My Italian Billionaire: A BWWM Italian Billionaire Romance

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My Italian Billionaire: A BWWM Italian Billionaire Romance Page 9

by Stacey Mills

He dressed and left.

  Numb, Megan locked up, ignored her clothes on the floor, and climbed into her bed. A few tears leaked out of her eyes, and she angrily wiped them away. Lucca was no better than the others. He had lied to her, thought he could tell her how to live her own life, almost seemed to want to control her.

  No. She was her own person, and she didn't need him.

  So why couldn't she stop crying?

  Chapter Fifteen: After

  It felt wrong. Every step away from her felt wrong. The hurt in her eyes… Someone else must have hurt her badly, and that infuriated him. He was just as angry with himself for having hurt her, even if it had been unintentional.

  She made a valid point. There was a lot about her he didn't know, almost as much as she didn't know about him. Their relationship had only been based on lust and magnetism without an emotional connection yet.

  He'd fallen back into his old habits because he didn't want to show his true self. He knew about his skill in bed, and she was just as talented, but he'd chosen to hide behind that instead of opening up. Yes, he'd told her about his parents, but he hadn't shared any details about them either. No wonder she'd been so upset.

  For so long, his relationships had been more conquests than anything else. To have a real and honest and true partnership, that he had never experienced.

  Was he afraid to take what he wanted? To grab it? To bare his soul?

  Lucca Greccio was a lot of things, but coward wasn't one of them.

  Without hesitating, he marched back to her place and knocked on the door. He'll take her straight to his place and let her ask any question. He'd make her see she deserved a second change.

  Because if she was this upset that he had kept his riches from her, she wasn't interested in him for his money.

  Only right now, she wasn't interested in him at all.

  He pounded on the door. Why wasn't she answering?

  It didn't look like the light was on. Had she left? Would serve him right for thinking he could swoop back into her life and force a place for him there.

  At least she had two interviews in the morning. He hoped like hell everything would go well for her, so she could pick which one she wanted to work at. If our… fight… He hoped it was just a fight and something that could be resolved. If it causes her to interview poorly … He'd never forgive himself, and she wouldn't either.

  What a host of problems he'd caused for them both.

  For the hell of it, he knocked again, but there was no answer. She wasn't here.

  His black mood matched the nighttime sky, and he opted for a cab ride home. Right now, he wasn't up for walking, but he sure as hell was happy he'd walked into Megan's life.

  I just hope I didn't talk myself out of it.

  He tipped the driver well. A cold shower and maybe a snack, and he'd go to bed. Maybe things would look better in the morning.

  All he did during his shower was think of Megan and her hands and her full lips and that fine ass… He grew hard just thinking about everything they had already done and everything they could yet do, but he didn't jack off. He deserved to feel a little frustrated.

  Hair dripping, body wrapped in a towel, he made his way to the kitchen. His butler had brought in the mail, including an edible arrangement laid out on the breakfast nook. He helped himself to a chocolate-covered strawberry as he hunted for the card. Thinking of you and glad we ran into each other. Georgia.

  He groaned. They hadn't run into each other, not like he had with Megan. And since eight months had passed since the party without her finding him or seeking him out, he knew why she had a sudden interest in him.

  She was beautiful in her own way, even he couldn't deny that, but he hadn't wanted her at the party. Just knowing he'd rejected her then for a coworker—something he had always vowed to never do—didn't speak well for her.

  Even if Megan refused to give him another chance, he didn't think he would give Georgia one either. Father might have seen something in her, but not enough for him to have ever mentioned his matchmaking attempt.

  Appetite gone, he abandoned his half-eaten strawberry and went to sleep. Even in his dreams, Megan plagued him, bringing him close to climax and then stopping, over and over again until he thought he was going to explode. He woke up rock hard, and he hardly had to touch himself to orgasm.

  He'd never find another woman like Megan. Never.

  He had to find a way to get back into her good graces. For his sanity. For peace of mind. For his cock.

  And maybe, just maybe, for his heart too.

