Book Read Free

Peace Maker

Page 17

by Mary Rundle

  “Where did you grow up?”

  “All over. My father had numerous postings all over the world as the High Council Wolf Representative. My mother and I always went with him. It was a great childhood. I saw a lot of the world and met many different shifters as I grew up.”

  “Different shifters? Like dragons?”

  “Yes, like dragons,” Dylon said with a smile. “Why? Do you like dragons?”

  “Yeah, but not like Jackson. They remind me of my mother, that’s all.”

  “Okay, I have to ask. Why do dragons remind you of your mother?”

  Cody’s cheeks turned red and he ducked his head, embarrassed about this childhood memory.

  “Come on, tell me, my pet,” Dylon prodded.

  “My mom would sing us a song about dragons when I was little.”

  “Which one?”

  “Puff the Magic Dragon.”

  “I know that one. A dragon babysitter I had would sing it to me every night before I went to sleep when I was five years old.”

  “Wow, how cool is that! Jackson would be green with envy! A dragon babysitter! He was so into dragons when we were young. Tell me more about the places you lived.”

  “Wherever there were wolf shifters—South America, Mexico, Africa, Russia, Northern Canada, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, places in the Middle East and a few countries I don’t remember because I was too young.”

  “Holy shit! That is fantastic! When Steel took my brother to San Francisco for his babymoon, Jackson bought me a book about the history of all the different wolf shifters in the world. I love it and I’ve been reading it a little at a time.”

  “What were you studying in college?”

  “I was studying to become a social worker. When I was eleven, I read a story in the High Council monthly journal about wolf pups not wanted by their family for one reason or another. I knew right then I wanted to give them all a good childhood. In another year, the trust fund my grandparents left for me will be released and I had planned to set up a home for them. It would be a real home with each wolf pup getting their own room but still part of a family. They would never be shuffled to different places at a moment’s notice, having to start all over. They’d be educated and be taken care of by resident elderly wolf couples who are alone but still want to feel useful. In short, each unwanted wolf pup would be welcomed and wanted by me.”

  Dylon was astonished at the change that came over his mate as he talked about his inheritance plans. Sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, wide smile—and he could feel Cody’s excitement through their life thread. Oh, my gods! He is so fucking gorgeous when he is like this! How did I get so lucky to get this mate?

  “I love your idea! How far along are you in making it a reality?”

  “Not very far. Until I can control the impact of my visions, I can’t move forward,” Cody said, lowering his head, “I would never want to bring a pup here only to have his world turned upside down if I…”

  “Now, none of that my pet. I promise it will get better. We will talk more tomorrow about your plans and your brothers.”

  “Oops. You wanted to know about my brothers.”

  “Yes, but that can wait. Right now, it’s time for your spanking. I’m sorry it’s after lunch, however, tomorrow you will receive it first thing in the morning. Understand?”

  Cody slipped back into his submissive role and said, “Yes sir.”

  “Come on, my pet,” Dylon said as he stood, then held out his hand for Cody.


  Sitting in Steel’s office with Daniel sleeping nearby in the portable crib, Jackson said to his mate, “I gave Dylon permission to contact his enforcer friends to see if they knew of any new hires who came from Silver Point.”

  “I take it you don’t think he’ll find out much.”

  “Well, I’ve thought it over and looked at it from all sides and I keep coming back to the same answer. I don’t believe the enforcers who participated in the massacre are alive anymore.”

  “Hmmm. Why do you think that?”

  “One, too many possibilities of one of them letting something slip. And two, my uncle would be afraid that one or more would make a deal with the High Council for a light or even no sentence if they became a witness against him.”

  “That’s mass murder,” Steel said, and then realized how ridiculous his statement was. “Right, your uncle would have no problem ordering their deaths. In for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes.”

  “Exactly. He’s already killed my family and the rest of the pack so, what would it matter if he killed a few more wolves?”

  “How many enforcers did he have?”

  “I’m not sure. I never really paid attention to the Silver Point enforcers. And besides, most of my family interactions occurred on our land. All I can tell you is I wasn’t comfortable around my uncle’s enforcers—I felt they were just like my uncle—cruel.”


