Save Me

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Save Me Page 1

by Grady, D. R.

  Save Me

  The Me Series

  Book 2

  D.R. Grady

  Table of Contents

  Other Works by D.R. Grady



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  About the Author

  The Nerd and the SEAL

  Other works by D.R. Grady

  The Morrison Family Series:

  The Nerd and the Marine

  The Corpsman and the Nerd

  The Nerd and the SEAL

  The Nerd’s Pocket Pets

  Shadows and Spice

  Macy’s Parade

  Bad Nerd Rising

  The Me Series:

  Treasure Me

  Save Me

  Trust Me

  Heal Me

  Love Me

  The Abroad Series:

  Home Song

  Bearer of My Heart

  Please visit my website for updates on all three series.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Known locales are also used fictitiously.

  If you enjoy this book, please buy a copy for someone else to enjoy. Please do not download or buy this from anywhere except where the story is offered legitimately. All rights reserved - including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2011 by D.R. Grady

  Please Note: While I had help with this story, there are still likely mistakes on my part. Authors also like to stretch and change things to make their story work. So this book does not necessarily reflect reality. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


  To Vicky Burkholder and Victoria Smith for offering constructive criticism on a story I’ve loved from the moment it took shape on the page. I really appreciate all your help and insights!

  To all of CPRW, the best RWA chapter ever, for offering advice, and sharing their knowledge. I couldn’t have done this without you!

  To my hubby, Roy, for supporting me all these years. Thank you.

  Save Me

  By D.R. Grady


  Directly after a court hearing

  Kingdom of Sandovia

  “Daddy, why did t’at man go to pwison?”

  Hugo Saltaire gazed down at the little boy bouncing along beside him and couldn’t believe how blessed he was. Somehow, fate had decreed that he not only wed a beautiful, loving wife, but with her he had been granted this wonderful, amazing son and an incredible infant daughter.

  He realized that with these privileges granted him, so came responsibility. One day his new son would grow to be a man. By the time that happened, Hugo was determined to provide his heir with an unshakable foundation. Mallen would also know the security of love and acceptance – just as Hugo’s father had given him.

  Mallen would someday want a wife and children of his own. When this happened Hugo needed him to choose wisely.

  With a deep breath, he answered Mallen’s question. “That man hurt his wife.”

  “Why did he do t’at?”

  “Because he forgot women are gifts from God and are to be treated as such.”

  “So he went to pwison because he hurt his wife?”

  “That’s right, son. We deal harshly with men who hurt women.”


  Hugo hunkered down to Mallen’s eye level so the little guy would understand the importance of his question, and the subsequent answer. “Because as men we are bigger and stronger than women and children. Therefore we cherish and love them. We do not hit, push, or in any other way hurt them. Women and children are precious. We protect them, we do not abuse them.”

  “So that man is in jail because he didn’t chewish or wuv his wife?”

  Hugo had to smile at the little fellow’s pronunciation, but he was pleased Mallen understood the concept. “That’s right.”


  “Yes, Mallen?”

  “What’s chewish mean?”

  Chapter 1

  Julia McNeal stepped away from the mirror. She liked how the little black dress covered everything, but still made her feel sexy. The garment boasted long poet sleeves and skimmed lovingly over her curves. The hem stopped at her ankles and split at the back to her knees, revealing her calves, but not much more. She paired the dress with strappy black high heels. With a few twists she upswept her curly dark hair into a sophisticated updo, allowing a few tendrils of hair to escape. This was the best she could do, Julia decided with a sigh and with the last flick of the brush, left the room.

  When the knock came, she wondered why she hesitated to open the door. There was nothing wrong, but familiar tremors of unease sliced up her spine. Julia shook the feeling off before answering the summons. She unlocked each deadbolt, and swung the chain free.

  George A. Chalmers III stood impatiently on the other side. In his hand he clutched a beautiful bouquet of expensive orchids. Perhaps he forgot the exotic blooms always made her sneeze. The last time she mentioned this he claimed the orchid’s beauty matched hers so she should have them.

  Julia accepted the flowers from the tall, studious looking man, aware again of his understated handsomeness as she sneezed. He wore success like other men wore sport coats. His golden eyeglasses flashed merrily in the subdued light from the one lamp she had turned on. George got irritated with her when all the lights blazed. Even though she paid her own expenses, he didn’t like seeing her waste her hard earned money on electricity. His black eyes were concealed behind the lenses, but Julia thought she detected disdain before he stepped out of the pool of light.

  “Julia, what are you wearing?” he demanded in an exasperated tone as she entered the kitchen to set the flowers in the sink. Mrs. Halbert across the hall loved orchids and she showed no allergic reaction to the blooms. Another sneeze later, this one more violent than the last, sent her out of the kitchen before her nose and cheeks turned bright red.

