ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Dalik: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 8

by Maia Starr

  "The pods?" I asked as I dressed trying to understand how we would get to Earth without being seen.

  "Yes, there are emergency escape pods. They are designed to help us escape in the event of a disaster in the city. They are very fast once they are launched and go into hypertravel speed with in seconds and are hard to trace. We can get into one and plot a course to Earth before and launch. We will be more than halfway there before anyone ever discovers that we have left the planet."

  I was impressed with his plan, but I was scared. How could he leave his home so abruptly just for me? I felt guilt creeping in.

  "But are you sure? This is what you want?" I looked deep into his eyes and waited for a response.

  He looked at me and simply said, "This is the way."

  Moments later we were going through the market smiling and having conversation as though nothing was out of the ordinary, my heart was racing so fast. I wondered if it was obvious on my face that I was so nervous. Dalik leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Now pay attention to where we are going. Memorize this just in case."

  I nodded yes in response to him but said nothing. I looked around at my surroundings and picked out various landmarks that I had drawn on the map that I had made for myself. I knew that we were headed east towards the warrior stations. That fact only made me feel more nervous and terrified. How would we get through such a band of warriors if they figured out what we were up to?

  Dalik came to a door on the outside of the warrior’s station, and he typed in the code and forced me to remember it. "Pay close attention Jade. This is important."

  "I got it," I said as I memorized the code. The door opened and there was a long shaft in front of us that was dark and empty.

  "Hurry," he said as he grabbed my hand and the door closed behind us. We walked fast but we did not run. I soon realized that this was a back way to the escape pods because we did not see anyone along the way. "Where is everyone?" I asked him.

  "This entrance is for the higher officials, it is why I know of it but there are only a few that do," he said.

  "I see," I said as I soon found myself in front of a long line of small escape pods. Dalik showed me how to open the door and then we both crawled in. He went through a series of switches and it wasn't very much unlike an escape pod on the ship I had been on.

  "That's it. Now all I have to do is push this button and the escape pod will activate and launch."

  I could sense the hesitation in his voice as he looked around. I couldn't allow him to do this. This was his home and he had dedicated his life to becoming the Consulate just like his father, and now he was going to give it all up for me. I could never live with the regret he would feel once we were on Earth. I grabbed his hand before he touched the button. "Don't Dalik. Stop. You don't want to do this. I can feel it. I won't let you do something that you will regret for the rest of our lives. We can get through this I know it." He looked at me and was silent for a long time. Then he finally said, "Do you remember everything? Do you remember how we got here? Do you remember how to activate the escape pod?"

  "I think so," I said confused by his question.

  "Good. Then promise me that as soon as you know who is winning the trial that you will come here and escape to Earth. Do not wait for me. You must go alone," he said as he squeezed my hand.

  "But…" I tried to say but he stopped me.

  "No, Jade, promise that you will sneak over here before they have even announced the commander’s name as the new Consulate if it comes to that," he squeezed my hand firmer.

  "I promise," I said to him and he looked at the pod and said let's go over this one more time. "Then he began to show me the sequence of activating the pod and entering the coordinates for Earth. I had to admit that the excitement and adrenaline made me feel scared but also aroused. The act of talking about leaving each other only made me want him right then and there incase I would never get to have him again. He looked at me for a long time and I think he was thinking the same thing. Then he finally said, "Come. Before we are caught."

  I followed him out of the pod as he erased the coordinates and undid all the switches. Then we quietly made our way out of the station and into the market.

  "Come we must be seen. Let us go talk to a few shopkeepers and stop in at the market to eat in view of everyone. This way no one would think of any suspicion," he said as he grabbed my hand and invited me along the busy streets.

  We made a big show of talking to a lot of Kalazaron who treated me with strange looks but out of respect for Dalik said nothing. We continued on our way to the Iccanis fields and the keeper had good news. "I moved several plants and they are doing well. You are a very smart human female," he said with a smile.

  "I thank you," I said feeing proud but also some despair that I might not be able to help this project any more after I had become so excited about it. I had really started to see a place here for me as a scientist and as the lover of the Consulate warrior Dalik Moscurn, but now those dreams had been shattered. After the fields we continued back to the living quarters where we were meant with a surprise.

  "Consulate where have you been?" A man said as soon as we stepped into the hallway outside the door to our living quarters.

  "Master Bresh," Dalik bowed and I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

  Chapter 12


  After being with Jade I knew that I had to get us both out of there. As I dressed her and grabbed my survival bag I had to make it look like we were just going for a stroll through the market and making rounds as we had done previously. It was easy with a strong human female like Jade. She was able to adapt to the situation and I counted myself lucky that I had fallen for an intelligent being. The pod travel was going to be long and hard on us, but it would be worth it. But first we had to make it to the pods and stealthily looked around to see if we were being followed. Commander Yun probably had a watch on me at all times just waiting for me to slip up.