  “One day when he was visiting my father, my uncle decided to wrestle with me. I was about eight years old and I wasn’t eager to do it, but my father pushed me saying it would help me toughen up. At one point my father left the room and that’s when my uncle put me in a headlock and started choking me. I cried out for him to stop and he laughed and called me a wannabe Alpha plus some other crap. I nearly passed out before he heard my father returning and released me. After that, I made sure my siblings and I stayed away when he came over unless my mother was around.”

  “Why your mother?”

  “I always got the feeling she didn’t like him; at family gatherings she’d assign some of the older girls in the pack to stay with us, so no harm would come to us.”

  Steel mulled over this piece of information about Jackson’s uncle. What a fucking piece of shit! “If Dylon starts asking questions, it might get back to your uncle. What do you think will happen?”

  “I’m not sure. Frank delivered a message he had for Dylon from my uncle today—a job offer of becoming the Silver Point head enforcer.”

  “What the fuck!”

  “Exactly. It tells me Josiah doesn’t know—or didn’t know at the time he made the offer—that Dylon joined the Blackwood Pack. But he probably knows now.”


  “I also think Josiah had no idea Dylon got beaten or he’d be shitting in his pants, worrying about what the High Council would do to him. But his second, Rudy knows, and I’ll bet he’s the one who ordered it and then had his men dump Dylon by the side of the road to die.”

  “Holy Shit!”

  “The good thing is Frank believes my complaint is valid and, according to Dylon, his father will look at it very carefully and start collecting information. In the meantime, Dylon thinks Cody is getting better.”

  “That’s good news. Did Dylon say anything…” Steel stopped as the cries from Daniel announced he was awake and wanting to be picked up. “Well, hello there. Did you have a good nap?” Steel crooned as he picked up his son. “Uh oh, does someone need a new diaper?”

  Jackson smirked, “Time for Poop patrol.”

  Chapter 22

  Cody was sitting gingerly at the breakfast table in their quarters the next morning. True to his mate’s word, his ass was bright red and painful after his morning spanking. Eating his scrambled eggs and steak as the stillness of the morning enveloped him, Cody felt happy in the world Dylon had created for him. Thinking about it, he realized it had been a long time since he could say that although, it was impossible to pinpoint how long ago it was. Suddenly, he heard his mate.

  “How big is the Blackwood Pack land, my pet?”

  “200,000 acres, sir.”

  “Good, today we are going to shift and spend the day exploring. I’ll make arrangements. When you are done, I want you to assume your position while I speak to Jackson. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Cody smiled. A day’s run in the woods sounded like heaven; he wouldn’t have to fear the return of the visions. His wolf would protect him. Not long
ago, Cody had seriously considered shifting and remaining so for the rest of his life. It was the only way he could end the pain and suffering and still remain in this world. Setting his fork on his empty plate, Cody drank the rest of his coffee as he looked at Dylon. Smiling at his mate’s wink, he felt his body flooded with love, causing him to break out in laughter. Gods, what a great feeling!

  “Now off you go, my pet. I’ll be back shortly,” Dylon said as he stood and pulled his mate up, “I won’t be long.” Dylon watched as Cody walked to their bed and knelt. He waited a few minutes before leaving, then headed to Jackson’s study. He’d come up with a plan last night while his mate was sleeping and he owed Dakota a huge debt for pointing him in that direction. Today and maybe even tomorrow, he and Cody would shift and explore the woods together. Dylon hoped Cody would heal faster without the constant fear of falling into his vision hell.

  He was willing to try anything. Time was growing short and soon it would be time to leave for Tajikistan but unless Cody had bitten him, the whole mission would have to be scrapped. He knew if that happened, Cody would blame himself for its failure. And that would have tragic consequences. Knocking on the door in front of him, he vowed he would not fail his mate.


  Dylon and his mate were standing at the edge of the forest after everything had been arranged, including a picnic lunch. “Are you ready to have some fun today ma moité?”

