The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) Page 8

by Amelia Clearwater

  Kade had visited that day as well; he had been flouting about London with his latest 'catch', a young Lady of excellent breeding. Alexander shook his head and looked at Kade questioningly.

  "So, how's Leroy?"

  "Oh, he's fine enough, but enough about that. What are you going to do about the strange girl in your home?" his eyebrows waggled in innuendo at the word 'do'.

  Bloody Scot

  "Nothing at all. Besides, you're not really going to bed that little lamb you've caught."

  Kade blew out a breath "No, I'm not. But there is a delicious young Countess that has quite the…appetite. I am probably going to roam that way."

  "Thank God for small mercies." Alexander glanced at his desk and then finally said what he had wanted to ask, "I need a favor. One that you owe me."

  "Ugh." The sound was of feigned annoyance "Yes, I owe you many favors Alexander, so what do you want and what debt am I paying off?"

  "Pick one, but I need you to ask about a woman named Charlotte around Caversham. Apparently, she saw a sign when she awoke and started heading west. Obviously she wound up here."

  "It is a bit obvious. Are you alright?" Kade was looking at him with a funny expression. "Don't tell me Cromwell is falling for the poor lost kitten?" With this said his friend burst into laughter. "I told you. With your head in the clouds about staying single, the moment you'd be forced to choose, fate would see otherwise."

  "Shut it you damn Scot"

  Kade was still laughing. "Oh, by the way. I heard that there was a little pet in the home now, and I don't mean your girl."

  "Excuse me?" Alexander was shuffling papers along the desk trying to find an estate ledger.

  "Oh, that cat that Charlotte found. Didn't she keep it?" "No. She got rid of it…"

  "She told you that?"

  "Well, I assumed-"

  "You assumed that a headstrong woman would follow your orders?" Kade grinned, "You are very mistaken, Alexander."

  It took him a moment to process the information, then he realized what was going on and he got up swiftly taking his strides long heading to Charlotte's rooms.


  She had hardly seen much of Alexander, or of the guests for several days. The help used different stairs for getting things ready. When she had seen him though, he merely reminded her to stay to her rooms when not working. After, he would beat a hasty retreat.

  Precious, her new white ball of fluff stayed in her rooms, as well, and she rather liked her new place. After Francesca had bandaged her leg, it looked as though another animal had bitten it. She simply hopped about from place to place playing. Charlotte even had a pillow cushion used for the little creature on the opposite side of her bed. The tiny cat looked to be of a normal domestic descent, but it’s long hair stuck out in fluffy defiance, as to make it look like a powder puff one would use on your face after a bath.

  Precious rather liked that Charlotte had stayed in her room for the past two days, lounging with the kitten in her spare time and fastening toys for it with thread and spools that the servants gave her at the end of the day.

  Word was Alexander had assumed she had gotten rid of the kitten. He was obviously no longer under the assumption anymore. The banging on the door announced Lord Cromwell’s arrival.

  “Charlotte! Open this damned door this instant! I know that sack of fleas is still in this house and I’ll not have it! You hear me!” With Precious lazily sleeping on her pillow after Charlotte had fastened a pretty pink bow around her neck she got up and walked to the door and opened it, startled when he missed the door and all but fell in.

  “Yes?” she hid her amusement poorly.

  “Don’t you act all innocent Lady Charlotte, the animal? Where is it?” his temper was no longer reined in.

  “’The Animal’? No, I don’t recall anything by that name…Precious is here though. Would you like to see her?”

  “Yes!” he thundered.

  “I am sorry she is indisposed because she is healing, please come back another time.” Charlotte started to shut the door.

  “Charlotte, don’t you even think of closing this door on me.” His hand stopped it. “Very well, will you behave?” Her calm voice made the maid in the hall giggle.

  “Behave!” for a moment he was floor struck by her audacity. Over a cat! Grumbling he stalked in. “If anyone is to behave it is you! Do you know how foolish you made me look? In front of my guests no less! Have you no sense of propriety?” he demanded.

  “My Lord you need no help from me to look a fool, but I do thank you for the credit. In regards to my propriety I should think the ladies would have swooned over you being so kind to a small thing.” She was fiddling with Precious’s bow and pet her head, the half closed lids of the kitten regarded him the same, as it’s newfound owner.


  “Get rid of it.” He demanded glaring at the animal

  Her dark eyes swept across his face, “Get rid of me.”

  “You know that is not the issue! You cannot take in every stray that comes along!” He slammed a hand on the dresser and she gave him a warning glare.

  “From what I gather you are sounding horribly close to The Dragon with talks like that my Lord.” He stepped closer, overshadowing her small frame.

  “Watch yourself, chit.” His teeth were clenched. He saw the black eyes turn to burning coal.

  “I have done everything you wished! I have bent over backwards for these women you have here! Have you even been trying to find out who I am?” She demanded stamping her slippered foot on the wood floor.

