A Child's Christmas Boxed Set: Sugarplum HomecomingThe Christmas ChildA Season For Grace

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A Child's Christmas Boxed Set: Sugarplum HomecomingThe Christmas ChildA Season For Grace Page 19

by Linda Goodnight

  That was part of the wonder, the knowledge that somehow the finest man on earth had seen past her faults and loved her anyway.

  The same way Jesus had.

  “Lana.” A female voice turned her around. Jenny stood there, a determined expression on her face.

  Lana stiffened, sucked in a breath and waited for the subtle digs or outright hostility. Coming off the high of singing again, she didn’t want this confrontation, but she wouldn’t run away from it either. Jenny had reason to dislike her but it was time for both of them to grow up and move on.

  Not wanting to put Davis in the middle, Lana removed her hand from his.

  Wonder of wonders, Davis shifted closer and put his strong workman’s arm around her waist, securing her to his side, supporting her.

  “Hi, sis,” he said to Jenny.

  Twisting her fingers, Jenny barely nodded to her brother. Her focus was on Lana. Instead of the expected hostility, Lana saw sadness.

  “Your song...Miss Evelyn said...” Jenny’s eyes dropped shut. Tears slid from beneath each lid. “Thank you for what you did.”

  “I hope Charlie’s operation makes him well. That’s all that matters.”

  Jenny smiled a wobbly, watery smile and walked away.

  “You let her off easy,” Davis said. “I love you for that. She’s my sister, a good woman, but lately—” He shook his head, palms up in a gesture of helplessness.

  “She’s a scared mother. No matter what happened before, Charlie’s situation takes center stage. I feel sorry for what Jenny’s going through.”

  “See? Amazing. Generous. Good to the core.” He snagged her hand again and looked around. “Now where is that Perry guy?”

  “I can’t imagine what that was all about. He knew about my song, Davis, the one I shared with you.”

  “We’ll find out, don’t worry,” Davis said with an odd twinkle in his eyes.

  But they didn’t. Regardless of their search and even after speaking with Miss Evelyn, they never found him. For some baffling reasons, a stranger named Perry Grider had come in, requested the song, left a large chunk of money and disappeared without another word.

  Finally, Lana said, “I have to get back to the serving line.” She didn’t want to. She wanted to stay right beside Davis and enjoy the pure freedom the night had brought. “I promised.”

  “I hear you. I have some things to do, too.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You smell really good.”

  Lana wrinkled her nose. “Like barbecue?”

  “Hey, nothing wrong with that. Love that smell. Very romantic.”

  She laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

  They stood smiling at each other like two lunatics, knowing they had to separate but reluctant.

  “Later?” Davis asked.


  The rest of the evening flew by in a happy blur of dishing up beans while catching glimpses of Davis. She saw him everywhere helping out. He even talked to Joshua Kendle for a while, apparently about something that made them both happy. They exchanged high fives and slapped each other on the back. During the exchange he glanced her way and grinned. Her silly pulse had gone off the charts.

  The three little matchmakers popped by a couple of times to be sure the five of them would have some togetherness before the day ended.

  “Daddy says come to our house after,” Nathan insisted. “We have mistletoe.”

  Chuckling at the pure cuteness, Lana stopped serving long enough to grab a hug. “How can I turn that down?”

  Back with the baked beans, she watched them skip away, giggling and excited. They were such loves, all three of them.

  “Great event, huh?” Cassie asked suggestively as she twitched her perfectly arched eyebrows.

  “Can’t argue with that.” The only imperfection was the mystery she hadn’t solved. Who was Perry Grider and how did he know about her song?

  * * *

  The days leading up to Christmas were the happiest of Lana’s life. She was loved by a wonderful man and the association with Davis brought her a new respectability. At least, she assumed that was the reason she no longer felt like an outcast in Whisper Falls.

  She and Sydney, usually with Davis, Nathan and Paige along, attended a whirlwind of Christmas events—everything from church plays, caroling and cantatas to the adorable musical program at Sydney’s school. As her writing skills improved, the articles came faster and easier, and she found more time for her music and for working on the house with Davis. The latter, when they could talk and unwind together, was the best part of her day.

