The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) Page 31

by Amelia Clearwater

  "Of course I am! Why would I not be?" he grinned at her childishly and sighed "I just was hoping to take you back home."

  "Alexander! No! We cannot, Kade is here we promised to see him, after what happened to Leroy."

  Alexander's face became grim and he nodded "Indeed. Who'd have thought he'd have been mauled by an animal in India." he shuddered.

  Leroy was terribly wounded and not allowing anyone to see him even though he was mostly healed since the injury had happened in summer of 1818. Alexander had been only once along with Kade and the sight had been gruesome enough to send him to the Tavern until Charlotte found him and dragged him home in a drunken, sorrowed heap and nearly knocked the drunkenness out of him.

  "And the poor dear just loves animals," she sighed "I hope he still will." Charlotte spotted Kade across the room swarmed by a mass of women. He stood stoically, quietly like a statue ignoring most of them. If anything he looked frightening. Despite how short their stay was in India…war had changed him. It was most obvious in his expression and it broke her heart to see the kindness he treated her children with only kept to small circles. "I do hope he finds someone Alex,” she whispered to her husband.

  "One day he will." he took his wife's arm and she sighed nuzzling herself closer, despite the strange looks. No one really bothered them as Lord and Lady Cromwell were often seen being very affectionate with each other despite polite society. Some thought it rude, others thought it vastly romantic.

  Alexander finally found Kade after letting Charlotte, Deidre and Anne go about their ladylike business of chatting.

  "Lincoln!" he clapped a hand on the new Duke's shoulder.

  “Must you- Cromwell?” He asked grimacing into his punch.

  "Congratulations on Dukedom." Alexander meant it too. “Though my condolences on your father.”

  “It’s alright, mother is sort of…well…mother.”

  “That must be fun,” Alex’s sarcasm was not lost. “But really, you earned it.”

  Kade snorted indignantly "Please, just because some puffed up Royal gave it to me...I had money without it." he shrugged. Kade was still upset about his adoptive father dying.

  "No, but now you have the power to back it up." Alexander made it seem like he was talking to a Royal and bowed.

  "I'm still the Guard dog,” his friend growled. Alexander shuddered at the mention of the nickname London had given Kade Morrison, Duke of Lincoln. He originally would not have inherited his adopted family’s estate, but having pleased not only his family with his investments from age sixteen and up.

  He had all but rescued four men including Leroy from being pinned down. The Regent had been very pleased indeed and had decided that when his father had died that the Dukedom of Lincoln would go to Kade, as long as he was prosperous and useful.

  Kade was always useful. That is till the Regent said Kade would also need an heir- Bollocks.

  They spoke of Leroy and his health; apparently he could hardly use his leg right now but still kept trying to walk. Kade said that the midwife he had brought from Scotland to care for him a Mrs. Pruicht was quite adamant that she would see him healed. Something about the runes foretelling that he'd need her, and apparently he reminded her of her lost son.

  Alexander sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair "Damnable what happened anyway?"

  "It was after we had been pinned by the Maratha insurgents- the treaty had been signed, but sadly they didn't care..." Kade told a short recount of the fight and battle. No gory detail, but then he came to the interesting part. "We had seen a white tiger."

  Alexander raised a brow "Was something wrong with it?"

  Kade shook his head. This was what no one believed. "It was beautiful, Alexander. I've never seen a creature like it in my life. But after it was gone, leaving us alone and we had gotten the other men to safety, Leroy and I had to hold everyone off. During the dead of night, we felt like something stalked us...and then it got him. I shot it. Dead."

  "Where is it?" Alexander asked with a raised brow - hoping the rumors were not true.

  "He's a rug in Leroy's home, kept in a chest- though now the Military wants him for the Navy.”

  “Whatever for?” I suppose some gossip has truth in them. Alexander thought.

  Kade continued, “They think he has great potential or some crock of nonsense like that. He’s actually thinking about it….but as for the tiger? Sentimental he is over the dead beast." Kade shook his head. "Wouldn't leave India without promise it'd be sent to him. A man we had spared in a monastery- he was a good friend, the devil I can't even pronounce his name it's so odd, sent the thing over."

  "Wonder why." Alexander puzzled over it.

  "Dinnae." Kade's lilt snuck in with his frustration. "At any rate, I have work I need to do Alexander. I need to leave. But I might stop by the Tavern for a quick nip. Want to join? Or is your bonnie lass keeping ye?"

  “I think we'll be heading home Kade." Alexander chuckled "But don't forget, Charlotte will be cross that you did not wait to see her."

  "I know, I know. But duty calls for the Crown." With that Kade left the Ball. A couple hours later he was in London.

  Not knowing that Fate had dealt cards that would forever change how he viewed life. Or that it would bring ultimate happiness and closure for others.


  Enjoy a excerpt of the second installment of A Rake’s Mistake Series. To Tame a Tigress.



  The Year 1818 September, London Nightfall . . .

  Kade inhaled the night air on his walk, the sounds of nocturnal animals reaching his ears. He despised the cobblestones, the dirt his boots scuffed up, and the tapping of his walking stick. He longed deeply for the earthy mush of Highland grass, or perhaps the lush rainforests of India again.

