Snare (Delirious book 1)

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Snare (Delirious book 1) Page 10

by Wild, Clarissa

  I close the door again and stare at the note. No doubt, this is from Sebastian, but how in the world did he find out where I was? Should I listen and step into the limo? Would it be safe?

  Somehow, the thought of disobeying him makes my stomach churn.

  Even when rationalizing everything, I still can’t come to a sane choice. Everything I do is for him, always. No matter if it’s the right choice. It doesn’t matter. Therefore, asking myself these questions is futile; I’m already lost to him.

  I put on a coat and my shoes. As I look at myself in the mirror, I notice a change in me. I’m no longer that weak, vulnerable woman I was at the institution. I have a goal now. A purpose. So I walk to the door with confidence and open it wide.

  Yes, I dare, I tell myself as I step out into the rain. I wander across the parking lot until I find the limo. I pause, waiting for someone to step out. Instead, the passenger door in the back opens. My heart is beating in my throat, but I can’t waver. I need to see him and find out why this is all going the way it is. So I walk closer and step inside the car. The humid temperature is a welcome warmth compared to the cold, wet rain outside. Soaked, I close the door behind me and pat down my clothes in an attempt to look mildly decent. It’s then that I notice there is no one in the backseat with me. I’m completely alone. The only other person in this car is the driver, and as soon as he spots me looking at the glass between us, the door lock jams shut.

  “Hey!” I say as he turns on the engine. “Who are you? Where are you taking me?”

  He doesn’t answer, which freaks me out. I’m trapped, and he could take me anywhere he wants, even though I have no clue who he is. I hope he truly works for Sebastian and that he’ll take me to the library … otherwise I’m afraid I might end up in a ditch somewhere.

  It might sound crazy, but it’s not. Right now, I’m the perfect victim. Inconspicuous. No friends in sight. Family is gone. No money. Nothing. I rely on the kindness of others, which could just as easily be abused.

  I hope I made the right decision.

  The ride to wherever I’m being taken feels long and tedious. I fumble with my red hair and attempt to comb it with my fingers. The driver still hasn’t made any contact with me, let alone made any sound. It’s creepily quiet in here.

  Suddenly, a gas squirts in my face. I squeal and cough at the same time, trying to cover my mouth. In a haze, I waft away the gas, which is coming from a tube on the right side of the door. Dryness fills my mouth, enters my lungs, and makes me woozy. It’s getting hard to see. Oh, no.

  I fumble with the door, but the lock prevents me from getting out. I start slamming the window between me and the driver, screaming, “Stop! Let me out!” It’s no use. My muscles are getting weaker and weaker, my body sagging in my seat. My head falls back. My eyes close.

  All that remains is the sound of the engine rumbling and coming to a stop. The clicking of the lock and the doors open and slam shut. A voice, warm and soothing. Another one, shrill and blunt. I try to open my mouth and speak, except nothing but a vapid moan comes out. I struggle with staying awake.

  Something is put over my head. Darkness surrounds me. Wrapped around my neck, the material prevents air from escaping. I can’t breathe. Oh God, I can’t breathe.

  A hand covers my mouth and another one jerks my arms, hauling me out of the car. I want to fight and stomp on his feet, but my body refuses to listen. I feel like I’ve been stripped of all control over my muscles.

  Something is tied around my wrists, preventing me from intervening. My heartbeat is out of control, fear raging through my body as they drag me onto the street and into a building. Lacking the energy to open my eyes, I focus on the sounds as much as I can. Whatever was in that gas has intoxicated me to the point of being powerless. If this is Sebastian’s doing, I don’t understand any of it, but now I understand why he’d noted the words ‘Do you dare?’ on that paper. This is all a test.

  Realizing this, I take in a deep breath and calm myself down, preparing my body for what’s to come. I’m sure this is his way of remaining in control; something he’s always perceived as most important. I have to trust him and relinquish all fear in order to proceed.

  I must. It’s the only way to make him want me. If I do everything he says, he will keep me safe. I know he will.

