ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 4

by Maia Starr

  I moaned and arched up against him over and over as my hand ran up and down his long hard rod. It was so intense and felt heavy with oppressive weight and energy as his strong body pressed against mine.

  “I want you,” I whispered. I could not believe the words coming out of my mouth, but the excitement of being taken by this alien warrior was overwhelming me. I could feel my entire body coming alive with anticipation of feeling him inside of me.

  “Is that what you want Jade? Do you want me?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Yes, Dalik. Please take me. Take me now. I want to feel you inside of me.” He stopped abruptly. He grabbed the blanket I wore as a dress and pulled it from my body. I sucked in a breath of air, as I lay there completely naked in front of him. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered as his eyes moved from my toes all the way up to my head. I felt very vulnerable and yet turned on beyond belief. I felt wild and primitive like an animal. I wanted him to ravage me.

  “I cannot take it anymore Dalik. Please touch me,” I said. I looked at his golden brown eyes and he smiled as he moved back to the sofa at my feet. He kissed my toes and the tops of my feet delicately. Then his tongue slid up my ankles over my calves. He kissed my knees and his strong hands kneaded my thighs. His arms were so long that as he kissed my inner thighs his hands massaged my hardened nipples. I felt small and delicate underneath his massive stature and strength. His fingers worked skillfully as he rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and the cool sensation of his cold skin only made them harder. I writhed and arched my hips as he kissed my inner thigh like a wild banshee as I moaned and gasped. I was anticipating his mouth on wet center at any second. I was already so wet just from feeling his body and his delicious skillful hands and mine.

  “Wake up Jade,” the voice echoed in my head. I opened my eyes to look down at him kissing my thigh, but he was not there. I sat up quickly. I was disoriented. I pressed my hand against my chest and felt the blanket dress still on me. I looked around the room to see Dalik near the front entrance with a long white shift of material in his hand as he pressed a button and the lights came on.

  “Did you rest well?” he asked as he walked further into the room.

  “I…I…but you were, and I was…” but I could not finish my sentence. As I realized that it had all just been a sex dream I felt embarrassed. I put my naked feet on the floor and sat up. As I did I felt how wet I was. I must be flushed too. Dalik stepped over to me and arched an eyebrow at me as he asked, “Jade. Are you sick? You are almost a pink color?” he said with a grin as though he knew what I had been dreaming of.

  “I am fine. I am just not used to waking up in foreign place,” I said.

  “Yes, that must be strange. I am sorry for that. Perhaps this will help,” he said as he handed me the white material. As I grabbed it I realized that they were dresses.

  “This is beautiful,” I said as I looked them over.

  “It is customary for the master to provide for the slave. It seems that it is needed though I do like what you have done with the dry sheet,” he said as he pointed at the blanket that I had shaped into a dress. I laughed a little and he smiled. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with this alien warrior that I barely knew.

  “I will use this one,” I said as I picked out one of the white frocks and took it into the washroom to change. It was an elegant garment for a slave, I thought. It reminded me of an ancient Greek dress with its rolled up material that went around my neck. The form of the dress was curve hugging and hung down to my ankles. It was lovely. I moved back to the basic room and showed off the dress to him.

  “You are exquisite Jade,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said as our eyes locked and I felt my body grow heated. The way he was standing tall at seven and a half feet made me think about how I had dreamt of his long hard cock and I suddenly flushed. I averted my eyes from him but not before glancing quickly at his crotch. I felt ashamed of my behavior. I was a Kalazaron captive and I should not be acting in this way. I tried to make more practical conversation as I said, “This dress is not practical for the cold Kaethon surface.”

  “No, it is not, but house slaves never really leave the home,” he said as he moved to the kitchen and poured purple liquid from a clear bottle into a cup. I could only assume it was some sort of wine or other alcohol.

  “What?! What do you mean?” I shouted not able to control my emotional outburst. “I am confined to these living quarters forever! That cannot be! I cannot have that…I!”

  “You are a slave and you must obey! I cannot have you out there it is not safe!” Dalik snapped at me. His outburst shocked and frightened me. I would not show fear though no matter how frightened his booming voice made me feel. His tall figure was oppressive as he stared me down. I simply stood up taller stretching my neck and jutting out my chin in defiance. He almost seemed to smile at my response and

  after a second he relaxed and some of the tension left him. “My apology Jade. It is just not safe for you to wander the surface alone.”

  “Then come out with me. Show me the ways of your race. I want to learn. I want to experience. Show me,” I said.

  His brown eyes narrowed a little at me and then he said, “Perhaps I will think over it.”

  That answer was not good enough for me, of course. So I continued in defiant anger as though I was trying to win a debate, “So now what? I am to be your house slave yet I have no idea what I am supposed to do. Your technology seems to do everything for you. I do not understand. Am I not to go fetch food and drink and supplies and bring them back here? Why am I here Dalik?” I said with a feisty tone.

