JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3)

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JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3) Page 5

by Taylor Lee

  “May I come in?”

  Knowing how upset he had to be, Mac wasn’t surprised at Jorden’s expression. It was beyond pained or distressed. He looked shattered. She wanted to comfort him. Tell him everything was all right. That as far as Chloe and her friends were concerned, the party had been a rousing success. Instead, she nodded to the patio and raised her glass. “I’m having a nightcap. Would you like to join me?”

  He gave a sharp snort and nodded. “I’m not drunk, but I’d like to be.”

  As they passed through the kitchen, Mac grabbed an extra glass. When they got to the patio she poured them both a healthy shot. Without speaking, she raised her glass in a silent toast and tossed it back. When he did the same, she sunk into her chair. “Do you want to talk?”

  Jorden shook his head and walked over to the counter. He refilled his glass and tipped it back, emptying the glass. He was quiet for a moment, staring at her. His face was tense, contorted with a mix of anger and pain—and an intense expression she couldn’t decipher.

  He shook his head. His voice was harsh. “Talking is the last thing I want to do.”

  When she quirked an inquiring brow, he said, “You know what I do want to do, Mac?”

  She shrugged. “No, what?”

  He narrowed his gaze and glared at her. “I want to have sex.”

  Mac grabbed as much air as she could into her collapsed lungs and fought for a nonchalant response. “With me, or with her?”

  Jorden’s face flamed with anger. “Jesus, Mac. Just sex, for Christ’s sake. All I want is sex.”

  Mac steadied her breath with an effort. When she was sure she could speak calmly, she asked, “What you do you want me to do, Jorden? Be specific.”

  He leveled her with a hard stare. “I want you to suck me off.” His voice hardened and his eyes flashed dangerously. “I want you to drain me dry. Suck every goddamned drop of cum out of me.”

  Mac gave an involuntary snort. “Well, that’s impersonal—and specific enough.” She thought, and tossed her head. “On one condition.”

  “Name it!”

  “That you eat me out after I’m done with you.”

  Jorden didn’t try to hide his surprised start. He held up his hands in a “what can I say?” gesture, his eyes contorted with a mix of surprise and lust.

  When he didn’t answer, Mac stood up and put her glass on the table behind her. “I’ll take that as a yes?”

  At his studied silence, she met his gaze as she moved slowly toward him. “I presume you want me in front of you…on my knees?”

  His eyes flashed with an unreadable expression. His lip curled up at the corner. “Is there any other way?”

  Determined not to show her anxiety, Mac dropped to her knees in front of him and sat back on her heels. She studied the enormous bulge tenting his expensive trousers, then sucked in a deep breath and flicked her fingers at his belt. “Take it off, counselor.”

  He nodded, then slowly unbuckled his belt and stripped it from the belt loops. Holding her gaze, he wrapped the belt around his hand and held it in a tight fist.

  Mac choked back a gasp at his aggressive stance, then motioned to his zipper. “Unzip it.”

  When he narrowed his gaze, she added, “Slowly.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, he slowly unbuttoned the button on his pants, then eased the zipper down. His aroused cock strained against his underwear.

  Mac swallowed what little spit she had in her mouth and prayed that she could manufacture enough to speak. Her voice was hoarse, but at least it was audible. “Drop your pants, counselor, and step out of them.” She rocked back on her heels and added with an impudent smirk, “Given all the things I plan to do to you, and the places I plan to suck, I’m going to need you to spread your legs—wide.”

  His cheeks flamed with heat and he snorted a harsh grunt. Kicking off his expensive loafers, he bent over and shoved his pants to the floor, taking his underwear with them. He rose to his full height, his fists clenched at his sides, baring his naked front to her. Grasping his engorged penis at the base, he held it out in front of her. Pressing the end of his weeping cock against her lips, his voice was low, guttural, thick with innuendo.

  “Sounds like you have a full agenda, baby.” He added with a gruff snort, “Don’t you think it’s time you get started?”

