JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3)

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JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3) Page 11

by Taylor Lee

  As other players surrounded Chloe and Marcia, Jorden took the opportunity to edge closer to Mac. He grinned, acknowledging it might take him a while to get near her given that the crowd surrounding her was as big as the one around the girls. He gaped at the beautiful woman. With her tall, lithe body and fiery hair tied up in a ponytail, she looked like one of the players. Her gorgeous smile lit her flushed face and her eyes were shining as brightly as Chloe’s as she laughed and talked with the fans. Over the heads of the crowd, he caught her eye and smiled at her and gave her a big thumbs-up. She nodded, and returned the gesture with a one thousand watt smile.

  Jorden allowed himself a moment to marvel that Mac was in his life. It was ironic. He hadn’t been personally threatened in so many ways since the horrible years of his marriage and traumatic divorce. Even with Francine doing her best to once again ruin his life, Mac’s presence gave him an equilibrium that he hadn’t had before. As disturbing as the custody battle was and as disheartening as Chloe’s betrayal was, he felt a surprising undercurrent of—dare he call it joy? All due to a dark-eyed, redheaded feisty woman with a laugh that brightened his soul and a smile that lit the dark corners of his life. If he were brave enough, he’d call it love. Instead, he just called it Mac.

  He hadn’t been with her since the night Jude dropped him on her doorstep as drunk as he ever got. It should have been a low point, proof that he’d hit bottom. Instead, he’d had one of the most glorious and most erotic nights of his life. He laughed, knowing that he’d never look at Thai food the same way again. Rather, green curry with shrimp and lemongrass would forever be potent aphrodisiacs in his mind. And as for the limited idea that dining room tables were for eating, that notion had expanded dramatically. Feasting was the more accurate word that came to mind.

  Now that Emma was back from basketball camp and both girls were in school, he and Mac hadn’t been able to connect in person. But they’d spent long hours on the telephone each night, talking about everything from basketball, the custody mess, to which element of their three extraordinary nights of erotic play had been the most surprising. Jorden had learned the efficiency of texting when it became the one sure way to connect with his daughters. When phone calls didn’t work and e-mail was hopelessly passé, texting and WhatsApp became a surefire way to reach his girls. But texting took on a whole new dimension when he and Mac started sexting.

  Much later, Jorden would be amazed that he had been so deluded, that he could have forgotten or least ignored the heights that Francine would scale to make his life as difficult and challenging as possible. He learned how foolish he became when he was within touching distance of Mac, and was about to close that gap when he heard an unmistakable voice.

  “Chloe! There you are, darling. My goodness, it’s taken me hours to get through this crowd. Who would have thought that a high school basketball game would draw so many people?” She added with a grating laugh, “But given how little there is to do in the not-so-exciting metropolis of Duluth, I imagine high school sports are a big deal.”

  Francine’s clothes were the only thing more inappropriate than her caustic put down of their city and the game that both of her daughters loved. Francine had always known how to make an entrance. Her arrival at Chloe’s birthday party had confirmed that her flair for the dramatic was as strong as ever. However, the outfit she chose to wear to the basketball game reached a level of inappropriateness that was shocking, even for Francine.

  Skintight silver lamé toreador pants were topped by a matching, low-cut halter that did more to reveal her enhanced breasts than being naked would have. Her mane of thick, platinum blond hair hung in shimmering waves past her shoulders and down her back. A gaudy silver necklace, matching bracelet and four-inch dangling earrings helped to make her ensemble close to ridiculous. Her five-inch strappy sandals that put her in range of the tallest men in the crowd completed the incongruous image. As unfortunate as her clothing was, her garish makeup did Francine an even greater disservice. The prominent blush, heavily glossed lips, bright turquoise shadow and black eyeliner might have worked in a dimly lit ballroom. Unfortunately, the glare of the gymnasium klieg lights only served to emphasize the impact of drugs and alcohol on someone even as familiar with plastic surgery as Francine was.