  With Davis’s support, she’d gathered the courage to file for Sydney’s guardianship. Guided by Haley and Creed, who had gone through a similar situation with Rose and knew the ropes, the process wasn’t nearly as bad as Lana had expected. Even with her past, the social worker had been confident that two years of sobriety and a town filled with references would do the trick. Lana’s eyes filled with grateful tears every time she thought about all the good things that had happened to her in Whisper Falls.

  Yesterday with enthusiastic help from the three children, she’d created “gifts in a jar” for teachers and friends, the pastor, her boss and others. Then, today, Christmas Eve, the trio made the rounds, ho-ho-ho-ing and singing “Jingle Bells” at the top of their lungs as they delivered the goodies while Davis put the final touches on Annalisa Blackwell’s tile work.

  Davis was picking up something afterward, though the children had no idea she and Davis had found exactly the right puppy to put under Sydney’s tree. Why not? They were here for good. Whisper Falls was finally home.

  Steps light, she guided the children across the street, listening to their excited chatter. Her Sydney seemed so much happier and more secure these days. Lana giggled inside, anticipating the child’s joy when she met the fat ball of love.

  At the newspaper office, Joshua Kendle gave her a “little something” in an envelope, her first bonus ever, and requested all the articles she had time to write. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Then embarrassed, she stepped away only to find him laughing at her.

  “You folks have a merry Christmas,” he said. “And tell Davis not to worry. I’ll be happy whatever you decide.”

  Lana stopped in the doorway. “What?”

  “Never mind. You’ll know soon enough. And you don’t even have to thank me.” When she frowned in bewilderment, he waved her off. “Merry Christmas, now.”

  Then he turned back to his computer and left her to wonder.

  * * *

  “I’m a little nervous,” Lana said that evening as the five of them drove toward Davis’s parents’ home.

  Davis was nervous for a completely different reason. His palms were sweating against the steering wheel. “No need to be. After what you did for Charlie and the way my kids go on about you, my parents already think you’re terrific.”

  Traditionally, the entire Davis clan gathered at Mom and Dad’s house on Christmas Eve for a light meal before heading to candlelight service at church. Christmas morning was reserved for the kids to open gifts and a return to Grandma’s for dinner Christmas afternoon. This year, Davis no longer felt at loose ends. He had Lana, and being with her filled him with contentment.

  “I don’t want to embarrass you.” Fingers spread, she jiggled her hands up and down in front of her body. “Is this outfit okay?”

  He glanced at her, there in the passenger seat of his truck, full of gratitude that he’d had the good sense to see her value in time to salvage what neither had intended to start. He was also amused. Did women always worry about their clothes being right? “You’re perfect. Makes me want to drop off the kids and run away with you.”

  She laughed, flushing. “Maybe someday.”

  After tonight he’d know for sure if she really meant those words. Lana had choices she didn’t know about. Davis wanted all her dreams to come true. He hoped he was one of them.

  “Any word from Tess?” he aske
d, keeping his voice low.

  Lana shook her head. “Not yet.”

  “Don’t give up. It’s Christmas.”

  He knew how badly she wanted to get her sister into rehab, but all their efforts so far were in vain. Tess had Lana’s cell number. Davis prayed she’d someday make that call and ask for help.

  “I’ll never stop praying,” Lana said. “If God can change my life, He can change hers, too.”

  As they pulled into his parents’ driveway, Duncan, Dad’s Great Dane, lumbered toward them, backlit by the red lights glowing around the roofline. Though they were dressed in Sunday best, the three kids tumbled out to roughhouse with the giant, friendly dog. The sharp air was spiced with wood smoke and, as soon as Mom opened the front door, all smiles, Davis smelled his favorite chicken gumbo.

  Amidst introductions, kids whooping it up and the background of television blaring It’s a Wonderful Life, they were sucked into the warmth of family. He knew Lana was nervous, especially around Jenny, but she offered her help and disappeared into the kitchen with the other women. Mom would love her for chipping in.