  As we enter the building and walk up a few stairs, I feel more and more awake. The gas is leaving my system quickly now that I’m not exposed to it anymore. By the time we reach our destination, the intoxication seems to have disappeared. Even so, I don’t struggle with my captor, who holds my hands behind my back as he positions me. When his hands leave my body, I wait and listen. The slight tick of a door being closed, the rustling of feet coming closer, the scent of exotic aftershave.

  A finger caresses my shoulder out of nowhere. I shiver as I recognize the scent that enters my nose. “Hello, Miss Carrigan.” His voice is like a warm, velvety blanket covering me in the cold. He sucks in air past his teeth. Even though a bag is covering my head, I can still tell that his mouth is dangerously close to my ear. “You are brave to come here.”

  “How did you know where I was?” I ask with trouble, the bag constricting my movements.

  “I had you followed.”

  I huff in the bag, my chest tightening from the lack of oxygen and the idea that someone had been tailing me, watching me, prowling in the darkness, waiting for me to make a move.

  Suddenly, a hand is placed on my chest. “Relax, Miss Carrigan.”

  “Where am I?” I ask.

  “Exactly where I want you to be right now.”

  I hear Sebastian pace, the sound moving away and then coming back again. A cold, metal-like object pokes at my skin. It hurts. Shuddering, I clench my teeth together and wait for it to puncture my skin.

  “Do you know what this is?”

  “A knife?”


  I flinch from his words. Then he slides the knife up my arms and along my collarbone. It burns, and I’m not sure if he’s cutting me and I’m bleeding, or if it’s all in my head.

  He hums. “Powerful object, don’t you think?”


  “Hmmm … You know you are at my mercy now, right?”

  “Yes, Mister Brand.”

  “And that this is what you asked me to do.”

  I don’t respond. I wouldn’t even know how; how can he think this is what I want? Being drugged in a car, blinded by a hood, shoved and pulled into a building, kept secret like some kind of abducted prisoner?

  “I live on the edge, Miss Carrigan. I thought I told you not to cross that line.”

  “You asked me to come.”

  “No. I dared you.”

  “Should I not have come, then?” I cough. I can barely talk.

  “It would’ve shown me that you listened to me when I told you to run and never come back.”

  I sigh, knowing I did the wrong thing again.

  “But no matter. I will have some fun with you now.”

  I feel a sudden lump forming in my throat. Holy shit. “Is this your idea of fun? Drugging me and abducting me?”

  “You stepped into the car, Miss Carrigan. All you had to do was walk away. You didn’t, which is what brought you here.” He circles around me, the knife sliding dangerously along my side. “I needed to keep this place a secret from you.”


  “So you won’t attempt to come here on your own accord, of course.”

  The knife passes my lips and for a second I think this is the end.

  “Open your mouth.”

  Instinctively, I respond to his command, even though it could mean the end for me. I don’t know why I trust him, but I do.

  I wait for the knife but never feel it. A slit is created right between my open lips.

  “Don’t move,” he says. I stand as still as I can while he makes two holes near my nostrils.

  When he pulls back, I’m still holding my breath.

�t … breathe …” I whisper.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “No …”

  “Air can flow through now. Breathe. Stop letting your mind get in the way of experiencing what your body can do.” He shushes me in soft, calming waves. It relaxes me enough to let go of my anxiety.

  “Now … tonight you are mine to play with. You will do as I say, when I say it. If I ask you to bow, suck, and swallow, you will do just that. If I ask you to bend over and take my cock hard and fast like a good girl, you will do just that. Do you understand?”

  His words send shivers down my spine, arousal pooling in my belly. “Yes, Mister Brand.”

  Sebastian’s hand traces my shoulder as he walks around to my back and smells me. The sound of him inhaling my scent creates goosebumps all over my body. “Stay still. Do not move a muscle.” I swallow as the knife is placed between whatever is binding my wrists and cuts through it. I rub my wrists, which hurt and are probably red.

  I wonder why he’s doing all this when he said he didn’t want me. Is he reconsidering?

