Jody (Kennedy Ink.) (Kennedy Ink. Book 3)
Page 12
I got up after eleven, content to sleep in as long as I could, but my bladder and need for coffee woke me up. The house was quiet, Jase at Lonnie’s and everyone else at work. I fixed a pot of coffee and cleaned the sleep from my eyes and brushed my teeth. I was planning to go grocery shopping today, a little thank you I’d started doing since the guys were so cool about me staying here. I’d also cook tonight since it was my day off. I picked up my phone to text Jody and noticed I had a missed call and a voicemail from a number I didn’t recognize. I hit the icon and listened.
Cameron, I was wondering if we could set up a time to talk about this protective order and stuff. I wanted to apologize for the way things were handled the last time we saw each other and I wanted to explain a few things, maybe help you better understand what was going on at the time, for me. Not that I’m making excuses, I know that I was wrong and I’m sorry. Please, call me back so we can talk. I’ll meet you anywhere, anytime. Let me say I’m sorry. Thanks.
Asher. I hadn’t heard from him directly for weeks. He sometimes showed up at my job and although I could feel him watching me when he’d see me, he never approached. I also saw his car in random places I’d be, but always far enough away that I couldn’t be sure they were actually his car or if I was just paranoid. So far, I hadn’t had any more problems with him, which made this call out of the blue and suspicious. I put that on hold to dial Jody. Because we hadn’t been bothered by Asher anymore, they’d stopped being so clingy. I could go places alone and I didn’t need a chaperone or a babysitter as I’d often griped.
“Hey, baby.” Jody greeted after a couple rings.
“Hey, you.” I couldn’t help the smile. His voice was enough to make me turn into a pre-teen girl, talking to her favorite boy band member. In other words; I was lame.
“How’d you sleep?” He asked too seductively.
“Good, after someone finally left me alone.” I teased.
“I didn’t hear you complaining, not one time.” He taunted.
“You never will,” I told him, making us both chuckle.
“Good to know.” He says. “What’s on for your day?” He asks.
“I was planning on going to the market. Can you ask the guys what sounds good for dinner?” I ask him, grabbing a pen and notepad from the fridge, where the magnet held it there. I heard him ask the guys over the music of the shop and they all yelled back different things.
“Kayson says, friend chicken. Kingsley says taco’s and I vote spaghetti.” He laughs.
“Spaghetti it is,” I conclude, but write down the fixin’s for the other things so maybe we can have it another day this week. When Jody tells them spaghetti, I can hear them all protest in the background.
“You’re my favorite” He teases, dreamily.
“You’re my favorite too; that’s why we’re having spaghetti.” I quip. “Got time to take a lunch?” I ask, wondering if I could sneak over and see him at some point today. I know he’d be home around eight but I didn’t want to wait that long. Told you, teen girl over here.
“I’m free at 12:30 until 1:45ish.” He says and I tell him not to eat, we’ll go to the deli across the street from his shop. He agrees and we ring off. It was insane how smitten I was with the man but I didn’t regret it at all.
The market wasn’t crowded, it was an afternoon of a weekday, normal people were at work. I got in and got everything we needed before taking it back to the house and getting a brilliant idea. I put on my sexiest panties, a red, lacy thong that Jody was damn near obsessed with and a tighter than normal, black t-shirt with my low riding 501’s. I lined my eyes with black liner and made sure my hair was just perfect. I also found a cherry lip balm that tasted like skittles, so I knew he was sure to love it. This would be fun and maybe he would take it out on me later tonight. The thought made me smile.
Whistles and catcalls were shouted at me when I walked into the shop. Where this was a fairly masculine type of business, Jody didn’t hesitate to walk straight up to me and taste my lips.
“Cherry, huh?” He smiled down at me while I nodded. “You look good enough to eat, right now. Sure you want to go to the deli or can we sneak into the back and I’ll get my fill there?” He part whispered, part groaned into my ear, quietly.
“No molesting the customers, Jody!” Kingsley shouted, making all the guys and two girls getting inked laugh.
