Blood Howl

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Blood Howl Page 14

by Alex Kidwell

  Eventually though, he did manage to stand upright, gently shoving Red into the car and choosing to crawl over him to reach the other side. Mostly because that way he never had to stop touching him, pausing to straddle his waist and rock their hips together, panting breaths lost between frantic, hungry kisses. “Fuck,” Jed muttered, forgetting all over again why he had the keys in his hand.

  “You need to drive really fast,” Redford announced, once Jed had gotten over to the driver’s seat. In an effort to keep himself from being further distracting, he’d linked his hands together and put them in his lap, although that didn’t stop the slight squirming. Which was utterly distracting all by itself.

  Reaching over, Jed slid his hand down under Red’s, grinning as he cupped the hard curve of his cock through his jeans. “Really fast,” he agreed, slamming the car in reverse, screeching them out of the parking lot and back out to the highway. Driving one-handed was a skill he’d picked up a long time ago; driving while horny, however, got him every time. Still, it wasn’t like he was completely helpless.

  His thumb rubbed lightly along the outline of Redford’s dick. Jed glanced over at him, hungry for his reaction, wondering if he really could get him off before they’d even gotten home. It took some doing, but he managed to unbutton Red’s pants single-handed, groaning when he got his fingers wrapped around the heat and tight length of him, grinning when Redford mirrored his moan and pushed up against his hand. His boxers were shoved aside in favor of Jed grasping his gorgeous cock, thumb gently rubbing the head, fingertips dancing down to explore the fullness of him. “You’re big,” Jed moaned happily, wanting nothing more than to wrap his lips around him. “God, babe, you’re fucking beautiful.”

  “That’s… good?” Redford blinked at him, dazed. Sprawled out in the passenger seat, rumpled and flushed, he didn’t seem to care that they were in the middle of traffic and could be seen. He was too busy trying to shove his pants down further so that Jed had more room. Which Jed definitely took advantage of, his hand running down to the thick base of his cock, thumb finding the sensitive vein on the underside, teasing him even harder.

  Redford’s legs were spread, his eyes glazed, and Jed suddenly realized he was probably the first person to do this with him. This was the first time another’s hand had found all those secret places, had discovered just how warm his skin could be, how velvet smooth above all the hardness. He was gorgeous in his lust, and Jed stared at him, hand slowly caressing him, until the car behind him honked his horn and he jerked his head back toward the road with an oath.

  “Yeah, sugar,” Jed said, need making his voice rough. “That is very good. I’m going to get you inside of me, and I’m never letting go.” Redford’s only reply was a quiet groan, a murmur of his name, and Jed couldn’t help the smug smirk that twitched at the edge of his lips. He’d already reduced Redford to incoherency.

  Thank God they were close, because if he really was going to give Redford his first time in the front seat of some shitty station wagon—and like hell were they moving, so the location was pretty set—it wasn’t just going to be with his hand. Slamming the breaks on, Jed threw the car into park and reached under Redford’s seat to slide it all the way back. Luckily, he was fairly flexible. Crawling between Redford’s knees, kneeling on the floor, he happily got his first good look at him.

  The flush from his cheeks had curled down his chest, disappearing under his shirt to show up again, swirling along his thighs. Jed bowed his head to lick the trail of it, broad strokes of his tongue tasting Red’s skin. His hand tightened slightly, stroking along the hot length of him, base to head. He wondered what Redford liked, if he’d ever touched himself like this, if he’d come thinking of someone else’s hand.

  Kissing his way up the inner curve of Redford’s thigh, he watched his face, completely taken in by his reactions. The dark glaze of arousal had turned blue-gray eyes stormy. Red’s head was thrust back, lip caught between his teeth, little groans and whimpers shuddering through him. Nipping lightly at the crease of his leg, Jed turned to study his dick. It was gorgeously thick, long, and curved ever so slightly, and it was all his. For the moment, it was completely his, and Jed intended to enjoy every moment.

