The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) Page 22

by Amelia Clearwater

  "I caught Giselle slipping something into the stew I made you, when I set it down. We have no proof but Alexander is keeping her from you and the kitchens from now on just in case. He's been in a foul temper."

  Alexander stormed in and looked at her. "You're awake!" The anger lifted and he rushed over and cradled her head in his hands, before kissing her forehead "Sweetling…" she saw he had dropped the rabbit on the bed.

  She sat up slowly. She still felt cold, freezing. She wanted his hands on her again. That rabbit-her head hurt looking at it- looking so innocent with its fur and the ribbon and bell, tinkle-tinkle-tinkle. The bell rang more like a church bell than a child's bell in her head.

  “Here, Charlotte, I take it you still want it.” He was forcing a smile as he handed over the rabbit.

  "Apparently she was annoyed that you had him. Lottie's father apparently gave it to her."

  Lottie, that name again. Why did it hurt so much? Her father…what was his name. She should know.


  With that her mind broke like a dam, Charlotte felt the very second her sanity snapped and her inner self curled inward to protect her.

  Charlotte gazed at him and was confused when he looked concerned, as he handed her the rabbit. The bell tinkled in the air and the stabbing headache worsened. The bell rang like a gong as it hit the floor, the metal clinking harshly against the wood.

  “Charlotte?” His voice sounded so far away. His hands were reaching for her as she reached out to him.


  Oh yes, those hands…touch me Alex I am so cold.

  “Sweetling?” there was panic in his voice when her eyes rolled back.

  “I'm so cold…Alex, help me.”

  "I'll keep you warm sweetheart. You don't have to worry about a thing!"

  He looked on the verge of weeping, clutching her close to him, but her body swayed forward and collapsed limp against his chest. Once again, she was swallowed into darkness.

  Alexander nearly wanted to scream and howl in denial, she was so weak, and so tired.

  She was dying. And his mind refused to accept it when his heart knew it was true. Giselle was sent away to a country home, not allowed back just in case what was said was true. He made the excuse of not wanting her to tax herself and that Charlotte might die, he did not want that weighing on her mind.

  The woman had just shrugged with the explanation, as if Charlotte dying was inevitable. Alex clutched her tighter.

  It will not happen. "She's freezing Sophie,” he gasped.

  "Alexander she needs to be warmed up I can-"

  "No, get out. I will take care of her."

  "My Lord."

  "Get out Damn it!" he bellowed holding Charlotte closer.

  "Make sure the water is lukewarm. I will get it ready for you," she curtsied, tears in her eyes. Alexander kissed Charlotte's face.

  "My Sweetling, you cannot leave me. Stay here. Promise me."

  She lay still in his arms and his chest constricted.

  "Sweetling?" He kissed her eyelids, her lips her face everything smelled clean and fresh after Francesca had cleaned her and the bedroom up after a week of the poison had taken it's toll.

  He started stripping his clothing off in near violence buttons popped and bounced on the floor and he was left in his breeches out of sheer courtesy for Sophie.

  "We have to get you warmed up, Sweetling? Alright, Sophie is getting a nice warm bath for you ready and I'll be right here the whole time." He cradled her and he peeled off the cold sweat stuck night rail and chemise. When she was completely unclothed he cradled her, shielding her from even Sophie's eyes against his chest.

  "Is it ready?"

  "Yes, Sir. I'll sit outside. Let me know if you need anything, and Alexander?"

  He stopped and looked at Sophie. "The poison has left her body by now, usually they die within less than several days. But she is weak. You need to give her a reason to fight, for not many people survive poisoning of any means."

  Her words rang in his mind and he choked back a curse. "She will live." Sophie nodded and left.

  "Charlotte, sweetheart I am so sorry." He sobbed into her body when Sophie had left. He had not cried when his mother lay dying. He had not cried when his father died. But here was another half of him, one that he had nearly lost to another man. He could not bear to lose her to Death.

  He had been an absolute beast ignoring her, simply so he could get her name renewed and her position in society figured out. Wanting it to be a surprise when he solved the mystery that she had fretted over. . Alexander realized it didn't matter! None of it mattered. He didn't care if she was really the daughter of a poor farmer on the edges of Caversham- or a well-bred Lady. He wanted her. That fact simply would not change with her lineage or her status.

  Her status to society would not diminish the longing for her company, or the smell of her skin and hair.

  Now that he thought of it, the smell of her skin was different. It did not have that warm tone to it. She smelled like Death had touched her. He had felt Death like an unwelcome visitor in his home, from when he was forced to walk through the door to see what the poison had done to her, he felt the presence that had not relented to leave from her bedroom and made everyone shudder as they walked through the frame of the door.

  Death was there like a thief, waiting, and bent on stealing what he had so carelessly tossed aside over a misunderstanding that was his fault to begin with! Furthermore, he had then neglected her with the simple desire for her to have a title.