  He poured another glass of the purple liquid and handed it to me, “You are to clean the surfaces of the living quarters when needed. You are to prepare the meals and drink and program the inventory supply. There are many things I have yet to show you, and yes most of the technology is there, but you must work the technology. I will not have time to do such things. Mostly…” then he paused as though he was hesitant to say the following words, “you are to be a companion to me.”

  “A companion? But you said before I was not a sex slave!” I shouted.

  “Calm Jade. A companion is a being that hears your ideas and shares in laughter. These are the things a mate provides but I do not wish for a mate now, so you will provide that type of conversing and listening.”

  “Oh…” I said very confused. I was not expecting to hear that from a brute race of warrior aliens. It did not seem to be a need for a barbaric fighting being like the Kalazaron, but like many things… Dalik was proving that wrong.

  I moved toward the view of the busy city below with longing, “It is just…I thought I would get to see the capital city of Konthos for myself. Not just from high up here.”

  “Why do you want to see it?”

  “I don’t know I just do. It is part of my nature to want to experience new things and be curious about them. It is why I am a scientist.”


  “Yes, I am a scientist…” I said as he looked at me and cocked his head to the side. I thought it was endearing, like a puppy. I took a deep breath and said, “A scientist observes and studies to find answers.”

  “I see. Such as our wise solvers?” he said.

  “Yes, precisely. I studied your wise solvers and yes what I do is like that,” I said. He said nothing for a long time as he looked at me up and down. I recognized it. It was the same look that I got from male scientists on Earth. They did not expect me to be smart because of how I looked. I wondered if Dalik was thinking that I was not smart because I was female human.

  “So the females of your race are more than just breeders,” he asked.

  “Yes of course. We run society and systems just as the men do. No, we are not just for…breeding,” I said knowing very well it was his polite way of saying ‘used for fucking’ the way the Kalazaron females were.

  “This makes sense. That mus
t be why your shipmate was sent to Belvenreed.”

  “What?! What shipmate?” I said suddenly shaking with emotion.

  Chapter 6


  When I returned to my living quarters I stood out in the long hallway and asked the appointed guard, “Any trouble today?”

  “No Consulate. It has been very quiet.”

  “No one came by?”

  “No Consulate,” the guard said.

  “The door never opened?”

  “No Consulate,” he stated giving me an unusual look considering that the only way to open the door was with my own personal prints.

  “Thank you. You are relieved. I want an active guard appointed at first light.”

  “Yes Consulate sir,” he said as he saluted me and entered the glass lift.

  As soon as I was alone I took a deep breath. I would now see the female again that had me so turned on I had to go see Grata for relief. I pressed my hand on the wall and the door slid open and then closed behind me as I stepped in. I was surprised to find it dark and quiet. For a moment I thought the Commander had taken her, but I instantly felt her presence as I moved into the room. The sharp Kalazaron senses were a part of our ability to use senses as well as to manipulate them in the human females. I could hear her soft breath as she slept. That’s when I decided to do what I did. Since I had vowed not to take her in the Kalazaron fashion, I would take her another way. I would capture her mind and manipulate her senses. I quietly took another step and lay the garments I had purchased for her on the table. Then I closed my eyes as I stood there and took over her senses.

  My hand touched her leg. Her breathing grew heavier. I moved up from her ankle slowly up her leg and felt her soft skin under my fingertips. I felt heat in my body as I fondled her, this human female that I wanted so badly. I wanted more. I only meant for this sleep sensation to last a few seconds before I woke her up, but after the first contact of her skin, I was lost in the lust. I kept going. My strong hand slid past her knee and over her thigh and I breathed hard. As I moved the projection of my body over her and could inhale her scent I pressed my lips against her pink lips. To my surprise she let out a small moan in her sleep as she gasped inside my mouth.

  I had never done this to a female human before, but I knew that during sleep projection they were usually unresponsive and stayed in a state of sleep. It was after all not real, it was just a trick of the mind, as though I was forcing her to have a sex dream without ever touching her. Yet here she was responding out loud in real life as though it was really happening to her. I was glad to know that my touch was turning her on and she was responsive to it.

  I kissed her slow and long. Her arms instinctively went up onto my broad shoulders where she caressed them. I opened my eyes slightly to see the sleeping Jade with her arms in the air rubbing an invisible me even though I still stood in the door. Then she surprised me even more as she whispered out, “Oh Dalik, yes...”

  I groaned in response to her words, “You’re mine. You belong to me,” and my hand moved from her thigh to her belly. She could not know that I was in danger of losing her, if not to Commander Yun then to Master Bresh himself and who knew, perhaps others as word of her beauty spread. No, I would need to keep her hidden away to protect her, to keep her all mine. I would not give her up to anyone.

  She arched her back up off the resting bench and I put my forearm underneath her back, pulling her against me firmly. She was so small and light it was like picking up nothing at all. She was hot as the heat radiated from her body and I pressed my hard cock against her. I thought the size would frighten her, but instead she shocked me again as her small hand ran down my hard belly and over my cock. I sucked in a sharp breath of air and said, “Jade. I won’t be able to stop myself if you do that. Your warm hand feels so good.” I was not lying, but what I meant was that I would not be able to stop myself from ending this sleep projection, waking her up, and taking her in real life. I wanted her now more than ever.

