The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 19

by Lindsay Downs

  “What do we do in the meantime?” Matthew asked.

  “We can’t put a watch over their mansion so our best option is to continue making everyone believe you are still close to death. I would suggest tomorrow, Emma, you and Elsie go shopping then have luncheon at the Seafarer Inn. While you’re there I, along with several grooms, will ride the estate trying to see if there might be a way someone could sneak in,” Simon told them.

  “If I might make a suggestion, you should concentrate along the river,” Kathleen said.

  “And why is that?” Emma uttered.

  “If you take the trail behind the barn, it goes down to the river at the back of this estate. That’s were mother and I fish because the water is a little lower there all year long. The next is a little further downstream.”

  “This information will be very helpful, and you are totally forgiven for poaching my fish,” Simon teased.

  “Thank you, as I plan on going back to the river in the next day or so to catch several more trout, except they will be for only one person,” she declared.

  “And you’ll have several grooms along as guards,” Matthew stated.

  “Kathleen dear, would you care for company as I haven’t dipped a line in many weeks,” Emma requested.

  “Of course you may. However, Father and Simon, you may not join us as this will be a ladies’ only expedition.” Kathleen stopped and glanced over to her mother and Serena. “Would you care to go with us?”

  “I don’t know about Elsie, but I would love to. However, aren’t we getting a little off the subject at hand. Finding the man who tried to kill my son?” Serena declared.

  Seeing her mother nod, Kathleen wasn’t sure if it was for fishing or the primary topic.

  “Other than bringing the earl and countess in front of the House of Lords, I’m sorry, but I’m at a loss on what to do other than our current plans,” Simon uttered.

  “And with luck something will break as to where he’s hiding,” Matthew added.

  “Yes. Now as the day is getting on, shall we adjourn to dress for dinner? Then, meet here in an hour,” Serena suggested.

  “Matthew, I’ve a question. Do you feel strong enough to dine with us downstairs?” Kathleen asked.

  “Am I allowed to bathe?”

  “I can’t see why not. Have Mrs. Swithin do the dressing change, as I’ll be getting ready myself.”

  “Thank you. I should point out I seriously doubt I’ll be able to put on a jacket. Would a clean shirt and cravat suffice?”

  “Definitely, and trousers would help,” Simon teased.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Fourteen days after being shot and having been able to take his meals in the dining room with everyone, Matthew slipped down the back stairs under the watchful eyes of Simon. Stepping outside, he took in a deep breath enjoying the scent of the ocean air.

  “I’m glad Kathleen has finally allowed me to go out of the manor. Not that I mind, but being cooped up was starting to drive me mad.”

  “Trust me, Matthew, when I say I understand. Emma had me in the ducal suite for even longer, and I wasn’t even allowed to shave.”

  “Then I shan’t complain. Have the ladies gone to the stable yet, or will we be waiting for them?”

  “No, as they took the direct path they should be there when we arrive. Also, when I went to order up the two mares I had King post several grooms in the distant woods as a precaution.”

  Of all the little details about this trip to do sketches of Emma and Kathleen in riding habits and on their mares, that was one thing which had slipped his mind. Matthew suspected that was because all he’d been doing was reading and the occasional drawing. He’d already done a rendering of his betrothed for his mother. The one of Emma was for Simon while the other, another, for himself.

  Walking into the barn, Matthew watched as Kathleen and Emma were talking quietly. After a cough to announce their presence, she turned, and he could feel his heart fill with joy. She had chosen a pale-blue habit with a low-cut bodice. This time, she’d even worn the matching cap with a yellow feather. He decided once the sketch was done and when they returned to his estate he’d turn the picture into a portrait. To remember the colors, he would have to take detailed notes so he could apply the correct tints to the painting.

  “Ladies, as this is my first time in fresh air, I am worrying I might tire. Since the final results will only be in pencil and there will be several sittings, you may wear different habits. Today, I’ll get some of the basic lines down at least until I start to fatigue,” Matthew exclaimed.