  With a determined and grim mindset, he gathered different lavender oils and sponges and towels and set them on the stool nearby the bath. Easily, he slid them both into the warm water.

  He would fight Death, and he would win. He had to or risk dying himself.

  Charlotte was shocked from her unconsciousness. She could not open her eyes, but she felt everything, the cold seeping into her bones. Then, suddenly, she felt warmth, on the edges of her skin. She no longer felt sick to her stomach as she had for day’s…maybe it had been years? Charlotte's head felt like splitting open.

  She felt strong hands trying to wash her arms gently with soap and oils. Her nose could smell it, but she could not twitch it in agitation at the onslaught of lavender and roses. He was murmuring to her now.

  "It's all right, Sweetling. We just need to get your warmed up." He was so sweet, so gentle; and she was still so cold.

  Alexander shifted her body closer and focused on getting her warmed. Finally after a few moments her skin no longer looked so pale.

  "I'm so sorry darling. I didn't mean to ignore you. I was trying to find out what you wanted to know,” he exhaled his pain into her neck and she wanted to desperately open her eyes to comfort him.

  It's ok Alex, I know you didn't mean to. It's all right. "I cannot lose you too."

  Her breathing had somewhat calmed down. Charlotte's mind was gently forming again, still unable to bear whatever calamity that had caused her memory loss. She only knew that Richard and Lottie were somehow in the mix. They, and the Rabbit had something to do with it.

  How did all of this add up? It was as if she were a needle and thread trying to piece together frayed pieces of fabric. The thread was only so long, and yes it would work…but it had to be done right, if not at all. Charlotte gulped in her unconsciousness and she realized she had been moved to a bed, warm and toasty.

  "Wake up Sweetling…wake up. Come back to me."

  How could she not oblige him?

  She opened her eyes and realized that a long time had passed. He was dead asleep across her lap, his hair tangled and flopping across his brow. His face pinched in stressful sorrow. Her hands were clutched in his own and her locket hanging in between them both. "Alex?" she croaked and he stared at her after blinking his eyes to get rid of the daze.

  "Sweetheart?" he exhaled exuberantly and sat up "Oh thank God," he gasped, leaning forward and clasping her face between gentle hands. "I thought you were gone."
He kissed her thoroughly and released her, striding over to the door and opening and hollering out in the hallway. "Sophie! Francesca! James! She's awake!" He was back to her side within two strides.

  Soon the entire room was filled with concerned gazes. James was at the door with Precious looking solemn and worried, even the cat looked ruffled the wrong way. Sophie, her usually relaxed demeanor stiff and silent, but tears streaming down her cheeks, as she clutched her apron. Francesca, bursting into tears, as well as Laura and Mary holding each other's hands in relief.

  "What on earth is going on?" Charlotte asked. “Who died?” Wrong thing to say everyone went stalk still “Oops…sorry.”

  "You've been unconscious for two weeks…" Alexander choked out.

  Francesca and Sophie nodded "Sophie had to purge you of the poison." Francesca whispered.

  "Poison?" Charlotte gasped.

  "Yes, the pie you ate, the one I made." Sophie shook her head. "I tasted it and but it was after you had some. I didn't know it was poisoned. It tasted off so I spat it out…and now I know why. I don't know what happened!" She burst into tears.

  “Sophie it's not your fault." Alexander comforted her with a pat on the arm.

  "So, who poisoned me?" Charlotte asked softly.

  "We don't know." Mary and Laura chimed in. "We were so worried Charlotte!" Mary gasped "You looked," she whispered the last word and everyone collectively shuddered.

  Alexander watched her tired eyes slide closed. "I am so very sleepy." He nearly wanted to yell at her not to go to sleep again. Never to close her eyes again and frighten him in such a way.

  "I thought you were gone," he whispered brokenly to her hair as he held her close.

  “I'm here,” she whispered. "I'm here."

  I'm here Alexander his mother had said- right before she had died.

  His family was poisoned…it just made it all the more terrible the more he thought of it, his poor mother- but she had also been sick…so was it just to quicken her death? Alexander knew these questions would have to wait.

  "I am hungry." Charlotte whispered. All of a sudden the room burst to life with Sophie bustling down to the kitchen, James going to get water. Mary and Laura wanting to get a bath run so Alexander could bathe her. She watched in awe as quickly her needs were assessed. "Has everyone gone mad?" she asked blatantly.

  Francesca chuckled as she patted her head sitting by her side as Alexander went to check the water himself. "No dear, we just very nearly lost you."

  "I remember you and Sophie taking care of me." Charlotte sighed, "I was really sick wasn't I?"

  "Yes dear, you were very sick." She smiled softly at Charlotte and glanced at Sophie who brought up a small bowl of soup. "Here we are!" she exclaimed happily and sat it down on her lap with a little napkin on the tray. "Eat up, you'll need your strength."

  "But don't feel you need to eat it all! If you're full that's perfectly fine!" Sophie said waving her hands.

