Falling For Daniel

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Falling For Daniel Page 2

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Only the best,” he says, before pouring his tumbler full of golden liquid down his throat. I watch, enthralled as the muscles in his neck strain and flex with his swallow. The butterflies that hadn’t really gone anywhere since being dragged from Ryan and Molly’s house earlier, quadruple in quantity; my heart starts to pound so hard that I feel it in every bit of my body, mostly between my legs.

  I watch as he runs his eyes down me again, it’s just like before but slower. Like he’s memorising everything about me. Thankfully, the wine gives me enough liquid courage to be able to stand there without squirming under his gaze like I would if I were sober.

  “This is your last chance to back out, Red, because once I touch you, that’s it.”

  My mouth instantly goes dry as I try to swallow down my nerves. What the hell am I doing? I’ve just been royally screwed over by what I thought was the love of my life and now I’m about to jump into bed with the first attractive man I’ve found since coming back to England. And it’s obvious from a mile away that he’s only in it for one thing. Not that I’m in this for anything more, mind you. It’s just that I promised myself when my flight touched down a couple of weeks ago that I wouldn’t go anywhere near a man for a long time, possibly ever, yet here I am.

  “So what’s it going to be?”

  I look up at him before stepping forward and stretching so my lips meet his.

  Fuck it, you only live once and this man is a fucking god so I’m getting my fill.

  He takes the glass from me before his hand comes up to hold the back of my head and the move reminds me so much of him that I almost step away. He was always so sweet and loving with me, I guess that’s why I fell so hard and so fast for him. What I need tonight is the opposite of that. Rough, hard sex.

  Just as I’m about to pull away and put an end to this whole thing he moves. His hands run down my back. They stop on my ass and squeeze harshly as he lifts me with ease. Immediately I wrap my legs around his waist.

  That’s more like it.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and return his kiss properly. My tongue dances with his, feuds with his, as we put into action how we’ve made each other feel for the last couple of hours.

  I don’t realise we’re moving until I feel a door at my back. When I pull away from him and look around I see that not only have we moved but we’ve come upstairs and are about to enter his bedroom.

  “Fuck that bed’s huge,” I say in shock because well…it is.

  He looks over at the bed but doesn’t answer me. Instead he sets me down on my feet and takes a step back. He once again runs his eyes over me. His attention makes me burn up.

  “Turn,” he demands and I immediately do as I’m told.

  When I have my back to him, I feel his fingers touch the top of my back before running down over the couple of buttons that hold my dress together before slowly making their way down my bare skin. Goose bumps prick my skin and I shiver under his touch. When he gets to the bottom I hear him move. Seconds later, I feel a light touch where the back of my dress starts. It only takes a second to recognise that it’s his tongue running back up my spine.

  When he gets halfway I can’t help the moan that falls from my lips. It sounds so erotic that I question whether it was me or not.

  I always thought I’d had a good sex life with him but standing here in this moment, fully dressed with DD behind me is the most sensual I think I’ve ever felt.

  When he reaches the top he sweeps my hair to the side and runs kisses around my neck. I have another flash of the gentleness I used to get from him. It’s like DD knows what I’m thinking because I feel his hands at the top of my shoulders before the fabric is ripped from my body, literally.

  I hear the two buttons that were holding the top of my dress together scatter across the floor at the same time I hear fabric ripping.

  “What are you doing?” I ask in shock.

  “Shhh…I’ll buy you a new one,” he says, between kisses to my newly exposed skin.

  “What if it was expensive?” It wasn’t, it was thirty quid from New Look. I just can’t help myself though. If it wasn’t obvious from his tailored suit that he had money then it is from his house. An expensive dress would probably be a drop in the ocean for him.

  “I’d buy you the most expensive one I could find.” He turns me around as he says this. His eyes are almost black and filled with a hunger that has my clit throbbing.

  Slowly, he moves his hands down my shoulders, taking my dress with them. He peels the lace off me as if he’s opening a precious gift. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

  Once my arms are free, the top of my dress falls away revealing my naked chest to him. He sucks in a breath as he looks down, making my nipples tighten that little bit more. He wets his lips and bites down on his bottom one. It’s almost like he’s trying to hold himself back.

  I’m so lost to him that I don’t notice him reach out again and tug the bottom of my dress so it pools around my feet.

  I’m stood practically naked in front of this stunning man who is still dressed in his flashy suit and I don’t even give my body a second thought. The fact that I’ve eaten everything I’ve been able to get my hands on since he fucked me over doesn’t register. I chose that dress because it didn’t cling to my slightly podgier than usual stomach. I should be self conscious, but standing here under his heated gaze washes it away.

  He doesn’t need to say it with words, his eyes tell me exactly how he feels about my body and what he wants to do to me. A bolt of electricity shoots down my spine and straight for my clit. I almost reach down to try to ease it. Instead, I resort to squeezing my thighs together.

  “What I want to fucking do to you,” he grates out as he grabs my hand and pulls me to him, making me step away from my dress. He holds one hand up and motions for me to spin. I do as he suggests because I can’t get enough of the way he’s looking at me. It’s almost like he’s never seen a naked woman before. I almost laugh out loud at the thought because these smooth actions are not of an inexperienced man.

