Peace Maker

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Peace Maker Page 23

by Mary Rundle

  “Over the last few years, the pain became so overwhelming Cody was thinking about ways to avoid it, including permanently shifting into his wolf or staying in the vision realm. His commitment to you and his brothers kept him from doing either. However, once Daniel was born and you and Colton were safe, Cody found it harder to come back from the realm where there was no pain.”

  Jackson looked at brother, “Cody, how close were you to not returning to this world before Dylon?”

  “Maybe a couple of days.”

  Jackson’s face was grim as he indicated that Oracle should continue.

  “But fortunately, Dylon came into Cody’s life at that time. Once he realized Cody possessed foresight, his training kicked in and he took control of Cody’s life as you discovered when Carson came to you with his accusation. But as you can see, Dylon gave Cody the perfect environment to find some peace thereby allowing Cody to heal and regain the strength he needs each day to force the visions into a part of his mind that locks them away. But he does not have the strength to do this by himself.”

  “The Fates tied Dylon to Cody by a life thread, allowing Dylon to constantly reinforce the wall in Cody’s mind that keeps the visions from causing him harm. I know Dylon has mentioned the bonding which needed to occur.”

  “Yes, he did,” said Jackson, “but I still don’t know what he meant by that. How is it different from, say, the claiming, Colton and Ian did?”

  Oracle continued, “The bonding is complex so let me break down the stages for you. Upon their first sexual act, Cody’s life thread embeds itself into Dylon’s heart. At that time, it is thin and very fragile, and it is important that Dylon bite Cody during another sexual act as soon as possible after the initial embedding. Once the bite occurs, their life thread continues to grow in thickness. The next stage involves Cody’s acceptance of Dylon’s dominance over him. Once that happens…”

  Cody interrupted, “Please, don’t go into detail, that’s private between my mate and me and not necessary for this discussion.”

  Oracle tilted her head in acknowledgement and then continued. “Suffice to say, the next stage forged their life thread into a thick unbreakable connection. In the meantime, Cody began to benefit from Dylon’s strength which enabled him to rebuild the wall in his mind his Shaman had given him. The final stage required Cody to finally bite Dylon and complete the claiming. If I am correct, that happened last night.”

  After receiving a yes for both of them, she continued, “In that final stage, two things happen. One, Cody’s life thread becomes woven into Dylon’s heart so they will never be apart, ever again. Nothing will ever be able to break the connection. And two, Cody and Dylon’s wolves became one and now each of their wolves are half white and half gray—mirror images of each other. This allows Dylon to feel anything Cody feels and thereby have instantaneous knowledge of what is happening to his mate. But it also means that whatever happens to one will happen to the other.”

  Jackson sat quietly, absorbing everything. Then he said to Oracle, “So, if Dylon dies…”

  “Then Cody will also and vice versa.”

  “I figured that. But how does that protect Cody when he uses his gift and becomes invisible?”

  “When Cody uses his gift, Dylon will always find him by simply pulling on their life thread.”

  “Dylon can see it?”

  “Yes, I can. The life thread also reflects the feelings of my mate so if he is in trouble, I can see it in our life thread. For instance, right now it is a bright shining silver which tells me Cody is happy and at peace. Every emotion he has is reflected in that thread. I constantly monitor it so I can send him love or strength or whatever he needs through it to help him.”

  “Okay, let’s say for the purpose of this discussion that one day Cody doesn’t want to return from the vision world. Can you pull him back?”

  “That won’t happen, bro. Not anymore,” Cody said.

  “Humor me. Can you pull him back?”

  “No, it is the one place I won’t be able to do it,” answered Dylon.

  “Then what happens to you? Oracle said the life thread was woven into your heart and cannot be removed by anyone. What happens to you?”

  Dylon’s eyes bored into Jackson’s.

  “I will die.”

  Chapter 30

  Jackson returned Dylon’s stare. “Does your father know this?”