  Mary was behind her, "Indeed we don't mind!"

  Charlotte laughed wholeheartedly. "I'm alright everyone, really. Thank you so much though."

  Within the next few hours she was sponged clean, toweled completely dry, rubbed with a lovely lotion and finally cuddled back into her bed. "Alex, it's alright,” she said winding her arms about his neck as he laid his body across her lap. She stroked his hair and his eyes closed in bliss.

  "You were so sick, Sweetling. Doctor Lambert feared the worst." he choked out.

  "Well, I'm right here." She saw tears in his gaze when it locked with hers, and was startled.

  “Alex?” she tried to sit up but he stopped her.

  "My mother said that before she died," he murmured.

  "Oh, Alex…" she leaned forward and laid her head on his. "It's alright." She kissed his forehead and he sighed "Thank you." she said softly.

  "For?" his eyebrow rose sarcastically as if to say, "What on earth did I do?"

  "Being so utterly wonderful."

  "Well, thank you." he whispered.

  "For?" He lifted his head and leaned his forehead against her cheek and sighed when she pressed her brow to his.

  "Loving me." He grinned wide and kissed her soundly.

  He got up when there was a knock at the door; he came back to the bed and knelt by her. "The doctor wants to see you, dear."

  Alexander sighed and stood up as Doctor Lambert walked in "How are you here so fast Doctor Lambert?" Charlotte asked softly. She felt as if a ton of bricks had fallen on her but kept quiet, as Alexander looked more than a little worried.

  "I stayed here Miss Charlotte." Lambert smiled at her warmly "Well, everyone needs to leave. I need to speak with the patient!" he smiled at her and Alexander and everyone reluctantly left.


  "Well, you and the little one are very lucky." Doctor Lambert stated solemnly and very quietly.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "I mean my dear you're pregnant. You were starting to get sick long after the poison was gone. You also complained of your chest being achy. And then, of course, you told Sophie randomly it was you’re…ahem Time. But you never bled."

  "Umm…But, wait how did the child survive?"

  “In all honesty, I am amazed it did. But we won’t be able to tell until there is have your courses.”

  Charlotte’s face was blank with dread and he hurried to comfort her "Don't worry dear. So, when did you two um…" he seemed embarrassed.

  "We haven't since…after the ball at Essex's." she blushed deeply.

  "So you're probably around two and a half months. Usually I would not approve of such a thing, but given the circumstances and also the fact that I have been Alexander’s family Doctor for years...Be careful who you talk to!" He had his kit and gently had her lie back and tickled her tummy feeling for what he wanted and sure enough he felt apparently what he was looking for and smiled widely "Yes, feels to be around a couple months or so."

  "You can tell?"

  "Yes! I am a doctor after all!" Doctor Lambert grinned, "Do you want to tell him?"

  She nodded her head. "Yes, of course!" she whispered in awe as her hand dropped to her belly. "I'm going to have a baby…"

  "Yes my dear you are."

  "Thank you." She said softly her eyes welling with tears. "Thank you so much…"

  "You are very welcome Charlotte. Or wait, I should say Lady Cromwell." He winked "We'll wait on doing that publicly." he patted her leg and smiled as he left tipping his hat to Alexander who rushed in.


  "Um…well…" she got up from bed wobbling slightly and looked down at herself.

  "What?" Alexander asked staring up and down at her as well. He feared that the doctor had given her a bad diagnosis.

  "Well…" she inhaled and looked at the floor length mirror and turned this way and that her head tilted. I don't look any different…Do I? "Do I look different Alex?" she asked softly.

  "What? No! You look ravishing. Come love you need to lie down." She waved him off and stared down at her hardly showing belly. She did notice a teeny tiny bulge in her lower tummy.

  A baby...She looked at Alexander's concerned expression. Not just any baby, his baby… "Alex…"

  "Hm?" He was hovering around her.

  He’s already so worried, not yet. She decided to wait and smiled at him "Can I go lie down?"

  "Of course you can sweetheart! Come, let's get you back to bed now." He guided her and got her tucked in safely. He hardly left her room all day and had James bring his papers to him. She felt happy as she ate her food and watched him lean over a table brought in for him and studiously go over expenses and other such things for the estate.

  "So this is what you do all day?" she asked from her bed.

  "Essentially darling, yes this is what I do." He grinned at her leaning on an elbow. "You look like a highwayman." she noticed he was unshaved and disheveled. "Hm. Do I?" he laughed and shook his head. "You are quite amusing Sweetling."

  Charlotte spent the rest of the day relaxing and resting as the doctor ordered; with Alexander there to make sure she was doing just that. It was not as if she had a choice in the matter as she soon found out. And with several days of doing absolutely nothing, she was feeling much better. Alexander had been carrying her outside to sit in the gardens, and guarding her like a hawk. She was lounging and nibbling on some bread, while Anne was on the other side of her in her own chair sipping cordial.


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