  As we pushed through the bustling market, I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Now pay attention to where we are going. Memorize this just in case." I didn’t want to tell her just yet why I wanted her to memorize all that I was showing her. I did not want her to panic anymore than she was. Plus, if we had a successful launch than that reason would not matter. However, I thought ahead of time and always prepared for more than one plan of action.

  She nodded yes in response to me but said nothing. She looked around at her surroundings and I knew that she was being very observant. She was a very intelligent human female. She would pick up this escape plan fast. She was a scientist.

  We came to a door on the outside of the warrior’s station, and I typed in the code and forced her to remember it. "Pay close attention Jade. This is important." I said to her and slowly showed her.

  "I got it," she said as she memorized the code. The door opened and I moved her inside as I looked around to make sure that we were not being watched. This was a very risky move that could have us both killed, or worse sent to the moon mines for a lifetime of labor.

  "Hurry," I said as I grabbed her hand and the door closed behind us. We walked fast but we did not run. "Where is everyone?" she asked me.

  "This entrance is for the higher officials, it is why I know of it but there are only a few that do," I said as I moved quietly and whispered to her. This was a very quiet part of the buildings and the only pods that were not under guard.

  "I see," she said. As we came to the unguarded pods I showed her how to open the doors and then we crawled inside. I made sure she paid attention as I readied the pod to depart. As I did so I was overcome with grief. I was truly going to leave my beloved Kaethon behind. I had spent my entire life grooming to be the Consulate and studying the systems to make for a progressive movement, now those dreams were gone. I was abandoning them and the planet for a foreign planet.

  I had to do this. I pulled and switched the various elements as Jade watched.

  "That's it. Now all she have
to do is push this button and the escape pod will activate and launch."

  "Don't Dalik. Stop. You don't want to do this. I can feel it. I won't let you do something that you will regret for the rest of our lives. We can get through this I know it." I looked at her and was silent for a long time. Damn it. She was right. I did not want to despise the human female that I loved. I did not want to ever feel any regret toward her or myself for escaping. I could not do it. I would have to resort to the other plan of action if it came down to it. Then I finally said, "Do you remember everything? Do you remember how we got here? Do you remember how to activate the escape pod?"

  "I think so," she said confused by my question.

  "Good. Then promise me that as soon as you know who is winning the trial that you will come here and escape to Earth. Do not wait for me. You must go alone," I said as I squeezed her hand.

  "But…" she tried to say but I stopped her.

  "No, Jade, promise that you will sneak over here before they have even announced the commander’s name as the new Consulate if it comes to that," I squeezed her hand firmer.

  "I promise," she said to me and I looked at the pod and said let's go over this one more time." Then I began to show her the sequence of activating the pod and entering the coordinates for Earth. I had to make sure she absolutely understood it. Then I finally said, "Come. Before we are caught."

  She followed me out of the pod as I erased the coordinates and undid all the switches. Then we quietly made our way out of the station and into the market. Now we had to cover ourselves and be cautious. I was going to parade her around the city so that everyone knew that we were in the city and active.

  "Come we must be seen. Let us go talk to a few shopkeepers and stop in at the market to eat in view of everyone. This way no one would think of any suspicion," I said as I grabbed her hand and invited her along the busy streets.

  Then I decided to take her back to the fields because I wanted to lighten her mood. We had such a crazy and unusual night and day "I moved several plants and they are doing well. You are a very smart human female," the keeper said with a smile. I liked hearing that about her. I would love her input on other systems as well, if it ever got to that point.

  "I thank you," she said. After the fields we continued back to the living quarters where I thought it had all come to an end. As we stepped out of the elevator to the hallway outside my living quarters, Master Bresh was waiting for us. I looked for an escape but knew there was none.

  "Consulate where have you been?"

  "Master Bresh," I bowed.

  I felt anger inside of me as soon as I saw Master Bresh waiting for us. Did he know what we had been up to? I was on my guard waiting to see if we would be taken. I stared at Jade and as soon as I did the Master turned his attention toward her.

  "This must be the human female that has caused so much trouble," he said as he moved toward her.

  "Master” she said as she bowed her head. I was glad that she was playing along; there was no need to make the master angry. But then my fist clenched against my sides as the Master pulled the hood off of her hair and untied it down the front. He was undressing her right before my eyes! I wanted to strangle him. He took the hooded cloak off of her and stopped at that. It was a good thing too because I could have killed him if he kept going. He looked at Jade up and down and walked around her in a circle. Jade looked at me and I could see her lips pursed together in anger as she was biting her tongue trying not to speak.

