Peace Maker

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Peace Maker Page 27

by Mary Rundle

  “What are you referring to?”

  “Son, I know what the Shaman told your mother when you were born and I know about your training when you turned fifteen. Do you really think I didn’t care that much about you that I wouldn’t take the time to speak with the Shaman myself?”

  “I guess I never thought about it like that. You were always so busy…”

  “Never too busy for you, Dylon and, now Cody. Don’t worry, his secret is safe with me. Now, have you been able to help him cope?”

  “Yes, he has healed and together we will keep the visions at bay. I love him, Dad. So much, it hurts if I think of something happening to him. I spend half my days deliriously happy and the other half sick with worry about protecting him.”

  “Welcome to the world of love—a constant rollercoaster of emotions but beneath it all, you will find a fulfillment you didn’t even know you were missing. After all these years with your mother, I’m still happiest when I’m with her.”

  “That’s how I feel. Every day I wake up, the first thing I do is smile; I’m just so fucking happy to have found my Fated Mate. Sometimes, I pinch myself because I can’t believe Cody is real.”

  “That my son, is true love—the strongest love there is.”

  Chapter 35

  After lunch, Cody and Dylon made their way to Zane’s computer cave to see what he found out. They would be leaving early tomorrow morning and still had to pack. Dylon held the door open for his mate and then followed him in and over to the couch where they sat waiting for Zane to turn around. He pulled Cody tight against his side and buried his nose in his mate’s hair. Damn, I can never get enough of his scent. His cock rose as lust consumed him, and reaching down, he palmed his mate’s hardening cock. Cody’s head fell back, and a low moan escaped, the sound wrapping around Dylon’s cock.

  “Oh fuck! Not you, too?” Zane exclaimed as he turned around and found his brother and Dylon fondling one another. “Look, go to your room and when you are finished, come back. This is a ‘no fuck’ zone.”

  Dylon broke away from Cody, and still filled with need, looked at Zane. He could hear his mate’s heavy breathing indicating Cody’s eagerness to continue but he knew they needed to talk to Zane and they’d have many hours on Dire Enterprises’ private jet to fuck as they flew to Tajikistan. Shaking his head to clear it, he said, “Sorry about that. What do you have for us?”

  Cody felt the loss of his mate’s hand on his dick and swallowed his whimper when he finally realized Dylon was talking to Zane. Getting a grip on his emotions, Cody focused on Zane’s words.

  “I printed out everything in the High Council’s files and then I did a search on property owned by the three Alphas—Arald, Ulfric and Ordovic—and I found out something very interesting. Everything—and I mean everything— belongs to the dude called Arald. Even the houses the other two Alphas live in—which makes no sense whatsoever,” Zane said as he handed over a thick file folder.

  Dylon reached for it, confused by what he just heard. There were three packs and every pack should own a pack house—to think otherwise was, well, unthinkable. “Are you saying that one Alpha owns the pack houses of the other two packs?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know that at first because the other two pack houses’ owners are listed as corporations. But when I searched for the owners of the corporations, I found both were owned and controlled by Arald. And there is something else that’s weird.”

  “What?” asked Cody.

  “The two packs have clusters of buildings around the houses the two Alphas live in, which makes sense for both security and pack structure. But Arald has a house quite a distance from where his pack lives. It’s in a remote and isolated location. Here, I have some satellite photos for you,” Zane said as he handed his brother and Dylon copies of them. “See, right here it appears the building is built into the side of the mountain and can only be accessed by this entry.”

  Cody and Dylon studied the photos, taking in what Zane said about the access set up. “Shit, it’s built like a fortress,” said Cody.

  “That is what my first thought was, so I dug deeper. It appears Arald is involved with shifter slave trafficking.”

  “WHAT?” shouted Dylon, “That’s illegal. Holy shit, if the High Council knew this…oh man…this is a fucking mess.”

  “Yes, and Steel’s brother, Slate, is over there in the middle of it all,” said Cody.

  “Exactly,” said Zane. “I have to tell Jackson this. Slate is in danger and he doesn’t know it. I have no idea why they wanted a peace conference but it wasn’t for peace.”

