The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) Page 15

by Amelia Clearwater

  Both men were in the Military and he and Kade were about to leave for India. But Leroy was never straying from 'The right way of life', in regards of being a gentleman. Alexander chuckled, as he yanked on his black boots with gold sewn into them, and glanced at him self again.

  The mask was carved into a lion's upper face, leaving his mouth to be seen. The holes around his eyes were close and dark, leaving only the green of his eyes to be visible. It was as if mask and man had become one, his hair combed back, sometimes falling on the mask edge looking much like a mane. Thankfully, it suited him well too. He tossed his hair back and felt foolish, but noticed why Sophie and the staff had picked this for him. He did not look flourished, or frilly, or really like a dandy at all. No, he looked powerful, regal…and, well, like a Lion.

  The Ladies were to meet and be introduced at the Ball unless escorted by husbands. He exhaled and went down to get to Lord Devon's early.

  Charlotte wrung her hands, nervous as a new girl going to a tea party with new friends. Not that she'd ever remembered feeling as such.

  "Anne, I doubt this will work,” she whispered to her friend. Anne's mother and father were opposite of them and the Duke of Essex chuckled.

  "Do not worry, my dear, you are lovely as a rose." The carriage jolted and she felt the locket press against her cold skin, it felt hot.

  Finally they reached Lord Devon's estate. It was quite beautiful, and the fountain at the front was lavish and detailed. She glanced as she saw other carriage arriving

  “So, where is the actual 'Ball'?"

  "It's held in the large dining area, usually the tables are cleared to dance and there is another room for the Ladies, if you need a refreshment. But you and I are to head this way now." She tugged Charlotte out of the carriage and they walked with a few other young ladies up a different set of stairs. At the top, in what was obviously the sitting room, was Lady Deirdre Devon. She sat, petite with her cat-like eyes. The mask was even more fitting. The grey dress she wore along with the cat mask made her visible nose looked lovelier than ever.

  "Miss Charlotte!" she cooed, "and Lady Anne, how wonderful to see you." Charlotte felt like a bird again, trapped between two cruel claws. "So, you are a fox?"

  "Yes, Her Grace Essex and Anne were kind enough to help me prepare for your family’s wonderful Ball."

  "I hope you…enjoy yourself, Charlotte,” she said with a coo in her voice again. And with that, Deirdre walked away. Leaving Anne and Charlotte with bitter tastes in their mouths.

  "I hope someone steps on her tail" Charlotte growled. Lady Anne giggled at her. Charlotte snapped her fan open to hide the smile at her lips.

  "Mother wanted me to give you a title." Anne said softly. "What?" Charlotte tilted her head.

  "A title- in other words, dear we think we know who you are!" Anne was bouncing softly up and down. "Who?" Charlotte asked breathlessly.

  "Lady Charlotte Devisher." she pointed to her locket. "Only Charlotte and…" she stopped as if not wanting to say someone else- "Only Lady Devisher had one of those. May I see?" she asked softly.

  Charlotte nodded dumbly.

  "Yes, see?" Anne turned it to the back and showed her the inscription

  "It has to be you!" She squeaked happily and hugged her.

  It left Charlotte feeling rather nervous. Her mind seemed to latch onto the idea and held onto it with all its might. Was she Lady Charlotte? The pieces seemed to fit…especially the fact that she was untouched. She had to be! So why was she here? And where did her memory go?

  "We are ready for you, Ladies." The Lady of Devon said softly at the door. Each Lady was standing one by one and Charlotte felt her head spin. It sounded right though.

  Devisher, was she Charlotte Devisher? "What of Alexander?"

  "Oh, Mother just simply said it was to give her some form of leeway." She winked and Charlotte gasped.

  "You mean none of you know?" She was flabbergasted.

  "No! But that doesn't matter, I'd bet my prize stallion it is."

  "You have a prized stallion?" Their conversation continued.

  Soon, Anne went before her. They announced her entrance and Charlotte gulped softly. She repositioned her mask and put a soft curve to her mouth, and started to the small stairs.

  "Lady Charlotte Devisher." The voice spoke clearly and rang like a gong, making her mind twitch. This felt too familiar. She had been in a scene like this once before. She took one slippered foot down at a time, her breast heaving in a panic well hidden in a cool continence. She scanned her eyes around, but could see no one who could possibly be Alexander.

  His breath caught. She looked magnificent, her red hair in flames as the lights hit it, and set it off in caramel and burgundy. The dress... he nearly fell forward…as did the rest of the single men there.

  Charlotte felt like going into a wolf’s den with meat hanging around her the way they stared at her practically licking their chops. A man dressed as a bear with a fantastic mask appeared. She could not recognize his eyes, but the voice was what startled her.

  "My Lady" she recognized his voice!

  "Charles!" she squeaked and looked around "If Alexander-"

  "Alexander is not here right now is he?" The coy smile made her want to smack him.