  "I must say I regret this gift to you Consulate. However, it is a gift you must keep as I cannot be known as a Master that takes away gifts after they are given, that would not be good for the Kalazaron to doubt gifts from their Master. However, should the commander win tomorrow, everything that was given to the Consulate shall be his. This includes your human."

  "I understand. You made that perfectly clear yesterday. I am not worried. I will defeat the commander. I am the rightful Consulate, even if I have to prove that twice, it will only make my position seem stronger."

  "Yes, I see some sense in that notion."

  "How can I serve you master? It must be something grand to warrant you coming to my living quarters," I said in a polite manner even though I was wondering why the hell he was there. Was it just to look at Jade? Or was it because we had been seen in the pods? I was growing angrier by the second, and even angrier that I could not show it.

  "Yes, I did come for a reason. I have come to offer an armed escort to the trials tomorrow. As you know the commander has quite a reputation for doing things his own way. With an armed guard you shall be protected from your home to the trials, just as a precaution. I am also offering the same to the commander."

  "Thank you Master, I will accept your offer," I said with a bow of my head.

  "Very well, that is all consulate. I wish you best of luck tomorrow," he said as he left with his guards.

  I pushed Jade to the wall and opened the door to the living quarters. I quietly pushed her in and closed the door behind us. I was relieved. We had not been caught for trying to escape to Earth. We would both be in chains by now if they knew. I was relieved.

  "That was very scary. The master frightens me," Jade said.

  "Yes he is very powerful. I was frightened too that I may never see you again. I would not be able to handle that Jade. For now, we must act like this is our last day and night together," I said as I pulled her into my arms up off the floor and kissed her. She kissed me back passionately. We were both lost in the moment and in lust. The adrenaline ran through us knowing that this could be the last time that we would be able to make love to each other. I wanted to enjoy every single inch of her body and her mind. I picked her up and scooped her into my arms and carried her to my sleeping bed. She moaned as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my chest. She was so small and delicate and she made me feel like a more powerful warrior every time she touched me.

  I placed her on the bed and took off all her clothes until she was naked and pale lying on the bed in front of me. I started at her toes and kissed her up to her ankles. Then I licked slowly up her calve, kissing and licking each one until I was at her knees. She moaned and wiggled on the bed sighing out my name, "Dalik."

  I moved up her thighs and kissed and lick them and she slowly parted them. She was begging for me to lick her wet center. I did exactly that as I moved my tongue inside of her wet slit. She gripped the sheets into her fists as I kissed and licked and sucked on her clitoris. My tongue was long and I pushed it inside of her and out again, and then inside once more. She opened her thighs wider letting me in. Then I moved away from her center and moved up her belly placing soft kisses all the way up until my mouth was on top of her hard erect nipple. I flicked it with my tongue and pinched the other one between my fingers. She arched her back up off of the sleeping bed groaning and moaning. My mouth moved up to her neck where I kissed her while my hands moved down her arms massaging and kneading them. I wanted to memorize her body with my hands and my tongue.

  "I cannot give this up. I cannot," I groaned.

  "Then don't. Fight for me Dalik. Fight for our love is at stake; make sure it is not broken. Nothing will separate us," she whispered in short breaths as I kissed her.

  She was right. I would fight and I would win. I was Dalik Moscurn damn it. No one had ever defeated me and no one would now. I was going to make dirt of the commander and send him away forever. But for now I was going to please my human female. I stood up and disrobed and she gasped as she looked at me. I loved her reaction to me. It was unlike anything that I would get from a Kalazaron female but I was exotic and new to Jade, just as she was to me. I positioned my hips between her thighs and entered her slowly. My body was very long and my head towered over hers as I moved in and out of her. Her hands clawed at my back. I did not want this feeling to end. There was no way in hell that I was giving this up. This was mine.

  Chapter 13


  Fight day. As I walked with
him down the hall with the armed guards I was shaking. So much was riding on this challenge and I had no idea what to expect. I was terrified. This morning I was starting out the property of the warrior that I was in love with, but I could very well end the day the property of a warrior that would ruin me. I would have to get to the escape pod, not be caught, and successfully launch off of a planet and be in space alone. It was a lot to take in, and it was exactly why I was a shaking mess as I walked with Dalik to the warrior station where the challenge was held in the grand arena.

  "Remember what we talked about," he whispered to me as we approached the warrior station on the east side of the city.

  "I remember," I whispered back. Since we were already inside the building, I would have to use a different route to get to the escape pod than the one that we had previously taken. This is what he was pointing out to me as he nodded his head toward a door that would lead me to the pods. I nodded in response that I understood. Soon we entered a vast room with a vaulted dome ceiling. I had never seen a grand space like it. I saw the commander walk in and my blood ran cold as he looked at me and smiled. I knew that he was already planning what he wanted to do with me. I stood up tall and proud. I had faith in Dalik.


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