  I buried my mouth against her neck and licked her, “You smell like Earth…”

  She moaned and arched up against me over and over as her hand ran up and down my long hard rod. Oh fuck, oh fuck, I thought over and over in my head as she rubbed me. I was going to explode in release, while standing at the doorway, and the human female was not touching me in real life, it was only a projection. I could only imagine what it would feel like to have her touching me for real.

  “I want you,” she whispered. I could not believe the words coming out of her mouth, but the excitement of being inside this beautiful human female was overwhelming. My entire body came alive with just the mere anticipation of feeling myself inside of her hotness. I had to make sure it was what she really wanted. I wanted her to want me, not to take her by force.

  “Is that what you want Jade? Do you want me?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, Dalik. Please take me. Take me now. I want to feel you inside of me.” I stopped abruptly. I grabbed the drying sheet she wore as a dress and pulled it from her body. I sucked in a breath of air, as she lay there completely naked in front of me. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” I whispered as my eyes moved from her toes all the way up to her head. I had already burned the image of her naked inside the water tank in my mind therefore I had plenty to go on to fill in this sleep projection I was casting into her mind.

  “I cannot take it anymore Dalik. Please touch me,” she said. She looked at my eyes and I smiled as I moved down the sofa at her feet. I kissed her toes and the tops of her feet delicately. Then my tongue slid up her ankles over her calves and she tasted so sweet and different than the Kalazaron female. I could not place a name to it, but it was very different. I kissed her knees and my strong hands kneaded her thighs. My long arms stretched up her entire length of her body making it easy for me to massage her erect nipples as I kissed the inside of her soft thigh. She felt small and delicate underneath my massive stature and strength, and I liked it. It made this strong warrior feel bigger and more powerful than I had ever felt in my life.

  My fingers worked skillfully as I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and the hot sensation of her steaming skin only made them feel better to touch. She writhed and arched her hips as I kissed her inner thigh like a wild beast as she moaned and gasped. I was not expecting this type of behavior from her. It was the type of wild behavior I expected from Grata but not from this human female that seemed to shrink away and not wanting to be gazed at in the male way. As I moved down to her soft center I knew that if I kissed and licked her there I would not be able to stop myself from taking her for real. I had to stop. I slowly pulled myself from the projection. I had to force myself to think of anything else so that my hard rod would not be so hard anymore. I softly repeated over and over, “Wake up Jade, wake up,” as I picked up the garments from the table.

  “Wake up Jade.”

  She opened her eyes and searched her body for me. I liked seeing her looking for me. It was a promising notion. She sat up quickly and was disoriented. She pressed her hand against her chest and felt the dry sheet still on her to realize that she was not naked. She looked around the room to see me standing near the front entrance with the garments in my hand as I pressed the lights to come on.

  “Did you rest well?” I asked knowing full well that as she sat there she was probably dripping wet from her hot center.

  “I…I…but you were, and I was…” but she could not finish her sentence. I knew precisely why, it was meant to be a disorienting experience. It was like a dream only deeper and manipulated the human female mind as well as stimulated it. I was told it was like being on a drug. Her face changed as she tried to keep her hard breathing in check and put her naked feet on the floor to sit up right.

  I stepped inside the room over to her and arched an eyebrow at her as I asked, “Jade. Are you sick? You are almost a pink color?” I said with a grin because I knew what she had been dreaming of.

  “I am f
ine. I am just not used to waking up in foreign place,” she said.

  “Yes, that must be strange. I am sorry for that. Perhaps this will help,” I said as I handed her the white garments.

  “This is beautiful,” she said, as she looked them over.

  “It is customary for the master to provide for the slave. It seems that it is needed though I do like what you have done with the dry sheet,” I said as I pointed at the blanket that she had shaped into a dress. She laughed a little and I smiled. It was good to have this little exchange of good humor to break up the sexual chemistry I was finding it so hard to keep out of my mind.

  I loved watching her look through the garments with a smile and wondered how long since she had worn something feminine? She had probably been on the human spaceship for a long time. This is what she deserved. Watching her be excited over the garments as she fingered the material and bit her lower lip made me feel heated all over again. I loved watching her do anything. I could watch her finger the fabrics all day.

  “I will use this one,” she said as she picked out one of the white garments and took it into the washroom to change. I was a bit disappointed that I would not be watching her change myself.

  Finally as I waited patiently, she moved back to the basic room and showed off the dress to me in a manner that was reminiscent of a youth Kalazaron. There was so much enthusiasm and appreciation for something so small.

  “You are exquisite Jade,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she said as our eyes locked and I felt my body grow heated. Then as if she knew what I was thinking, she quickly averted her eyes from me but not before glancing quickly at my crotch. I grinned to know that she was thinking of it.

  Finally she said, “This dress is not practical for the cold Kaethon surface.”


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