  Jorden’s first impulse was to protect his daughters. He quickly strode through the crowd and stood next to the girls. Emma stared at her mother as if she didn’t know who she was. Knowing that Emma had been at camp when Francine crashed the birthday party, and that this was the first time she’d seen her mother in several years, Jorden wasn’t surprised at Emma’s wide-eyed wonder. Chloe, on the other hand, had the decency to look embarrassed at Francine’s over-the-top appearance. However, when Jorden put his arm protectively around both girls, Chloe shoved at his arm and stepped toward her mother.

  Chloe’s voice was strained. “Hi, Mom. I’m glad you could make it. I was hoping you would come. Did you see the end of the game, my free throws?”

  Seeing Francine’s dismissive gesture, Jorden knew that she hadn’t. Ignoring Chloe’s attempt to push him away, he stepped up beside her and addressed Francine. “Good morning, Francine. I hope you did see the end of the game. It was a spectacular finish. Chloe’s free throws with thirty seconds to go in the game were the winning shots.”

  Francine glared at him and literally sneered. “Really, Jorden you know how I feel about basketball. It’s such a noisy game. And unlike football, it’s played indoors in a smelly gymnasium. Besides, I never did figure out how to keep score.”

  She smiled at Chloe and said, “But that’s good, sweetie, that you got some good hits.”

  When Chloe flushed, Francine added, “And of course good that you won the game.”

  To Jorden’s surprise, Emma stepped forward and held out her hand and said in a shaky voice.

  “Hi, Mom, I…I’m Emma.”

  Francine hugged her and said with an ingratiating laugh, “Really, Emma, as if I don’t know my own little girl.” Glancing at Emma’s basketball uniform, she groaned, “My goodness, darling, don’t tell me that you also play this rowdy game. Or are you a mascot for Chloe’s team?”

  Jorden tightened his hold on Emma’s shoulder and pinned a narrow gaze on Francine. “Actually, Emma is a basketball star in her own right. She just made the feeder team for the Wildwood high school team, which means Emma has a chance to make the JV team when she’s a freshman. She has a game this afternoon, at one o’clock. It would give you a chance to see her play. I know you will be impressed.”

  Emma lit up and said, “Could you, Mom? Come to my game?”

  “Oh, my dear, as much as I would like to, Chloe and I have a big day of shopping after lunch at Georgio’s. Maybe some other time.” Francine looked back at Jorden and shook her head. At least she dropped her voice before she said with a snort, “So like you to get both girls involved in the sport that you played when you were in high school. I would have thought you’d let them choose their sport. But then, you always need to be in control, don’t you Jorden?”

  Before he could respond, Mac stepped forward and held out her hand. “Good morning, Francine. It’s nice to see you again.” She nodded to the uncomfortable-looking man standing to the side. “You too, Bart. I’m sorry you missed the game. It was a terrific comeback for the team.”

  Francine looked her over as if she was a piece of rotten meat that she was being forced to consume, then nodded. “Oh yes, I remember you. We met at Chloe’s birthday party.” She glanced at Mac’s Wildcat t-shirt and sniffed. “Aren’t you a little old to be playing basketball? Or are you the water boy…or girl?”

  Mac laughed, treating her insulting comment as a joke. “No, I’m definitely too old to be either a water boy or girl. I’m McKenna Durant, the new Wildwood Basketball coach. I coach both Chloe’s and Emma’s teams. Both girls are talented players. It’s a privilege to coach them.”

  Glancing from Jorden to the girls and back to Mac, a knowing expression lit Francine’s a
zure eyes with a demonic glow. Mac’s matter-of-fact demeanor, appropriate clothes, and wholesome natural beauty were such a contrast that even Francine must have known that she didn’t come off well in comparison. Jorden decided that had to be the reason that Francine unsheathed her claws and openly attacked. She sneered at Mac and said softly, “My, my. You really are making a move on the Justice family. Both of my daughters? And my former husband? Hmm, it looks like I got back to town just in time.”

  Chapter 16

  Mac glanced in the mirror trying to decide if her outfit was appropriate for a quiet dinner with Jorden. If they were going to a restaurant, she’d know what to wear. But Jorden had insisted that he wanted to cook for her at his house. Trying to decide what would look casual, that wasn’t her typical shorts and a t-shirt, she finally decided on a short skirt and lacy halter. Her reflection in the mirror confirmed that the skirt showed off her long legs, as did the platform sandals. But it was the lacy see-through top over a flowered bandeau with just the right touch of sexy illusion that convinced her she’d made the right choice.