  It started with his tongue gently teasing against the slit. He used both hands to wrap around him, feeling his erection twitch and harden as he slid his palms up and down. “Tell me if this is okay,” he murmured, eyes locked on his face. “I want to taste you, baby, please.”

  It was evident then, that Redford really had never had sex, because he was wearing a look of utter shock that Jed’s tongue was going anywhere near his cock. “I—it’s—shouldn’t we move into the house?” he managed, and that definitely wasn’t a protest. “I want to touch you too.”

  With a smirk, he reached up to take Redford’s hand, knowing exactly what he wanted. It was what they all wanted, really, and he very much didn’t mind it. He put Red’s hand on the back of his head, showing him how to guide him, before returning his attention to that gorgeous hunk of man meat he had laid out so temptingly. Pursing his lips over the head, he gently took in just a mouthful, just enough to hollow out his cheeks, to let Red get a sense of what was to come.

  Lowering his head, he swallowed more of him, the tight flesh filling his mouth, bumping against the back of his throat. Jed’s tongue pressed lightly against the underside of his cock, lips stretched around him, and he pulled back slowly, eyes fixed on Redford’s. Here was where he figured it out, Jed knew. That dawning of realization, the heady rush of control—he’d seen it a thousand times before when the guy on top finally understood that he really was just a warm, wet hole for them to use. He wanted it that way.

  Any minute now.

  What happened instead was Redford grasping his arms, pulling him up onto the seat and kissing the hell out of him. A tentative hand settled on Jed’s thigh. “I couldn’t touch you when you were down there,” Redford explained in a murmur, and it was cramped as hell, but suddenly they were both sitting on the seat in a confusing tangle of limbs, facing each other, Redford kissing him like it was the main event.

  Confused, Jed pulled back just enough to see Redford’s eyes, face tugged into a creased frown. “You… that was a blow job, Red. You’re not supposed to touch me. You’re just supposed to… you know. Get off.”

  This was good too, though. Jed let his hand idle down the curve of Redford’s hip, running back to explore along his ass. They fell into another kiss, hungry and desperate, like they couldn’t get close enough. Jed gripped one ass cheek and used it to tug Redford in, his leg hitching around his waist, their hips grinding together to send little popping explosions of friction all along his spine.

  “I don’t want to just ‘get off’,” Redford breathed against his lips. “I want us to… be together.” Struggling for the right words, he searched Jed’s eyes, smiling a little. “Maybe in your bed and not a cramped car seat.”

  Stunned, Jed let his fingers trail along Redford’s jaw, following a path they already knew so well. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, a knot twisting in his stomach, a heat that had nothing at all to do with arousal. Kissing Redford again, so gentle this time that he ached with the contact, Jed helped him do up his pants. Tumbling out of the car, he straightened his shirt, running fingers through his hair and holding out his hand for him to take.

  Not a fucking clue about what he was doing, and Jed’s heart was hammering in his ears so loud he was surprised he wasn’t deaf, but there wasn’t any turning back now. Everything he wanted was right here, and any regrets they might have were locked firmly in the future. For the moment, this was all he could imagine. The constant threat of Fil was pushed aside—not forgotten, not ever, but waiting for nightfall gave them some free time to kill—in favor of the sweet curve of Redford’s lips, for how well they fit together, stumbling through the door to his apartment, never once letting go of each other.

  “Bed,” Jed panted against his lips. “God, please, right now.”

“Definitely,” Redford agreed breathlessly, urging them both toward the bed. He nearly tripped over a chair, laughing as he grabbed Jed’s arms for balance, looking victorious when he all but toppled onto the bed and the mess of sheets, pulling Jed on top of him for another kiss. “We’re too clothed,” he continued in a mumble, tugging at Jed’s belt.

  “You’re a goddamn genius.” His fingers got tangled up in Redford’s, and it took far too long to remove a simple belt. Probably because they refused to leave off kissing, their lips as tangled as their hands, tongues fighting and breaths harshly lost between them. Finally though, Jed was kicking his jeans away, turning his attention to getting Red pants-less again. “Pants off, now,” he ordered, happily sliding them down Redford’s hips and tossing them across the room.