  Other than his chest being pressed up against mine, he doesn’t touch me as he moves me backwards towards the bed. When the back of my knees hit the mattress I have no choice but to sit down. He continues to lean over me, still not touching me until I’m laid back. Once I’m down he places a kiss to the side of my mouth before kissing a line down the centre of my chest and all the way to my belly button. When he gets there he stops and looks up at me. My breath catches at the look in his eyes. The look of a predatory, hungry male.

  When his hands touch my skin a shudder runs through me. His hands grip the edges of my knickers and he slowly slides them down my legs and over my shoes before throwing them over his shoulder.

  He grabs my knees and forces my legs apart before standing back up. He looks down at me for the longest time. My confidence starts to wane a little as the seconds tick by. I start to wonder what’s wrong, why he’s not doing anything. Aren’t I what he wants?

  Then all of a sudden he’s moving. His jacket is pulled off and thrown across the room, followed by his tie and shirt.

  My mouth goes dry as I look at his naked torso. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so well cut in real life. And those shoulders that I was admiring back at the party only look bigger, stronger, without the cover of clothing.

  His hands go to the waistband of his trousers and I can see from here that he is already hard for me. He drops his trousers at the same time as he toes off his shoes. In the blink of an eye his boxers are gone as well and he’s lowering himself to the floor in front of me.

  I’m pissed off. He just spent a long time staring down at me, taking in whatever it was that he was so fascinated by yet I got no time at all.

  All thoughts are soon forgotten though when I feel his breath and then his tongue against me. I moan something incoherent as my back arches off the bed.

  Fuck he’s good at this, I think, before I begin to fall. I fall deeper and deeper bef
ore I explode into a million pieces. I feel all the tension that I’d been walking around with for the last few weeks disappear, and for that alone I will be forever grateful to this gorgeous man.

  My dark and delicious stranger.

  Mr. DD.

  * * *


  * * *

  Why is this woman so different to all the other ones that have been here? What is it about her that is making me be less of a selfish arsehole when it comes to her pleasure? I pride myself in making sure they enjoy it but ultimately it’s about me. I’ve only known this woman a couple of hours but I already can’t imagine her leaving, whereas usually I can’t wait to get them out of my space.

  Her body is fucking insane. She has just the right amount of curves, enough to grab onto but not enough to wobble about too much.

  I’ve always appreciated the female form but this one calls to me in a way no other has.

  “Fuck,” I groan, as I pull out of her and fall onto my side.

  “Yeah,” she agrees, panting next to me. Her hair is stuck to the sides of her face and her chest is heaving up and down. It’s the most beautiful she’s looked all evening. And that’s saying something because her in that red dress, fuck. My cock stirs back to life just at the thought. I suddenly regret ripping the dress from her body. I should have fucked her in it first, bent her over the-

  “Ready for round two already,” she asks sounding amused as she looks down at my once again hard cock.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  I grab onto her hips and lift her on top of me. She lets out a little squeal in surprise but allows me to manhandle her into position.

  I’m knocked sideways when I look up at her. Her eyes are shining bright and her cheeks and chest are flushed red from her earlier release. I run my eyes down over her tits taking in her rose-pink nipples.

  “Are you okay?” she asks.

  If I’m honest, I don’t know. This woman is having some weird effect on me.

  “Yeah, top drawer,” I say nodding in the direction of my stash.

  “Fucking hell,” she says in shock when she looks over. “Were you a boy scout by any chance?”

  “Always be prepared, Red.”

  She goes to hand it to me as she moves back but I make no move to take it from her. Suddenly she looks a little unsure of herself. She bites down on her bottom lip and looks from my eyes, to my cock and back again.

  “Go on.”

  Watching her delicate hands sliding the rubber on me has me racing towards another release already. I take a couple of deep breaths as she lifts herself up over me.

  “Make the most of this, Red. It’s the only chance you’re going to get tonight to take control,” I warn. I have plans for her and most of them do not involve her taking the lead. I glance around my room trying to decide where next. I’m soon distracted though; all thoughts leave my head as I feel her slide down onto me. I can’t hold back the groan of pleasure at the feeling of being deep inside her. I swear no other woman felt quite this good.

  “I guess I should be off then,” she says, as she swings her legs over the side of the bed and stands. I’m surprised she’s able to walk after the amount of orgasms I’ve pulled out of her over the last couple of hours. I did as I was intending earlier and we’ve fucked on nearly every square inch of the room.

  Her comment makes me panic.

  Then acknowledging that panic makes me panic even more.

  She should leave. She’s served her purpose. I welcomed in the New Year inside her banging body so why am I panicking that she’s about to walk out?

  “What, why?” I ask in a rush as she looks around for her clothes.

  “Well, I’m not exactly used to this kind of situation, but I’m pretty sure now that we’ve done…that,” she says gesturing to the bed, “I’m meant to leave. If you could just call me a cab then I’ll leave you in peace.”

  “Stay,” I blurt out. Then I burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of this whole thing.