  Following Jorden’s instructions, Mac turned off the highway and drove down the winding road deeper into a heavily treed expanse. Just when she was sure she’d made a wrong turn, the forest gave way to a stunning view of Lake Superior. Hovering on the edge of the hill overlooking the majestic waterway was a low-slung, contemporary structure. Pulling into the curved driveway, Mac admired the array of colorful flowers and shrubbery lining the front of the impressive house. She parked her car and walked up the flagstone path to the massive double doors decorated with unusual door handles and an intricately carved knocker that looked like the head of a snake. Taking a deep breath, she lifted the knocker and let it fall with a soft clang.

  As impressive as the house was, it was the man who opened the door that stole her breath. No matter how many times she saw him, Mac always had to stifle a surprised gasp when Jorden appeared. He was simply the most handsome man she’d ever seen. As always, his casually elegant shirt and pressed trousers emphasized his tall, lean physique. The flecks of gray at his temples highlighted his almost black, neatly coifed hair. His strong jaw and chiseled features gave him an aristocratic presence. Only his full lips curved in a slight smile and the gleam in his slate-gray eyes hinted at the sensuous power lurking below his distinguished persona. But it was the authoritative aura emanating from him that caused a flurry of butterflies to take up residence in Mac’s nether regions.

  Mac could have felt insecure at the overwhelming man in the doorway if not for the appreciation shining in his eyes as he reached for her hand and pulled her close to him.

  “Damn, Mac. How do you do it? No matter what the occasion, you always know what to wear.” Smoothing his hands over her hips, he let them rest at her waist as he gazed into her eyes. “Not only do you always look beautiful and sexy as hell, but you’re always appropriate for the occasion.”

  Mac gave him a slight smile. “As compared to…?”

  Not bothering to say to whom he was referring, Jorden shook his head with a disheartened sigh. “God, I want tonight to be about us, Mac, but she’s like a fucking plague. She’s invading every part of my life. My work, my relationship with the girls, and even with you.”

  “Yes, we do need to talk about her and we will. But let’s not let her get to us, Jorden, at least for a while.”

  Mac glanced around the beautiful great room at what looked more like a contemporary lodge than a house. An extraordinary fieldstone fireplace that opened on both sides divided the expansive space into discrete areas. Two of the twenty-four foot walls were almost entirely comprised of windows, providing a stunning view of Lake Superior. A mix of Native American paintings and sculptures blended artistically with truly exquisite contemporary art.

  Mac turned to Jorden wide-eyed. “Good grief, Jorden, your house is extraordinary. Although, it doesn’t do it justice to call it a house. It looks more like a contemporary architect’s vision of the ultimate lodge. But instead of mounted heads of bison or deer or even bear, you have an amazing collection of art.”

  Jorden’s expression sparked with pleasure. “Thanks, Mac. Not necessarily an architect’s vision, but definitely mine. After my divorce, I decided the last place I wanted to live with my daughters was in the McMansion that Francine insisted we buy. Naturally, it was the most expensive house in the new development and I hated it. Everything was oversized. God, did you ever see ‘little boxes on the hillside, all made out of ticky tacky...And they all look just the same’? Try big boxes. Our house had six bedrooms, three living rooms, five bathrooms, and…” He stopped in mid-sentence and put up his hands in defeat. “Christ, I can’t get rid of her even when I’m in this refuge that has brought me nothing but joy.”

  Mac put her arms around him. “Too bad, Jorden. Now that you’ve confessed that you’re the architect who envisioned this amazing place, I want to know everything about it. How you chose each piece of art, how you conceived every clever structural detail, and no shortcuts!” Mac walked over to a stunning Jackson Pollack-like painting. “For example, I think I know the artist. Is it a Mati Russo?”

  When Jorden nodded, Mac pointed to the exquisite stone carving beside it. “This is what I mean. The Russo painting is striking on its own, but showcasing it beside this beautiful Ojibwa sculpture makes each of them even more spectacular.”