  “Do you plan to tell him?”


  “Why not?”

  “For two reasons. First, it will never happen because Cody and I have absolute trust in each other as our wolves are one. Even before that, we needed that trust for my mate to bite me and complete the bonding. I accepted Cody’s declaration that he would never put me in harm’s way before he bit me. Now joined, I’m privy to everything that is in my mate’s mind including his visions, emotions, and thoughts, as he is privy to mine. I can assure you, Cody will protect me absolutely as I will him,” Dylon said, emphatically.

  “And, it’s not my father’s business. I’m his son, but first and foremost, my loyalty belongs to Cody and now to this pack. My father has responsibilities to the High Council and I’m very much aware of potential conflicts that could arise. My mother knows about this and I have her blessings.”

  Jackson shifted his gaze to Oracle. “I assume you have more to say.”

  “Yes, about Cody’s gift, but before I talk about it, I have a message from the Fates to you. True foresight is very rare because it requires a very special person to be able to handle the burden. In order for the Fates to see if someone has what it takes, they start out with ‘déjà-vu’ types of visions. If the person is able to handle those, the visions become progressively stronger and clearer until they become what Cody has been experiencing for the last few years.

  “In each stage, Cody was being tested,” Oracle said, holding up her hand to forestall any questions, “Most people who receive foresight ability fail at some point along the way for many different reasons. Cody did not—he kept it secret, did not exploit it or use it to gain an advantage even in the face of great pain. So, the Fates gave him one of the greatest gifts the gods allow—invisibility, to be used with his foresight for a very special purpose.”

  “What purpose?” asked Jackson.

  “Shortly it will become clear. As you see, a shifter with foresight and the gift of invisibility is one of the rarest beings in this world and that makes Cody a target. The Fates gave him a shifter who is as honest as Cody, one who has unshakable loyalty and one who possesses the skill to protect Cody from harm,” Oracle said, before turning to Dylon. “The Fates also have a gift for you.”

  “A gift for me? Why?”

  “For several reasons, mainly because of Cody. Your mate is the rarest of the rare and the Fates want him protected by the best—and that is you. Your strength of will was demonstrated when you refused to bow to the beatings. Your strength of character was your refusal to do your old Alpha’s bidding when you knew it was wrong. Your sense of right was demonstrated in your childhood when you stood up for those who could not.” Oracle paused, then said, “Dylon, the gods have decreed that you shall be given the power of Hercules.” At that moment a dazzling beam of light from the heavens enveloped Dylon.

  Three stunned faces stared at him, bathed in the glow. When it faded, Cody grabbed his mate’s hand, “Oh my gods, are you all right?”

  Sitting still as a statue, Dylon tried to absorb what just happened to him. A gift? The power of Hercules? Squeezing Cody’s hand, signifying he was all right, Dylon gazed shifted to Oracle. “I don’t understand. What does this mean?”

  “I am sure you know his story, so I will not repeat it here. But what this gift gives you is extraordinary strength first and foremost, so you will be able to defeat any foe who threatens Cody. Next, the courage to walk where others fear to tread, and finally, cunning to solve any problem presented to you. You possessed all of these traits but not to the extent you d
o now. Cody will always be safe with you.”

  Jackson leaned back in his chair, thinking about everything that had been said this morning. Turning it over in his mind, most of his questions had been answered but not all. “Why does my brother have to submit to Dylon if he has all this power?”

  Cody answered. “Jackson, I can’t begin to describe the turmoil my mind is in without Dylon. At least not so you could possibly understand, even a little of what I go through every day. Submitting to Dylon gives me the one thing I need desperately—peace. Dylon is my Peace Maker. He creates a world where my mind is free of turmoil and pain—a world where the only thing on my mind is pleasing him. And that, my brother, is what gives me a life worth living.”Nodding his head, Jackson said to Oracle, “I have one more question. You said the Fates had a purpose for my brother. What is it?”