  The question made him stop short, no he had not been trying. He had been so consumed with the damned courting that he had all but forgotten that she did not really belong there in the first place. It made the air between them thick and awkward.

  “No, you are right to berate me for that.” He admitted.

  “Why!” she was not satisfied for a simple confession. “You must have a reason!”

  “I have grown used to you being here…” He didn’t even realize he had said it aloud, but her shocked and confused expression made him curse himself. He ran a hand through his hair trying to gain a sliver of composure. “You’re useful.” He amended, and the light that had flickered in her gaze vanished.

  The kitten had gotten up from its cushion “You got the damn thing a cushion?” his mother's cat had not even been so spoiled.

  “Francesca sewed it together with extra fabric from fixing the sitting room couches! No harm was done…Precious likes sleeping near me. And I like more pillows, so it’s a perfect solution!”

  I bet she does, the damned lucky scrap. Alexander wanted to flick the animal off the bed she slept in, but instead of being disinterested now, she wriggled her rabbit-like tail up and rubbed her head against his arm that was closest to the edge of the bed.

  “Merow!” but it wasn’t even a cat sound, it sounded like a Squeak!

  “Oh, do shut up, you puff ball.” He glowered at the kitten.

  “Don’t be angry with her!” Like a hero Charlotte scooped up the kitten and cuddled her. She kissed her pink little nose and set her back on the cushion. “She’s just hungry, I need to go get her some milk and chicken bits after supper, later.” She looked at the bed and Alexander’s eyes followed, a spool tied to string and a ball of tattered yarns of different colors had been tied together and made into a ball. He nearly smiled at the sentimentality she favored this scrap of fur. Nearly.

  I cannot have an animal in my home…I simply cannot! What would people say about me having some spoiled…no, he frowned as she watched him mentally argue with himself- curious. She’s not spoiled, in fact she’s anything but that. Ugh, curses I am going to hate myself…Alexander sighed deeply closing his eyes and his head falling back as if in defeat, and he felt as if his head was going to explode. The ruffled hair fell across his brow as it scrunched in concentration his head coming back to hang down slightly, his hand rubbing his forehead. “Charlotte.”
r />   “Yes?”

  “If you are going to keep this damn thing, you need to get it proper tagging, a pretty bow won’t cut it. I don’t want it wandering the garden, only to have the staff pick it up and toss it out-” he coughed “Where it belongs! I might add- but I doubt you’d be…happy on the off chance that- Oof!”

  Charlotte had squealed in delight and with a little jump forward her long arms entwined about his neck and shoulders “Thank you Alexander! I promise she’ll be the perfect little kitten!”

  Alexander was startled; no woman alive had ever done this in thanks, or really in any means or matter. His arms caught her about the waist and had to hold her close to keep from falling over, her feet on the tips of her toes from the ground and her back arched beautifully as he had to bend over slightly to keep from toppling them both backwards.

  Charlotte’s happy giggle vibrated through her entire being and shook him to the core. Her loose hair felt like silk against the tops of his hands where the amber waves brushed them. She kissed his jaw softly and the velvet feel of her mouth against his skin had his gut clenching in desire.

  “Thank you!” one last quick kiss of thanks on his chin, as it was all she could reach and she had scooped up the cat and raced downstairs, obviously to tell the others of the good news. He sighed. Curses! He hated cats . . . but he figured now he might tolerate them if that were always the outcome.

  Later that evening in the kitchens Charlotte had Precious on a little lead tied to a chair so she wouldn’t get under anyone’s feet. It seemed that the kitten did not want to be anywhere other than in the pocket of Charlotte’s apron, which so happened to be where it usually wound up. Lady Anne sent a note saying she wanted to meet her new friend and Charlotte replied that they would convene later. Francesca was laughing as she kneaded dough.

  “I cannot believe you got Alexander to keep a cat! He has hated cats ever since his mother’s evil Persian. Used to claw him all the time.”

  “Oh, Precious would never hurt anyone.” The tiny kitten’s head poked up from the behind a stool and it mewled. “See! She’s perfect.” She patted its head and continued with her chore of peeling potatoes.

  Giselle suddenly came into the kitchen “Ginger girl, I cannot believe you made Alexander look like a fool! And then to even keep that beast here!” Giselle looked as angry as a bear woken up early from its nap.

  “Where is it?” she demanded


  “Don’t be coy I looked for the rat earlier in your room and it was not there where is it?”

  “No! You cannot! Lord Cromwell said I could keep her!” Charlotte backed up and shook her head.

  “Well that is not what he told me dear, and now I have to be the villain, ha!”

  “No, he said that I could keep her!” Charlotte turned trying to get Precious up before her, but it was too late; Giselle had snatched the kitten up by the scruff and stalked out. James stopped Charlotte from rushing after her with a gentle grip.

  “Miss Charlotte, dear it’s no use.” He sounded pitiful “I am sorry dear.”