  Shirts were easier, though they required a horrible period of separation, and then they were wound in each other’s arms with nothing but skin between them. Pulling back, panting, Jed stared down at him, wide-eyed, swollen lips, and short hair tousled.

  After a long moment of silence he looked back up at Redford and whispered, awed, “You’re beautiful.”

  Though he was obviously a little overwhelmed, Redford sat up, putting his palms flat against Jed’s chest. Exploring, he moved them downward, curling around Jed’s hips, leaning forward to kiss him. “I’ve been daydreaming about this,” Redford confided, ever so lightly trailing his fingertips down the length of Jed’s cock, eyes wide in surprised pleasure. “About touching you like this.”

  A quiet moan rumbled in Jed’s chest, and he arched upward into the featherlight touches. “Me too. Since I met you.” The admission didn’t come easily, but Jed figured he was already in for a pound. Might as well throw the penny in after.

  “I, um.” Redford flushed, biting his lip as he tried to figure out how he was going to voice his next words. “I have all these ideas, and I’m not sure if they’d even work. I’m not really… I don’t know how this goes.”

  Chasing the bite, catching Redford’s lower lip in his teeth and sucking it gently, Jed smiled. “Tell me about the ideas. I’ll do anything you can dream up, sweetheart. I promise, nothing is too dirty. What do you want? You could fuck me, nice and deep, so hard we both see stars. Or I could suck you off, like I started in the car. I have a great mouth, trust me. I was born to suck cock. What is it you imagine?”

  If possible, Redford turned even redder. “The… fucking part.” He all but buried his face into Jed’s neck, but he was laughing a little, well aware of his own awkwardness. “I wanted to touch you. And I wanted… to have you inside of me. To be inside of you.” Jed was pretty sure Redford had just turned the approximate color of an overripe tomato. An overripe tomato making a very good start at dirty talk. “Anything to do with you, really.”

  “You’re going to fuck me,” Jed decided with a slow grin. “Maybe then I’ll get my mouth on you. After that, we have the whole rest of the day.” And maybe the night—if he didn’t hear back from his contact at City Hall, giving him the names on the leases of the buildings he’d targeted, he had a whole lotta ammo and nowhere to go. “Me inside of you is something I’m definitely interested in. We got a bunch of ground to cover, don’t you think?” Teasing, he dragged his tongue down to curl around Redford’s nipple, the darkened flesh hardening under his attention.

  “Do you remember when you took a shower, that first day?” Jed asked in a murmur, busy trailing his lips down Red’s side, exploring the curves and dips of his muscles. “And I told you about water conservation? I just really wanted to get in there with you.” He flashed an impish grin up at Red. “I’m a big perv. Sorry.”

  “I would have liked that.” Redford smiled back at him, returning his fingers to Jed’s cock. There was nervousness in his movements, but that didn’t stop him from curling his hand around the head, ducking down to watch what he was doing. “I may have freaked out if you had, though,” he admitted.

  “May have?” Jed was very proud that his voice remained steady, his eyes half lidded as he tried not to beg Redford for more friction. “I would have had to peel you off the ceiling like a wet cat.” His expression was fond though, as he ducked his head to pepper kisses along Redford’s shoulder. “I’m just glad you warmed up to me.”

  Redford buried a laugh in Jed’s chest, beginning to get into the proper rhythm, twisting his hand in a motion that made Jed’s toes curl. “Maybe now that I have, we should do something about it,” he said lowly, the words buried in Jed’s collarbone.

  “What do you think we’re doing, baking bread?” He tried to grumble, to look put out, he did, but unfortunately Redford’s fingers were long and gorgeous and perfect, and just as he glared at him, Red hit the spot at the base of his cock that made him whimper like a puppy getting a bone. “Oh, fuck,” he hissed, for a moment doing nothing at all but giving himself over to the friction, to the way Redford’s fingertips played along his skin, the soft sound of his hand sliding against him.