  In the living room, the men, including little Charlie, watched the familiar DVD. They’d watched it every Christmas Eve for as long as he could remember. Davis really wanted to talk to his dad in private, but the opportunity never presented itself. Tonight would be a surprise for him, as well.

  One of the kids, Nathan he suspected, let Duncan in the house. The Great Dane went straight for the Christmas tree and snatched a candy cane before he could be wrestled back outside by the three guilty parties. Charlie laughed himself breathless which brought Jenny rushing into the living room.

  After they’d stuffed themselves on gumbo and pecan pie, Davis glanced at his watch. Plenty of time before church. Lana sat at his side, the perfect spot and exactly where he’d planned for her to be. Where he always wanted her. But the choice was hers, starting now.

  He waited for a pause in the conversation and when it finally came, he cleared his throat. A sudden fit of nerves danced in his belly. He reached for Lana’s hand beneath the table and squeezed. She squeezed back.

  “Everyone,” he said, “I have something to say.”

  All eyes jerked to him and then to Lana. Speculative grins appeared on his parents’ faces as they exchanged quick glances.

  “Go ahead, son.” Behind black-rimmed glasses, his dad’s gaze was warm and encouraging. “If this is about you and Lana, I don’t think any of us will be surprised.”

  His heart staccatoed. “It is. In a way.” He shifted his chair to angle toward Lana. She’d turned a pretty shade of pink. Doing this in front of his family was harder than he’d expected. But absolutely right, too. He wanted Lana to know how proud he was of her. Here on Christmas Eve in front of the people he loved the most.

  “Lana,” he said and swallowed again. “I love you. My kids love you. We want you in our lives. You and Sydney. I never thought I’d feel this way about a woman again, but I do.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, face red as Christmas but her blue eyes glowing with happiness. “I want—”

  “Hear me out.” He touched her lips with one finger, silencing her. “Before this goes any further, I have a Christmas present for you to open tonight.”

  Expression puzzled, she took the envelope from his hands and turned it over. “What is this?”

  “It’s one of your dreams. I want you to have it even if it means losing you.”

  “You won’t—”

  “I found Perry Grider.”


  “Open the envelope, Lana.”

  He waited with a blood rush in his brain and his ears roaring while Lana read the letter.

  “Someone wants to publish my song. For money.” Astonishment quickly changed to excitement. “Is this legit? Is he for real? How did this happen?”

  Though scared of losing her, Davis couldn’t help the smile in his chest. He’d given her this and she was thrilled.

  “Remember when you gave me the song? I told Joshua Kendle about it and asked if he knew anyone in the music business.”

  “I’d forgotten he once lived in Nashville.”

  “Yeah, well, he called around and this is the result. They not only want to buy this song, they want to see what else you have. They’re interested in putting you under contract to write exclusively for GT Music.”

  “GT? No way. They’re big-time.”

  He grinned, both proud and scared. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Is this for real?” She pressed the sheet of paper to her face and laughed in awe. “This can’t be real.”

  He watched her delight and reveled in it, all the while wondering if he’d just given her a reason to leave Whisper Falls. His family began to talk all at once, excited for her.

  Suddenly, a dimple cheeked boy pushed between them, expression stricken as he faced Lana. “Does this mean you’re not gonna be my mom?”

  The conversations quieted. Davis put a hand on Nathan’s shoulder, waiting for the answer, too. Slowly, Lana lowered the contract to her lap.

  “Is that what you think?” she asked, incredulous. “That this would change the way I feel about you?”

  “This is a game changer, Lana. You can move back to Nashville, write your songs, maybe even get another shot at a singing contract. This is your big chance.”

  “Yes, it is my big chance. To do the one thing I really want to do with my music...write songs. I don’t want to live in Nashville. Been there, done that and have the scars to show. I don’t want a singing contract. That life nearly destroyed me and Sydney. I want to write...but most of all, I want to be with you.”

  As if someone had turned on a vacuum and sucked out the anxiety, the tightness in Davis’s chest eased.


