Peace Maker

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Peace Maker Page 12

by Mary Rundle

  And then there was Daniel. Where did he come from? Frank could see the child had Jackson’s eyes— they were exactly the same. They—two Alphas— obviously had to use a surrogate. But that didn’t ring true. Mmm, another puzzle.

  But the biggest surprise was the lack of discussion about their complaint before the High Council. He’d expected Jackson to push him to rule in favor of Blackwood’s complaint. He snorted. And why not? Who wouldn’t take advantage of this fortuitous turn of events? A top ranking official now related by his son’s mating? Instead, not only didn’t Jackson mention it, Frank got the feeling the young Alpha was deliberately avoiding the subject. All in all, a very interesting evening.


  Sunlight streamed through their windows, bathing Cody in a golden glow as he slept. Dylon lay quietly next to his mate, happy to have finally gotten a good night’s sleep. He was awake a lot the night before, afraid he might lose his mate if he fell asleep, and only got a few short naps. But with the chains Dylon’s Shaman had made, Cody could not experience pain from his visions nor enter that world, and Dylon had slept well knowing his mate would be next to him in the morning.

  Dylon’s thoughts wandered to yesterday. He chuckled at his father’s bullshit last night at dinner and the unexpected response when Jackson suppressed his father’s Alpha power. Welcome to the Blackwood Pack, Dad. Dylon was sure there’d be some questions today. But this morning belonged to Cody. Checking on the condition of his mate he found both their life thread—huh, more like a life rope—and Cody’s aura gleaming a bright silver. Good! Soon he hoped his mate would be able to give him a claiming bite. But he wasn’t going to rush him. It would happen when his mate was ready.

  A soft knock drew Dylon out of bed. Slipping into his jeans, he padded over to the door. Opening it, he found Dakota with a serving cart of food.

  “Hi, Dylon, I thought you and Cody would like to eat in your sitting room this morning, so I brought you breakfast.”

  Dylon cast a furtive eye at his sleeping mate and saw the chains weren’t visible. “That’s very nice of you. Cody is sleeping right now, but I’ll take it and wait for him to wake up.”

  “Dakota? Is that you? Did you bring us your mating gift?” a sleepy voiced Cody called out.

  “Yeah, bro. I made all your favorites.”

  Cody sat up, lifting a chained hand to his eyes in an effort to rub the sleep from them. Realizing why he couldn’t get out of bed, Cody’s face reddened as embarrassment flooded his body at his brother seeing him this way.

  Dylon acted quickly, “I’ll take the cart, Dakota. Thanks for the thought.” He grabbed the cart and pulled it into the room.

  Dakota followed the serving cart into the bedroom. He knew why Cody couldn’t come to the door. He was pleased when he heard the chains rattle. Turning to look at his brother, he said, “Good morning bro, were you able to get a good night’s sleep finally?”

  Dylon moved to block Dakota’s view of Cody. “What do you mean?”

  “I know he hasn’t been sleeping well. I was hoping you knew how to keep him from having visions.”

  “What do you know about his visions?”

  “I know he has them. I know they’ve increased in intensity since our family was killed and I know he’s in trouble. Can you help him or not?”

  “How do you know all of that?”

  “Not important. But what is important is whether you can help him.”

  Dylon paused. If Cody had a brother who knew what was happening, then it might help him—or not. Shit! Turning to his mate, he asked, “Pet, are you all right with me talking to Dakota?”

  Cody lowered his head and said, “Yes, sir.”

  Dakota’s eyes widened at Cody’s response but he quickly schooled his face. He knew Cody was very fragile and he was very worried about him. Dakota didn’t know what visions Cody saw, but he could imagine. If Dylon could put his brother back together then he would do whatever was needed to help.

  Dylon turned back to Dakota. “Cody has been having night visions and they were getting worse. So he tried to stay awake every night to avoid what happens afterwards; he was afraid of slipping into his vision world and not returning. The chains you heard have a spell on them to prevent Cody having any visions during the night.”