  Chapter Sixteen: Morning After

  As soon as Lucca walked out of her apartment and out of her life, Megan called Julie. Her best friend had called her repeatedly over the last few days, but she'd been too wrapped up in quitting her job, and Lucca, for her to answer her phone at all. Julie was gonna be pissed.

  And she was.

  "Girl, why haven't you called me back none? You know I have stories for you. Drake is nothing but a low-down, no-good bastard and—"


  "I broke up with his black ass. I can find another guy, a better guy, any night of the week. You better—"


  "Believe it. I'm not going to lay down and die because some guy thinks with his cock instead of his head and—"



  "I need a drink."

  "Wanna go to Joe's?"

  Megan rubbed her temple. "I don't have any money to spend on booze."

  It hurt so much to admit that. Which was ridiculous. Julie had seen her through her worst—turning her back on her parents—and she'd helped Julie through all of her numerous breakups. They always had each other's backs.

  "No worries. I can handle tonight. Joe's then? How soon?"

  "How about your place? And I'll be there in twenty."

  "Girl, want me to come to you?" Julie's voice had softened.

  "Your place." Megan hung up.

  It was actually only fifteen minutes until she reached Julie's apartment. Her best friend had moved out of their place two years ago because of one of her more serious boyfriends—serious as in seriously-in-need-of-help Julie soon learned. Abusive, asshole, arrogant… there weren't enough words to describe what a douche he was. Megan had kinda hoped Julie would've moved back in, but with the events of the past week, maybe it was for the best she hadn't.

  Or maybe she would've been smarter about the whole Lucca thing if Julie had been around.

  Julie already had blended a pitcher of frozen margaritas. Megan drained half of hers without even first saying hello.

  Her best friend lifted her dark eyebrows. "Girl, you better start talking before you drink so much you're slurring and I can't understand a word outta you."

  "I met a guy." Megan took another swallow.

  "Must be some guy." Julie grimaced. She was darker than Megan and loved to wear either whites or reds for contrast. No matter what she wore, she looked amazing. If Megan didn't love her so much, she'd hate her.

  "Some guy all right. You haven't happened to hear about a certain Lucca—"

  "Greccio?" Julie shrieked. "That guy is loaded and if he marries in a few months, he'll stay that way for the rest of his life. He's supposed to be hot and sexy and smart and… You mean to tell me the guy who has you drowning in tequila is Lucca Fuckin' Greccio?"

  "Yes," Megan admitted. Before she could finish her drink, Julie was pouring her more.

  "How did you meet him? What's he like? Why aren't you happy?" Her friend's bubbliness died as she narrowed her eyes. "What did he do to you? A real number, that's plain to see."

  "He lied to me."

  "About what? Don't tell me. He has a host of women, concubines, and he wanted you to live with the other women."

  "No. Nothing like that. He—"

  "He wanted a threesome. You and another chick."


  "You and another guy?" Julie's eyebrows lifted so high they disappeared behind her curl
y bangs.

  Megan just shook her head. Once Julie ran out of ideas, she'd finally have a chance to talk.

  "The tabloids all lied and he's crappy in bed."

  She averted her gaze and drank more.

  "So that's not it." Julie threw up her hands. "Tell me. Was the sex hot?"

  "Beyond hot. Amazing. Best ever."

  Julie squealed. "So what's the big deal then?"

  "He lied to me. About being rich. And—"

  "He's that cheap? He made you go dutch or something?"

  "No." Megan sighed. "He broke my trust in him and I quit my job and if I take him back, it's going to look like I'm nothing but a gold digger." She slumped her shoulders.

  "He didn't tell you who he was."

  "Nope. Just pretended to be an ordinary guy."

  "Did you like him? Before you realized who he was?" Julie finally took a sip of her drink.

  "Yes, but I don't know if all of it was an act. He hardly talked about himself, just asked questions about me—"

  "So he wanted to get to know you," Julie pointed out.