  “What? Why are you laughing?”

  “Well, one, because you look even more shocked than I feel when I just said that. And two, I have no idea, this is crazy.” She raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for more of an explanation I guess. “Please…stay?”

  She stands there looking at me, then around the room while she rocks back and forth on her heels as she tries to figure out what she wants to do.

  “I…uh…” I pull the covers back showing her what the thought of her staying does to me. I fist my cock in my hand and watch her watch me. She’s totally fascinated, or confused.

  Chapter Three


  * * *

  I shouldn’t be doing this.

  I need to run as far away from this man as possible. Yet I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen.

  My skin is tingling, like I can still feel his hands on my body. And I can definitely feel where he’s been inside me. There’s no denying that I’ve had sex—and a lot of it—in the last couple of hours. I feel sore, gloriously sore. He’s got skills, that man.

  Standing there, I watch him while my head and my heart duel over what I should do. I know I should leave. I’ve just walked away from one disastrous relationship, the last thing I need is to fall head first into another. Not that this could be a relationship. I mean this guy is clearly a player of epic proportions. If his skills alone didn’t prove that then the drawer full of condoms sure did.

  “Red?” he questions, I presume to bring me out of my trance. He props himself up on his elbows and looks at me, an eyebrow rises, while he waits for my response.

  He looks like sex personified lying there like that and my girly parts take the lead in the decision making.

  “Okay,” I say as I make my way over to him and settle myself back on the bed with my head on his chest. He stiffens for a few seconds before he relaxes into it and puts his arms around me. If his normal MO is to kick women out then this must be seriously weird for him. Well it’s pretty weird for me too; I’ve never done the one night stand thing. I don’t even know his name.

  We stay like that for a while before he rolls me off him and gets up. I watch him pad across the room to the en suite before he then leaves the room. I start to panic that he might have changed his mind but within minutes he’s back, carrying a glass of red wine and what I guess is a glass of whiskey.

  “I need to tell people where I am, they’ll be worrying otherwise,” I say, as he hands me the glass.

  “I’ve got it covered, don’t worry. I texted my sister to tell her.”

  “Your sister?” I ask because that could be anyone as far as I’m concerned.

  “Molly. She’s my little sister.” He moves to the other side of the bed and sits himself down before raising his glass towards me. “Happy New Year, Red. I think we saw it in with style.” I lift my glass and tap it against his. Gently mind you because I’m sure they are worth more than I would care to imagine.

  “What’s your name, D?

  “Why do you call me D?”

  “Hey, I asked a question first,” I say with a pout. The look he gives me tells me he’s not going to answer so I reluctantly tell him. “In my head I nicknamed you Mr. Dark and Delicious.” It comes out as a whisper in the hope he won’t hear. No such luck though because a smug smile tugs at the corners of his lips. I feel my face burn with embarrassment. “Why do you call me Red?” I’m pretty sure I know why but I want him to say it.

  “Your dress, your drink,” he says nodding towards my glass, “the streaks in your hair.” He gently plays with a tendril hanging around my face as he says this. It’s so soft and gentle, totally at odds to the last couple of hours we shared in this room.

  His hand then sneaks around the back of my head before pulling me towards his lips. I go willingly. I don’t know what it is about this man but it’s like he has me under his spell.

  When I wake the next morning it’s with the sun pouring into the room and my head spinning sligh
tly. I blink a couple of times against the brightness but also as I take in my unfamiliar surroundings. When the events of last night hit me I instantly start to panic.

  What the utter fuck was I thinking? I spent the night with a man I’ve never met before. I not only had a one night stand with him but I’m still here, in his bed, wrapped in his sheets. Sitting up straight, I clutch the sheets against my naked chest and look to the other side of the bed. I expect to see him but it’s empty.

  Relief rushes through me. Maybe I can get dressed and get out. That way we won’t have to deal with the awkwardness that is bound to happen.

  I’m just about to lift myself from the bed when the door opens. I hold the duvet up to my neck and cling onto it like my life depends on it, as I wait for him to say something. I’m expecting him to tell me to get my stuff together and leave. What I’m not expecting is for him to have two steaming mugs in his hands.

  He walks over and places them on the bedside table before sitting himself down next to me. He scoots up until his back is against the headboard.

  “Good morning, Red,” he says in a gravelly voice, telling me that he hasn’t been up that long. He’s wearing only a tight pair of grey boxer briefs and his hair is all over the place.

  “Uh…morning,” I stutter out. I’m totally shocked. I really was expecting to get my marching orders. “Is…uh…this,” I say gesturing between us and the bed, “a normal thing for you to do?”

  “No, Red. It most definitely is not. Here, I made coffee. I hope you take it white with no sugar.” I look from him, to the mug he’s holding out to me and back again. How did he know? “Lucky guess,” he says, obviously guessing my question.

  I try to relax but it’s not very easy. I’m in a stranger’s bed. I don’t even know his name and I’m naked. This is so unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I can feel him looking at me and I don’t need to glance his way to know he’s smirking at my awkwardness. I can sense his amusement from here.


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