  “That’s great. But what’s with the submissive shit? Cody’s an Alpha and his wolf won’t allow it.”

  “In this room, Cody is submissive to me because it provides him with a safe and secure place where he doesn’t have to make any decisions. It will help his spirit and soul to heal.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “My Shaman told me. Now can we eat? Cody and I have a full day ahead of us and I need to prepare him for it.”

  “Sure, just let me know what I can do to help.” Leaning around Dylon, Dakota said to Cody, “Love you, bro. Congratulations on your mating.”

  “Pet, you may answer your brother.”

  “Thank you, Dakota.”

  “Right. When you’re finished, just put the cart in the hall and I’ll take care of it,” Dakota said, turning to leave the room. Then he whirled back and gave Dylon a hug. “Thanks so much for helping my brother,” he whispered.

  Closing the door after Dakota left, Dylon was relieved to know one brother knew and supported his mate. Turning to Cody, he saw him in his kneeling position on the bed, waiting for instructions. Dylon strolled over to the bed. “Pet, I’m going to unchain you, so you can use the bathroom. When you’re ready, I want you to come to the sitting room, so we can enjoy the mating gift from your brother, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Once the cuffs were removed, he helped Cody off the bed. “Leave the bathroom door open.” When Cody returned, Dylon asked, “How did you know it was Dakota’s mating gift?” he asked, as he heaped scrambled eggs, bacon and steak on their plates.

  “He did this for Colton and Ian when they claimed each other, sir.”

  “Cool. Here… I want you to finish everything on your plate. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Dylon dug in and groaned when he took the first bite of his steak. Dakota sure knew how to make a good one. While he ate, he kept glancing at Cody, checking to make sure he did as he was told. Finally, two bare plates were the only things remaining on the table. Pouring each a cup of coffee, he sat back and studied his mate, and what he saw pleased him. The tension was gone from his body, Cody’s face had regained some of its color and his eyes were brighter, more alive.

  “Pet, we have time this morning before we’ll join my parents, so I think we should talk some more,” Dylon said, as he took his mate’s hand and led him over to the small couch. Sitting, he pulled Cody down next to him and tucked him against his side. “You may speak freely to me. Nothing is off limits, okay?”

  “Yes, sir. Okay, my first question is about your father. Why was he doing that to Jackson last night? I was afraid my brother would throw your father and mother out.”

  Dylon laughed. “Yeah, my father was an asshole wasn’t he. I think he was trying to figure out what kind of Alpha your brother is.”

  “Jackson is the best kind of Alpha there is. He’s always put us first. He was even going to reject his Fated Mate because of his loyalty to us.”

  “I know that, ma moité. I have worked for Alphas who are Class A pricks. Your brother is not. By the way, I fully expect my father to talk to me about leaving the pack and joining him at the High Council,” Dylon said and then putting his finger over Cody’s lips continued, “But I made up my mind before he arrived that I was going to say ‘no’. Our place is here with the rest of the Blackwood Pack.”

  “Why did you take a job at the Silver Point Pack? Carson doesn’t want you here. He asked Zane to do a search on you to find out anything he could use to get Jackson to throw you out of the pack. I’m worried. If my brother does that I’m going with you.”

  “Whoa! How do you know this about Carson? Did you have a vision about it?”

bsp; “No, I have a mind link with him and Colton. The Shaman taught me how to block my thoughts while still hearing theirs. I blocked my thoughts completely the last time I had a vision because I was afraid I’d slip and they’d get a glimpse of it. But I can hear their thoughts because they don’t know how to block.”

  “Do they know this?”

  “Colton knows I can block some of my thoughts, but he doesn’t know I can do it totally. I don’t think Carson has any idea at all.”

  “And you know for a fact Carson asked Zane to do a search on me?”

  “Yes. I think he’s finished because Carson plans to see him after breakfast. What will my brother find?”

