright smile softened her eyes. “You’re shivering,” she giggled. “Why didn’t you wear gloves?”

  “Gloves?” he frowned. “Have you ever seen me wear gloves?”

  “You should always keep gloves in your pocket during the winter months, even if you don’t intend on using them.”

  “What is that a lesson to the wise?”

  “More to the fool . . . .” she laughed. “Here, put these on.” Slipping her fingers from her pink leather gloves she handed them to him.

  Nicholas raised a brow. “Seriously?” he laughed. “What am I supposed to do with these?”

  “What do you think?”

  “My hands are twice the size of yours . . . besides if I put them on what would you use?” he mused handing them back to her.

  Charlotte shrugged. “My hands are fine, it’s yours I’m worried about . . . not everyone can handle a Baltimore winter,” her words were teasing as was the smirk that played on her lips. He had been adamant in his belief that New York had the coldest winters around despite her explanation on what a Baltimore cold front felt like. The wind felt like jets of fire being shot at their insides as they drew closer to the harbor water.

  “How much further do we have to walk?” he asked ignoring her banter.

  “Depends on what you’re in the mood for . . . what did you want to get into?”

  Nicholas’ bright grey eyes darkened at her words, his expression thoughtful. “You know what I like . . . surprise me.” He spoke softly, but his voice was clear.

  His words as always were playful and mischievous causing Charlotte to second guess the meaning behind them. His keen desire to get a rise out of her was beyond her understanding, and so she gave up trying to understand. Nodding her head North, Charlotte casually looped her arm through his. “Just over on Pratt Street there’s this amazing Sushi restaurant, it’s a local favorite . . . and the drinks are pretty cheap.”

  “Let’s do it,” he said ready to get out of the cold. Not that he would ever admit it aloud, but she was right Baltimore’s winter was nothing to play around with.


  The restaurant was filled to capacity bringing the quaint establishment to life. People from all walks of life crowded the dining area shouting and laughing over spilled beer and empty glasses. Nicholas leaned into the table closing the space between the two of them. “So,” he said crossing his hands in front of him. “Are you going to give me an explanation?”

  “An explanation?” Charlotte repeated taking a sip from her wine glass.

  “Let’s cut the bullshit . . . you’re lying to your parents about us being engaged . . . the undeniable tension in the room whenever you’re around your parents . . . the reason your mother lied in order to get you here . . . pretty much all of it- are you going to give me an explanation?”

  Charlotte eyed him from over her wine glass in deep contemplation. Considering the position she had forced upon him it was only right that she offered him an explanation, however, the thought of admitting the truth about her failed relationship with Todd seemed too much like confessing how pitiful her life had been before she had met him, before she had moved to New York, before she had started over. Knowing that Nicholas had viewed her on such a high pedestal gave her a sense of esteem that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Charlotte took a long sip from the glass before placing it on the table in front of her. Shrugging her thin shoulders under a loose fitting sweater she feigned indifference. “I had my reasons,” she said frankly meeting his gaze from across the table.

  “I’m sure you did,” he retorted. “I’m just waiting to hear them.”

  “You’re patience has always been admirable.”

  “Charlotte, I’m serious.” His tone lacked his usual laughter and charismatic charm. “No games . . . tell me what’s going on?”

  “I can’t,” she answered looking away from him and meaning it. There was no way she would be able to face him after divulging the most embarrassing part of her life. Wasn’t living through the humiliation hard enough? Did she really have to speak on it as well? Her entire reasoning for leaving Maryland was to escape the mortification that had become her life- that had become her very existence. Being alone in a strange city with only her thoughts to keep her company for months on end, with no family or friends to offer her solace when her mind worked against her threatening to dishevel the very foundation of her understanding of the world and the worth of the people in it- was that too not enough? Did she really have to go into detail about such an unbearable time, a time that she still had not fully come to grips with, a time she still fought so hard to overcome? “I can’t,” she repeated hating the words as she said them. “I’m sorry.”

  “You know everything about my life, literally everything, yet there is so much that I don’t know about you,” he sighed. “I don’t know how to feel about that.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want you to be sorry Dimple . . . I just want you to open up to me. Tell me something . . . anything . . . that would make this, make sense.”

  Charlotte looked down at her fingers avoiding his watchful gaze. Parting her lips to speak she quickly closed them groaning inwardly at her inability to open up to the one person who had proven his loyalty time and time again. “I- I just . . . I just needed . . . in that moment that’s just who I needed you to be,” she stammered hoping that her words would be enough for him.

  Nicholas’ molten gaze watched her intently. While part of him yearned for an answer beyond what she was willing disclosing, the more sensible part hated seeing her fall apart over her inability to open up to him. Placing his hand on hers Nicholas caressed his thumb along her knuckles. “Look at me,” he demanded, his voice low.