  She gulped, terrified in the predicament she was caught in. "I need to find Lady Anne, forgive me." She broke loose and turned only to be caught by Lord Carlisle’s eldest son. The Viscount’s eyes seemed to burst with stars behind his mask of a carnival like man. She smiled politely and said her hellos and moved about the floor. Alexander wanted to rip their heads off their shoulders for even looking at her, and followed along the ballroom opposite of the dancers.

  Devisher? His family knew that name…they had a daughter die though, and they had passed away a few years earlier…Why would the Duchess Essex use it? He spotted Lady Devon's mother standing with her husband, glaring at Charlotte. He did not like the look she had on her face. Alexander walked slowly alongside Charlotte who was opposite him on the floor. She was looking for…something, or someone. He hoped it was himself. He wondered what on earth she was up to, as people danced across the floor in an array of colors.

  He watched the small smile come across her lips, her hair floating as Lady Anne appeared at her side and said something behind her fan. Charlotte snapped hers open to fan her sweet face that blushed profusely at the looks she was given. The mask's eyes looked bottomless when her eyes were open, the black glinting like lit coal in the light. He nearly knocked into someone and excused himself, continuing to follow her slowly.

  "Anne, I do not see Alex anywhere." She frowned behind her fan at her friend, who was fanning profusely, while keeping her eye out in case he arrived.

  "I know dear," she sighed, "I cannot see him either. But if these men stare at me anymore I might faint!"

  "At any rate have you seen Lady Devon?"

  "Which one?"

  "Deirdre!" Anne stifled a smile. Charlotte looked over and saw the young Lady scouring the Ball for someone. That someone, she had a sick feeling, was Alexander.

  He is mine…you cannot have him you harpy! Her heart screamed.

  Charlotte was startled with where her train of thought had gone. She spotted someone in a Lion mask, a glint of green coming from the depths of the eyes.


  But he was gone when the flurry of dancers swept by in a dance of Cotillion. She sighed having lost sight of who might have been Alexander and continued to search the floor, stopping politely to nod or say hello to other women. The dance was lovely and the music light. She walked gracefully feeling the flow of her gown; as where Anne's, although beautiful, stayed close to her body as she walked.

  "I feel as though I am walking in water,” Anne confessed to her as she glanced behind her fan. "Not in a good way!"

  Charlotte tilted her head confused "Whatever do you mean?"

  "I mean that I forget what I am wearing until the satin hits my skin." They both giggled and kept walking
. Anne's hair was a delight to see, tucked in an array of pearls and pins it cascaded delicately across her shoulders.

  Charlotte's arm was gently tucked into Anne's and they made their way over to The Duchess Essex and her husband.

  "Mother?" They arrived and The Duchess of Essex eyed Charlotte and her daughter with appreciation.

  "Ah, here the lovely girls are!" Lady Devon was standing opposite. "Oh, you!"

  Charlotte was not pleased by this reaction and glanced at her with confusion, "I am so happy to be here my Lady." She curtsied and the woman nodded in her direction, but in an all too sweet voice.

  "So, you are Devisher's offspring?"

  "Lady Devon! How presumptuous of you to talk of such things as…offspring and heritages. This is a Ball for pity’s sake." The Duchess of Essex flitted her fan before her face and Charlotte saw a battle of feminine wiles before her. Lady Devon's eyes moved first and The Duchess smiled at her warmly, if not with a tinge of judgment in her sparkling eyes.

  "Well, I am sure you will make Lady Devisher feel comfortable," she cooed in dulcet tones.

  "Of course, we would not want anything happening to her." With the stress on anything, Charlotte gulped gently, nervous. "Ah! Look! It seems that Deirdre has already found a dance partner."

  Alexander felt like a fool with his hands on Lady Deirdre. She was dressed beautifully; there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was beautiful it seemed. But his eyes kept wandering to the fire haired fairy that was at the end of the way. She smiled tightly behind the Fox mask and he wondered if there was anything he could do to ease the pain in that smile.

  "My Lord, you look rather magnificent." Lady Deirdre whispered as they made a turn and separated again. Alexander glanced at her.

  "Your mask is very…fitting." was really all he could say. Not like Precious, he had never seen Precious be vicious, but more like his mother's cat. The one he hated.

  "I don't know why you pay attention to that little maid." Lady Deirdre had scorn in her voice and Alexander felt rather inclined to walk away, but in polite society one does not do such things, especially when the girl you dance with is the host's daughter.

  He cursed his damnable luck and wished fervently that Kade were there. Women swooned at the sight of the man. Alexander grinned slightly. Kade would never come here…neither would Leroy, who is probably whom he was with, if he wasn't out being a terror for thieves and black hearts all around. He sighed, bored to tears, and finally the dance was over. He bowed graciously and tried to make his way over to Charlotte.


  Charlotte glanced about the ballroom, she had been offered to dance a few times but had shied away, nearly leaning into Anne for support. She also noticed people were acting odd around her…she was sure Lady Devon had done something, but she was not sure what. People were staring…and rather rudely too! It made her nervous and she hid behind her fan breathing an irritated sigh into it.

