Pleasure Point: The Complete Series

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Pleasure Point: The Complete Series Page 5

by Evans, Jennifer

  Screw my mom and her judgmental attitude. I hurled myself on my bed, and Sonny jumped on my chest. I stroked his soft fur. “You never have to worry about this dumb adult stuff. Do you baby?” I stretched out breathing rapidly, trying to control my wildly beating heart.

  My mother was right. I had discovered masturbation and orgasms young, and when the boys started noticing me, I was thrilled to find out they wanted sex as much as I did. It made me well liked all right. So popular that word quickly got out. Tears filled my eyes. Dominick wasn’t like all those other guys. Guys I thought I could trust.

  When my breathing finally evened out, I called Carissa. I didn’t want to go into the fight with Mom, instead telling her the whole story about the possibility of Dominick’s leaving. I couldn’t lose him. “What am I going to do?” I asked.

  “Maybe you can figure out a way to make him stay,” she said.


  “What else? Surfing. California’s got some of the best in the world.” Her voice became excited. “If you showed him how great life could be here, you know, with the great surf. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. That’s not going to hurt his decision. I think you could convince him.”

  “You think he’d stay?” I stood up and wrapped the phone cord around my fingers, warming to the idea. “Maybe I can show him some of the great surf breaks along the coast. Besides, there’s no guarantee they’ll take him back on the tour.”

  “That’s the spirit. Once he sees how wonderful you are, he’ll stay.”

  We hung up the phone, and it rang. It was James.

  “Hey sexy, want to come over? My folks are gone for the day.”

  I wanted to slam the phone down. “No. I’m busy.”

  “Too busy to give your favorite playmate a blowjob?”

  My body turned hot with rage. “Don’t talk to me like that! You think you can call me and expect—”

  “Hey, hey. Calm down. You used to love talking to me that way. Come on Roz, lighten up.”

  I almost hung up on him, but then I remembered how familiar he was with the great surf along the coast. My voice purred. “James? You know the best surf breaks in the area. Where would I go if I wanted some epic surf?”

  “You thinking about learning?”

  “No. Just doing research for a school project.”

  He chuckled. “Well, there’s Swami’s, Black’s, Sunset Cliffs. Rincon’s breaking this weekend.”

  “Rincon? Isn’t that up by Santa Barbara?”

  “Yep. I’ve been checking the buoy reports, even called the weather recording for the swell prediction. Usually doesn’t break this time of year. If my dad didn’t need me to repaint the shed, I’d be there in a heartbeat. It’s going to be freaking gnarly. Double overhead waves.”

  “James, I have to go. Talk to you later.”

  “Wait—” But I had already hung up.

  Then I called Dominick. When he answered, his voice was low, husky and sexy as all get out. I loved his Latin accent. “Hey, Dominick. Guess what? I heard that Rincon is breaking.”

  “Rincon? That’s one of the best spots in California.”

  “You’ve never been there, right? I thought maybe you’d want to check it out?”

  “Hang on, let me look at my tide chart book.” He set the phone down, and I heard rustling. “You’re right. The tide’s perfect.” His voice filled with excitement. “I could take my high-performance surfboard and … Hey, would you want to go with me?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “Let me call you right back. I need to call the weather service recording.”

  We hung up. When Dominick called me back, it sounded like he’d won the lottery. “It’s going to be killer. Probably ten foot waves. If we leave early tomorrow morning … It’s about a four-hour drive, though. Can you be gone that long?” His voice became low and husky. “Maybe even spend the night?”

  I held my chin up. “I’m eighteen. I can do what I want. Will your aunt let you be gone that long?”

  He chuckled. “She’s a sweet lady. She’ll understand. I’m not sure she knows what to do with me. Can I pick you up at five?”

  We hung up, and my body vibrated with anticipation. I called Carissa and asked if she’d cover for me. “I’ll tell my folks I’m spending the night at your house.”

  She let out a whoop. “You’re going to spend the night with that sexy Brazilian!”

  I blushed. “Just cover for me, okay?”

  Chapter Seven

  Early the next morning, I met Dominick on the corner and climbed into his aunt’s car. I slid over a rip in the upholstery and thought, this car has seen better days. But he could’ve picked me up on a bicycle for all I cared. His devilish smile made me delirious with desire. His hand caressed my leg. “I really get you all to myself?”