  Charlotte did as she was told lifting her head to meet his gaze once more. The pain in her eyes was too much for him to bear. “Where to next?” he asked pushing against the table as he stood.


  “I hope this wasn’t your idea of showing me a good time? Where to next?”

  “I don’t-”

  “We’re going dancing,” he said decidedly pulling Charlotte from her chair in one swift motion smiling inwardly at the uncertainty in her eyes. “What?” he laughed. “What’s up with that face, you don’t like dancing?”

  “I’m not the best dancer.”

  Nicholas shrugged a wry grin flattered his soft features. “You’re not the best communicator either, but we make due.”

  “Jerk,” she laughed her glum mood dwindling away rapidly. “And what, you’re great at everything?”

  “You haven’t noticed?”


  Nicholas raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you should pay better attention.”


  Taking Charlotte by the hand he pulled her toward the exit, his fingers tightly locked through hers. The feel of his stron
g hands on hers caused an immediate fluttering in her stomach, one that she couldn’t quite explain.

  “Where’s the closest club near here?” he asked interrupting her thoughts.

  “The Latin Palace is walking distance from here.”

  “Latin Palace? Like Salsa dancing?”

  “Amongst others . . . what are you an expert Latin dancer as well?” she snorted looking up at him skeptically.

  Nicholas met her brown gaze squarely. “I’m kinda’ a big deal on any dance floor,” he joked amused by her annoyed tone.

  “Oh? Well then let’s go.”

  “I’m just waiting for you to lead the way.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nicholas’ scowled at the bright lighting pouring in through the wide bay window. Stretching his long torso he pulled the thick chocolate comforter over his pale face for the first time feeling the hardness of the cold wooden floor under him. Turning onto his side he glanced up at the high rise twin bed where Charlotte had been laying still fast asleep. The time of day was lost on him as was his ability to decipher reality from the pleasure state of lost dreams. Facets of the prior night’s festivities played with his psyche, eluded remnants dangling just below the surface of his sub consciousness. So much for drinking the bare minimal, he laughed to himself as the throbbing pressure of an unavoidable migraine worked its way into his frontal lobe.

  “Knock. Knock. Are you guys awake?” Adeline whispered as she opened Charlotte’s bedroom door. “Charli-”

  Nicholas jumped up pulling the comforter with him as he did so- an act that he regretted immediately. The sudden movement jotted his senses fueling the pain that was already making its way down his neck and into his shoulders.

  “Sorry!” Adeline gasped turning away from him covering her face with her small pale hands. “I should have waited for you to tell me to come in. I didn’t mean-”

  “You’re fine. I’m fully dressed,” he assured her letting the full comforter fall to the floor at his feet revealing baggy grey sweat pants and a fitted black V- neck tee shirt. “Dimple’s still sleep,” he said nodding in the direction of the bed.


  Nicholas shrugged. “Charlotte.”

  “Dimple . . . that’s different- I like it.” Stepping further into the room Adeline stole a quick glance at her sister before focusing her attention on Nicholas. Closing the distance between them she gazed at him curiously folding her arms across her chest. “You slept on the floor?” she asked.

  Nicholas frowned under her inquisitive stare. “Uh, yeah, I did.”


  “Uh- that’s a great question . . . .” he exhaled pulling his lower lip into his mouth as if in deep thought. “. . . . a great question- uh.”

  “Were you two fighting?” she pressed taking a step closer to him.

  Nicholas looked from her to Charlotte who still hadn’t moved an inch. She looked so peaceful, so content . . . so beautiful. His steel grey eyes held her captive. It wasn’t that he hadn’t notice her apparent beauty. Beauty and Charlotte went hand in hand. But something was different, whether it be the quiet smirk at her lips, or the way her features were softened in her sleep he didn’t know. Knotting his brows together in silent deliberation he sighed before turning his attention back to the young girl in front of him.

  “So?” she pressed her frown deepening.


  “Were you two fighting?” she repeated.


  “Then why were you sleeping on the floor?”

  “You’re a nosey little bugger, aren’t you?” he grinned hoping to evade her queries.

  “And you’re rather ambiguous,” Adeline perked perching her thin lips at him. Rolling her eyes into the air she shook her head at herself. Exhaling dramatically she tilted her head to the side a small smile playing at her lips. “I know this is going to sound insanely immature, and I would blame it on my age, but I’m sure it has nothing to do with the number of years I’ve been alive, or the lack of life I’ve experienced being seventeen and all- I just wanted to give you two the heads up that Marguerite and Todd are on their way here . . . I know it’s silly, and that I’m probably an idiot for picking sides,” she shrugged, “ but I don’t want Charlotte to have to go through the humiliation without even knowing that it’s right around the corner . . . so if you two are indeed fighting- can you for her sake deal with the problem later rather than sooner,” Adeline groaned. “At least until you guys leave pretend to be the perfect couple- for Charlotte’s sake . . . .”