  “But, no! She’ll throw Precious out! She cannot! Alexander...he said-” it was the first time Charlotte had felt like truly crying after the entire incident that caused her to be there in the first place.

  Her words felt like thick cotton in her throat. She had confided in Lady Anne she had wanted a companion, something to distract her from the unanswered questions, and Precious had been it. Seeing the poor kitten squirming under such a cruel grip was too much. In sob and a flurry of tears and skirts she fled to her rooms.

  Alexander walked in his study pacing; he stopped when he saw James standing off to the side by the servant’s door. He had a strange look on his face.

  “James! Come to battle in a game of chess? I can’t say I have gotten better but I can try!” he had felt good about giving Charlotte something to spend her time with, it made him feel more comfortable.

  "Sir…why did you tell Miss Charlotte you’d let her keep the cat?”

  “What the devil are you going on about?” Alexander had an uneasy feeling.

  “Did you have to send Giselle to take it? I mean I can keep it in the servant’s quarters if it’s a problem. She’s just so distraught, she hardly touched her food and she’s locked her doors, we don’t dare go in and bother her. And in this weather, it seems mighty cruel…I wondered too cruel, for you to orchestrate. My Lord.” He bowed and vanished.

  The uneasy feeling bottomed his gut out, in determined strides he went through the estate. “Giselle! You meddling sow where are you!” The startled look of staff made his anger flare higher.

  “Is that any way to treat your step mother?” she snapped when he found her in the sitting room having tea.

  “Where is the cat?” he could have throttled her on sight but his teeth grit.

  “Oh that filthy beast I threw it outside. It ran off why?”

  He swore, “Damn you, I told her she could keep it!” He didn’t know what enraged him more, her lack of care or the startled expression as if he were the one insane.

  “Oh…well it’s better she does not have it. It’s not like she can keep it when we send her off.”

  “I was going to get her a place in London. She could have kept it, Giselle. It’s pouring outside! Have you no heart?” He had already decided that when they found out if she was either a courtesan or even a normal girl, he’d care for her as he had now.

  “Oh God. Alexander you are courting for your future wife and this chit is taken you from the goal of things!”

  “Which door?”

  “The front of course.” She replied giving in.

  “My Lord?” James’s voice poked through the fog of anger “Charlotte is not in her room, or anywhere…I think she went looking for the cat.”

  “In this weather?” Thunder rolled and lightning cracked the sky and he rushed to the first floor front hall, Francesca had a cloaked Charlotte leaning against her. She was shivering from the cold.

  “She wouldn’t come out…I need to get her toy, she won’t come down.” It was late, and he wondered how long Charlotte had been gone.

  “James? When did you realize she was not in her rooms?”

  “Well, my Lord, Laura took the servants entrance and realized that not a thing had been disturbed…perhaps a couple hours ago was when she had supposedly gone to bed.”

  He watched Francesca whip the cloak off and Sophie wrapped her up in a blanket “Come on Charlotte,” Sophie crooned at her.

  “No, she’s outside, she’s scared. I need to go get her toy…”

  He heard tears in her voice. He also realized that she had not even shed a tear during the entire time she had been there. She had never shown any type of emotions on the topic of her own demise, no screaming or cursing unless prodded too much but even then. She was very level headed. Hearing it for the scrap of fur out in the rain made his chest ache.

  He came to her front and looked at her “Charlotte, where is Precious?”

  “No, she won’t come to you! You promised me!” Her tears burst from her, and she beat on his chest when he tried to hold her. Startled by her attack he backed away, as Sophie gently pushed him aside.

  “She’s tired my Lord…please.”

  “No, it’s alright. Take her to get rest.”

  He already knew what he was going to do and grabbed his own cloak and gloves. Now he really hated cats.

  Charlotte slept with unease, her dreams and slight cold that she had caught made her headache. She kept hearing Precious mewling in the willow tree trapped in a high hollow where an owl once lived.

  “Precious!” she had called and called as rain pelted her but the frightened kitten had just yowled in complaint and fear.

  Alexander came in, drenched. The rainstorm had come out of nowhere in torrents and after searching the front so he tried the garden. With luck, he heard a small squeaking sound that he had recognized through the thunder. The damn thing was sopping wet and stuck in a hol
e of a tree. Just like a cat to be angry at the person trying to save it. He thought. Ungrateful beast! I ought to leave you here… But on the tail of that thought he remembered the person he was getting the cat for.

  “Here cat…Precious.” He had easily climbed up part of the way and reached, earning a stripe of claw marks on his hand. “Oh, confounded beast! Look, do you want to go back to Charlotte or not? Obviously you are what she needs, so get over here!”

  He snatched it up on the second try, but it squirmed free and backed up again mewling in fear. Her yellow eyes wide, the black expanded nearly hiding the color.

  “Come on now kitty…” he sighed “Come on...” he whispered to her, and suddenly looking at him the kitten seemed to recognize something and leapt at him, digging her sharp little nails into his chest. “Ack! Damn thing, you had better make her happy!”


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