  “Give copies of all this to Jackson. We’re leaving tomorrow to go there and we can show Slate what you discovered. Shit, I knew…but I didn’t realize… I’ll talk to Jackson and Steel, he needs to warn Slate,” Cody said. He sat there contemplating his mission. It had just gotten a lot bigger. “Do you know how many shifters Arald has for sale right now?”

  “From what I’ve been able to find on the dark web, twenty males and ten babies. But there may be more. He’s holding an auction in a couple of days so the window to save them is closing fast.”

  Cody nodded as he continued to look at the documents. Failure was not an option. He—no—they had to succeed because the alternative was unthinkable. He knew his mate was already sorting through options and strategy as to the best way to rescue the shifters. He looked up at his brother and asked, “Anything else?”

  Zane grinned. Cody knew him so well. “Yes, hacked into the hospital database to research how many wolves in each pack had been attacked. And once again I was surprised. The injured wolves all came from either Ulfric or Ordovic’s packs. None of the injured came from Arald’s pack. Want to guess the odds of that?”

  Cody chuckled, “No, that’s all right. I get the picture. How come nobody or even Slate knows this?”

  “Two words. Patient confidentiality. Patient records are protected so no one can access them. I bet even the staff at the hospital doesn’t realize it.”

  “I can’t believe Arald’s pack members are responsible for this. Many are related because the packs are so isolated.”

  “You’re right. Arald has been hiring a large number of enforcers and according to what I found, he’s building an army.”

  “Holy fucking shit!” exclaimed Dylon.

  “Yup, that about sums it up,” said Zane. “What do we do about it?”

  “Leave that to me and Dylon,” Cody said. “Make sure you make a copy of everything and give it to Jackson. We’re heading there now. Thanks, bro. You have more than paid us back.”

  “Oh, and one final thing—Arald borrowed against his ‘fortress’ and was required to give a floor plan of the building. Now, I don’t think it shows everything, but it might help you,” Zane said as he handed Dylon a copy of it.

  Dylon was impressed with Zane’s computer skills. Examining the plan, his mind started assessing the possible success of each idea he considered. Zane had given him invaluable information. Glancing up at Cody’s brother, he said, “Thanks, you are fantastic. This will make all the difference in the world. Anything else?”

  “Not right now. I’m trying to track Arald’s bank accounts—the ones where he deposits the money he makes on the auctions. So far, no luck, but I’ll find it.”

  “One other thing, bro,” said Cody. “Can you find out who the buyers were at past auctions?”

  “Yeah, that shouldn’t be too hard. From what I’ve found, there have only been two before this upcoming one.”

  “Thanks, we better go see Jackson,” said Cody.

  “Definitely,” said Dylon, before heading to the door with his mate. Once outside Zane’s room, he turned to Cody and said, “I can’t believe all the stuff Zane found for us. I need time to review this and develop a plan to save those shifters. But first let’s tell Jackson about Slate.”

  “I agree. I know Slate and he’s a great guy. Steel would be devastated if something happened to his brother.” Cody interlaced his fingers
with Dylon’s free hand and tugged it so Dylon would follow him. He wondered if they could move up their departure time because now every minute counted. Arriving at Jackson’s study door, Cody knocked and they entered after receiving permission.

  Jackson looked up from his computer and said, “That didn’t take long. I was just glancing at the document Zane sent me. I’ve already told Steel I need him and he should be…”

  Steel came through the open doorway and closed the door behind him. “What’s up, babe?”

  Jackson said, “Why don’t one of you explain it?”

  Dylon relayed all the information Zane had given them and ended it with, “You can see why your brother is in danger.”

  “Yes, I’ll call and warn him as to what’s really going on. Fuck! I should have listened to him when he was telling me something wasn’t right.”

  “Don’t call him, text him. And please don’t tell him anything specific. Arald is very tech savvy by the looks of things. He probably has the ability to hack Slate’s phone calls. Do you have a code word so if he sees it in a text message, he’ll know he’s in danger?” asked Dylon.

  “Yes, we do,” said Steel.