  Chapter 7

  Determined not to show her surprise, Mac stared at his penis as if it were something she was accustomed to seeing. It was anything but. She’d had men before. She’d even performed fellatio on several of them. But she had never seen a penis like Jorden’s. It was, in a word—a masterpiece. Seeing the smile that caught the corner of his lip, it was obvious he saw her rapt response. To keep from losing her nerve, she reached for his impressive member, barely able to circle it with her hand. Closing her eyes, she leaned against him, pressing her face against his groin, reveling in his musky maleness.

  From his startled jerk she knew she’d surprised them both when she whispered, “You…you’re beautiful, Jorden.”

  She glanced up at him, not quite sure how to proceed. She swallowed hard, and chewed on her bottom lip, studying him.

  He groaned and buried his fingers in her hair, pulling her toward him. His face was flushed, his eyes narrowed, as he stared down at her. His musky male smell shot an electric current of sensations through her hyped-up nerve endings. The drop of moisture on the swollen end of his cock spoke to her. Surprised at her daring, she stuck out her tongue and licked at the spicy pre-cum hovering in the swollen slit. His harsh groan was her reward. She didn’t try to hide her excitement at his agitated response. Grasping his penis in both of her hands, she pulled him toward her.

  She circled the end of him with her tongue, running it around and around the sensitive glans. She licked the erotic place just beneath the head, eliciting a harsh male sound.

  He grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his cock. “Stroke me, baby.”

  When she started rubbing his erect cock up and down between her hands while circling the sensitive glans with her tongue, he cried out, “Jesus, Mac. Like that. Just like that!”

  She felt his muscular thighs tighten and his groans grew deeper, raspier. Wanting to entice him more, she moved up between his legs. Summoning her courage, she tipped up her chin and met his heated gaze with an impudent grin. Shoving at his thighs, she purred, “Spread ‘em, counselor, so I can get to these.”

  She slipped her hand under him, and cupped his balls and began to knead them. She was rewarded by his surprised gasp and loud moan. Not waiting for him to instruct her, she sucked one hard ball into her mouth and rolled it across her tongue, then released it and sucked the other into her mouth. Gratified by his trembling legs and harsh gasping pants, she took a deep breath and whispered, “I want you, Jorden. I want to taste you, suck you deep into my throat.”

  At his agonized grunt of agreement, she drew him into her mouth. He held her head tightly between his hands and ordered her in a gruff voice, “God, yes, Mac. Do that, baby. Suck me in deep, hard.”

  Feeling his thick cock filling her mouth, Mac felt a shocking rush of electricity jolt her pussy. She almost cried out at the intensity of the desire flooding her vagina. Hearing his hard moans and demanding instructions, she began to squeeze and release him with her mouth, the way she wanted to do with her pussy. When he held her head tighter and began to thrust, she licked her fingers and audaciously ran one, then another, around the tight rim of his ass. At his surprised shout of approval, she pushed both fingers into the tight hole and did something that she’d only read about. Arcing one finger, she probed deep into his ass, reaching for and finding the sensitive prostate gland. His wild, piercing cry was her reward.

  He began to pump into her mouth, then pulled back.

  “Christ, Mac, you’ve gotta stop, I’m going to come, baby.” His voice was hoarse. “I’m telling you, sweetheart. I’m not going to be able to hold back! You gotta stop, now!”

  Instead, Mac began to suck
him in, harder, deeper, matching each of his thrusts by clenching then releasing him.

  His voice was harsh as he warned, “I…I can’t hold back, baby. Jesus God, Mac, I’m gonna come!”

  Not letting him pull away, Mac sucked him deeper into her throat. With a harsh groan, he arched back, thrusting his cock against the back of her throat, then with a fierce animal cry exploded deep inside of her mouth.

  Mac sucked and tasted every drop from him, rejoicing in the waves of passion coursing through his shaking body. After several long moments, she released him, then buried her face against his groin, not wanting to let him go or the heady moment to end.

  Gasping audible breaths of air, Jorden slid down the wall, landing on the floor beside her. When he reached out and pulled her next to him, she knew she should stand, end the moment. Instead, she leaned against him, not wanting to let him go.

