A Very Merry Romance (Madaris Series Book 21)

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A Very Merry Romance (Madaris Series Book 21) Page 19

by Brenda Jackson

  She knew that Jonathan was.

  She had come close to inviting him to spend the night when he’d picked her up from San Antonio on Sunday night. But it had been late by the time they had arrived in Houston. He had helped her bring her luggage inside, but because they both had school the next day, he had turned down her offer for tea. But when she’d walked him to the door, he had kissed her goodnight, and it had gone beyond anything they had yet shared. When he had opened the door to leave, she had been tempted to quickly shut it and ask him to make love to her. But she hadn’t. It was something she’d never done before and she had to make sure it was the right move for her, had to make sure she was ready.


  He whispered her name and the deep, husky sound sent shivers through her body, all the way to the core. He was still holding her around the waist and with very little effort, he nudged her closer. She lifted her mouth as he lowered his head.

  * * * *

  Jonathan knew that when a man loved a woman, desire was something that came with the program. But did it have to be so gut-wrenchingly deep? The kind that could slice through the center of your very being, make every muscle in your body ache, and cause every inch of you to throb?

  Intense heat was flaring up and he felt it all the way to his groin. He wanted this woman. He needed this woman. He loved this woman. And one day, he intended to marry her. She was perfect and they would have beautiful children. She would be his mate in all things. His mind had already accepted those things and he was determined that she accepted them as well.

  For now, however, he would concentrate on this--the delectable taste of her that was filling his senses to full awareness and making him moan deep in his throat. She felt right in his arms, as if she belonged there. Kissing her always made him want more. Need more. He was trying his best to be patient. He didn’t want to rush her, but it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge, lying her down in that luscious green grass beside the lake and making love to her. Claiming her as his own. Not just for today, but for always.

  He finally broke off the kiss. The need to breathe overruled everything else at that moment. However, the taste of her lingered and he knew if he didn’t get control of his libido soon, they’d both be in serious trouble.

  He took a step back. “You do things to me, Marilyn.”

  He watched as she pulled in deep, slow breaths through her lungs. “You do those same things to me, Jonathan.”

  “It’s hard to stop kissing you.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  That wasn’t what a man who wanted a woman as much as he wanted her needed to hear. He reached out his hand to her. “Come on, let’s take a walk to cool off.”

  He heard her soft chuckle. “What’s so funny?”

  “Not sure walking is going to help, Jonathan.”

  He didn’t think so either. But until she was ready to take things to the next level, there was nothing else to do.


  “Thank you for such a wonderful weekend, Jonathan,” Marilyn said as they walked toward her front door. “I really enjoyed meeting your family.”

  “I’m glad you had a good time. My family liked you, too.” He chuckled. “But I’m glad everyone took my threats seriously about being on their best behavior.”

  “Oh, you,” she said, playfully jabbing him in the side with her elbow. “I know you’re just teasing.” They reached her front door and Marilyn fished the keys out of her purse while he held her overnight bag. It truly had been a wonderful weekend. She had enjoyed getting to know his family, and seeing him in a different light. Today they had gone to church, and she’d discovered that the Madaris family had been members of Proverbs Baptist Church for generations. In fact, Jonathan’s paternal grandfather and grandmother had been founding members. It was funny how much she had in common with Jonathan’s family, even though, in the beginning, she’d believed they were polar opposites.

  With her key in hand, Marilyn glanced up at Jonathan. He was staring at her. She could feel the heat in his gaze travel through her body. It had been like that most of the weekend. Whenever she caught him eyeing her, he never looked away. It was as if he wanted her to know he was staring at her, wanted her to feel the deep desire in his gaze.

  Until Jonathan, she’d never felt such deep, stirring need. And they’d done nothing but kiss. But those kisses were leading to more, and soon. Marilyn wasn’t stupid or naive. She knew what more entailed. She’d never considered engaging in sexual activities before, mainly because she’d just never felt the desire. Now, though, all she felt was desire...for the gorgeous man standing in front of her. The question was, what did she intend to do about it?

  “Jonathan, I know tomorrow is a work day, but I was wondering if you’d like to come in for a while?” There was no need to invite him in for tea since it was obvious that tea wasn’t what was on either of their minds.

  “I’d love to, Marilyn.”

  She unlocked the door and opened it. He followed her inside and closed it behind him, locking it. Was it her imagination, or did that click sound louder than usual?

  He placed her overnight bag on the floor by the sofa, and she dropped her purse on the table. Then she turned to face him. “Can I get you anything, Jonathan?”

  He smiled and she felt the warmth of that smile spread through her. “Yes, there is something I’d definitely like.”

  She swallowed. “What?”

  “A way out of my torment,” he said, crossing the floor to stand before her.

  She tilted her head to look up at him. “And you think I’m capable of doing that?”

  “You’re the only woman who can, Marilyn.”