“He’s not a customer, he’s mine.” He told them, never taking his eyes off of me. The smile he wore now was a site. He was doing that more and more now, which is why Morgan was so supportive of us. Partly because Jody was happier and smiled more, partly because I was. My stomach fluttered when he said stuff like that, I almost blurted that I loved him. It was too soon, way, way too soon but that didn’t mean I didn’t feel it.
“Let’s go eat.” I turned and sashayed out the door, looking back when I’d reached the door at Jody still standing there, watching my ass as I walked away. I waited until he looked at my face before winking and walking out. I felt bold now that I knew there was no part of me that he didn’t find attractive; he told me all the time.
“You have on the red ones, don’t you?” He asked, grabbing my sides nipping my neck as he came up behind me.
“I do. Wanna see?” I teased, earning a growl.
We walked into the deli, hand in hand. The proprietors knew us well; all the guys came in several times a week.
“Hey boys, take a seat; I’ll bring out your drinks.” Mr. Carl said from behind the counter; already working on our orders. We were predictable that way. Jody always got a hot breaded tenderloin and I always got cheese sticks. Yes, Carl served a little bit of everything.
While we waited, I told Jody about Asher’s phone call and I let him hear it. He saved it and texted Sherriff Marks, asking what to do. We conference called him and let him listen to the message that way he didn’t have to come out to this part of town on his day off, but he promised to call it into the department. Jody, however, was pissed.
“I want you to text or call me when you get back home tonight, okay? I don’t think he’s stupid enough to do anything but I’ll worry if you don’t.” He says. Some people might call that overbearing but I thought it was nice that he cared. He always made me feel like that, cared about. It had been a really long time since anyone had.
“I will.” I smiled at my thoughts.
“What’s so funny?” He asks, arms crossed in front of him, waiting for our food.
“You’re sweet and I like it,” I tell him honestly.
“You’re sexy and I love it.” Is his comeback. I roll my eyes and thank Carl as he brings us our food. We eat in relative silence although we wink and smile at each other in flirtation. I would’ve never thought Jody Mars was capable of this sweetness had you asked me before but I was grateful for it now.
After we eat and make our way back to the shop, he kisses me stupid by the doors. I don’t go in but I hear everyone holler when he opens the door.
“Don’t forget to let me know when you get home.” He peeps back out the door to remind me.
“I won’t.” I smile, walking away.
“Bye baby.” He taunts me and I turn and blow him a kiss before the door closes. Days like today are perfect and I think that I’d gladly take the last two years of shit if my end result was Jody.
After carrying in the groceries and putting everything away, I needed to use the toilet. I ran to the restroom and relieved myself and was walking back out when I heard a knock at the door. I stopped to listen to make sure that it was the door when the bell rang. Since Jase had been staying here, numerous friends had stopped by throughout the days to hang out; the last couple weeks, I’d had to give them his phone number because he was always at Lonnie’s. I had yet to meet the kid but I knew that Jody had and said he was alright. I opened the door and color me surprised when Asher was on the other side.
“Got a minute?” He asked. He didn’t seem hostile or aggravated but that’d been known to change at a moment�
�s notice.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, not hiding my shock.
“I called you this morning, did you get my message?” He asked, politely.
“No.” I lied. Used to, ignoring his call would earn me at the very least, a long lecture. The worst….a fat lip.
“I was hoping you’d have a minute to let me apologize.” He said, stiffly. I didn’t want to let him into the house because that would be disrespectful to Jody. This also wasn’t my house, so… I heard my phone ringing from the kitchen where I’d sat it on the counter and forgotten to call Jody when I’d got here. Bringing the groceries in and my urgent need for the facilities caused me to wait.
“I’m in the middle of something right now and the phone is ringing, can we meet another time to discuss it?” I asked calmly, inside I was freaking out.
“Cameron, don’t bullshit me. You won’t meet me later.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. That wasn’t a good sign, I was frustrating him.
“Well, the truth is, Jody will be here in a few minutes and I don’t want him to get pissed that you’re here.” I try and lie again. He rolls his eyes again and pushes the door open and comes in.