  “Cody’s visions are of wolf shifters that he and Dylon must save.”

  “Save? How?”

  “Their first assignment is in Tajikistan and they must leave in a day or they will be too late to save the innocent.”

  “What the fuck? Tajikistan? No way! Cody, I just got Colton back in one piece, how can you ask me to let you go to some place halfway around the world?”

  “Mainly, because you don’t have a choice in this, bro. I must do this. I don’t have any options regarding my mission any more than I have a choice of whether I can take a breath. It’s part of me and who I am now. And when I am successful in saving lives, I will be happy. Happy, Jackson! Do you understand that? Would you want me to suffer knowing I had the power to save someone and I turned my back? What kind of a person would that make me?”

  Cody took a deep breath as Dylon sent him love and then continued in a calmer voice, “I understand your worry about all of us. But bro, really, you have to let us go and find our way in the world. You’ve focused on keeping us safe after the massacre, but please don’t use that as an excuse to keep us in jail.”

  Jackson knew his brother was right. But it was hard to let go after years of fighting to keep them safe. Thinking back to the moment in Las Vegas when he found out their parents and siblings were dead, he sighed. It had been a long journey, but Cody was right. He remembered that Cody stood by him when he received his gift from the Fates. Can I do any less for my brother? Resigned, Jackson said, “You’re right. I won’t stand in your way. What do you need from me?”

  Cody grinned, “If Steel could arrange transportation for us and let Slate know we’re coming, that would be a big help.”

  “Done. What about your parents, Dylon? They’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “I’m telling my father I have an assignment I must do and I’m going to suggest he look into who the enforcers were in the Silver Point Pack at the time of the massacre. I won’t have time to contact my friends before we leave but I figure my father might have some answers about who they are and where they were by the time I get back.”

  “Good. I like that plan. I’m also going to ask Zane to see what he can find out. Right now, he’s trying to find who controls the corporations that paid Pablo to kidnap Colton. If we can find positive proof of my uncle’s involvement, then Steel can challenge him under the Dire Warning Josiah received. Otherwise, we are back at ground zero, so finding an enforcer who was there at the time of the massacre is important to give us the eye-witness we need to present an airtight case to the High Council.”

  Steel finally spoke, “Congratulations to both of you. I know I speak for my parents and brother when I tell you Dire Enterprises will provide any support you require in saving wolf shifters. I’ll draft an executive order today, have my father sign it and give you a copy to carry with you. If you need information, transportation, supplies, assistance or anything else, all you have to do is call a special number and the person who answers will make sure you get it. The order will identify you to Dire Enterprises’ personnel.”

  “There is one request I will make of you, Cody,” Jackson said, “Please speak with Carson and Zane before you leave. They both are…”

  “…Very sorry. I know, and I planned on it. I don’t blame them. I know they were just looking out for me,” Cody said.

  “True, but there are rules and they need to know the consequences of not following them,” Jackson said.

  “What punishment did you give them?” Dylon asked as he heard Cody snicker. “What?”

  “Zane has 30 days helping in the kitchen along with his other chores and Carson will do Cody’s chores for six months,” Jackson replied.

  “Is that why you laughed?” Dylon asked his mate.

  “Do you know what my main chore was?” Cody asked.

  “No, what?” he replied.

  “Laundry. Everybody’s laundry and now with Daniel’s clothes added in, trust me, it is punishment,” Cody said, chuckling.

  “For six months, eh?” Dylon asked Jackson.

  “Yes, for six months along with his other chores,” Jackson confirmed.

  Oracle stood, “If no one has any other questions for me, I have a grandson to spoil.”

  “Just one other question from me,” Cody asked, “How do I become invisible? Do I say something or what?”

  “All you do to become invisible is to say or think these words to yourself—‘I am invisible’ and you will become so immediately. Oh, I should probably mention your gift also works when you have shifted.”

  “How do I become visible again?”

  “Just say or think ‘I am visible’.”