  “Then send him a text using it. Don’t mention of our arrival,” Dylon said, then, shifting his focus to Jackson, “Cody and I want to leave as soon as possible. Okay with you?”

  “Steel will make the arrangements,” Jackson replied.

  “And one other thing, if Dire Enterprises has more enforcers, send them immediately to protect Slate. I don’t know why Arald wanted a peace conference, but I can tell you one thing, it isn’t for anything good,” said Dylon. “If that’s all, we need to pack and say good-bye to my parents. I’m pretty sure you know my father is recusing himself from anything having to do with your complaint.”

  “Yes,” said Jackson, “and Steel will handle the enforcer issue.”

  “When I get back, I’ll contact my friends to see what I can find out since my father can’t help us. Did you ask Zane to look into who the enforcers were at the time of the massacre?” Dylon asked.

  “I did, but he might be working on finding out who owned the companies that paid Pablo to kidnap Colton in Mexico. I’ll see how far he is with that and maybe move the enforcer inquiry to the front burner on that project,” answered Jackson.

  “Okay, anything else?” Dylon asked.

  “My brother knows you carry a Dire Enterprises Executive Order. Ask him for anything you need. I’ve texted Robert and he will be here to pick you up in thirty minutes and take you to the jet. You’ll have another helicopter meet you on the other end since it’s too remote for any big planes to land. Once I’ve received the correct code word back, I’ll send you word that my brother is okay. If you don’t hear from me before you board the helicopter on the other end, be prepared to go in under attack.”

  “Got it.” Dylon grabbed his mate’s hand and walked to the door. Just before opening it, he turned back to Jackson and Steel, “You should know I trained with the High Council Elite fighting force and have been in these situations before.”

  “I know,” Jackson said, “But Cody hasn’t. I’m putting my trust in you to make sure my brother returns home safely.”

  “He will.” Then Dylon opened the door and ushered Cody into the hall. Once he was alone with his mate, Dylon asked Cody, “Are you all right?”

  Cody snorted. “Really? Now you are worried about me? After all that gung-ho crap in there?”

  “Babe, I’m sorry. I get like that when I’m planning a mission. The guys used to call me ‘Laser’ because I couldn’t focus on anything else.”

  “Laser? Can that be our code word?”

  “Sure, why?”

  “If there’s danger that I can see and you can’t, I want a word I can say so you know to be prepared for it. I don’t know if I’d have time to give you detailed information, so I thought a code word would be a perfect way to alert you.”

  “Good thinking. Laser it is. Let’s get packed so we can have some time with my parents.”


  Logan knocked on Frank and Lizzie’s door and said “Cody, Dylon, Jackson said the helicopter is almost here,”

  Dylon strode over to the door, opened it and said, “Thanks Logan, we’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “Okay, everyone is waiting to say good-bye to both of you.”

  “Great!” Dylon turned back to his parents and Cody as Logan walked away.

  “Come here, honey,” Lizzie said to Cody, “I always give Dylon a giant good-bye hug with instructions to make sure he comes home to me in one piece so now, I get to do it to you too.”

  Cody moved into Lizzie’s arms and stood in her embrace as the love from her surrounded him, reminding him of the hugs his mother used to give him. A lone tear slowly crept down his face as he returned the hug. Slowly, he pulled away and whispered in her ear “Thank you, so much.”

  Lizzie reached up and used her thumb to wipe the wetness from Cody’s face. “That’s all right, sweetie. Everything will work out just fine and I’ll be waiting for you and Dylon to return and try some of my other recipes. You didn’t think I was going to let you escape your duty as a son, did you?”

  Cody giggled, “No, I didn’t think that at all. I’ll be very happy to have you cook for me.”

  Then Frank spoke, “Cody, take care of yourself and my son. I have a lot of faith in your ability to help my son rescue Slate. Dylon’s skills are the best I’ve ever seen.” Then he reached out and gave Cody a hug and a pat on the back. “Take care over there and if you need anything from the High Council, Dylon will know what to do.”