  His words did something to her, touching her and breaking her resolve. This was the turning point she needed, craved and wanted. She doubted she could love him any more than she did at that moment. And she did love him.

  She was a woman who had guarded her heart, but was now entrusting it to this man. Only he really hadn’t asked for it. She knew there was a difference between love and lust. He wanted her, which didn’t necessarily have anything to do with love. Her brothers had shown her that. But what she did know was that she loved him. And she believed that if given time, Jonathan could love her back.

  “In that case, Jonathan,” she said, moving closer to him. “Show me how to rid you of that torment.”

  He didn’t say anything, but stood there, as if studying her face to make sure she meant what she’d said. “Do you have any idea what doing such a thing entails, Marilyn?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I might be inexperienced, Jonathan, but I’m not hopeless. I think I can pull it off…if you show me how. Will you?”

  He reached out and pulled her to him. “Yes.”

  And then he lowered his mouth to hers.

  * * * *

  As much as he wanted Marilyn, Jonathan knew he had to take things slowly, not to rush her, but to savor the moment. He may be the one with experience but he could say, with absolute certainty, that she would be the first woman he’d ever made love to. In his eyes, a man didn’t have sex with the woman he loved. He made love to her. And he intended to make love to Marilyn tonight.

  But first, he needed to prepare her for what was to come, which was why he was kissing her with such slow and measured intensity. The sole purpose was to stir a sensual hunger within her. He needed her to want him as much as he wanted her. He fought back the wave of anticipation that rocked him to his bones with every stroke of his tongue, every reciprocating caress. She’d definitely become a pro at imitating him.

  He finally drew away from her mouth and the low moan that slipped past her lips made intense desire claw at his insides. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing in slowly. At that moment, she was the most sensual person he’d ever seen. And her scent, enveloping him, was making his senses falter.

  She slowly opened her eyes and he saw a need in those gray eyes that made his body’s most primal parts respond with a forc
e that made a whoosh of air escape from his lungs.


  Why did she have to say his name at that moment? And why did she say it in that particular tone? The sound made his heart skip a beat, caused sharp awareness to fill his every pore. He was aroused beyond anything he’d ever experienced. Every muscle in his body expanded in desire and he leaned in, burying his face in the hollow of her neck to breathe in more of her scent. Knowing they were ready for the next step--the point of no return--he swept her into his arms and headed for her bedroom.


  When Jonathan placed her on the bed, Marilyn refused to look at anything but him. He was her focus, the man she loved. She could feel it. That crackle of energy that seemed to take over the entire room. The one that was building as she watched him remove his jacket and then his shirt. Keeping on his jeans, he moved toward the bed.

  Instead of reaching for her, he sat on the edge. “Please come here, Marilyn,” he said in a low, husky voice.

  She moved to him and he kissed her again before pulling her onto his lap. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  She wanted to tell him that the reason she trusted him was because she loved him. But she couldn’t. She’d overheard too many of her brothers’ conversations over the years. She’d learned that men didn’t like women confessing their love, that a smart woman waited for a man to say it first.

  So she would wait.

  Instead of saying anything in response, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. This time, she initiated the kiss, trying to put all the moves he’d shown her into it. It didn’t take long for her to see her attempts were working. She heard the growl emitting from deep in his throat, and his hand was moving over her, touching her in places he’d never touched before. When she felt his hand ease beneath her dress to touch her bare thigh, she broke the kiss and held her breath.

  “Breathe,” he instructed, speaking softly against her wet lips.

  She drew in air through her lungs and inhaled his scent in the process. That’s when he began undressing her. He stood and pulled her to her feet as he began removing every stitch of her clothing. She wanted to feel shy with having a man see her body for the first time, but with Jonathan, she couldn’t. Instead she felt emboldened. She knew that what they were about to do was right. Her love for him was giving her the encouragement she needed.

  “You are beautiful, Marilyn.”

  He spoke the words as she stood before him naked, feeling warmth flow through her body. Then he swept her into his arms and placed her back on the bed while he finished undressing. She watched as he unzipped his jeans and slid them down a pair of masculine thighs. When he stepped out of them, he was dressed only in his briefs. And he was definitely aroused. She felt a spike of heat in her stomach at the thought that she’d brought him to this point. And he had no problem with her seeing him naked, proving the point when he eased the briefs down his legs.

  Wow! She blinked, suddenly feeling a sense of panic. How on earth was she supposed to…?

  “Breathe, Marilyn.” She swallowed upon hearing those words from him again, and she took deep calming breaths.

  “I was made to mate with you, so it will be okay,” he said, as she watched him slide a rubber over his erection. “I won’t lie and say there won’t be any pain, but I’m going to make it worth it.”

  She believed him. No matter what happened after tonight, she would have memories of this. She pushed back the thought that maybe she should wait to do this…with the man who would one day be her husband. However, when he began walking toward the bed, his dark eyes filled with intense desire, she wanted to believe that Jonathan might one day be that man. She could hope. She could dream.