  Cody and Dylon smiled at each other. This could be fun.

  “Thank you, Oracle, for everything,” Jackson said. “Give my son a kiss for me and I’ll see him at lunchtime.”

  After she left, Steel turned to his mate, and announced, “I’m going to call Slate, make travel arrangements for both of them and get the documents they need.”

  “Thanks babe. Say hello to Slate for me,” Jackson said before he leaned over, giving Steel a kiss while slipping his hand surreptitiously over his mate’s cock and squeezing it. “Later lover,” he whispered against Steel’s lips.

  Cody and Dylon exchanged glances. Then Cody piped up, “Hey if you want, we can leave for a while, so, you know, so you can take care of your mate’s bollocks.”

  Steel snorted. “I don’t think you’re going to live that one down anytime soon,” he said to Jackson.

  “Oh hush,” he said to Steel, batting his arm, “I would if you stopped bringing it up all the time.”

  “Me? Don’t blame me. Cody brought it up,” Steel said, as he stood fumbling with the hard cock in his jeans. “And look at what you did. I’m going to be in pain just walking out of here.”

  Jackson snickered, “It serves you right for not coming to my defense this morning.”

  Steel laughed. “But babe, I was having so much fun. Can you really blame me?” he asked as he walked out of Jackson’s office.

  After watching his mate’s fine ass retreat until he could no longer see it, Jackson shifted his focus back to Cody and Dylon, becoming serious. “I’m very proud of you, bro and delighted you’ve found happiness with your mate. And thank you, Dylon for saving my brother. Make sure you bring him back to us,” Jackson said, adding, “I wish you the best and hope your mission is a success.”

  “Thanks, bro. If we’re through, I want to head down to see Zane before he goes to help Dakota.”

  “Sure, I’ll see him afterward and find out if he’s had any luck on his search.”

  Cody and Dylon rose together. “I don’t think you should bring up the word ‘luck’ to him. You know how he is,” Cody said.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, no luck just good coding. Got it,” Jackson smirked. He leaned back in his chair as Cody and Dylon left the room. Holy fuck! Cody can become invisible, Dylon has the power of Hercules, Colton has Raphael’s healing power and Ian is the King of Scottish Wolves. What the hell will happen next? Oh yeah, a royal pup.

  Dylon linked his fingers with his mate’s and smiled at the happiness he found in Cody.
It had actually gone better than he thought. Jackson took everything in stride and was even concerned about him. He’d never met an Alpha like him and was pleased to end up in this pack. Cody led him through the great room and down the steps to the hospital. Raising an eyebrow at his mate, he wondered why they were headed there.

  “We aren’t going to see Colton. Steel set up a room down here for Zane and that’s where we’ll find him.”

  Dylon looked around and found himself in a hallway with several doors. His mate walked to the first one, knocked, and after hearing a muffled response, he opened it and led Dylon inside. There he found Zane studying several computer screens filled with coding.

  Zane turned around quickly, “Oh hi guys, did you come so I can apologize? Listen, I know what I did was stupid and wrong but I really didn’t mean any harm. I promise I won’t do anything like that again. And if I have any doubts about doing stuff like I did when Carson asked me to research you Dylon, I’m going straight to Jackson with them. No, I’ve learned my lesson. I can’t explain why I didn’t do it this time. I knew what he asked me to do was wrong. But did that stop me? Oh no, I just went right ahead and did it anyway. Is there something I can do to make it up to you? I know I’m helping Dakota, but there must be something I can do just for you. Anybody you want me to research? Maybe an old boyfriend? No, sorry, not a good idea. But think of something I can do. I’m really very good at finding out stuff.”

  Dylon just looked at Zane. What the fuck? What was all that?

  Cody snorted. “Whoa, Zane, slow down. First, we accept your apology and no, we don’t want you looking up old boyfriends—really, that’s the best you could come up with? Never mind, but I do need you to find out some information for us.”


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