  "Or maybe he just wanted to dodge my questions." Megan sighed. Her brain was going numb from the cold drink, but she kept on swallowing. "I don't know who he is. I don't know him. And with my trust in him gone, how can I believe him if I were to give him a second chance?"

  "Hon, you might not want to hear this, and Lord knows I'm not good at this whole love and romance thing myself, but if you're this bent over the guy, he must've done more than just hit a nerve. He got to you, didn't he? Made you smile, made you laugh, made you happy?"

  Megan nodded glumly.

  "Made you come?"

  Despite herself, she laughed. "Oh yeah."

  "Maybe he does deserve a second chance, but only you can decide that. Finding love isn't going to be easy. You know how long I've been looking for it."

  "Since you turned sixteen."

  "Larry Davis." Julie sighed. "Broke my heart after one date. Heartache, that's all I know. But I also hold grudges and don't ever give second chances and I tend to attract assholes. I recognize that about myself. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, but you, you're driven by your career—" She broke off and gaped at Megan. "Wait a sec, did you say you quit your job?"

  "Yes." She almost smiled. Wondered when she'd realize I'd said that.

  "What are you going to do now?"

  "Find another one. I tried to set up interviews but nothing yet." She bit her lower lip. She hadn't meant to lie to Lucca, but she couldn't bear the thought of him thinking her a failure. His opinion of me matters more than my parents'.

  The thought gave her pause.

  Julie spread out her arms. "This place is a little bigger than yours. You can get out of your lease and live with me, and I know you'll find a job sooner or later. Until then, I can keep us afloat. No biggie. I know you and your sense of pride won't want to accept charity, but if we keep a running tab, you can pay me back eventually. No interest." She wagged a finger.

  For the rest of the night, they drank and talked about their asshole exes and their plans for the future, only Megan had no idea what her future would hold.

  Or who would be in it.

  Chapter Seventeen: Two Steps Forward

  To try to keep his mind from Megan, Lucca threw himself into his work. He really should make a trip to their Spanish division soon. He preferred to make the international visits personally, although that had been when he was wild and willing to bed any woman he came across.

  Not that he wasn't still wild, but there was only one woman on his mind lately.

  This was so alien, this wanting to be with just one, to settle down. He had never cheated, but the idea of picking one to spend the rest of his life with… he hadn't even contemplated that before his father's stipulation.

  And now that he had maybe found a woman who could see past his money, he had made a mess of things because of not being upfront about his money. Ordinary millionaire, she'd called him. Original fool was more apt. Why hadn't he been willing to take the risk and see if she'd accept who he was from the start?

  He worked later than normal and opted to go home rather than eat out. The last thing he wanted to do was to run into Georgia again. He wouldn't put it past her to be stalking him.

  Once home, he had his butler run to a nearby restaurant to pick him up dinner. Even places that didn't offer carry out would be willing to box up their meals for the right price.

  While he waited for his supper, he opened a bottle of wine. He was just pouring himself a glass when the doorbell rang. Strange. He wasn't expecting anyone, and Francis never rang the doorbell.

  Bringing his glass with him, he walked to the door and peeped through the hole. A wide grin crossed his face, but he wiped it away as he opened the door. "Megan! What a surprise. Please come in."

  She didn't look around as she entered, just kept her gaze on him. In tight jeans, a white tank top that didn't quite fit her huge twins, and a faux leather jacket, she looked good. Damn good.

  "Found out where you lived online since I doubt you would've ever brought me here."

  While that wasn't true, her anger was justifiable. "I am more than willing to give you a tour." He smiled roguishly and held out the wine. "Would you care for a glass? I just poured this."

  Her eyes widened, and she ignored the glass. "You poured it yourself?"

  Lucca winced. "Yes."

  She rubbed her forehead. "Yes, I'd like some wine. I'm sorry. I—"

  "You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm the one who kept my identity from you."

  "It's not as if you did it to hurt me. You were trying to protect yourself."

  His heart sped up as she accepted the glass, her fingers brushing against his. "Exactly right. I could marry anyone and keep the company. Women…" He wrinkled his nose.