  The black cloak swirled about him as a wind kicked up. His ears picked up the sound of footsteps, having left Devon's estate perhaps five hours ago. He had wandered around the city of London remembering the differences of his homeland with this new country with every step. Granted, he had been taken from his home in a little unknown village so long ago that even he knew not where it was located.

  He tugged his hunting hat, shading his eyes so that he could disregard the prying eyes of those who hunted men in the night. His distaste for them made his blood run cold. He sniffed in disgust as one pawed at him as he made his way down an alley. “I can warm that tall form for you…” she purred.

  “I’d rather eat nightshade.” He growled.

  Kade moved aside and turned himself into a tavern, ducking into the warmth and darkness. The glow of the lamplight swung on the rafters as the stools and bar length was illuminated. The barman looked up and cracked a grin “Well, you’re here a bit early.

  “Yes, I am. So, my usual.”

  “Very well, Sir.” He watched Kade sit down.

  He grasped the glass hard and slung back the stinging painkiller with relief. That blasted Masquerade ball was a pain in the arse. He had more flocking ninny women fainting than a man like him should. “Terrifying”, was really the only way women described him.

  “Deadly too,” he mused to himself.

  Kade eyed the barman and raised a brow at the surroundings “Empty? On a night like this, Fawkes I am amazed.”

  “Well Sir, we haven’t been having much customers lately.” Really the only people there were a couple standing in the corner having a drink. They watched him though, and he didn’t like it. Kade couldn’t make out the woman but the state of her height told him enough. He sighed when he felt he was no longer being watched and set his empty glass down. He knew he would need more to be foxed.

  But, his curiosity about the pair near him peaked his interest farther than normal. The smaller one had a shroud about her- granted it may simply be her circumstances as he took in the pair’s hard worn looks.

  Emmaline stared at the broad back of the man who had walked in. Her pr
otector, for a short amount of time yanked on the rope around her waist, tied to his wrist. Her cape hid it, but it was so she could not run. Emma gulped down her wine and thought of her future. She was to be sold. And not just to anyone in particular, that would at least be something. No, she was to be sold as a concubine for the highest bidder.

  Why had she gone outside at night? Her mother was sick, and she needed medicine, but why did this have to happen? Now they had her, and would continue to care for her, but only if she followed. Her protector was tall and thin, gaunt and cruel. He sent a missing tooth grin at her. “Well, Love, you’ll fetch a fine prize for me, and whoever gets ya will put you up for sale,” he said quietly. “But first, you are going to prove you’re worth girl. And just how obedient you can be.”

  Emma blanched at the smell of his breath. Her ivory skin nearly bruised in the grip he held behind her cape. She was well covered by a shawl, hood and cloak.

  The clothes were nicer than the poverty-stricken ones she and her mother had to resort to- or was it settle for after her father died and the gambling debts rolled in? Emma couldn’t remember, but she did know one thing. They couldn’t get money from a dead man, but they surely could get it from her. That was how she came to be sitting on a hard stool with her freedom running away.

  Emma nodded when he withdrew a blade from his side “Well? Will you do as you are told?”

  “Yes…what is it?”

  “I want you to pick the pocket of that man o’vre there.” She looked at the broad back and her skin felt paler.

  “No, I cannot.” She had skill, but she had a feeling this man was not to be touched. When he had turned the spark of blue startled her. It was no peaceful gentleman’s gaze.

  “You’ll do it or I’ll gut you and tell the boss that your mum no longer is supplied for.”

  “Very well, you’ll need to let me go,” she whispered. Emma felt the rope loosen and she watched the tall man leave the tavern.

  As she got up her protector snarled at her softly “I’ll be watching.”

  But as she went to the door, the tavern keeper looked at her. Although not being able to read her face, he clucked his tongue. “I wouldn’t try it missy.”

  “I am not trying anything, Sir,” Emma replied.



  The day before…

  Emmaline stared at her hands as she sat at the table, her hair falling freely into her face she glanced about the sparse home that she shared with the coughing woman laying in the bed upstairs. Each whooping cough set her teeth on edge and worry shook her chest in spastic breaths. What am I going to do? Emmaline knew within her heart if her mother did not get care soon- she would die in a short amount of time, no amount of praying would fix what only medicine could.

  She nervously chewed her lower lip and glanced about, the pantry was bare, having been scarce of servants a few years prior when gambling, drink and depression caused it to simply be unaffordable. Emma crossed her arms fending off the chill and lack of fire, after eating porridge for the past few months and watery stew for supper and weak tea, she hardly remembered te privileged life she had in France. If she closed her eyes she might be able to taste the luxury of a dark tea and honey. Or a fresh baked scone filled with French country made butter.

  If she sat down and thought a bit more, with a touch of imagination she could envision the home lacking Death’s touch- especially in the back room. Where her father died…her head snapped to the side as if shaking herself from the barrage of images- blood, coughing, sewing flesh, her mother’s grim face as she worked over Thomas…and then the rattle.