“You were just with Jody, Cameron and he’s not coming home anytime soon. He’s at work.” He says, turning around to face me now that he was in the house. I stood there with the door open, deciding what the best course of action would be.
“Then you’ll know that this isn’t cool, Asher. I did not invite you in and on top of that. You’re not supposed to be here, or anywhere that I am. I think it’d be best that you leave. If you want to talk rationally, I’ll call you another time.” There, that didn’t sound hateful or out of the way. It was honest.
“I just need a fucking minute of your time. Fuck, Cameron; you didn’t even break up with me!” He says, loudly.
“I didn’t think I needed to, Asher! You put me in the hospital!” I almost yell back; something I’d never done before, not with him.
“You better watch your tone and remember who you're speaking to.” Asher snarled. I stupidly shut the door and made my way to the kitchen. If I could get to the phone, I could let Jody hear and he’d know that Asher was here.
“If you’re going to stay, do you want a drink?” I asked, needing a reason to go into the kitchen where my phone was going off, again.
“No, and you don’t either. Just talk to me for a second and I’ll leave.” Asher says. I pause in the doorway and face him.
“Okay, so talk,” I said, daringly. Asher’s face twitches for a second but I see him take a deep breath and let it out slowly. That was good, he was getting himself in control. I really needed to stop but for some reason, being here, with Jody has made something in me click. I didn’t have to put up with this man’s shit. He wasn’t anything to me anymore.
“Can we sit down?” He asked. I didn’t move.
“Cameron, this doesn’t have to be difficult.” He sighs.
“You’re making it difficult. You’re here, uninvited into a house that doesn’t belong to you, around a person you’re not supposed to have contact with and you refuse to leave. If you want to talk, then talk and be on your way.” I crossed my arms over my chest and waited. This was the wrong thing to say.
Chapter 12: Jody
Cameron didn’t call or text to let me know that he’d gotten home, nor did he answer any of the three times I’d tried to call. Now, under any normal circumstances, I’d keep trying until I got ahold of him, but having Asher contact him this morning, made me a little anxious. Looking at the clock, I had twenty-seven minutes before my next appointment. I didn’t really have the time to be doing it, but I did it anyway.
“Kayson, I need to check on Cam. Can you cover me for about a half an hour?” I ask.
“I’m sure he’s fine. You worry too much.” Kayson grinned, thinking I was being overly dramatic.
“Kayse. Just do it.” I said firmly, grabbing my keys and hauling ass to my truck. The drive home took longer than I wanted. I was dreading every mile, praying I wouldn’t get home to find something wrong. My hopes were dashed too soon because turning the corner I saw that pompous ass Mercedes in my drive. I park directly behind him, blocking him in before I jump out and run to the door. I could hear the screaming before I made it.
“You think you’re so smug now don’t you, you little bitch? Are you so quick to forget the consequences of your dumb ass actions?” I hear, before finding them both in the dining room between the front door and the kitchen. Asher had his bony little fingers, clasping Cameron’s chin; blood dripping from his busted lip.
“What the fuck?” I seemed to have bellowed. The blood causing me to panic and get pissed.
“Jody” Cameron whimpered, relief sagging his shoulders.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked Asher.
“Cameron and I had things to talk about, didn’t we, Cam?” Asher let go of Cameron but didn’t step away.
“You have one second to step away from him. I’ll not say it again.” I warned. He hesitated and he shouldn’t have. I took a step towards them and Asher backed up with his hands raised.
“Whoa, whoa. Cameron invited me.” Asher lied with a smirk. I knew Cameron wouldn’t invite him in and even more, the man couldn’t lie for shit.
“Baby, go get your phone and call Marks. Tell him to get here, right now.” I tell Cameron. He seems frozen to the spot, eyes darting from me to Asher and then back again.
“Baby, now,” I say firmly. A tone I never use with him.
