Foolish Bride

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by A. S. Fenichel

  Cover Copy

  Sadly ever after . . . unless some dreams really do come true?

  Elinor Burkenstock never believed in fairy tales. Sure, she’s always been a fool for love—what woman isn’t? But Elinor knows the difference between fiction and truth. Daydreams and reality. True love and false promises. . . . Until the unthinkable happens, and Elinor’s engagement is suddenly terminated and no one, least of all her fiancé, will tell her why.

  Sir Michael Rollins’s war-hero days seem far behind him when, after one last hurrah before his wedding, he gets shot and his injuries leave him in dire shape. He wants nothing more than to marry Elinor, the woman of his wildest dreams. But Elinor’s father forbids it . . . and soon Michael is faced with a desperate choice: Spare Elinor a life with a broken man or risk everything to win her heart—until death do they part?

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  Books by A.S. Fenichel

  The Demon Hunter Series




  Forever Brides

  Tainted Bride

  Foolish Bride

  Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

  Foolish Bride

  The Forever Brides

  A.S. Fenichel


  Kensington Publishing Corp.


  Lyrical Press books are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2016 by A.S. Fenichel

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  First Electronic Edition: March 2017

  eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-965-7

  eISBN-10: 1-60183-965-0

  First Print Edition: March 2017

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-968-8

  ISBN-10: 1-60183-968-5

  Printed in the United States of America



  This book is dedicated to those of us who have lost their better half.

  One day the sun will rise again.

  For Dave Mansue, my sunrise.


  So many people affect the writing of a book and in ways they probably don’t even realize. This book is very personal, maybe more so than some others. The entire Forever Brides series is near and dear to my heart. First and foremost, I must thank my sweet husband for his bravery in fighting and beating prostate cancer. Special thanks to all the doctors, nurses and techs who helped us along our journey.

  There is a long list of women in my life who keep me grounded and moving forward. To Mom, Linda, Amy, Kim, Nancy, Karla, Llonda, Heidi, Sarah, Stephanie, Sabine, Karen M., Kristi, Karen B., and Shelley, I don’t know what I would do without each and every one of you.

  Cancer takes so many.

  We’ve been lucky at times and devastated at other times.

  Do what you can.


  “I was not out yet when the earl was engaged. I only know the rumors.” Elinor wished Sophia would change the subject. She had hoped for a nice quiet walk in the elaborate gardens.

  Sophia patted her dark hair into place. “And, what was the rumor?”

  Elinor cringed. How she hated gossip.

  “Never mind, Elinor. You do not have to tell me.”

  It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Sophia, but talking of such things reminded her of the newspaper article that had nearly destroyed her. “I hate rumors. They are often exaggerated, and none of us really knows the truth. Well, except those involved.”

  “Yes, of course you’re right.”

  The bushes to the right rustled, and Michael stepped out of the shrubbery’s shadow.

  His dark hair hung over bright blue eyes, and he was rumpled from hiding in the garden. “Forgive me, ladies.”

  “Michael,” Elinor whispered.

  “I was trying to wait until I could speak to Miss Burkenstock alone. I hope I did not startle you.” He fidgeted, which was unusual. Michael was always in control.

  All the waiting, and now she couldn’t stop her tears from falling.

  “Shall I leave, Elinor?” Sophia asked.

  She’d forgotten Sophia was even there. “Thank you, Sophia.”

  “Are you certain you will be safe?” Sophia crossed her arms over her chest.

  Michael’s smile was warm. “You have my word I shall not harm her in any way.”

  “Elinor?” She narrowed her eyes.

  A wave of lightheadedness swamped her. “I will be fine.”

  Sophia nodded and walked away

  “Elinor.” He said her name like a prayer.

  “Yes, Sir Michael?” Pretending she was unaffected by him, she looked away. She wished she could be more like Dory. Dory was excellent at pretending that she didn’t care.

  “I was watching you dance.” Taking a step closer, his gaze locked on her. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself. Especially when you danced with Travinberg.”

  “Are you jealous, Sir Michael?” She turned away from him and examined a yellow rose. Leaning down, she sniffed for its sweetness, looking for anything that would help her keep her composure.

  He closed the gap until he was so close, his warmth spread along her back. “I am beside myself with desire for you. I hate every man who even looks at you and even those who only glance in your general direction. The last week has been torture.”

  All her torment of the last week bubbled up in her belly. She faced him. “Then why did you leave town, and leave me to deal with the scandal all alone? You left me with only a note to keep me company and not much of a note at that. What was I supposed to do?”