  “What do you mean what am I wearing?” She cocked an eyebrow at him when she reentered the living room.

  George used a hand to encompass her body and said, “Your dress has nice material, but the way it ...clings.”

  “I like this dress.” Uncertainty now replaced her earlier pleasure with the garment.

  “It clings in all the wrong places. Go change, love,” George encouraged with a charming smile. “You know I only tell you these things because I love you.”

  “I don’t have another gown.” Julia’s insides deflated. This one was comfortable and the material wouldn’t wrinkle, but apparently it didn’t flatter her figure.

  “Next time take my mother with you when you go shopping. She has exquisite taste.”

  “Of course.” Julia never had difficulty finding suitable clothes before. She wondered what changed. Something obviously had, because George didn’t think her taste was very good if she had to take his mother. Mrs. Chalmers did possess refined tastes, but her clothing always
seemed a bit dated.

  “This dress will have to do for tonight, even though I’d like to see your shoulders. Not your best asset, but they’re nice enough to get by.” George pattered on while Julia fought to squelch her reaction.

  The last dress she bought had shown her shoulders, but George nearly had an apoplexy when he saw her because of her bare shoulders. The dress hadn’t shown any cleavage, but George had still been upset.

  Julia sighed. She had been looking forward to this evening but now she wanted to throw on a pair of fleece pants and a sweatshirt and eat an entire chocolate cheesecake.

  “Of course,” Julia responded, her shoulders, not her best feature, curled into themselves. George was older and very sophisticated. That a man like him would be interested in her was amazing. He possessed superior tastes and came from a well-respected and established family. Julia didn’t have much experience dating so that she had caught his attention was a definite coup.

  “I’m sure you’ve done your best. At least you managed to do something with your hair. It’s not as unruly tonight.”

  A surge of anger spurred her to declare, “I like this dress. It’s perfect for this evening. And my hair is curly, not unruly.”

  “We have to go. Otherwise we’ll be late.” George grabbed her arm and yanked her toward the door. Julia winced. Another reason she had chosen this dress was because the sleeves were long. Her limbs were covered in bruises roughly the shape and size of George’s fingers. She knew he didn’t realize he was being rough. He always brushed off her protests as her being overly sensitive. Maybe she was, but doubt still swirled.

  Gritting her teeth, Julia allowed him to escort her to his aging Mercedes. Her stomach churned in queasy unsettledness. She decided the nausea came from the soup and salad she had consumed at lunch. There was no other reason for it. They were attending a dinner party at the home of one of George’s colleagues; a couple Julia had known most of her life. She smiled. Both her brothers and their wives would be there. Her parents wouldn’t attend because they were in Australia.

  George ignored her the entire trip, which he always did whenever he had something to think over. As soon as they arrived George headed to the bar, without asking what she wanted. Julia sighed and then decided to mingle even though the nausea hadn’t abated.

  She would have come alone if George hadn’t told her to be ready on time. She located their host and headed toward him. He was her father’s age and had bounced her on his knee, watched her graduate from high school and college and still took an interest in her now.

  “Julia, my girl,” he greeted as he took her hands and looked her over. “As elegant and put together as usual.” He shook his head. “You’re every bit as beautiful as your mother.”

  “Thank you, James. You’re looking handsome, yourself. Where’s Nancy?” She made a quick sweep for his wife. The sick feeling slowly dissipated in the warmth of her host.

  “She went to locate some aspirin for me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Just a headache.”

  “Julia, sweetheart, how are you?” Julia turned to see Nancy, James’ wife, glide forward with her arms open. Julia hugged her with gusto. Nancy was slender with beautiful silver hair, and an elegance Julia envied.

  “Nancy, you’re as lovely and graceful as ever.”

  Their hostess laughed as she handed her husband pills. Julia lifted a glass of iced tea off a passing tray and handed the tumbler to James.

  “Thank you, my dear.” He saluted her with the tea and then swallowed the pain medication.

  They were separated soon after, and Julia continued to mingle. She eventually bumped into her oldest brother, Jonathan, who hugged her.

  “Hello, brat.” His greeting brought his wife, Tanya, out of the crowd.

  “Hello.” Tanya also enfolded Julia in a tight hug. Some of her nausea dissipated as she mingled with her family and close friends and enjoyed their love and warmth.

  “How are you?” Julia asked.

  “Fine. Beautiful dress.” Tanya sounded sincere as she surveyed the lines of Julia’s attire with mild covetousness.

  “Thank you. George thinks it clings in all the wrong places.”