  Dylon received his hugs and then said, “We better go.” Taking Cody’s hand, he shepherded him out of the room but not before his mate said “See you soon,” to Lizzie and Frank.

  As they entered the great room, Cody saw all his brothers, along with Ian, Steel, Daniel, Oracle and Maximus waiting to say their good-byes. Touched by the turnout, he and Dylon made their way through the group before he finally reached Jackson and his mate. Steel was holding Daniel who reached out his arms, wanting to be held by Cody. Cuddling his nephew and hugging him close to his chest, he whispered in Daniel’s ear, “Thank you, my little badass dude for helping me become completely invisible, but if you ever piss on my leg again…” Cody stopped as Daniel began to giggle which turned into a bout of laughter that jiggled his belly. Giving his nephew a kiss on his nose, he handed him back to Steel.

  Taking his son, Steel said, “Thank you Cody, for doing this. I owe you one.”

  Cody hugged Steel and Daniel and said with a wink, “Good, I’ll collect on it someday.” Then he turned to Jackson who had tears in his eyes, “Bro, are you pregnant again?”

  Startled, Jackson exclaimed, “No! Absolutely not! Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’re an emotional mess,” teased Cody.

  “Funny, funny. Listen, you better make sure you come back. That’s an order from your Alpha.”

  Cody wrapped his arms around Jackson and held him close while he whispered in his brother’s ear, “I promise I’ll be back—safe and sound in the Blackwood Pack nest. Take care of everyone and keep an eye on Colton and Carson for me. Promise?”

  “I promise. I love you, Cody.”

  “I love you too, bro.”

  Cody took Dylon’s hand and they walked out into the late afternoon sunlight, heading for the helicopter waiting for them.

  Chapter 36

  So far, the run had gone smoothly, but now his wolf had slowed, padding over the rocks gingerly. Something was bothering him. Suddenly, his wolf stopped short behind several huge boulders and bared his teeth. They were in danger! Slate went into high alert. His enforcers were grouped alongside and behind him, awaiting his signal to attack. But attack what? That was the question Slate had no answer for.

  He could smell a faint scent of wolves somewhere on the other side of the boulders but had no idea how many there were, not any idea of the topography t
hat lay ahead. Would we be trapped in a dead-end canyon with no way to escape? Thinking over his options, Slate decided retreat would be the best option and chuffing softly to his enforcers, one by one, they backed up until they were in clear surroundings. Then wheeling around, Slate’s wolf ran swiftly with the others to get as far away from the trap as they could.


  Dylon checked his phone for the umpteenth time hoping to see a message from Steel that Slate was okay. So far, nothing. Meeting with the enforcers that were waiting when they landed, Dylon told them what he knew, warning that Slate Valentin might be in trouble. He closeted them in an empty room and shared the intel he had about where Slate might be. Quickly revising his original plan, he decided he and Cody would be accompanied by some of the enforcers in their helicopter. The others would land five kilometers away in several other helicopters so Arald would not hear them. Dylon cautioned them about traps meant to alert Arald of their presence.

  Stripping himself and Cody of any identifying documents, he handed them over to Turk, the head enforcer, Cody had met in Mexico with the order to hold onto them. Finally, using Cody’s phone, he sent a text to Steel, describing their plan and requesting more men. After instructing Turk to leave one of his men behind to coordinate with the additional enforcers that would be arriving, he grabbed Cody’s hand and headed to an unmarked helicopter waiting to take them to Slate.

  After making sure no one had identifying information on them, he helped Cody into the helicopter and then climbed in after him. While the other men were boarding, Dylon looked at Cody and their life thread. What he saw was reassuring; as his mate was relaxed, his life thread turned bright shining silver. Once everyone was onboard, he spoke to his mate using their mind link and explained they would be posing as buyers for the auction who wanted to get an early view of the merchandise for sale before other buyers arrived.

  Asking his mate if he had any questions, Cody only had one—would they have to produce any proof of their ability to pay—Dylon nodded ever so slightly and sent a text to Steel to make arrangements for it. Smiling at Cody, he leaned over and gave him a brief kiss on his lips before sitting back and mentally resuming his mission planning.


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