The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 13

by Lindsay Downs

  “Perfect. We’re going with this one. Let’s show the picture to Emma, for I am sure she will agree with me. Once built, she might even wish to live here instead of at the primary estate.”

  “Of that, I’m sure.”

  Rolling up the sheet of foolscap, Matthew followed Simon down the hall to where his mother and Emma had ensconced themselves in the parlor. As he got closer he heard Emma say, “So when do we get to meet this marvelous young lady?”

  “We’ve been invited to a small dinner party tomorrow eve. However, if you wish we can call on them in the morning as I’m sure my son and Simon will either hide away in the office or go for a ride.”

  Matthew stepped in to the sitting room. “I do hope you both have a pleasant visit with my betrothed.”

  Silently, Matthew wished he could join in the visit but understood the ladies had to have their time together. He on the other hand had plans to show Simon the land and discuss having the estate evaluated for the possibility of tin being under the ground. He’d already spoken with the manager who agreed there could very well be veins. They just needed to be found.

  Later, after getting the approval from Emma as to the pavilion, Matthew climbed into bed. His head barely lay down on the pillow before he fell asleep, dreaming of sharing his bed, in three short weeks, with Kathleen naked beside him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Folding then applying sealing wax to the weekly letter for her sister, Kathleen placed the note on the corner of her writing desk. Over the past few weeks she’d told Valerie about Matthew and how she felt so alive when with him. She did leave out the physical effects his touch had on her. Kathleen suspected when Valerie found her true love she’d be experiencing the same or similar feelings.

  Kathleen did briefly mention the Duke and Duchess would be visiting for a few weeks. She didn’t go into any more details than that as they had not officially been introduced. Once that occurred, Kathleen promised to send another post about how their first meeting went. Standing, she started for the door to take the missive to join one her mother was penning also. Leaning against the wall was the bolt of silk she’d been given by the smuggling crew. Turning about, she peered over to Patty who was putting the finishing touches on the rose crown she’d wear for dinner.

  “Do we have any fashion plates from last winter, or were they all returned to Mrs. Brass?”

  “No, m’ lady. Why would you want to look at them? I’m sure the gowns will change as they do each season.

  What her maid said did make some sense. Even with out-of-date drawings, Kathleen suspected she might get a feeling for what the new crop would look like.

  “Thank you. I wanted to start getting an idea for the gown when His Lordship and I go to London for the winter season.”

  Then, with a nod to Patty, Kathleen made her way down to the parlor. Stepping in, she was met by a smiling mother.

  “You’re always happy, but this time even more so,” Kathleen declared.

  “Yes, but first I see you’ve finished the post for your sister. Let me have it, and I will make sure Roger gets both to the mail coach today.”

  After doing as requested, Kathleen took a seat in a chair opposite her mother.

  “Can you also ask Father to have a coach ready for me. I wish to go visit with Mrs. Brass to see if she has new fashion plates. I’d like to start thinking about what the gown, made with the blue silk, might look like.”

  “My dear, you might wish to put off the trip as I, only moments ago, received a request from Serena. Seems Her Grace wishes to visit this morn as she desires to spend time with us before the party tonight. I was just about to pen my reply.”

  Kathleen could feel a panic suddenly overtake her. A duchess wishes to call on her. That never happens. If anything, Kathleen would be summoned to the presence of Her Grace. Glancing down at the comfortable and serviceable day dress she’d selected, Kathleen knew she would have to wear something a little more formal.

  “Please, let her know I look forward to meeting with her,” Kathleen barely got out.

  “Lady Kathleen, I was so hoping you’d agree to allow me to visit.”

  Hearing her name, Kathleen bolted up from the chair, turned, and came face-to-face with the duchess and Serena. Immediately she started to bow deeply when a gentle hand on her arms stopped her.

  “No, no. There’s no need for you to do that when we have privacy,” Emma announced.

  “As you wish, Your Grace.”

  “Your Grace, this truly is a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat,” Elsie said.