  Accepting nods of understanding from them, Matthew, with Simon, made his way to the paddock. There they were met by King.

  “Your Grace, are you going to take that beast of a Lucifer out for a gallop?”

  “Not today. I’m making sure Lord Matthew doesn’t overtire himself.”

  “And how are you doing, m’ lord? I’m glad to see you out and about.”

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “As you can see I’ve two chairs in the paddock so you can sit, if you wish.”

  “I’m not sure about His Grace, but I will take you up on the offer.”

  Hearing the ladies coming out of the barn, Matthew turned and felt the air ripped from his chest on seeing Kathleen in the brightness of the afternoon. He didn’t know where to look first so he slowly moved his head up and down, taking in every little detail of the way the habit fit her. Perfectly.

  He was distracted when from behind her Matthew saw Toby leading Marigold out while another groom had Rose. If he’d been healthy, which he would be in another week or two, he’d lift Kathleen onto and then off of the saddle. Now, he would have to watch her use the mounting block.

  With the ladies mounted and in the ring, Matthew took a seat in one of the chairs then studied Emma as she rode her mare around the ring. He would have preferred to watch Kathleen, but currently she was sitting on Marigold who was standing beside him.

  After a few minutes, Matthew started drawing in the basic lines. Satisfied, he turned to Simon.

  “Your Grace, would you ask Her Grace to come to the center of the pen and stand Rose so the mare is facing to our left?”


  Once Emma was positioned as requested, Matthew started filling in some of the details. When pleased, he nodded to the duchess then turned his head up to Kathleen.

  “Now I’ll start in on your sketch. Do what Her Grace did then after a circuit around the rail come into the middle so I can work on some of the more delicate areas.”

  “I would hazard you are feeling all right?”

  “Yes, but after I get a few basic lines down of you riding then sitting as Her Grace did, with your permission, I will retire and rest.”

  What he didn’t say, was once alone, on a separate sheet of paper he’d make the notes as to the colors he’d need to do the painting.

  “That will make me very happy.”

  With a nod, he sent the love of his life off to ride around the paddock. As she did, he became so intoxicated with her beauty he barely felt the clap on his good shoulder. Cocking his head up, he saw Simon looking down at him a grin on his lips.

  “Matthew, you are as smitten by Kathleen as I was and still am over Emma. Now, get drawing before she becomes suspicious.”

  “She already is aware. Why do you think she wore that particular habit? To tease and tempt me. Now, leave me be so I can get to work.”

  Not getting a reply, mercifully, Matthew turned his attention back to Kathleen and started drawing in a few rough lines. When she came into the middle of the ring he was able to bring in a little more detail, enough to take back to the manor to work on.

  Satisfied, he glanced over to her. “I’m going to lie down. If you and Her Grace wish to continue riding, please do,” he called over to Kathleen.

  “We shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

  With a smile and nod, Matthew stood and carefully made his way back to the house using
the same route as before. Once in his suite he quickly jotted down the essential details of the habit’s color. Happy with that, he hid the sheet of foolscap in the armoire then flopped down on the bed.

  The sound of voices talking woke him. Peering to the door, he watched as Kathleen slipped in. Much to his displeasure, Emma was on her heel. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stood. “I’m awake.”

  “Then our arrival has come at the perfect time. We were wondering if we could see the drawings you started.”

  “I’m sorry, but no. After I get some more of the details filled in then you may. If you’ll give me at least one more session, then yes I’ll show you what I’ve done so far.”

  He waited while the two glanced to each other then back to him.

  “Under protest. Now, I’ve taken the liberty of ordering up your bath water which will be here shortly. Mrs. Swithin will also be here to change your bandage.”

  “Thank you for taking care of those little details. Mayhap, once this is all over, and we retire to my estate, I might contemplate taking on a valet. My parents have been after me for years to have one.”

  “That would be a wonderful idea. Don’t forget when we go to London you will have to be perfectly turned out to match me,” Kathleen declared.