  He slid into the bed with her and reached for her. She went eagerly into his arms.

  “Tonight, Marilyn Bannister, I will cherish you.”

  She had no idea how he planned to do that. But she was ready to find out.

  * * * *

  Jonathan needed to taste Marilyn again. Everything within him needed this kiss. She’d seen his body’s need for her. Now with this kiss, he wanted her to taste it as well. He wanted the heat running through him to overtake her, as well. This would be something they would share together.

  He joined his mouth with hers and immediately felt a blazing sensation overtake him in knowing what they were about to share. He intensified the kiss, tasting her and letting her taste him with an urgency he’d never done before. She was his and he was hers and he was communicating possession in this kiss. He was also expressing something else as well. It was a need that went deeper than any he’d ever experienced before. A need that would finally be satisfied.

  Moments later, he pulled back from the kiss. Taking the tip of his finger, he slowly caressed the line of her jaw and traced a path around her lips. More than anything, he wanted to tell her how much he loved her, but he knew it wasn’t the time. He wanted to court her some more. Romance her. Introduce her to passion in its richest form and prove that he was the man for her. The man who would one day give her all those babies she wanted. Build a life with her. Make her happy. The man who would be her partner in life.

  “Marilyn,” he whispered, his breath warm against her lips. “I want you.”

  A smile touched her lips. “You have me, Jonathan.”

  A huge grin widened his mouth and he scooted back as his gaze roamed over her entire naked body, from head to toe. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He glanced up and met her gaze. “Trying to decide where I want to start.”

  “There are different ways?”

  “Oh, yes. I think you have pretty breasts. And I want to taste them. I also want to taste you here,” he said reaching out and letting the tips of his fingers slowly trace along the folds of her womanhood. She closed her legs, capturing his hand between her thighs. He knew it was an instinctive reaction, since she’d never been touched there by a man before. He wondered how she would handle being kissed there.

  “Umm, since you’ve locked my hands between your thighs, you know what that means, right?”

  “No,” she said, opening her legs slightly to free his hand.

  “It will be the first place I claim as mine,” he told her.


  “Yes, mine.” And to show her what he meant, he moved toward her, and used his hands to widen her legs and lift them on his shoulders. Then, he buried his head between them.

  * * * *


  Marilyn screamed his name the moment she felt his tongue slide inside of her. She had heard girls in college whisper about guys doing this to them, but she’d never actually thought…

  And then when Jonathan’s tongue went deeper, she couldn’t think at all. She was too filled with sensuous sensations that were building with every flick of his tongue. He was holding her hips down with his hands, keeping her still. Otherwise, she was certain her body would become a ball of sexual energy that moved of its own volition.

  Hot blood rushed through her veins, making her moan out his name. She felt herself shuddering as her body started to throb. Then suddenly, something began to happen. Her body seemed to explode into a billion splinters of sensation, making her whimper while writhing beneath his mouth. She couldn’t control her actions and her body began shuddering uncontrollably. But he wouldn’t stop. His tongue kept going and going.

  Before the last sensation left her body, Jonathan pulled up and straddled her body. “What you’re giving me is a precious gift, Marilyn, and I feel honored that you feel I’m deserving of it.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She inhaled sharply, actually tasting herself on his lips.

  He smiled at her reaction. “You’re pretty juicy down there now, baby. Delicious.” Then his smile was replaced with a serious expression. “Your first time is still going to hurt a little.”

  He showed her just what he meant when she felt him ease inside of her. Although her body expanded for his size, she fe
lt a sharp, sudden pain. She dug her fingers into his shoulders.

  “Look at me, Marilyn.”

  She looked into his gaze as he continued to slide into her, going deep. “Breathe in slowly, baby. I’m almost there.”

  She took long deep breaths and he moved deeper. Moments later, he stopped and she knew he was embedded inside of her. Then he began thrusting, slowly sliding in and out, back and forth. And she felt him, every inch of him, while he moved. He felt big and her body felt tight, but what she felt more than anything was the heat of him, penetrating her, creating new sensations within her.

  Then it happened again, an explosion of gigantic proportions. He hollered her name at the same time she screamed his.

  At that moment, the only thing going through her mind was that the man she loved had given her intense pleasure, not once tonight, but twice. And she had a feeling this was only the beginning.

  * * * *

  Marilyn slowly opened her eyes when Jonathan left the bed. She figured he had gotten up to dispense with the rubber. But when she heard the sound of water running in her bathtub, she figured he wanted to take a bath before leaving.

  She closed her eyes and moaned as she relived what she and Jonathan had just done and how enjoyable it had been. There had been some pain in the beginning and she was even feeling somewhat sore in places now. But the terms of endearment he’d used, baby and sweetheart, had stroked her senses and made her feel like she truly belonged to him.


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