  “You got it, cowboy.”

  “Cowboy? Maybe if I stay in California long enough, I’ll turn into one.” He grinned, put the car in gear and we were off. The whole time we drove up the coast, I could barely take my eyes off Dominick. We blared music and sang along while Dominick used the steering wheel as a drum set. His wild hair flew around his head when he practiced his unique version of air guitar. We stopped at Taco Bell for lunch, a place I wouldn’t have picked, but Dominick seemed enthralled by everything American and thought it was hands down the best invention. “They even give us our own hot sauce packets.”

  We arrived at the Rincon parking lot around eleven, the sun beating down on the sparkling Pacific Ocean. He rammed the car into park, jumped out of the car, and couldn’t unstrap his surfboard from the roof fast enough. “I can’t wait to get out there!” It was as though I wasn’t even there as he stripped his shorts off underneath a beach towel and slid into his wetsuit, then waxed his board to perfection. When he finished preparing his board, his head snapped up, and he gave me a shy smile. “Will you be okay while I surf?”

  I patted my oversized shoulder bag. “Got a few month’s worth of Yoga Journal magazines and my sketchbook.”

  We sprinted down the path to the beach, and I tried to keep pace with Dominick. When we reached the beach, and I saw the waves, I gasped. “Those waves are huge!” They rose out of the ocean, slamming down with ferocity. The whitewater jumped higher than the waves themselves. A few surfboards twirled out of the sea as unlucky surfers wiped out. I saw one surfer cover his head with his arms as his board came within inches of impaling him. The roar of the sea vibrated the sand underneath my feet. My throat constricted with fear. “Is it safe out there?”

  Dominick shielded his eyes with his hand. “It’s sick.” When he looked at me he said, “Hey, don’t sound so nervous. I’m trained for this.” He touched my arm. “I might be out there a while.”

  I smiled a shaky smile, trying to adopt a bravery I didn’t feel. I touched his arm. “I can’t wait to see you surf.”

  While I laid my towel out, Dominick shifted from foot to foot glancing at the ocean every few seconds. When I had settled myself, he bent over and gave me a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be back.” He faced the ocean, tugged the leather cord out of his wetsuit, kissed the crucifix, and his lips mouthed a silent prayer. He tucked the necklace back into his wetsuit and sprinted toward the sea, glancing back at me with a small wave.

  To quell my nervousness about the big waves I grabbed my sketchbook and colored pencils. I opened to a fresh page and doodled for a bit, my fingers moving swiftly. First I drew Dominick wearing a tuxedo. I made sure to draw his gorgeous wavy hair, his broad chest. I squinted my eyes and smiled. He would look fantastic on our wedding day. Next, I drew myself standing next to my groom. I made sure the white dress I wore had an extremely low cut to it. In the sketch, we held hands. My heart beat a little harder thinking about what life could be like with my sexy Brazilian.

  I would visit his homeland, meet his mother and she would love me. I’d learn Portuguese with Dominick as my tutor. We’d sit on a veranda overlooking the beach at Rio de Janeiro, a salty breeze tickli
ng our bare skin as Dominick leaned forward over the breakfast table and taught me the right words. “How do you say ‘I love you’” I would ask. He’d gently hold my hand and say, “That’s easy sweetheart. Eu te amo.” Then he’d pull me onto his lap, kiss my neck and repeat eu te amo as my body broke out in goosebumps.

  Dominick would surf every morning, and we would dance every night. He’d teach me the samba and more of those sexy Brazilian dances. Then, we’d go home to our bungalow by the sea and have yummy sex all night long.

  I returned to the sketch and smiled. I drew the ocean in the background. It would be so romantic to have a beach wedding. For the finishing touch, I drew two surfboards behind us and a six-tiered wedding cake to our right.

  I glanced toward the ocean. The humongous waves broke so far out that it was hard to spot Dominick once he’d made the long paddle to the takeoff point. I scanned the surfers and finally spotted his yellow surfboard. I stood up and ran toward the water so I could see better. He caught a bomb that brought him from the point to the inside, and it was poetry in motion. Dominick was by far the best surfer out there. His long hair whipped behind him as he executed perfect turns, aerial maneuvers, and rode the lip of those rollers, his body suspended above the wave like a professional tightrope walker. I jumped up and down and waved, but I don’t think he saw me.