  Forty-five minutes later, after a room-by-room guided tour, Jorden pulled her into his arms. They were standing on the wrap-around deck that allowed spectacular views of the remarkable surroundings. To the south was Lake Superior with the sprawling marina on one side, night light views of the city of Duluth with its hilly streets and historic mansions on the other, and to the north were views of the famous Superior forest.

  He tipped up her chin and gazed into her eyes “Thank you, McKenna. You allowed me to experience this haven through your eyes. It has always brought me peace…because the only people I’ve allowed in it are people I love.”

  Mac startled at the implication of his words, then strove for nonchalance. “Does that include people you ‘lust’?”

  To her surprise he didn’t laugh, instead he looked serious, very serious. “McKenna, I know I sound like an idiot, but…I…yes, goddammit, I lust you in a way I never have a woman. You’ve stoked my wicked mind and awakened parts of my body that I didn’t fucking know existed. I want to do things to you and with you that I haven’t since Jake and I were in Thailand in our early twenties.”

  Doing her best to act casual, Mac asked with a nervous giggle, “Is…is this about the belt?”

  In an obvious attempt to mimic her casual tone, he grabbed her and pulled her up close to him, a grin quirking his lips. “Oh honey, taking a belt to your pretty ass is the least I plan to do to you.” He added salaciously, “For example, I’m gonna tie you down and do things to you that you’ve only dreamed about a man doing to you. And sweetheart, you’re going to be—”

  She finished his sentence, “Begging you for more?” Her hoarse voice betrayed her nervous arousal.

  His laugh was rough as he tightened his grip. “Yeah, McKenna, you will be begging me for more…but before we find out what nasty things you’ve imagined, that don’t begin to approach what I’m going to do to you in real life…I need to tell you…”

  Jorden breathed a hard sigh and forced her to meet his serious gaze. His voice dropped, but he managed a relatively confident tone. “It’s more than lust, McKenna. I…love you.”

  When she gasped in surprise, he put his fingers over her lips. “Don’t, Mac. Don’t say anything.”

  His gaze darkened further. “I know it sounds crazy, and that it’s way too soon to tell you that. But I need you to understand. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything for a woman other than how to scratch an itch. I admit, like all the Justice men, I have a healthy sex drive and have done my part to keep the Justice brothers’ profligate reputation alive and well. That’s not something I’m particularly proud of, especially
now that I’ve met you. But, Mac, as insanely hungry as I am to take you physically in every way possible, what I feel for you is so much more.”

  Mac swallowed hard and bit down on her lip to keep it from trembling. She forced herself to meet his gaze. His intensity should have frightened her and it did. She agreed that it was much too soon, if ever, to be talking about love with this man she barely knew. And, she thought grimly, who most definitely barely knew her. But she couldn’t deny that the feelings she felt for him were far beyond casual, or only physical. She understood the confusion she saw in his eyes, his rigid jaw. She felt it too. Gathering her composure as best she could, she determined not to make light of his admission. “Jorden, what can I say…”

  “You don’t need to say anything, Mac.”

  She shook her head. “Yes, I do. You don’t know me, Jorden, not really.”

  She stopped him when he started to interject. “Please let me finish. Like you, I have had important relationships. One that was painful and particularly damaging. That said, like you, I…I’m overwhelmed by what is happening between us. On the one hand it’s so intense that it’s frightening, but it’s also exhilarating. Powerful beyond anything I’ve experienced.”

  Mac swallowed again and forced herself to continue. “Being honest, Jorden, I confess that I’m scared. I’m afraid of the way I feel. I want you in ways I’ve never known. When you tease me—only I know you aren’t teasing—that you really do intend to do outrageous things to me, I…I want you to. I know I sound ridiculous…confused. But…” She shook her head and looked down, feeling helpless to explain.

  “Mac, look at me.”

  Startled not only at his firm command, but at the way her body responded, Mac did as she was told. His fierce expression scared her but also sent a cascade of dizzying sparks across her tightly strung nerve endings causing a mini explosion between her legs.


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