  Jonathan choked on the swallow he’d just taken and Tanya’s visage darkened. They were saved from comment by the arrival of her other brother, Jared and his wife, Annie. More hugs and greetings before Tanya steered the conversation back to George’s comments.

  “Now, about you looking fat, Julia, it isn’t true.” A hand closed around her arm and Julia winced as she recognized George’s grip.

  “They’re seating people for supper.” He barely acknowledged her family. Julia’s stomach churned as the nausea rushed back.

  As he led her away, Julia’s family heard him say, “I saw you flirting with Kyle Landis. I don’t want you speaking to him. The same goes for Vanessa Peterson. You know neither are socially acceptable.”

  Annie’s eyes narrowed.

  Jonathan, Tanya, and Jared all stared at their departing backs in astonishment.

  “How dare he?” Tanya hissed.

  “What a pig.” Annie contemplated flattening the fathead on the spot.

  Jared and Jonathan both wore frowns and anger-darkened eyes. Their eyes met and a chill skittered down Annie’s spine. “I believe our interference has become necessary in Julia’s love life,” Jonathan stated with deadly purpose.

  “Absolutely.” Annie recognized the hunter in Jared’s eyes. George A. Chalmers III was in for a nasty surprise.

  Julia sighed in relief as she finally closed the door on George. She had to be at the lab early the next morning and was quite in need of sleep. He protested, but she closed and locked the door on him with a firm hand. It caused him to call her a few names and pound the door once, but Julia was too tired to care. Undressing on her way, she trailed into the bathroom and started the shower. She stepped under the pulsating spray and collapsed against the shower stall for a few moments. Then she set out to vigorously shampoo her hair and scrub her body. For the second time this evening.

  Why she felt so ... unclean remained a mystery. The bruises on her arms glowed with evil disdain, and Julia turned away from them. She couldn’t face them right now.

  Chapter 2

  When she returned home from work the next evening, Julia found a furious George waiting for her. He started swearing before she exited the stairway. While she hurried down the hall he screamed at the top of his lungs about her being stupid and silly. Then he bellowed on about her brothers getting involved in their business.

  Embarrassed, knowing her neighbors could hear everything and wondering if they would speak to her again, Julia ushered George into her apartment. As soon as the door closed George did something he had never done before. He punched her – right in the solar plexus. Julia folded as she gasped for breath and her bruised arms looped around her midsection, her mind blanked as she struggled to understand what was happening. He grabbed her hair, and yanked her head back to slap her. Blood trickled from the corner of her stinging mouth.

  “What?” she gasped out. Her thoughts swirled in a tumult as her stomach dipped with sickening speed. Nausea and confusion roared through her.

  “Your brothers came to see me today. Told me to stop seeing you. You asked them to break our relationship off? Couldn’t do it yourself? I knew you were weak.” George snarled the words. He no longer looked like a studious lawyer. Instead, he appeared maniacal. Fear sputtered to life as she tried to comprehend.

  “I didn’t—”

  “You did. They threatened me today, little Julia, ugly, ridiculous Julia. You’d better get on the phone and tell them to back off. Or you’ll really see my anger.” He struck her again and this time, Julia ended up on her knees. George kicked her in the ribs and Julia lunged for the phone and dialed Jared’s house with trembling fingers. Her insides quivered as she waited for someone to pick up the phone.

  Annie answered with a warm smile she could hear. “Julia,
how are you?”

  “F...fine,” Julia stammered, fear permeating from every pore in her body. George had never hit her before.

  “Tell her,” George snarled again, right in her face, his fetid hot breath fanning over her cut lip, and the smell almost caused her the retch. He kicked her another time. Julia collapsed into herself, not knowing she whimpered.

  But she must have because something alerted Annie.

  “Julia, is George there?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Julia whispered back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No. Annie, tell Jared that George and I are fine. Tell him and Jonathan not to interfere. Okay? Please tell them.” George ripped the phone out of her hands and slammed the receiver into the cradle.

  “Now, I’m going to show you what happens to sniveling little stupid girls with interfering brothers.”

  His aggression was not lost on Annie who heard George’s viciousness until the connection was lost.

  Annie hit the end button on her own phone and sat staring at the device as if it had bitten her. She had not imagined the violence. Julia’s pleas haunted her as Annie struggled to think clearly. She needed to help Julia. Now.

  The phone rang again and she snatched it up and answered. “Julia, please tell me he didn’t hit you?” she begged, her heart thumping far too fast and loud.

  There was silence on the phone for a moment before a voice other than Julia’s soared over the line.

  “I believe, mon ami, you must explain that comment to me.” The warmth of Mallen Saltaire’s voice, underlain by steel, caused Annie to spill the tale.


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