  His smile widened. “My God, you are even more beautiful when you’re angry.”

  Damn her fair skin for not concealing her blush. “Do not change the subject. I may not be the smartest girl in London, but I know that what you did was terribly unkind. I might have been ruined if not for my good friends.”

  His voice remained low and calm. “I did not run from you. I ran to try to make something you can be proud of.”

  It was impossible to stay aloof. She wanted answers. If not for the kindness of her friends, she would be ruined now, and it was all his fault. “Where did you go?”

  He took her hands. “I am going to be worthy of you, Elinor. I promise that I will, if you will just wait for me.”

  “Wait? For how long? Mother will not allow me to wait if another offer is made. And what if the gentleman is titled?” Panic tightened h
er chest until she struggled for breath. She would need to make a list of ways to stall Mother’s plans.

  He pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck. “A few months is all I ask, my darling. Just give me a few months, and I will have enough money to come to your father and make an offer. Surely you can hold off your mother for a few months.”

  “I suppose I can, but why? I have my dowry. Certainly that will be enough for us to live comfortably.”

  Breaking away, he looked down at his feet, which he shuffled from side to side. “I do not want to marry you for your money, Elinor.”

  Her heart beat wildly. “But is that not why you pursued me?”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I will not deny I came to London this season because I needed to marry to restore the money that my father squandered.” He kissed her cheek. “I had every intention of finding a rich bride to enable that plan.” He kissed her other cheek. “Then I met you, and you were the perfect solution to my problems.”

  She tried to pull away, but he held her close and kissed her lips. It was only a peck, but the thrill of it traveled to her toes and hit everywhere in between.

  His body filled all her curves as he hugged her and spread kisses along her cheek and neck. “I knew you were the one, Elinor. So beautiful, charming, and sweet, I could not resist you. I want to be worthy of your love, and in the weeks we courted, I found a way to get enough money to repair my country home and still have enough to make a good start of the marriage. I made the deal on some grain. It will take a bit of time for my plans to pan out, but in a couple of months, I should be able to show your father that I am worthy of you.”

  It was difficult not to let his lips distract her from his words. She heard him say he loved her well enough, though. She breathed normally again, though her heart still raced. “I would gladly have given you my money.”

  Stiffening, he frowned. “We can take your money and put it away for our children.”

  “Children.” The notion of raising babies with Michael made her sway with joy.

  “You do want children, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him, holding back tears of joy. “Oh yes. I want a house full.”

  “I have a very big house.” The strain around his eyes eased, and his grin spread wide.

  “Good.” Tears trickled down her face. Elinor had never been so happy.

  With his gloved thumbs, he gently wiped the moisture from her face. “You will wait for me then?”

  “I will wait, Michael.”

  Kissing her deeply, he tightened his arms, leaving no space between them.

  Her mouth opened under his, and she melted against him. Visions of Michael and a house full of children with his marvelous blue eyes filled her head. Her heart beat so fast, when he pulled away, she gasped for air.

  “I have to go before I really do ruin you.” Out of breath, his eyes flashed with passion.

  “Must you?” She didn’t want him to go. What she wanted was more of his kisses.

  He laughed and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “It will not be long, my love. I shall return to London as soon as possible, and we will be married.”

  Once again, loneliness pressed down on her. “Don’t go.”

  “I must, but I will be back. I promise.” He took one step away.


  He turned.

  Straining against emotion, she pushed herself to ask, “Do you love me, Michael?”

  He wrapped her in his arms as if he’d not seen her in years. “I love you more than life, Elinor. I will not betray you. Please trust me.”

  She tentatively kissed the skin behind his ear. “I do trust you. I just want…”

  “Yes, my love, what do you want?”

  “I want…I do not know.” Her tongue touched his ear.

  Grabbing her bottom, he pressed her roughly against his arousal.

  Surprised but not afraid, she arched against him.

  His lips found hers roughly and he caressed her everywhere. He pulled her deeper into the thick garden shrubs. His breath came hard. He kissed her ear, her neck, then moved down to her throat. He caressed the top of her bodice, then tugged gently, releasing her nipple.

  The cool air was odd and delightful on her sensitive skin.

  He grazed it with his thumb, then his mouth covered her. She pulled him closer, wanting something but not knowing what she needed. Everything spun the way it did when she drank too much wine. It was wonderful and terrible all at once. She gripped his arms tighter, never wanting to let go.