  “Can I ask a question, Mister Brand?”

  “Go ahead,” he says, lifting my arms and placing them behind my head. “Keep your hands there.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I need something from you. But only once.”

  My mouth feels dry and emotions overwhelm me. He does need me after all.

  “Don’t get your hopes up too soon, Miss Carrigan,” he says, chuckling. “I didn’t say what for.”

  “Can I know?”

  “No, but when I’m done with you, you won’t want to ever come back to me again.”

  A darkness coats his words that I cannot ignore. I suffocate from them. No … I suffocate from his hand, suddenly gripping my throat. It scares the living shit out of me.

  “After tonight, you will not come back to me again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I cough. With his hand, he instills fear deep in my heart. I wonder if it’s intentional. If he uses it as a tool to frighten me and make sure I will never come back.

  “Good.” When he releases me again, I reach for my throat. He swats it away. “Did I tell you that you could remove your hands from your head?”

  “No … sorry, Mister Brand.”

  “Show me how obedient you are, then. Strip.”

  I lower my hands and take off my sweatpants. Then I pull up my sleeping shirt, throwing it to the floor. He makes a sound of approval as I unclasp my bra and let it drop.


  With my hands down my side, I cease moving immediately.

  A sudden pinch at my nipples makes me squeal.

  “Shhh …” He lets go of them again, but they sizzle from his touch. He slaps them. The burn is a pain I’m not familiar with, but somehow my body responds to it with shameful need. I struggle to stay standing. “Do you like it when I fondle your taut nipples, Miss Carrigan? Do you ache for my fingers, tugging them until they are painfully red?”

  “Yes … yes, Mister Brand,” I huff, my pussy clenching.

  “I know you do. You enjoy the pain as much as I enjoy giving it to you.” He leans in closer to my ear. “I could make you come without even touching your pussy.”

  My lips shudder, taking in a short gasp. He chuckles, probably from the obvious power he has over me.

  I hear him squat. A sudden hand on my belly instills my body with warmth as he pulls down my panties in one go. He places a small, damp peck on my inner thigh, filling me with wantonness.

  “Hmmm … much better without the panties. I prefer this sight of your beautiful, naked pussy.” I don’t need to see him grin to know he is. I can tell from the way he says the words. So dirty. God, I love it. I’m naked, completely at his mercy, but I’m not ashamed at all.

  Until he opens his mouth. “It’s too beautiful for me to enjoy alone.”


  He gives my inner leg a slap, causing me to squeal. “Did I say you could talk?”

  “No, Mister Brand, but you just said―”

  “I know you heard what I said. You have such a magnificent body. For this one night, I shall enjoy it thoroughly. Me and all the others.”

  Accompanying song: “The Dog is Black” by Unkle (dial:molotov remix)

  “No …” I whisper, tears building in my eyes. I struggle to keep my hands on my head. I want to run, run, run, run!

  “Stay put.” The knife pushes against my back, making me suddenly aware of the fact that I am in a dangerous position right now. He has all the power, a knife that could slice me in half, and he can do with me as he pleases. Even let other men abuse me … No.

  “Please …” I whimper, aware of the fact that Sebastian might not be the only one looking at my naked body.

  “Don’t worry, Miss Carrigan. Nobody is going to hurt you if you listen and do as you are asked.”

  “I don’t want anyone but you, Mister Brand,” I say, terror making my body tremble.

  “Good … you should be doing everything for me.”

  “I thought this was just you and me,” I say.

  “Did I say we were alone?”

  “I assumed we were.”

  “You should never assume, Miss Carrigan.”

  He walks away and the deafening silence left behind is overbearing. All-consuming. Tearing me apart.

  “Get down on your knees.”

  His voice echoes in this room, coming from left, or right … I can’t tell. He’s further away than I thought, and it scares the living hell out of me, because it means this room is big. Where am I? What’s in here? Are there really people in here, watching me? Will he really do this to me?

  “Did you not hear me, Miss? Get. Down. On. Your. Knees.”