  Anne had been speaking with her mother and softly whispered to Charlotte "Apparently a letter went out that you would be here…someone from Alexander's home had stated you worked for him, and I mean worked…for him." She whispered behind a fan while they sat down. Her large expressive doe eyes held hurt and anger. "I could bludgeon that nosey woman with my fan!" she hissed suddenly.

  She gulped, “It was not Devon…”

  “Then who?” Anne asked with a shocked look.

  “Alexander’s Aunt wishes to be rid of me.”

  “Well, she’s doing a blasted good job of it. Hmph, I’ll inform mother- that husband stealing wretch will get what is her’s!”

  "Anne, don't wish such things for you are far too pretty to be mean." She touched Anne's hand.

  "Thank you dear, but really. People are being so cruel…" Charlotte chewed her bottom lip. “It breaks my heart to see you upset.”

  Lady Devon stopped Alexander in reaching Charlotte. The woman's eyes sharpened. "I hear that your little…ward, came with you.”

  “If you mean Lady Charlotte, she came with Lady Anne and her family.”

  “Ah, how lovely. Well, I am sure she can keep you occupied later…” Lady Devon’s smile dropped a notch.

  "I beg your pardon Lady Devon?" He felt his stoicism slip and anger replace it. He quickly reined it in.

  But Lady Devon was wiggling her way into another topic, "Oh, well my daughter is so happy that you are here. I am sure you could do another dance with her." Sure enough, Deirdre was at his arm, clawing at him to go to the dance floor. He stifled a curse and went, both women looking pleasingly smug.

  Charlotte saw Deirdre dancing with the Lion-masked man. She somehow knew it was Alexander and waited for the dance to finish. When it finally did he caught sight of her, and without leaving her gaze, walked up and bowed "Lady Charlotte."

  It was Alexander! Her skin flushed and he took her hand and softly kissed it. "Alex…" The whisper of his name sent thrills along his skin, and he felt it prickle in acknowledgment to the power she held over him.

  "Will you dance with me?" he asked.

  "I thought you would wait till the night was over…how rude of you to make me wait.” She teased.

  “I am a cad for doing so, but I can make it up now.” He lead her to the dance floor.

  Throughout their dance, Alexander noticed that people stared. It was not the type of stare he appreciated. It was as if Giselle were back in the fold at the beginning of her marriage to the late Cromwell, when everyone stared daggers at her. Charlotte seemed to be oblivious thankfully, and danced with the grace of an angel.

  But Charlotte did notice, and it terrified her, the way society could swallow her whole. The looks were polite yes, but their hidden meaning was filled with scorn and scandal. If it did work between her and Alex, would they ever get a moments peace? Would his fellow gentlemen scorn Alexander for accepting her?

  "You look like an Angel, Charlotte,” he whispered to her as they made a turn.

  "Well, thank you…you look very magnificent my Lord,“ she blushed again.

  "Hmph, more like a dandy." She looked in amused surprise at his comment.

  "My Lord, surely you do not clump yourself together with…" she look at a group of them, lily white, wiry Englishmen. "them?"

  "Heavens no!" he chuckled.

  "So, how did you become so physically different?" They did not touch at all, only the elbows and hands when needed. But that alone sent sparks down to her belly, when she recalled what those hands could do…Oh the possibilities. She realized where her thoughts were trailing to very improper paths and tried to focus on him instead.

  "I fight."

  "You… fight?" she said with her eyes wide.

  "Yes, I box…quite well actually. I also swim and handle Titan, you cannot be weak and handle such an animal."

  "Hmmmm, it makes sense,” she whispered eying the bulge of muscle beneath his costume. "Very lovely." She mused and she saw the green flash in pride. "Did I please you with this praise my Lord?"

  "It pleases me to hear of any praise from such a lovely mouth." She squeaked as they separated.

  "My Lord should not speak to me with such words, as it is quite inappropriate." She glanced around "It appears not everyone approves."

  "I care not for what society sees, only for what I know and I know I am enjoying a lovely dance with a beautiful woman,” He growled low as they turned and he leaned in precariously close. Enough she could smell his breath full of brandy and sinful delight.

  "My Lord knows that it is impossible to say such things,” she hissed.


  "I am your worker." She thought it an obvious fault of hers.

  But he did not seem perturbed, "You are a guest in my home. We are masked tonight, my dear. No one need know."

  “But everyone knows who I am thanks to the letter-”

  “What letter?” his face sharpened considerably. “Giselle…I’m going to have-” but Charlotte cut him off.

  “You’ll do no such thing, no
w calm down…” she gulped, wondering if this was the best time to bring the subject up. " Since we are talking of living arrangements, I have been offered to go to the Essex's estate and stay there, perhaps-"

  "No!" he nearly missed a step in the dance, his expression tightened.

  "But Lord Cromwell, your reputation-" she gasped.


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