  Cody saw sunbeams create a halo over his mates’ head. I knew it! He is my guardian angel! His heart was bursting with love. “Very much so,” he said smiling, before adding, “I love you, my mate.”

  “Ditto, my lover,” Dylon said, “Shift now, my pet. Let’s run.” His mouth drooled as his mate pulled down his sweatpants, revealing his thick cock. Dylon hoped to have some of that today, too. He heard the cracking of bones as he saw Cody’s large and white-as-snow wolf emerge, standing proudly, staring back at him with liquid silver eyes. Holy crap! So, that was the gift from the gods Cody received when Dylon claimed him. Never in a thousand years would he have ever guessed. Now he understood the purpose of their life thread and why he could see it.

  His Shaman must have known because he made Dylon study all the gifts the gods could bestow on wolves. Cody received one of the rarest ever given. Now it was more important than ever for his mate to claim him, as his gift couldn’t be used until Cody was securely tethered. Finally, everything fell into place in Dylon’s mind—the foresight ability, his training, Cody’s gift—it all made sense as what their purpose in life would be.

  Dylon felt a nose nuzzling his cock through his sweatpants and he chuckled. Cody’s wolf had scented his arousal. Stripping and shifting, his wolf stood before his mate, larger, taller with fur that’s a mixture of various shades of grey interlaced with white. Together the wolves rubbed and sniffed each other until Dylon’s wolf howled; then digging in to the soft forest floor with his powerful hind legs, headed up a trail.

  Cody’s howl echoed his mate’s as he followed him up the mountain path. The wind rushing through his fur brought a wolf smile to his face. The sense of freedom, the joy he felt coming from his wolf and the all-consuming love he had for his mate began to brighten Cody’s world. He could smell the earth, pine needles and dead leaves his paws were flicking up in the air as he and his mate continued their upward climb. His worries were left behind, flying into the air and disappearing.

  Dylon decided to let his wolf determine what they’d do and he and his mate spent the day running, playing, and sleeping. They shifted back only to eat the savory lunch Dakota had made and delivered. Then, it was back to their wolves until darkness fell. Heading back to the house, Dylon was pleased with how the day had gone and he could sense a difference in Cody. Once they shifted and donned their sweatpants, he pulled his mate to him and kissed him deeply. Gods, he was so in love with Cody—he could picture nothing other than success in healing his mate.

  Locked arm in arm, the two lovers ascended the steps to the house, pausing when Dakota stepped out onto the porch. “Hi Dakota,” Cody said, smiling. “Thanks for the great lunch. My mate really enjoyed the special dishes you made for him.”

  Dakota’s eyes widened. Stealing a glance at Dylon, he received the tiniest nod, acknowledging the change in Cody. “Uh, thanks,” he said, “Uhmm, I was wondering if you’d be eating in your room or with the rest of the pack tonight.”

  “With the rest of the pack,” Cody answered.

  “What? Are your sure, ma moité? I’m happy to eat in our room,” Dylon said.

  Cody leaned over and kissed his mate. “I know my lover, but I feel tonight will be special and I want to be there for it. I promise if at any time I feel myself slipping back, I’ll let you know,” he said, adding, “Please, this is important.”

  “Okay, Dakota, we’ll be eating with the pack tonight,” said Dylon.

  “Good, dinner in ten minutes,” Dakota replied, turning and vanishing back into the house.

  Dylon swung Cody around to face him and asked, “Are you sure, ma moité?”

  Cody examined the face of his lover, giving him another kiss before saying, “I want to try. I can feel I’m getting better because you are giving me your strength. This dinner will be with my family and will allow me to see how well I can control my visions and I trust you to catch me if I fall.”

  Dylon teared up. Cody trusts me! Oh my gods, he trusts me to catch him! Unfuckingreal! “Then let’s do this, ma moité!” Opening the front door, he ushered his mate inside and led him to their bedroom.

  Once inside, Cody stripped and resumed his submissive posture and Dylon took control, “You have three minutes to take a shower, my pet. If you go over that time, you will receive a punishment for each minute you use over the three I have given you. Now scoot!”