  Emma heard her name being called, it ripped her from the memories and she went to take care of her mother. But as she left the bedroom, she heard a knock at the door. The doctor was there for his final free visit. And after gathering the money she had saved from working doing small errands for the older neighbor, she went out when the good doctor left.

  She had not meant to be gone long, no not at all, just round the corner to the apothecary to buy the herbs her mother needed, but that was not to be. Upon rounding the corner, her entire world was attached to a rope about her waist and a dagger in her ribs.

  Emma now watched the man carefully as her vision focused in the dark. He was so much taller than she, how was she going to pull this off? If she didn’t what would happen to her? Her mother? Maman the word left her mouth dry and filling with bile. No! She had to get this done. No matter how terrifying this man was, she needed to be strong despite her fear, small she was- cowardly she was not.

  Kade strolled leisurely. He did not sense anyone behind him and felt better after a few drinks. He tapped his walking stick on the ground with each long stride and looked up at the now looming full moon. He missed India, having lost many friends in battle when Britain took over after fighting Maratha Empire.

  He felt the ache on his heart. His close friend Leroy must still be off researching for that apparition they had seen. Leroy now worked at the Exeter Exchange and handled a vast number of exotic animals that came their way, hoping to come across it again.

  Remembering his friend brought a smile to his face. He easily walked down a small alley to find a carriage on one of the main roads. He suddenly felt the wind tug his coat as a breeze picked up. But then felt small dainty fingers reach to the front his breeches where his coin purse was.

  Then he realized it was the same feeling he had when the wind had tugged his coat. Enraged, he spun. “Damned whores, you never think twice do you!” he thundered, snatching the tiny wrist that was so close to his coin purse.

  Emma’s heart quailed as the large hand snatched her up. I’m done for!

  The powerful man swung around with her wrist held at a precarious height so her feet were on the tips of her toes. Even held this way she hardly came up to his upper chest. His blue and grey eyes looked like smoked glass, uncaring and unfeeling. He couldn’t be that old…perhaps mid twenties.

  Emma wondered what had caused his gaze to be so lifeless. “Please Sir, I-” she started and he flung her back roughly so she stumbled a few steps before landing flat on her back with an oomph!

  He was a sight to behold as she fell back, it seemed as if in slow motion. He was tall, lean, and his sharp features frightening in the way his brow pinched in anger. His lips were thinned down to a line, before he bared his teeth in anger and let out a sound of rage. Something about him was deadly and yet compelling to look at. She felt her breathing hitch.

  Then, slamming back to reality as the wind left her lungs, she choked out a cough. Her hood slid down her hair, which had come undone from the pins and combs. The breeze swept up Emma's body as it went by again. The wind was supposed to help hide her advances. In the end it turned out to be her undoing.

  She scrambled back from the shadows and squinted when a shine all but blinded her. Emma thought it was a gaslight, but she was horribly wrong. He had a sword hidden in that cane. The light of the moon had struck it, and her lips opened for a short squeak of terror.

  “You will pay for your foolish act, you harlot.” He growled low as he stepped forward.

  He watched the tramp fall backwards into the shadows and snarled at her. Disease infested wretches! Rake he may be, but he hunted the ladies of whom he knew were not plagued. Long had he gone with no touch rather than lower himself to a tart of the streets. He wouldn’t harm her, just scare her witless.

  Kade’s eyes focused and he felt his breath quicken. When he took two more steps and the small harlot bolted. He caught a glimmer of light blonde hair. Yet again, he snatched up her wrist with lightning reflexes and lifted her high up again, with his sword poised at her throat.

  No real harm, just to teach this tart a lesson.

  Kade stopped when bright robin’s egg blue eyes stared back in complete horror. She was nose to nose with him, and he could see her clearly now, and she took his breath away.

  The clear skin that covered her facial structure an
d obviously delicate bones looked as smooth and soft as buttered cream. The dusty blonde eyelashes that ringed her wide eyes were long and swept gracefully. His eyes roamed across the tiny curve of her nose down to the small, but sensually full mouth.

  Emma was breathing hard, her heart nearly leaping from her chest. She was going to die, either that or suffer from horrible injuries, how could she get out of there? Her eyes darted back and forth to see a way out. “Do not even try.” He growled.

  Her hair was half hanging from combs its length indiscernible, but he couldn’t quite tell what she was wearing with the strange cloak. He easily unhooked the latch on it and it fell away revealing very poor clothing, threadbare and worn out. Whores, no matter what rank, dressed to entice, and this was the exact opposite.

  She seemed as covered up as a nun, with the exception of the blocked neckline of her dress showing cream peaks held up by a corset. The loose sleeves of her under shift had fallen down her upright arm and her skin felt like rose petals against his fingertips.

  “I didn’t mean any harm Sir. I-“ she winced “My wrist? I am not a-um-....”

  “A whore?”

  She nodded vehemently; blushing beet red and then confused by her predicament shook her head just as hard.

  “Hm, confused about it eh?” If he wasn’t so angry, he might have laughed. Kade lowered her so her feet touched the ground fully, but did not relinquish his hold on her wrist nor his placement of the sword.

  “What the deuce are you doing wandering at this night if you are not a light skirt?” he growled low in his throat.


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