  Nicholas took a step away from her, stealing another glance at Charlotte through his peripheral vision he narrowed his eyes perplexed by Adeline’s words. “Marguerite and Todd . . . who are they?” he asked confusion evident in his tone.

  Adeline’s bright hazel eyes widened. “Charlotte never mentioned Marguerite to you?”

  He raised an eyebrow, clearly in the dark. “Is she someone worth mentioning?” he replied.

  Nodding slowly Adeline stared at him stupidly. “I guess not.”

  “Adie,” Nicholas spoke her name softly. “What’s going on here?” he questioned.

  “You should ask Charli-” she began before he quickly interrupted her.

  “Charlotte likes to keep her secrets buried deep as I’m sure you already know. Marguerite, Todd- who are they?”

  Adeline turned her head slightly feeling suddenly awkward under his heated stare. It was as if he was looking straight through her, as if he was able to decipher her thoughts before she even spoke them. Is he testing me, right now? She wondered. “Do you really not know about Marguerite and Todd?” she asked feeling uncertain.

  Nicholas smiled at her sweetly. “If I did what reason would I have to pretend that I didn’t?” he grinned, his handsome features coaxing her to divulge admissions that had little to do with her.


  “Will appreciate my knowing even if it comes from you,” he assured her even though he knew that that probably wouldn’t be the case in its entirety. But in that moment he wasn’t concerned with any future misunderstandings, he would attest to them when the time came, however, as for now he needed to know the truth.

  “Marguerite is our sister. She’s a few years younger than Charlotte . . . a few years older than me, and Todd is Charlotte’s ex- fiancé- Marguerite’s now husband,” she sighed. Her words came out more like an announcement than an explanation.

  Nicholas’ expression bared his evident disgust. “What?” he grimaced.

  “Charlotte walked in on them in her apartment a little over two years ago . . . they were . . . you know . . . and instead of fighting for Charlotte he told her that he planned on marrying Marguerite, and that our parents knew about the affair,” she said, her voice strained. “Charlotte emptied her savings and moved to New York a few weeks later, and hasn’t been back home since- until now, and Marguerite and Todd are on their way here . . . .”

  Nicholas gaped at her in silence not knowing what to say. What was a person supposed to say after hearing that? He didn’t know. Groaning he roughly combed his fingers through his thick disheveled hair. “It all makes sense, now,” he laughed un-humorously to himself.”

  “What does?” Adeline frowned glancing at her sister who still lay unmoving.

  “Everything,” he answered flatly. Squeezing her shoulders gently he said, “Thanks for telling me.”

  “There’s no need to thank me,” she said decidedly her tone even once more, the uncertainty in her eyes no longer evident. “A rain cloud for a storm?” she invited, her golden gaze hard.

  Nicholas smiled at her sudden burst of confidence. “What does that mean?”

  “A rain cloud for a storm . . . it’s an old Creole saying. Why owe me later instead of paying your due now?”

  “So in other words-”

  “I told you what you wanted to know, now oblige me. Why were you sleeping on the floor? And why don’t you know about the most heartbreaking moment in my siste
r’s life? It doesn’t quite add up?” she insisted genuinely concerned.

  Nicholas didn’t respond. With a light shrug of his shoulders he smiled boyishly at her his demeanor all of a sudden unforthcoming. It was his discreet manner that made her all the more curious, all the more intrigued.

  “Fine,” she glared at him her eyes becoming tiny slits though she couldn’t help but feel amused. “You’re quite the charmer . . . I hope you have my sister’s best interest at heart.”

  “You’re sister is very important to me,” he offered conveying nothing more.

  Shaking her head Adeline blew out a long breath. “I hope so,” she smiled. “From the way she looks at you . . . it’s clear that she loves you very much . . . I guess what I’m trying to say is, please don’t hurt her. She’s been hurt enough.”

  Nicholas’ expression softened at her words, but a kind smile was all she received for them. He would play along for Charlotte’s sake especially now, knowing why she had wanted to save face about being in a relationship in front of her family, but he had no intention on outwardly lying to Adeline’s face about his relationship with Charlotte, or lack thereof for that case. He couldn’t in good conscience betray the young girls trust in him, for whatever reason he didn’t know.

  “Be good to her,” she pressed before turning away from him.

  “Always,” he whispered. “Always.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Manuel laughed under his breath as he skimmed through the comic portion of the morning paper. Raising his coffee mug to his thin lips he took a small sip from the China sampling the heat against his tongue before nodding his approval of the temperature. The smell of fried pineapples and chili seasoning filled the kitchen as Babet quickly worked her way around the large space emptying containers and coating pans with Coconut oil.


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