“You know when I saw you guys today at the parlor, going at it like sluts on a street corner; I’d have never guessed that Cameron could land someone like you. Lemme guess, he hasn’t shown you his lady wear, yet?” Asher cackled.
“Mmmm, the red thong. He has it on right now, it’s my favorite. Why do you think I was mauling him outside my place of employment?” I taunted the man, showing him he had no effect on anything regarding Cameron or me. The smug looking smirk fell off of his face and white hot, fury replaced it.
“You’re telling me that you like that shit?” Asher fumes.
“I fucking love it.” I almost purr, licking my lips for show. He sneers and turns to where Cameron walked back into the room.
“He’s on his way.” He whispered, looking terrified.
“This is bullshit. Cameron, I wanted to talk to you, you let me in!” Asher yelled.
“No I didn’t and you know it.” His voice shook.
“Come here, baby,” I say gently. He didn’t hesitate.
“I don’t need this shit, I’m out of here.” Asher murmured and tried to leave. I stepped in front of the door, blocking him from leaving.
“Get out of my way.” He seethed.
“I don’t think I will.” I quipped. “You had something to say to my man, here. Say it.” I goaded.
“Cameron, will you please talk to me for a second, in private.” He said those last two words, to me. Cameron was already shaking his head before he finished. I smirked at the little prick.
“It’s the least you can do. Don’t be a dick.” Asher bitched.
“Now you know that’s not the least he can do” I again, taunted with my innuendo.
“You son of a bitch!” Asher yelled and lunged at me. Stupid mistake on his part, I had about eighty pounds on the man. I did let him get the first hit in; one, to my jaw. Then, I laid that mother fucker out. Two hits to the face and he was down and out. He laid there for several minutes while Cameron rushed me and threw his arms around me.
“I’m so sorry.” He cried into my chest. “I’m so sorry, Jody.” He chanted over and over. I tried to pull him back and assure him that everything was okay, but he wasn’t in the position to be consoled right now.
“It’s okay, baby,” I whispered. “Stop,” I said over and over. “It’s okay.” He didn’t seem to hear it.
Sherriff Marks came in minutes and as I let him in, Asher was just starting to come around. He sat up and grabbed his head.
“I want to press assault charges.” He slurs into his hands. I can’t help but laugh. He looks at me sharply but it does no good. I continue to laugh.
“Cameron, can I ask you to come with me and get a statement while Jones here gets a statement from Jody?” Marks asks. “Sir, someone will be with you in a moment. I don’t need to ask you to keep your ass there, do I?” He asks. Asher was still a little sluggish so he kept his seat on the floor.
I brought Jones into the living room and explained how Cameron had just been to see me and I got worried after he didn’t check in. I told him of the protective order and that Cameron had just gotten a call from Asher this morning that he didn’t return. I tell him I was worried that he’d try something and Cameron had promised to call when he got home. When he didn’t and failed to answer his phone. I told him what I walked in on. I also told him that I asked him to leave and he didn’t. That was all the info that he needed. When he walked back into the dining room where Asher was, of course, he was singing a different tune.
“Cameron is my boyfriend, we’d hit a rough patch and I was coming to talk things out with him. I called this morning to confirm, you can check my call log for proof of time.” He tells Jones.
“I didn’t answer and I have proof of that, too,” Cameron says, defiantly.
“I’m going to need you to come with me, Mr. Johnson,” Marks says as he stands Asher up and cuffs him, right then and there.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Asher explodes. “I was the one assaulted.” He exclaims
“I was too.” Cameron puts in.
“In his own house.” I chime, helpfully; smiling at Asher.
Jones walks a still protesting Asher out to his car while Marks stays behind to finish up.
“From what you said, Cameron; I have, trespassing, intimidation, unlawful entry, battery and breaking his no contact order. A lawyer or not, he’s not getting out of this one. I’m really sorry I couldn’t catch him in the shit, sooner.” Marks tells Cameron. Cameron just nods. I shake his hand and he says he’ll be in touch; chances are, unless he takes a plea or pleads guilty, we’ll have to go to court. We both tell him we understand and he’s on his way.