  Once the duchess and Serena took seats, Kathleen returned to the chair she’d vacated a moment ago.

  “Thank you. Now, before we start learning about how you were able to entrance Matthew to beyond distraction, at least according to Serena, I’ve a request from not only myself but Simon. Yes, Christian names may be used when staff isn’t around. We’ve found in doing so conversation flows so much easier,” Emma directed.

  “And, Kathleen, before you inquire, Simon and Matthew are meeting with your father. For some reason, neither gentleman would allow us to travel, even the short distance to here, without them present,” Serena declared.

  “Yes, for some reason they, in particularly my husband are afraid we ladies aren’t able to look out for ourselves,” the duchess added.

  “Emma, if the reports are to be believed, from what Serena wrote to my mother, which I read, I don’t understand why not. After all, upon meeting Simon for the second time, didn’t you come after him with a saber?”

  “That I did, but I wouldn’t have hurt him as I already was aware he was the duke. But, that is old history. What I’m dying to learn is how did you first meet Matthew?”

  Now, Kathleen was in a bit of a bind. Tell the truth and risk the wrath of either the duke or duchess or make something up. Aware Matthew would overly dramatize their first meeting, she decided to tell Emma everything.

  “I wish I knew, specifically, who met who first. Mother and I had learned Matthew was staying at Radcliffe Hall from a letter Serena sent. We decided to have a very small dinner a few days after receiving the post, so Mother sent him an invitation.”

  “Let me hazard a guess, he didn’t reply at once?” Emma said.

  “At first no, not until he found Mother and I fishing at the back of the Radcliffe Hall estate where the river is calmer. Later, over dinner, I found him not to be the typical gentleman of the ton I remember.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand?” Emma asked.

  “Several years ago, Roger and I took our daughter so she could have her come-out. Every time we thought a gentleman would offer for Kathleen, at the last moment they didn’t. She finally convinced us to retreat here, and we’ve never returned to London. Later, we learned why the gentlemen changed their minds. They seemed threatened by Kathleen’s intellect,” Elsie started.

  “If you’re thinking I’m a bluestocking, I’m not. I love to learn, and thusly am able to carry on a conversation some might deem unsuitable for a young lady,” Kathleen explained.

  “And Matthew appreciated this in you?”

  “Yes, Emma, he does. That’s why we get along so well. You might say, we challenge each other.”

  “Wonderful, now has a date been set for the wedding? I only ask as I hope we will still be here. I so look forward to watching him squirm in front of the minister.”

  “In three weeks. This Sunday the banns will be read for the first time,” Kathleen said.

  “Then we will retire here for a small wedding breakfast. We discussed all this, and when Matthew and Kathleen return to London for the small season, a much larger party will be given,” Elsie pronounced.

  “And we will be having a ball in their honor,” Serena uttered.

  “Then, Kathleen, you had best save a date as Simon and I will also have a banquet and ball,” Emma added.

  “I am honored, and I’m sure Matthew will be also. If not, I’ll bring him, even if he’s bei
ng stubborn.”

  “That I’d love to see. Now, from him I learned another very interesting aspect to your life.”

  “Are you referring to my occasional late night journeys over the waves to help unload smuggled goods?” Kathleen spoke.

  “Yes. I should also point out at the next excursion not only Matthew but Simon will be joining you. Seems my dear husband in his youth when visiting here would run with the crew,” Emma said.

  Kathleen couldn’t help but smile on hearing this little piece of news regarding Simon.

  “Will you be joining us as well?”

  “Happily yes. After all, we ladies must make sure our men stay out of trouble. Now, I’ve heard a rumor you are in possession of a gorgeous bolt of deep-blue silk.”

  “I am. Just before you entered I was asking mother,” Kathleen paused and smiled to her. “About going into the village to look at fashion plates.”

  “Then, why don’t we make it a party. The four of us ladies, and if they wish, later the gentlemen may join us. Since Simon and Matthew rode over on two of the largest beasts I’ve ever seen we can take the landau,” Emma declared.

  Kathleen glanced over to her mother who nodded.