  He pushed her away. “No.”

  Longing for more, she clutched at him.

  He fixed her dress and pushed a stray curl behind her ear. “I must go. It is too difficult to be here in the dark alone with you. I will not be able to stop myself.”

  “I did not ask you to stop.” She surprised herself with her boldness.

  He grinned. “No, you did not, but I will wait and take you when you are mine, my love. We can wait for our wedding night, and I promise it will be worth the wait.” He kissed her nose, then was gone.

  Chapter 1

  See the dressmaker

  Find just the right gift for Michael

  Ask Mother for pin money

  Write to Michael so he will know I am thinking of him

  Elinor had many more items to add to her morning list. A knock on her door forced her to put down her quill. “Yes.”

  Mother stepped inside. “Your father wishes to see you in his study, Elinor.”

  “Why so formal, Mother?”

  “The matter is quite urgent.” Virginia Burkenstock folded her hands and grimaced; her sour face much different from her normal serene expression.

  Elinor placed her list inside her desk, stood, and shook out her skirts. When she reached her father’s study, nerves twisted her stomach. She entered, her mother close at her heels

  Rolf Burkenstock scratched his belly where it hung over his trousers, then tugged on his morning coat. He pointed at the chair near his desk. “Sit, daughter.”

  She obeyed.

  “You will not marry Sir Michael Rollins.” Clearing his throat, he fiddled with a document on his desk.

  For a full thirty seconds, Elinor couldn’t respond. It was so outrageous for him to be cancelling her wedding a mere month before the much anticipated day, she was sure she had misunderstood. She stared at him for some sign that he would say more or make her understand. “Father?”

  “We’ll say no more on the subject, Elinor. It’s bad enough that we will have to deal with some gossip for breaking the engagement. The man should be left with some dignity.” Her father’s new earldom meant that Sir Michael Collins was now beneath her, but she never dreamed that either man would go back on their word. Recently raised to the rank of Earl of Malmsbury by the crown, Rolf had a new sense of his own worth. He stood prouder, had lost much of his natural modesty, and lived in fear of gossip and scandal.

  Lady Virginia’s eyes were puffy and her nose red. She bit her lip and sniffed, which she always did when trying to contain her tears. Several strands of her blond hair had escaped her usually neat chignon.

  Father hadn’t cried, of course. His imposing height and piercing pale blue eyes usually intimidated Elinor, but now he wouldn’t make eye contact, looking from a spot on the wall to one in the carpet. As a diplomat for the crown, he met with kings and princes on a regular basis, but his own daughter made him uncomfortable.

  “Has Sir Michael cried off?” Elinor was calmer than she would have thought possible.

  Now neither of her parents would look her in the eye.

  “Father, what is going on?” Her voice gained an edge.

  Mother spoke. “He has been injured, Elinor.”

  “Injured? When? How? Why was I not summoned to care for him?” Panic rose in her chest. She rushed away to gather her wrap and have the carriage take her to Michael’s townhouse.

of her parents shouted in unison, “Stop.”

  She spun, gaping at them. Her place was at Michael’s side if he required care.

  Mother sprang forward like she might leap over the table to reach her. One hand covered her mouth and, with the other, she reached toward Elinor.

  Hands outstretched, Father strode across the room with his hands like claws about to physically restrain her if she persisted in her efforts to leave.

  It was almost comical.

  Father pointed one fat finger at her. “You are forbidden to see Sir Michael. You will not care for him. He is nothing to you, as you are no longer engaged. I will be dissolving the contract immediately, so there is no reason for you to be in his company ever again.”


  “I will brook no argument, Elinor. You will obey me in this.” Returning to his desk, he pushed a pile of papers to one side and plopped a heavy glass ball on top of them.

  The entire world had gone upside down. Her parents had lost their minds. It wasn’t possible that she couldn’t marry the man she loved, after a year-long engagement. Her emotions boiled to the surface. “Will no one tell me what is going on?”

  “Elinor,” Mother scolded, “you must not raise your voice like a scullery maid.”

  She stared at her and forced her mouth closed. Everyone had lost their minds. She took a deep breath. “Mother, I have been summoned, told that I am no longer engaged, and informed that I am not to even see Michael again. What reaction were you expecting?”

  “I expect you to act like the lady I raised you to be.” Mother straightened her back and folded her hands in her lap.

  “Then tell me what has happened to Michael.”

  “Sir Michael,” Father corrected.


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