  Swallowing away the lump in my throat, I go to my knees and sit down on the back of my heels.

  “Down. Your head should be touching the ground, Miss Carrigan.”

  Tears sting my eyes, but I blink them away as I perch myself up and lower my head. My ass is pointing toward the ceiling. Bare. Butt naked. For God knows who to see.

  I feel violated.

  Like I’ve just been skewered with that very knife he threatens me with.

  Who is this man? What has he become? Is this who he’s really been all along, or is this just another test?

  “Hands under your body. Spread your legs.”

  I have to think about it for a second, but when I realize what he wants me to do, I shiver. My hands reach between my legs. I know whomever is watching me can see my open pussy pointed straight at them.

  “Touch yourself. Make yourself wet.” Sebastian’s voice seethes with bitterness. I feel empty, devoid of emotion, as I slide my fingers up and down my pussy. I try not to think about anything because I’m afraid it will push me over the edge. I can’t run. I can’t hide. The knife in his hand holds all the power. In this moment in time, I’m not even sure he would spare me.

  Such a turnaround—I once believed I could trust him and that he was my savior.

  Now, I’m not so sure anymore.

  I work on my pussy and my clit, circling and slipping until I feel it thump under my hand. I don’t want it to, but my body reacts to my touch. I hear the sound of wood scraping along the floor. My senses go on high alert. Something is positioned close to my ass, but I keep going, not wanting to anger him. I know that to survive I must do what’s asked of me, even if it is against my own will.

  “Such a nice, round ass,” Sebastian says. He’s seated right behind me, I can hear it. “It is a sight to admire. Especially when you’re making yourself nice and wet for me.”

  I don’t respond, flicking my fingers along my clit, trying not to get aroused. It’s too late.

  He chuckles. “Are you enjoying yourself, Miss Carrigan?”


  “You should be. I am. I enjoy watching your fingers being coated in your wetness. I wonder how much wetter it can get. How much restraint do you think I have, Miss Carrigan? Watching you
like this makes me hard … so hard I could fuck you until you’d scream my name in pleasure while I fill you with my cum.”

  I swallow away the hotness that fills my throat, the sudden urge to come overpowering me. I will it all away. When I say nothing, a hard, hot whack against my ass makes me shriek. In my panic, I shoot up, but a foot on my back pushes me back down again. “Stay down. I didn’t say you could get up.”

  “Please, don’t do this,” I say.

  “But this is what you wanted, wasn’t it? My need for you? My hunger?” he huffs. “Well, you have it now, Miss. I hunger to see your pussy drip as you fuck yourself with your fingers. I desire to see your aching red ass as you fall apart before me, clenching your own pussy with wantonness, begging for a cock. Oh, yes, I will have what I need.”

  I suck in a short breath, gathering courage. “What do you need, Mister Brand? Is it my dignity? My humanity? Do you thrive on seeing me humiliated?”

  He laughs. “I thrive on your fear, Miss. Haven’t I told you that? Fear is what will push you away from me, which is exactly what I told you I wanted from the beginning. Now … I demand to watch you come like you saw me come in the library, Miss. You owe that to me.”

  “You did that to yourself. I was merely there. It wasn’t my fault you did that in public. I owe you nothing.”

  “Technically, you do. Remember that money?”

  “Fuck you!” I spit out in a fit of rage. I don’t often swear, but he deserves it. “You gave that to me.”

  Whack. Another painful hit on my ass. I hiss from the sizzle. It doesn’t hurt as much as it is arousing. I hate that.

  “Behave, Miss Carrigan … I’ll give you plenty more if you do as you’re told.”

  “After I’ve let you hit me, you mean.”

  “This is a disciplinarian tool, Miss Carrigan. I use it to teach you a lesson.”

  “Which is?”

  “That if you disobey me, there are consequences. You thought I would go easy on you? Think again. I am not here to be your toy, Miss Carrigan. I will not be what you ask of me. I will show you what I take and give in return. You will be begging me to stop, and then you will realize how futile your search has been. That is what you should learn.”


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