  “Babe, I have nothing to hide. My father has been in politics for my entire life. He wanted me to follow him but I hated it. I always wanted to be an enforcer because I love protecting the defenseless. When I was in school, if I saw a classmate getting bullied, I would step in and stop it,” Dylon said, then chuckled. “My father was furious the first time I got into a fight, but my mom listened to me and she talked to the boy who was bullied. Then she went all Mama Bear, angry with the school officials and my father. After that, my father always stood up for me whenever I got into a fight. He knew I wouldn’t fight if I didn’t have a good reason.”

  “But why did you take a job at Silver Point?”

  “Because I was desperate to leave the previous pack where I was employed. I jumped at the first job I could find. While I was there, I never met the Alpha— the only contact I had was with Rudy. I joined when they were searching for you and your brothers. I never thought to question what I was told because—well because it would have been inconceivable to believe they lied. Plus, I didn’t smell any deceit. Mmm, I wonder how Rudy did that? But come to think about it, I joined about six months ago and never heard anyone talk about a massacre. All the enforcers keeping their mouths shut about committing mass murder? Not likely.”

  “Were you the only new hire or were there others?”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure but come again, I don’t think any of the enforcers were with the pack when the massacre happened. Holy shit! That’s why no one ever talked about it. They didn’t know anything—just like me!”

  “What happened to the previous enforcers?”

  “I don’t know. But I can ask some of my friends who are enforcers with other packs to see if there is any scuttlebutt about it”

  “Before you do that, we need to speak to Jackson.”

  “Of course. Ma moité, I would never put you or this pack in danger. Jackson is my Alpha now and I will serve him with complete loyalty.”

  “I already figured that out, don’t worry. I have another question about something else.”

  “Go ahead, anything.”

  “How did you know what I needed?”

  Leaning over, Dylon kissed Cody’s mating scar. “When I realized I was gay, I told my mother first. She was so pleased. It surprised me as I expected her to be—I don’t know…angry, sad—but certainly not happy. When I asked her why, she said when I was born the Shaman told her I would have a very special Fated Mate.”

  “The Shaman told your mother about me?”

  “Not specifically you. Just that I would have a mate with foresight abilities, and that when I turned fifteen, he would train me how to help that mate when I met him.”

  “What training did you get?”

  “The Shaman trained me to be a Dom—a Dominant. He told me that when I met my Fated Mate, he would be very fragile and in desperate need of help. That’s all I knew about you.”

  “So, you didn’t know your mate would be a freak?”

  “Stop it! New rule. You are not allowed to call yourself that anymore. Look at me, Cody. You’re an amazing person with an ability the gods give only to the strongest shifters. Yes, I know how hard it is. Yes, I also know how terrible the visions can be. And yes, I know you feel intense pain after every time one of your visions is about evil. But you are no longer alone. Now I share your burdens and will do so for the rest of time.” Dylon saw Cody’s eyes fill with tears. Pulling him over to his lap, he hugged his mate tightly. “Shush, my pet, everything will be all right. I promise you.” He held Cody until his tears stopped and only an occasional sigh was heard.

  “Are you okay, ma moité?”

  “Uh huh. I never used to be like this. I changed when my visions grew so detailed. Before the massacre, they were just strands of conversations—I guess that’s the best way to describe it.”

  “And now? What are they like now?”

  “You know. You’ve seen them. I know you have.”

  “Yes, I have. But I want you to tell me.”

  Cody sighed. He hated thinking about them and talking about them would be worse. He was pretty sure of that. But his mate wanted him to describe them so…“Now I see what’s happening to a person or as I did in this last vision, to a group of people. Afterward, I feel their pain and suffering as if I were the person getting beaten or whipped. It won’t stop because I don’t know how to prevent the images from playing on an endless loop in my mind and they are constantly accompanied with pain. I fear the visions so much because I know what will happen to me after I see them,” Cody explained, and then swiped at his tears that had started to flow again.

  Dylon drew his mate tight to his chest as Cody’s shoulders shook with sobs. “Shush, ma moité” he crooned as he rubbed his mate’s back.