  “More sure than I’ve ever been of anything.”

  “Nathan, son,” he said as he gently moved his son to one side. “You’ll have to excuse your old dad. I have a proposal to make.”

  Lana’s hands flew to her mouth. “I’m going to pass out.”

  “Don’t even think about it. I only want to do this once.” Laughing at her a little and so thrilled, he thought he might pass out, Davis awkwardly maneuvered between the chairs and slipped to one knee in front of Lana.

  “Lana Ross, I want to marry you and raise these kids together and if you want more, I’m good with that. I want to grow old with you, to share our lives and loves, to share your music. Will you give me the best Christmas gift a man could ever have? Will you be my wife?”

  By the time he ended what he considered the longest speech of his life, Lana wept. No sound, but a waterfall of tears that touched him. His throat filled.

  “Oh, yes.” Her honeyed voice was thick with emotion as she whispered, “I would be honored.”

  They reached for each other, but before they connected, three small bodies barreled into the fray. The rest of the family was up, too, talking and pounding backs and grabbing hugs. Davis found Lana’s gaze through the melee and winked.

  “Meet you later,” he said. “Under Nathan’s mistletoe.”

  Through tears, she laughed and nodded.

  And of course, they did.

  * * * * *

  The Christmas Child

  Linda Goodnight

  Chapter One

  In twenty years of Dumpster diving, Popbottle Jones had found his share of surprises in other people’s trash. But nothing prepared him for what he discovered one chilly November dawn.

  Agile as a monkey at seventy-two, Popbottle hopped over the side of the giant bin located downwind of Redemption’s municipal building and dropped lightly onto a mound of battered cardboard boxes. The usual garbage and old-food smells rose to greet him, odors he’d trained his nose to ignore in pursuit of more profitable treasures. After all, he and his business partner, GI Jack, were in the recycling business.

  From one corner of the dimly lit bin came a scratching sound. His heart sank. Rats or kittens, he
suspected. Rats he shooed. The kittens, though, troubled him. He’d never leave domestic creatures to be scooped into a compactor and bulldozed at a landfill.

  Gingerly picking his way through the mess, Popbottle directed his steps and his miner’s lamp toward the sound. His stomach plummeted. Not rats. Not kittens, though two eyes stared out. Blue eyes. Frightened eyes. The eyes of a child.

  * * *

  Taking a bullet would have been easier, cleaner, quicker. Dying slowly wasted a lot of time.

  Kade McKendrick dropped one hand to the golden retriever sitting patiently beside him along the riverbank and tried to relax.

  Even now, when he’d been shipped off to Redemption, Oklahoma, for R & R, he wielded a fishing rod like a weapon, fingers tight on the reel’s trigger. He’d become too paranoid to go anywhere unarmed.

  Memories swamped him. Faces swam up from the muddy red river to accuse. Kade shifted his gaze to the far bank where straggling pale brown weeds poked up from the early winter landscape, hopeless sprouts with nothing in their future but more of the same. Feathery frost tipped the dead grass, shiny in the breaking dawn.

  “Might as well give it up, Sheba.” Kade reeled in the ten-pound test line, mocking his ambitious tackle. The clerk at the bait and tackle warned him that fish weren’t biting this time of year.

  He slammed the metal tackle box, startling the dog and a red-tailed hawk still napping on a nearby branch. The bird took flight, wings flapping like billows over the calm, cold waters. Sheba looked on, quivering with intense longing. Together, man and dog watched the hawk soar with lazy grace toward the rising sun. Other than a rare car passing on the bridge, all was quiet and peaceful here on the predawn river. The place drew him like a two-ton magnet in those dark hours when sleep, the vicious tease, evaded him.

  Kade sniffed. His nose was cold, but the morning air, with crisp, clean sharpness, invigorated more than chilled. He picked up the scent of someone’s fireplace, a cozy home, he surmised, with two-point-five kids, a Betty Crocker mom and a dad who rose early to feed the fire with fragrant hickory wood.

  His lip curled, cynic that he was. Happy ever after was a Hallmark movie.


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