  “And when we finish looking them over, we can take luncheon at the Seafarer Inn,” Elsie said.

  “Perfect. If you’ll excuse me, I need to change into walking shoes and collect my bonnet and parasol. I shan’t be but a few minutes,” Kathleen said.

  “I’ll need to get mine as well. While we do that, Emma, why don’t you tell the men our plans and be ready for some squirming and blustering from Matthew,” Elsie uttered.

  “Then we’ll meet up in the foyer, and don’t worry about them. I have trained Simon to behave, so handling your betrothed will be easy,” Emma teased.

  Instead of taking the main stairs, thus being able to avoid for now Matthew, Kathleen and her mother took the ones used by the servants to the second floor. Walking into her suite, she noticed Patty had already laid out a parasol and bonnet on the bed.

  “I’ll need my brown walking shoes also,” she directed to her maid.

  “As you wish, m’ lady. I wasn’t sure which you wanted. That’s why I didn’t get a pair out. If you’ll give me a moment I will.”

  With a head bob, Kathleen picked up the bolt of material and with a pair of scissors cut a small swatch to take with her. This way, not only would Emma see the fabric, but she’d have something to show Mrs. Brass. Taking a seat at her dressing table, Kathleen quickly removed her satin shoes and put on the requested boots. Taking up the bonnet and parasol, she slipped the piece of cloth in her reticule then swept out and downstairs to the ground floor. There, she wasn’t surprised to see Matthew talking with her father and Simon.

  “Your Grace, this is an extreme pleasure to meet you,” she pronounced giving Simon a deep curtsey.

  “Lady Kathleen, I am delighted to finally be introduced to the lady who has been able to bring my errant nephew to his knees. I’m not sure how you were able to do it. This is an interesting story which I’d love to hear,” Simon stated.

  What Kathleen found amusing was not the titters from Emma, Serena, or her mother but the grin at her from Matthew. She wasn’t about to say anything then changed her mind.

  “Your Grace, winning his heart was easy. All I needed to be was myself and not afraid to speak my mind,” she teased.

  “At least she didn’t come after me with a saber as a certain duchess did,” Matthew countered, bringing laughter from everyone.

  “True. Now as I understand, you ladies are going shopping then we will all join up at the Seafarer Inn, is that correct?” Simon asked.

  “Yes, now if you’ll excuse us, we ladies have dress and gown plates to peruse. Who knows, we might even find one or two we like and have new evening gowns created,” Emma said.

  “And if you gentlemen don’t behave we might send you to the almshouse,” Kathleen announced.

  With a head bob to Matthew, she accepted his arm and let him guide her to the coach. As she was the youngest and only a lady, until marrying, Kathleen was the last in. Taking a seat, she waited until they were rolling out of the courtyard then withdrew the clipped material from her reticule.

  “This is the silk. I brought the strip so Mrs. Brass can examine the material. This way, selecting the proper gown will be so much easier,” Kathleen said handing the material over to Emma.

  “This is exquisite. As much as I’d love a dress from the silk, I believe you should be the only one wearing the gown,” Emma spoke.

  “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  At the dress shop Kathleen waited while Emma and her mother were helped down then she joined them on the walkway. Glancing up and down the street, Kathleen noticed someone watching not so much the others but her. Studying the man, she could see he wore a beard, but not the color of his eyes. She wanted to obtain a closer look but without Matthew to protect her, Kathleen decided not to. She’d inform everyone over luncheon.

  Turning back, she followed Emma and the mothers into the shop. After introductions were made and the reason for the visit explained, Kathleen showed the good woman the material for the gown.

  “Oh, this is absolutely gorgeous. How much do you have?”

  “The entire bolt.”

  “Wonderful. Your Grace, m’ ladies, why don’t we retire to the sitting room and have tea while looking over the new fashion plates which arrived yesterday,” Mrs. Brass suggested.

  “Would some of them be designs for the coming winter season?” Kathleen inquired, hoping there might be.