  Aware she was correct all Matthew could do was nod.

  “Now, ladies, if you’ll excuse me as I see the footmen have arrived with the buckets, I’m going to bathe and get ready for dinner. Where shall we meet?”

  “The parlor,” Emma told him.

  “Then I will see you all shortly.”

  With them gone, he started to strip out of his clothes which wasn’t all that difficult as he still couldn’t wear a jacket. However, tonight with the assistance of Connor and the cooperation of the housekeeper he would wear one.

  Bathed, and with the dressing changed and, with his suggestion, not as bulky since the wound was healing well, Matthew watched Mrs. Swithin leave to be replaced by Connor.

  “Are you ready to try putting on a jacket, m’ lord?”

  “I am and as for the cravat let’s do a simple knot.”

  “Then might I suggest the Mail Coach?”

  “That will work nicely.”

  Taking a seat at the dressing table, Matthew waited while the butler fastened the cravat before he stood. Carefully, Matthew slipped his left arm in the sleeve then the right. Fastening the buttons, he glanced at himself in the mirror and smiled. With this part of his dressing accomplished, he turned to the butler.

  “Now, what I need from you is to go down to the parlor and make sure everyone is there. Then, send someone to get me, and when I am at the door do you remember what to say?”

  “Yes, I do, m’ lord, and welcome the opportunity to make this pronouncement.”

  And when Kathleen and I marry you will find yourself, if willing, in a new position. That of my valet.

  “Now, be off, and let’s have a little fun.”

  “Yes, and I know you look forward to seeing the expression on Lady Kathleen’s face.”

  With a nod, the butler was dismissed, leaving Matthew with his thoughts. Pacing the suite, he glanced down at the sketch pad, picked it up, and studied the drawing he’d done of Kathleen. As much as he wished to pick up a pencil and put down a few lines, he suspected if he did he wouldn’t stop until satisfied with the work.

  Hearing someone walking down the hall, Matthew closed the pad as a footman came to the door.

  “M’ lord, Connor sent me to tell you everyone is awaiting you in the parlor.”

  With a nod to the man, Matthew strolled down to the sitting room where the butler stood away from the door. Strolling up to Connor, Matthew smiled then stood to the side while the butler stepped into the door.

  “Your Graces, m’ ladies, Viscount Rathbourne, properly attired to partake of the evening meal,” Connor called out.

  Matthew marched in and bowed to Simon and Emma then to Kathleen and his mother.

  “But, how…” Was all Kathleen could get out. What she did next could have been considered inappropriate, but he didn’t care. She swept up to him and carefully wrapped her arms around his neck then settled her lips over his.

  The feeling of her pressing against him was more than his body could take. He engulfed her in his arms, enjoying the shared kiss. Not even the comments from Simon nor his mother stopped Matthew. Finally, only when gentle hands on his arm pulled him away did he halt.

  “You’ve been warned this kind of behavior isn’t appropriate. Do we need to send Kathleen back to her parents until you wed? After all, as we can all see you are well healed so she doesn’t need to watch over you any longer,” Emma declared.

  “You are aware she’s correct. Do you have any ideas?” Matthew said to his betrothed in a low voice.

  “I do, but I don’t think you are going to like my suggestion. Do you have a special license?”

  “What about you and your mother. Didn’t I promise not to use it but allow you the wedding every young lady dreams of?”

  “Yes you did, but, Matthew my love, I don’t know if I can go yet another day without you.”

  “Would you two please tell us what you’re whispering about?” Simon demanded.

  “The earl has sent me a special license, but I swore I’d not use it but allow Elsie and Kathleen a proper wedding,” Matthew said.

  “You both love each other to distraction, so why not use it?” Roger declared escorting Elsie into the parlor.

  “We apologize for being late, but we had an unexpected visitor,” Elsie added.

  Matthew turned to the new arrivals only to see his father walk in behind them.