  Jorden struggled for air. It felt as if he were sucking through a miniscule straw that would only let brief puffs of air through to his oxygen-starved lungs. Christ, he reminded himself, this was not the time to collapse. He had a woman to make love to. He reveled in the memory of Mac gazing up at him, anxiousness and excitement warring across her expressive face. When she saw his cock, a look of wonder lit her eyes. Damn, he shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d never been that hard in his life. And that was before she wrapped those luscious lips around his fearsome staff and began to suck him as if her life depended on it. He groaned, acknowledging that his sure as hell had. Finally getting control of his breath, and reasonably certain he could stand, he reached for her. To his surprise, she scooted away and stood up.

  He narrowed his eyes and said in a teasing voice, “Hey, where do you think you’re going, Coach Durant?” He rose to his feet, gratified that his quivering legs held him upright. He lifted his chin, motioning her to come to him, and held out his hand. “It’s your turn, remember?”

  To his surprise, make that shock, she shook her head. Straightening her tank top over a lush pair of breasts that he was eager to get his hands and mouth on, she tugged at the gym shorts that had been riding up her ass. She stepped back several steps and said, “Uh-uh.”

  He frowned at her and started to close the distance between them, but she held up her hands.

  “Sorry, counselor. Unlike you, I don’t do ‘just sex’. And I’m not into being sloppy seconds.”

  He didn’t try to hide his surprise. “I don’t understand, Mac. Surely you don’t think…”

  When he reached for her, she put up her hands again. Her voice mirrored her agate-hard gaze. “Sorry, Attorney Justice. You need to leave. Now.” She added firmly, “My house, my rules.”

  She strode past him and said over her shoulder as she pulled her bedroom door closed behind her, “Lock the door on your way out, counselor.”

  Jorden stood silently outside on her porch for at least five minutes. It took that long for the passionate quakes vibrating through his body to morph into hard, cold anger.


  Jorden let a day go by without contacting her. He wasn’t sure he could talk to her without letting her know precisely what he thought about cock teases. As the day passed, he admitted she likely had a few choice expressions to throw at him. In fact, she had. “Just sex?” Okay, he’d set himself up for that one. But “sloppy seconds”? That was beyond the pale. She actually implied that he had come from Francine to her. On one level that was true, but sure as hell not in the way that Mac implied.

  He had spent the day shoring up his legal defenses against his ex-wife. Paul Ojakangas confirmed that Francine had hired local counsel. And her choice was a good one. Mary Ellen Lundgren was a tough, hard-bitten negotiator who’d earned a national reputation representing domestic abuse victims. An ardent feminist, she didn’t hide her scorn for the male gender. Given the tortured women she’d represented and the scum that had abused them, Jorden didn’t blame Mary Ellen for concluding that men and gutter snakes inhabited the same slimy level of existence.

  He respected her and had often recommended her to women who could afford her outrageous fees and who weren’t content with a public defender. The fact that he and Mary Ellen had a cordial relationship didn’t reassure Jorden for a minute. He’d seen the pit bull attorney take on some of the wealthiest, most important men in the community. She’d run them into the ground, personally and financially. He admitted with a sigh that Francine’s choice of an attorney was inspired.

  “What time is your practice, Chloe?”

  Chloe’s voice over his cell phone rang with excitement. “Why, Dad? Do you think you can come and watch me? I hope so. You aren’t going to believe the things I’m learning. Seriously, Mac is the best coach ever. All of us are learning things we never knew. Some of the girls don’t like her. They think she’s trying to make us play like boys, but I think she’s great—”

  Jorden interrupted her. “Yes, honey. I had an earlier day in court than I expected and thought I’d swing by the gym and see if I could catch some of your practice. If you don’t have too much homework, we could stop at Giorgio’s for pizza after.”

