Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 21

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “You say that shit, but your eyes say somethin’ different, Yvonna. That shit that happened to me was not your fault. And I’m still here.”

  “For now, friends, Bricks. Okay?”

  She hugged him tightly and he gripped her waist. “Stop playin’ fuckin’ games wit’ me. You know what’s up wit’ us. And I’ll be here later to discuss our future. Right now I gotta roll.”

  Yvonna walked him out and fell up against the door. She had fallen for Bricks and she was afraid to love him. After he got shot, she blamed herself for it even though he begged her not too. A week later, she said all she could offer him was friendship at least that way she’d know he would be safe.

  Walking into her large living room, she plopped onto her white designer couch and picked up her phone to call her best friend. She had finally got use to Yvonna and Yao working together despite hating it at first.

  “Hey, what time you come by?” Ming asked. “Delilah not playing with Boy very nicely today.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She smacked Boy in face and took his Jade bracelet! Your daughter’s mean.”

  “I’m sorry, she has been gettin’ more violent lately. But they are brother and sister, Ming. Maybe it’s just that kinda feud between ‘em.” Yvonna offered.

  “Ming don’t think so.”

  “Aight, can you give me a few hours?”

  “Yes…but hurry!”

  She wanted to get Delilah but she also knew she had work to do later that evening. Yao had finally gained ground in D.C.’s cocaine market, and was met with one problem and he wanted Yvonna to make that problem go away. That problem was Mom’s, who would be murdered that evening at 8:00 PM.

  Picking up the phone once more, she called Terrell. They had gotten closer too but she couldn’t commit to him either. She was starting to believe that she was meant to be alone.

  “Terrell, how are you?” Yvonna said sipping her cold water with strawberries and ice floating around inside of her glass.

  “I’m fine. I was just about to call you to remind you about our lunch date. We’re still on right?”


  “Good, because I know you’re going to China for three months tomorrow. Even though you never told me what you’re going to do there.”

  She couldn’t tell him that she would have to endure a long arduous training in Wushu and weaponry. When she’d come back, she’d truly be one of the most deadly women alive.

  “Okay…well I’ll see you in a few hours. I have something planned I know you’re going to love.”

  “I could use some fun.”

  “Later, Yvonna. I love you,” he paused. “And you don’t have to say it back.”

  What Terrell already knew was that she hadn’t planned to.

  Kindred Spirits

  Yvonna sat inside Tea Love, a quaint little restaurant in Baltimore City that specialized in various assortments of teas. But she decided on an alcoholic drink to relax her mind. Certain he was going to ask her to be with him again, she wanted to be calm when she said no. “Anything else, mam?” the waiter asked.

  “No…I’m just waiting on a friend.”

  Five minutes later, Terrell walked through the door. Sporting a beige sports coat, it looked smooth against his permanent bronze complexion. Whenever he walked into a room she forgot how fine he was, until she laid eyes on him again. But there was someone walking next to him that caused Yvonna to shoot out of her seat, knocking over the chair behind her.

  What was going on? She’d gone to her new doctor, and was taking a medicine she was sure was working. One that didn’t make her sleepy like the other medications did. So she couldn’t understand why, Gabriella was walking in the door beside Terrell.

  “Yvonna?” Terrell said picking up the chair behind her, while Gabriella stood across the table before her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She said trying to ignore Gabriella. She figured if she didn’t focus on her, she’d go away. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he said softly placing his hand in the small of her back.

  “Yes.” She swallowed hard. “Yes I am.”

  “Good…because this is the surprise I had for you. This is the person I wanted you to meet. Again.” He had broken into the church and found the box containing Gabriella’s address. It was difficult to find at first, until he remembered Dmitry saying that the pastor had a nonprofit organization in her name. Going through that file, he found everything he needed to know about Gabriella, including her address.

  “You mean, she’s actually there?” Outside of her hair being long, she looked the exact same way Yvonna envisioned her in her mind.

  “Yes.” She said her voice as smooth as the strum of a guitar. “I’m real…and you don’t know how good it feels to see and speak to you again.” A tear fell down her face. “Because…” she said in a deep low hush. “There’s so much I have to talk to you about. So much you have to be afraid of,” she said looking around. “lives are in danger. Both of ours.”

  The Final Meeting

  “Did Terrell say what he wanted?” Lily asked Guy who was sitting at the table as usual, eating pizza.

  “Nope. He didn’t call me, he sent me a text message.”

  “Well…did he tell you what it was about?” Lily questioned. “Because all I got was a text message too. Telling us to meet him here.”

  Jona rose from a sitting position on the bed and said, “This doesn’t feel right. I haven’t spoken to Terrell since he left me three months ago. And now, he has asked to meet with us, although he spoke to no one personally.”

  As Lily grabbed the bottle of bourbon from the table, and poured it into the cheap paper cup, a bullet ripped through it splattering the brown liquid onto her white shirt. A second bullet followed and killed the lights. The glass in the window was shattered completely and in walked a sleek woman, dressed in all black with a facemask on. Behind her were two other men, holding weapons.

  Removing her mask, Yvonna smiled at them all. They could see her face through the lights from the shattered window.

  “I see you got my message,” she said smiling at all of them. “You should’ve killed me while you had the chance. Now it’s too late.”

  Walking back out of the window she placed her hand on one of her men’s shoulder and said, “Finish them, boys.”


  Three months after Bricks was shot, Kendal’s body showed up in an abandoned car in a D.C. project. She was shot once in the head and was naked from head to toe. And Bricks maintained sole custody of Chomps.

  Penny waged a war against Yvonna by filing for custody of her daughter Delilah. She lost with the court finding she had no legal right to the child. Terrell was made Delilah’s guardian in the event something happened to Yvonna. The child’s father, who was still paralyzed from the neck down, wanted nothing to do with her.

  Jesse and Yvonna continued to work at their relationship and they were growing stronger together. And although Jesse never fully trusted her, they were closer than ever before.

  Swoopes was never found. After learning that Yvonna was working with Yao, he packed up and moved out of town after losing Growl and most of his men to Yao’s acts of violence. Through it all the very woman who he abused, Crystal, stood by his side and went on the run with him. Three months after leaving he sent message through Crystal to Yvonna. He let her know that he had no intentions on going too far, until he got a chance to spit on her grave.

  Delilah, as she grew she started showing a propensity for violence. Yvonna tried not to worry, but it was hard to deny, that the traits she’d become accustomed to, were taking their toll on her daughter. But for now she was a child, and all Yvonna could do was pray that she’d outgrow the very attributes that made Yvonna Harris the most hated woman alive.

  Coming Soon

  Shyt List 4

  The Cartel Collection

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