  “Hello, Your Graces, m’ ladies, and of course my errant son,” Jeffrey, Earl of Stratham calmly spoke.




  “And I’m in agreement with Roger. Marry the lady, and be quick about it as the good Reverend Kent has better things to do than wait cooling his heels in the hall,” Jeffrey declared.

  Before Matthew could say anything, he felt Kathleen pulled from his grasp by her mother and taken to the far end of the parlor. There they were joined by the other ladies. For several minutes there was soft talking between them then Kathleen stepped from the group. “Shall we?”

  “Most certainly, my dearest.”

  Ten minutes later, the good reverend pronounced Matthew and Kathleen husband and wife.

  Then Simon added, raising his glass of whiskey, “To Viscount and Viscountess Rathbourne.”

  When dinner was over, Matthew watched as Elsie swept his bride away. He was even more confused when his father, with the help of Simon and Roger, steered him to the office.

  “Father, before you interrogate me, I’ve several questions which I’d like answers to.”

  “Certainly, son. Let me hazard why did I go see Roger before coming over here? Simply put, I wished to see how the marriage contract was progressing and insert a few points. Now that you and Kathleen are married Roger and I need to have it signed. Tonight.”

  “Once the ladies join us, or we them, we’ll sign the document. My other question is how did you arrive, mounted or in your carriage?”

  “I rode down once I received the letter from Serena and saw she’d made mention of Jonas Ringer. I thought I might be able to assist in hunting him down. Your brother will arrive with the carriage in a few days.”

  “Excuse me, Jeffrey, but I don’t understand?” Simon uttered.

  “Right after the boy was expelled from school, Serena and I noticed the family in the park. From what my wife and I could see, Jonas was watching our daughter a little too closely. Mercifully he didn’t approach, but the looks he was sending were very disturbing. When we returned to our townhouse I sent off a strongly worded letter to the earl informing the man he should remove the boy from town before a regrettable event happened. The man was very rude in his reply. In short, telling me to mind my own business,” Jeffrey explai

  “So you’re saying when he learned we were to marry Jonas took out his long seated hatred for you through me?”

  “Simply put, yes.”

  “But how does any of this help us find Ringer?” Roger said.

  “Jeffrey, we even tried to directly approached them, and the interview didn’t go as planned. I even threatened them with being brought in front of the House of Lords, and they still refused to tell us were the man was,” Simon stated.

  “Ah, but you didn’t have these,” Jeffrey declared, handing over several sheets of foolscap to Matthew.

  He glanced at the papers then up to his father after handing them over to Simon.

  “That explains why we couldn’t find any evidence the boy had sailed from Plymouth. He left from Southampton instead. Then, a year later, returned through London.”

  “Do I even wish to know how you were able to obtain these?” Matthew inquired.

  “Let’s just say I have friends who owed me a few favors.”

  Matthew glanced over to Simon and Roger who, along with him, nodded. At least now, with this new proof, they would be able to confront the earl and countess. With him feeling better, next time he’d go with the men and whichever ladies chose to join them, Emma and Kathleen if he wasn’t mistaken.

  As anxious as he was to start married life, he still had one more question. “Father, earlier you mentioned adding a few points to the contract. Would you mind sharing this information with me so I nor Kathleen will be surprised?”

  “Not at all. As you’ve your own estate, untitled, I felt you and the viscountess should also have a townhouse. You are familiar with the one to the right of ours? I own, through my late father, that one. I gifted the building along with the staff to you both. And like your place in the country, the Crown can’t take possession of it upon your death and not leaving a male heir.”

  “Thank you. Now, shall we join the ladies? Roger, did you bring the contract with you?”

  “Yes,” the earl announced, withdrawing the document from his jacket.

  Standing, Matthew followed the others to the parlor. Waiting to be allowed in, he wondered what the ladies had been discussing. Walking in, he didn’t see Kathleen or Elsie which told him they were having the mother-daughter conversation about what would happen later when they retired for the night. Now he wondered which suite, his or hers?


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