  While he surfed, I drifted back and forth between my towel and the ocean, allowing the chilly water to tickle my toes. More surfers arrived, racing toward the sea, their boards hitting the raging sea with a smack, some of them unable to even paddle out to the lineup before the spume engulfed them, pushing them back, forcing them to surrender.

  I collapsed on the towel with a sigh. Today was the day. If Dominick and I were going to have sex, it would be tonight. I rubbed my hands up and down my legs. Even though it was a warm day, these thoughts made my palms clammy and my stomach fluttery. I wanted Dominick more than I’d ever wanted any man. He was talented, passionate, and was quickly becoming my best friend. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I was in love, but I was hopeful.

  But still. If I had sex with Dominick, would he think I was easy? No. Things were different in Brazil. I’d heard stories about how sexually open Brazilians were and how in their culture, sex wasn’t treated with shame the way American’s viewed it. I suppose I could ask Dominick about the cultural differences, but the last thing I wanted was to open up a conversation about how many partners I’d had. Then again, if Dominick realized how mind-blowing sex could be with me, that might sway his decision about the tour.

  I lay back on the towel, closed my eyes and calmed my breathing. The hot sun beat down on my body, filling my femininity with heat and I spread my legs. Basking in the warmth of the sun, the soft sand under me, always stirred up feelings of sexual arousal. I smiled when an image of Dominick’s naked body played across the movie screen of my mind. Dominick’s mouth covering mine with a wet kiss, my hands moving over his finely sculpted chest and abdomen, my fingers trailing down to grip his magnificent swollen cock and sucking it into my mouth as he grasped the back of my head and moaned. I lost myself in a delicious fantasy that pushed my insecurities to the back of my mind.

  After about three hours, Dominick emerged from the ocean and raced toward me. “That was unbelievable! Best session I’ve had since I got here.” He collapsed next to me, our bodies touching. Cooling seawater clung to his wetsuit and hit my skin, sending a shiver up my spine. He placed a hand on my thigh. Our gaze met and I fell into his startling green eyes. His full lips covered mine; his warm tongue darted inside my mouth, and his hand grasped the back of my curls. He tasted deliciously salty. We pulled away. “Maybe we can find a place to spend the night?” Not trusting myself to speak, I merely nodded.

  Chapter Eight

  We drove to Santa Barbara and found an inexpensive motel right by the ocean. While Dominick waltzed into the business office, I waited in the car. Looking around to make sure no one was in sight, I hiked my sundress up, spread my legs slightly, pulled my panties aside and slid my fingers deep inside. I was soaking wet and ready. I expelled a shuddering breath. Would he make love to me? Would I live up to his expectations? I licked my lips nervously.

  My breath nearly stopped when he sauntered back to the car, his long hair spilling over his shoulders, his body erect. He leaned over the driver’s side window and held up the room key with a grin. “Room number seven. That’s my lucky number.”

  When Dominick closed the hotel room door, everything stopped. We stared at each other, the only sound in the room our inhales and exhales. He cleared his throat. “There’s a pool. Want to take a swim?”

  “Sure.” I set my backpack on the bed and rifled through the contents. “I brought my suit.”

  As I held the skimpy red bikini, his gaze traveled over my body, stopping at my breasts, then jerked up to my eyes. “What are we waiting for? Go change.”

  In the bathroom, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My skin had a rosy glow, my eyes alive with excitement. I peeled off my clothes with trembling hands. Was I really alone in a motel room with Dominick? I swallowed hard. Maybe if I ran my fingers over my rosy nipples, it would calm me. I caressed my boobs and gave the taut pebbles a quick pinch, heat rushing to my sweet spot. Everything needed to be just right. I slid into my bikini and pulled my breasts up and out so that the bare tips almost showed. I fluffed up my wild mane of curls, moistened my lips and heart beating wildly, I joined Dominick.

  He sat on the edge of the bed wearing only a pair of board shorts. My breath quickened as I took in his broad and powerful chest, his marble-like shoulders, his flowing hair, still damp from the ocean, falling over his body.