  "Fall all over themselves for you?"

  "For my money, more like."

  She touched his arm and squeezed his bicep. On reflex, he flexed the muscle. "Or your looks."

  "Or my looks," he admitted. "According to the magazines, I'm a catch. Handsome, rich, said to be good in bed…" He wasn't trying to be arrogant, but he waited for her response.

  "Three for three," she admitted, a little begrudgingly. She sipped the wine. Her lips twisted into a surprised smile.

  Yes, the wine was that good.

  But she hadn't come over for wine. He motioned her farther into the house so he could pour himself a glass. "You'd think it would be easy for someone like me to find a woman."

  "You have found women," she countered.

  "Yes, but not the woman. I've never formed a true connection, nothing to bond us together, no…"

  "Love," she finished softly.

  "Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy that." He swirled his wine and sipped it. "Maybe I'm old fashioned for wanting to marry for more than just sex, but that is what I want."

  "You could marry to keep the company and then divorce her and try to find love later," she pointed out.

  "True enough, I suppose, although my father might have something in the will about how long I have to be married for, and that's a little beside the point, isn't it? Father had been so in love with Mother he never had another woman after her. He was hoping to light a fire under my ass so I'd stop dicking around with women who weren't worth anything and find a woman who could make me happy, one I loved and loved me back."

  "Sounds like you're a little jaded."

  "I'm not trying to stop talking about myself or turn the tables, but it seems to me that you're a little jaded too."

  Her answer? To swallow more of her wine.

  He grabbed the bottle and gestured for her to join him on the couch. She rubbed her hand along the leather.

  Lucca started to sit beside her but then jumped back up. "Your jacket. Let me take it from you."

  "I'm fine." She almost huddled into it, and the far corner of the couch. There couldn't be more distance between them.

  "Ask me anything
you want. I swear I'll answer truthfully. I know I ruined your trust in me, but if there's any way I can get it back, I'll do it." He enjoyed the rest of his wine too quickly, and a few drops landed on his pants. "Damn it. I'll be right back. Feel free to help yourself to more wine or to look around the place. I have nothing to hide."

  Maybe getting wine on his pants was an excuse to try and recover his senses. With all of the other women, he had nothing on the line. If it didn't work out, who cared? There were more to be found.

  But with Megan, he wanted to at least give them a chance at making it work for the long haul. The thought that he would screw it up terrified him. Maybe one day he could fall in love with her, and the possibility left him petrified. Maybe that was why he had been so quick to take her to bed. Even that had been to prove to himself he was man enough to deserve a real woman. It had been for him, not her.

  So selfish. How could he expect her to give him a chance, let alone one day grow to love him, if he couldn't show her his true self? Did he even know who his true self was?

  Quickly, he changed his clothes and sauntered back to the couch. She wasn't there. She felt comfortable enough to walk around and explore. Good.

  The beginning of hope stirred in his chest. Maybe, just maybe, things would all work out.

  Chapter Eighteen: One Step Back

  Lucca running away to change his clothes had Megan wanting to laugh. The rich man can't stand to be wearing soiled clothes for more than a second. Cooking frantically for a hundred different people at a time meant her apron often looked like a battle scene.

  The thought of Lucca holding a baby and being spat up on, the look on his face, did have her laughing out loud. Would Lucca want kids? She did. That she was even thinking about Lucca contemplating having one, or more, in this immaculate house was ridiculous. It could not be less baby-proof, with the expensive furniture everywhere, priceless pictures on the wall, the coat of arms standing opposite the doorway. So extravagant. Then again, if she had as much money as he had, wouldn't she spend it? Probably. Wouldn't anyone?

  Was he a philanthropist? There was so much she didn't know about him. The more she sat here and waited, the more she wanted to give him a second chance. He had been so earnest about wanting to find love, to have a relationship unlike his previous ones. Boy, could she understand that. She did not want a repeat of her exes, and while Lucca had lied, it hadn't been to hurt her, only to protect himself.


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