  “I don’t know how much more I can take!” Cody whispered in a broken voice, finally admitting his deepest fear.

  Chapter 16

  His eyes flooded after hearing the desolation in his mate’s voice. Leaning his cheek against Cody’s soft hair, he cried with his mate. Cried about the pain, the suffering, the evil in the world forcing his mate to the breaking point. Listening to the sobs racking his mate’s body was heartbreaking but there wasn’t anything he could do except hold him and send his love to Cody through their life thread.

  Dylon was exhausted—and this was only after a few days of living with Cody’s visions. While he saw the pain and suffering in the visions his mate had to endure, Dylon was spared suffering them. How had Cody survived this long? The two of them, locked in love and pain, sat until Cody had no more tears to give before finally falling asleep. After his mate’s confession, Dylon knew why he was brought into Cody’s life. He wanted—no needed—to bring the light back into Cody’s world. By gods, I will. Whatever it takes, no matter what I have to do, my mate will have a happy life! I swear it!


  Frank had finally chosen a course of action. He was going to ‘poke the bear’ and see the reaction. By all that was holy, Jackson should have called him out for his outrageous behavior last night. It was a test—a litmus test, so to speak— by which he was able to judge the strength and character of an Alpha to determine if his pack was adequately protected. But in all his years, no one ever reacted the way Jackson did. Calm and cool, he just pushed Frank back in his place without raising a finger. That raised the hair on the back of Frank’s neck. No matter how much of his Alpha power was pushed out, it was met with Jackson’s, but just enough to keep Frank’s at bay—not enough to make him submit. He had finally realized last night what irked him about Jackson’s actions and today he would bring this pup to his knees.

  After breakfast, while Oracle was showing Lizzie the nursery, he headed to Jackson’s office. Giving several sharp knocks, he entered after receiving permission do to so. He strolled over to the chair Jackson motioned him to and sat. He waited. Steel sat next to Jackson quietly, but very alert. Mmm. He tilted his head in deference to Jackson’s position and then began, “Alpha Blackwood, I appreciate you seeing me.”

  “Frank, thank you for the respect, but it’s not necessary. After all, we are family now, right?”

  “Ahh, yes, I suppose we are.” What the fuck is it with this Alpha?

  “So, how can I be of help?”

  “I know my son is mated to your brother Cody, but I’m concerned abou
t his safety with this pack.”

  “Safety? What do you see as a threat to his safety?”

  “Your complaint against the Silver Point Pack for one.”

  “How is that a threat, as you see it?”

  “Well, Silver Point has issued a kill order.”

  “Yes, and it has been rescinded.”

  “For the time being. But what happens if they serve you with the Notice of Kill Order as required by the High Council’s laws?”

  “I imagine we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “That’s not a good enough answer for me. I would feel better about Dylon’s safety if I knew you had proof of Silver Point’s actions as you claim.”

  “Vice Chair Royd, are you asking in your official capacity as a member of the Universal Paranormal High Council?”

  “No, just as a father who is concerned about his son.”

  “Then unfortunately, I cannot answer you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Mr. Royd, I have been advised by our attorney not to discuss our complaint with you unless you are here on official business,” Jackson said. Then holding up a hand to forestall any response, he continued, “You know as well as I that any discussion other than in response to a High Council inquiry would be a conflict of interest and I for one, will not give my uncle a loophole that he can use. As it is, the mating of your son with my brother will cause some eyebrows to be raised and I refuse to contribute to further speculation about the purpose of your visit here. Now if there is nothing else…”

  Frank was flummoxed. I’m being dismissed? Fuck that! He rolled out his Alpha power at full force. I’ll teach this young Alpha to respect his elders. Frank smiled as he heard Steel growl but it was short lived; he soon felt the full force of Jackson’s Alpha power. Aghast, he heard his wolf whimper as he lowered his belly and bared his neck. Frank felt his neck automatically tilt in submission. Holy Motherfuckers! Who is this wolf?


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