  “Yes, m’ lady, almost all of them are. I was thinking, as you’ve the entire roll, you could even have a winter pelisse lined with the material. That would make a marvelous statement.”

  “I do believe Mrs. Brass has made a wonderful suggestion. Now, let’s have tea and look over the plates,” Serena said.

  Following the dressmaker into one of several comfortably appointed rooms, Kathleen waited while Emma and the mothers sat, then joined them at the table. Once tea was poured, Kathleen slowly examined the different fashion plates before passing them around. Slowly, she could start seeing a pattern develop. Many appeared very similar which meant more than one lady would be wearing her dress, as she’d started to think of her gown.

  Then, she had an idea. “Mrs. Brass, as you have undoubtedly heard, Lord Matthew and I will marry in a few weeks. As such I won’t be here for you to make the gown. I was wondering, if I find parts of different gowns would you be able to create a completely new one. This way I will be wearing an original dress.”

  “And turning the heads of the other ladies while catching the eye of gentlemen,” Serena teased.

  “That also, but the effort would be worth it,” Mrs. Brass declared.

  “Then let’s look them over again with my daughter’s plan in mind,” Elsie said.

  Over the next hour and another pot of tea, the ladies studied and examined the plates again. Slowly, Kathleen was finally starting to see a complete picture of the gown she was seeking. “Your Grace, m’ ladies, I believe I have the dress. Let me show you.” Accepting nods, Kathleen explained to them her vision.

  “M’ lady, I see what you’re talking about. If you can give me an hour or so, I will be able to combine your suggestions into a single drawing.”

  “Thank you, and as we are dining with His Grace and m’ lords would you be able to have the rendering taken to the estate. This way Lord Matthew won’t be able to see the creation. Hand the sheet over to my maid,” Kathleen directed.

  “I will be more than happy to do as you request.”

  Giving Mrs. Brass a nod, Kathleen and the others rose, made their way out of the store, and started for the inn. As they made their way down the walkway, Kathleen couldn’t help but notice Emma was peering to her.

  “Is something troubling you, Kathleen?”

  “Yes, but if you don’t mind I’d rather explain what to everyone. All I can or will say at this time, I might be
hunted. I’ve no idea why.”

  Kathleen glanced over her shoulder and smiled to herself on seeing neither her mother nor Serena had heard the brief conversation.

  Strolling into the inn’s courtyard, Kathleen was happy Matthew had arrived to meet her. Beside him stood Simon and her father. Gliding up, she curtsied.

  “M’ lady, from your worried expression I’d wager something happened that upset you. I hope and pray everything went as planned at the dress shop.”

  “Yes, we had a wonderful time. Fear not, you will still have a few coppers to rub together. Once we’re in the dining room I’ll explain.”

  “M’ lord, Lady Kathleen gave me the same answer so I would suggest we retire to enjoy an interesting luncheon,” Emma declared.

  After being guided into the inn then the front room, Kathleen took a seat beside Matthew. Once the platters were passed, she took in a breath then slowly let it out.

  “I believe, before entering the dress shop, I saw Jonas Ringer. What’s even more disturbing, this person was watching only me.”

  “Darling, can you describe him?” Matthew said.

  Feeling his gentle touch on her hand gave Kathleen comfort and the strength to continue on.

  “Matthew, from the distance I can only suppose he’s about your height but heavier set. The man had a beard and was wearing field workers’ clothes.”

  “Did you, by chance notice if he had a knife, most likely tucked into his belt?” Simon asked.

  Kathleen closed her eyes in the hopes of seeing this person again but wasn’t able to. Opening them, she looked down the table to the duke and shook her head.

  “I’m sorry.” She then continued to eat, but not enjoy, her meal.

  Once she was safely in the Ashburn mansion, Kathleen made her way up to her father’s office. Much to her happiness, Matthew strolled along, silently, beside her. She’d already learned from the wide grin from Brown, the drawing had been delivered as promised, but she wanted to wait until alone to examine what her gown would look like. That she’d do in the privacy of her suite.


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