  He let out a low whistle. “Look at you. So sexy.” I stood in front of him. His green eyes burned with sensuality and the look he gave me was hotter than hell.

  He reached up and around, and with one swift movement undid the tie of my bikini top. My breasts popped out, and his hands slid over my tits, his thumbs grazing my nipples. They instantly sprang to attention. “Who needs to swim?” He grabbed my waist and pulled me toward him, feather kisses covering my stomach. He stood up and kissed me passionately, and I felt his hard-on digging into my pelvis. I couldn’t help myself and reached down to stroke his cock through the fabric. It felt hot to my touch, and my heart skipped a beat when I felt it twitch. He threw his head back and moaned. “God, Rosalyn, I want you so bad. Want to fuck?”

  This was it. Yes, I wanted him to fuck me. I nodded.

  He yanked the ties on my bikini bottoms, and they fell to the ground. “Let me look at you.” His gaze traveled the length of my naked body. “You’re so perfect. Get on your hands and knees on the bed.” My heart beat wildly and my breath came in short gasps as I shakily followed his command and moved to the bed. I heard him rip the velcro of his board shorts. Butterflies filled my stomach when I peeked over my shoulder and saw Dominick’s gorgeous cock for the first time. It was magnificent, the way it stood straight out, a pulsing iron-hard erection. He stroked the thick swollen shaft and slid on a condom. His powerful hands squeezed my ass. “Damn, baby, you’re so pink and wet. Spread your legs wider.” I enjoyed how he told me what to do and relaxed into his words. “Tilt your ass up in the air. I want to see your gorgeous pussy and ass.” My breath came faster. The way he took control was a huge turn on. I spread my legs wider and tilted my ass up in the air. He dipped a finger inside me, and I moaned. “Why are you so wet? Did you get hot watching me surf? Or is it because you can’t wait to feel my dick inside you?”

  I tilted my ass higher. “Dominick, please. I want you.” My heart raced, and a gush of love juice trickled onto his finger.

  “I’m going to fuck you, baby. Hard.” He sunk his delicious cock inside me and I gasped. “You feel so fucking good.” He thrust inside me, gathering my wild tresses into a ponytail; one hand pulling my hair, the other hand slapping my ass. The sting was sharp, immediate, and surprising. Just go with it, Rosalyn. He slapped me again, and the
intensity caused a rush of juice to escape my pussy. His hard shaft throbbed inside me, a long, slow fuck causing my eyes to shut as I savored his strokes. He fucked me long and hard, the force of his cock perfect in speed, his aroused organ hammering inside me, the rhythm delicious. “Damn baby, you’re so tight.” I moved in time with him as love juice spurt out of me running over his cock and down my legs.

  Just as my desire was building toward a climax, he pulled out and spun me around, so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I gazed up at him, and the look in his eyes was raw and hungry. He slid the condom off, and his pulsating cock stared me in the face. “I want to feel your mouth. Suck it.” I tried to remember everything I learned in sex manuals because I wanted this blowjob to be perfect. His hard male heat slid into my mouth, and I tasted his heavenly saltiness. My mouth and hands worked together, up and down the shaft, staring into his green eyes. “Oh yeah, I love the way you suck me.” He grasped the back of my head, pulling me in and out, fucking my mouth with intensity. “Oh God, baby. I’m going to come.” He moaned and let out a string of words in Portuguese. His legs tightened, and I grabbed his ass, pulling him into me. And then Dominick came in my mouth, his hot juice hitting the back of my throat. When I released his cock, it jerked and spasmed, more cum spraying my face. I wiped it away and sucked it off my fingers.

  He wilted to his knees, kissing my inner thighs. His breathing was erratic, his head bowed. When his breathing slowed, he gazed into my eyes and said, “I want to make you come.” He forced my knees apart and yanked my body toward him until my pussy was so close to his mouth, I felt his hot breath. “Put your feet on my shoulders.” I dragged my feet up and rested them there, marveling at the contrast of skin color, mine a creamy white, his a deep olive. His wild, sweaty hair stuck to his shoulders and back, his green eyes filled with lust as he inspected me. “I love how perfect you are.” He spread my pussy open. “So pink and wet. Look at those swollen lips.” He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “I have to taste your creamy slit.”


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