  Hanging up on his daughter’s enthusiastic response, Jorden felt a twinge of discomfort at his duplicity. But remembering Mac haughtily showing him the door the night before, his embarrassment turned to anticipation. Yes, Coach Durant was a phenomenon in ways he couldn’t have imagined. But he wasn’t without unexpected layers of his own. The coach may think he was the stuffy brother, the one not lapping at every pussy that slinked across his path, and she’d be right about that. He was much more selective than his brothers. But when it came to hardcore, down and dirty sex, he was confident there wasn’t a thing his brothers had done that he hadn’t. He chuckled, remembering Jared’s surprise when they’d shared a couple of women—“Fuck, man. And I thought Jude and I were bad. Who’d have thought the uptight brother would have schooled me? Floggers, butt plugs, nipple clamps? Christ, man, who taught you? The Judge?”

  The whistle blew and the girls headed to the sidelines, surrounding the redheaded coach who crouched down in the center of the circle, her playbook in hand. Jorden listened as Mac spoke to the exhausted team. Like a practiced trainer, she had something positive to say to each of them, but also had constructive criticism. Indeed, she gave each girl a specific task to work on until the next practice, making it clear that she expected to see improvement.

  There was no question that she’d seen him on the side of the court. She hadn’t been able to couch her surprised reaction, or her deliberate attempt to ignore him. But he was prepared for her. When Chloe announced to the screaming girls that her dad had come to treat them all to Giorgio’s for the best pizza in town, the coach tried to beg off. But her team was insistent that she join them. As she strode by him with her chin in the air, he shot her a grin and a triumphant wink. She ignored him and loaded four of the girls into her car heading to Giorgio’s for pizza—and him.

  After they’d eaten and the convoy of parents had pulled up in front of the pizza parlor to retrieve their daughters, Jorden sidled up to her and spoke to her for the first time that evening. He grasped her arm so that there wouldn’t be any doubt about his intentions.

  “I’ll see you later, Coach Durant.” He added softly for her ears only, “Don’t lock your door, tiger. I’d hate to have to break it down.”

  Chapter 8

  “I’m glad you’re up.”

  Mac stood in the doorway, blocking his entrance. Her fierce scowl and rigid posture confirmed her anger. “I’m always up at this time. What do you want, Mr. Justice?”

  Jorden chuckled. “You owe me something, McKenna. And I’ve come to collect.”

  Mac tossed her head and glared at him. “Really? I would have thought you owe me something. For example, an apology.”

  He laughed aloud, a harsh sound strafed with danger as much as humor. “Oh honey, we’re a long way past apologies.”

  Without asking, he strode into the room, then reached behind him and locked the front do
or. When she tried to walk past him he caught her arm. “Not so fast, Coach Durant. You’re not going anywhere tonight I’m not taking you.”

  Delighting in her shocked gasp, he continued with a caustic smile. “Let’s recap, shall we? Two nights ago you had the pleasure of sucking off my very impressive cock. You drained me dry. Hell, you even got to enjoy my excitement when you fingered my ass and went straight for my prostate. I’d be lying if I said that you weren’t the first woman who dared to do that to me. Gutsy, McKenna. Very gutsy to go for my ass.”

  Mac flushed at his explicit recital. “Really, counselor—your language.”

  He huffed a snort. “Honey, I have more than dirty words in store for you.”

  When she tried to pull away, he tightened his grip on her arm and shot her a narrow frown. “Let’s see, what did you do after you’d sucked me dry and brought me to the floor? Oh yes, I remember. Haughty little brat that you are, you threw me out. Kicked me to the fucking curb.”

  Twisting hard, Mac managed to free herself from his tight grip. She tried to back into the dining room, but he was on her before she could get away. She bumped up against the table, then leaned against it, her hands grasping the table for support. When she glanced at the bedroom door, planning her escape, Jorden laughed.

  Looking over his shoulder at the king-size bed visible through the doorway, he said with a taunting chuckle, “That’s probably not your best choice of escape routes, honey. But then as I said before, you aren’t going anywhere until I collect on what you owe me.”

  “Damn, you, Jorden. I don’t understand. What more could I possibly owe you that I didn’t already give you?”

  He reached for her and wound his hands in her thick mane of dark red curls. Tipping her head back, he held her in place with a narrow glare. His threat was low, insinuating. “Oh baby, you owe me so much more. And, darlin’, just so you know? You’re not going to show me the door tonight or ever again. When I’m ready to leave, I’ll leave. Not a minute before.”


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