  Cody ran to the shower and turned it on, leaping in while it was still cold. Letting out a cry at the temperature of the water, he grabbed the body wash and a wash cloth and proceeded to lather up, scrubbing his body of the dirt from his day in the forest. Once clean, he rinsed and jumped out. Quickly drying himself, he rushed to the foot of the bed and knelt down, resuming his position with his head bent.

  Chuckling, Dylon said, “Well, my pet, that was a good effort but unfortunately you are one minute over. And that earns you a punishment tonight.”

  Cody’s mouth tilted up at the corners as he felt his balls tighten and his cock grow hard. I wonder what he has in store for me? His pre-cum dripped onto the floor and his groin sent shots of pleasure up his spine as he contemplated the possibilities. Cody’s excitement level rose; soft moans began as he found it impossible to stop his body’s reactions.

  Dylon smiled at Cody’s reaction. His mate was now looking forward to the pleasure his Dom could bring him. Good. This was an important step, as Cody would need to feel punishment for the rest of his life. The Shaman had explained that Dylon’s mate would always experience guilt because of his visions and unless he could also find pleasure in his punishments, they would become useless in helping him overcome it.

  After a quick shower, Dylon pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before dressing Cody. Trying to stuff his mate’s chubby cock into the skinny jeans he picked for him took some maneuvering. While he was struggling with it, Cody’s cock grew hard and then Dylon heard his mate giggling, “So you think this is funny, my pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cody replied, still giggling as Dylon wrestled his mate’s cock into the jeans without any painful accidents.

  “Hmm, got it,” Dylon said, zipping up Cody’s jeans. “And just in time, let’s go my pet—later I’ll have the pleasure of taking that hard cock into my mouth.”

  Cody’s eyes widened at the picture and lust burned through his body like a wildfire as he gave a low long moan. His cock got harder and was now aching in the tight confines of his skinny jeans. Unless he could will his cock to go down, he was going to be tormented all night. A shiver wracked his body at that thought. Oh, what a delicious feeling!

sp; The walk to the dining room was an exercise in frustration for Cody. His cock refused to go down because he kept picturing it between Dylon’s beautiful lips. Inwardly groaning, he suddenly couldn’t wait for dinner to be over. Slipping into his seat, he was glad everyone’s eyes were on Daniel’s attempts at howling. He smiled at his nephew’s efforts as Jackson praised each one. Suddenly, he felt his mate’s hand on his cock, switching his attention back to the hardness in his pants. He wondered if Dylon was going to tease him all though dinner.

  Dakota and Zane came in from the kitchen each loaded with platters of food and set them on the table, Cody saw some dishes he didn’t recognize but it didn’t matter to him; if Dylon didn’t like them he hoped his mate would find enough to eat from the other choices. Once the food was on the table, Dakota and Zane joined them.

  Jackson then spoke, “Before we enjoy this fantastic meal, I have some news I want to share with everyone. Actually, it’s Colton and Ian’s news so why don’t they tell everyone?”

  Colton smiled at Ian who giggled. “Go ahead, babe,” Colton said.

  “I’m pregnant!” Ian shouted.

  “Congratulations!” exclaimed Logan. “Another nephew for me to spoil.”

  “Maybe it’ll be a girl,” said Colton.

  “I’m betting it’s a boy,” called Carson.

  “Not fair,” complained Zane, “I was going to call a boy.”

  “So what? I called it first. You can pick a girl,” said Carson.

  “Stop it you two. Let Colton and Ian enjoy their moment without it being a slugfest,” ordered Jackson.

  “Sorry, bro, sorry Ian,” Carson and Zane said in unison.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Cody said. “I can’t wait to have another nephew—or niece—to spoil. When is the pup due?”

  “In about seven months,” said Colton.

  “Are you still going to go to Scotland?” Logan asked Ian.

  “Yes. My morning sickness—if I have any— shouldn’t arrive until the second trimester so it gives us time to take the trip while I’m not showing,” he said. “My parents will be surprised when we tell them. I’m hoping they’ll come here when the pup is born.”


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