  “Top drawer,” he managed, pressing his forehead against Redford’s shoulder, hips moving now of their own accord. “The tube and the condom. We’re going to need them.”

  Redford reached out with his spare hand, blindly rummaging through the drawer, though he looked confused when he finally found the tube Jed had directed him to. He appeared to recognize the foil packet, but he stared at the flip-top tube as if it were a mystery. “Why do we need this?”

  Taking it and quickly slicking up his fingers, he gave Redford a kiss and moved down his body, sucking and nipping until he finally got to his cock again. God, he could spend the rest of his life with this in his mouth and be perfectly happy. “Lube,” he explained, if that could be considered an explanation, before happily closing his lips over the head of Redford’s dick, humming contentedly. Kneeling between Redford’s legs, he reached around behind himself with one hand, rubbing his lubed finger over his own asshole, then gently pressing the digit inside with a low groan.

  His tongue played around the underside of the head of Redford’s cock, sucking lightly. The salty sweet taste of him filled his mouth, hot and heavy on his tongue. Jed slipped his mouth further down, free hand circled around the base of the heavy length, bumping into his lips as he took more of him in. His finger was buried inside of himself now, sliding in and out slowly, and Redford’s cock was bumping the back of his throat, coating his tongue and filling him up deliciously. This was complete and utter bliss.

  Redford was sprawled back on the bed, weight propped up on his elbows so that he could watch, eyes dazed and darkened with arousal. He seemed to be trying to look around Jed, the curiosity in his expression mixed with need. “What are you doing?” he managed, the words broken off into a moan.

  “Getting ready for you,” Jed answered, adding a second finger and hissing quietly at the welcome burn. He slid his lips down the side of Redford’s cock before he sucked the head back in, moaning happily. Slipping his fingers in deeper, crooking them just so, he choked back a groan and buried his nose in the softly curling hair at the base of Redford’s cock. He smelled like musk and masculine spice, tasted like salt and sweat and heat, and all Jed wanted to do was stay just like this, vibrating with pleasure and need. There was no reply forthcoming from Redford. The other man had his eyes closed now, collapsed back on the bed, biting his lip like he wasn’t sure what to do with all the pleasure he was experiencing.

  Three fingers now, and Jed knew he couldn’t hold out much longer. Pulling his mouth away from Redford’s dick with a reluctant sigh, he leaned up to kiss him. Trailing his tongue down to the hollow of his throat, he groaned as he let his hand fall away, as he was suddenly so very empty. Not that it would be hard to fix that. Ripping open the condom, he rolled it over Red’s impressive cock. “You ready, sweetheart?” he breathed, resting his forehead against Redford’s, panting around the tight ache of need.

  It took Redford a few moments to understand what he was saying, while Jed waited not-so-patiently. Redford opened his eyes again, dazedly fixing
on Jed’s face, before nodding rapidly, like if he didn’t say yes fast enough then the opportunity would be snatched out from under him. Or over him, as the case might be. “What do I do?” Redford’s hands trailed over Jed’s sides, settling onto his hips. “Are you going to enjoy this too?”

  “Oh, baby,” Jed laughed, the sound stuttering out into a needy groan. “You have no idea.” Covering Redford’s hands with his own, he slid them around to grasp his ass, groaning as their joined fingers trailed down to his hole, around the curve of his cheeks. “Just do what comes naturally,” he urged quietly. “Trust me; you’ll figure it out.”

  Teeth catching his lower lip, head thrown back, he let himself sink down onto the hard length of Redford’s cock. It was thick, the head filling him up so beautifully. He had to pause, breath a harsh, staccato pant in his chest, letting himself adjust. Relaxing enough to ease downward more, taking him in deeper, Jed knew he was making noise. Whimpers and half-formed pleas, Redford’s name a muttered prayer as he lowered himself, inch by glorious inch, onto the full swell of him, although his sounds might just have been drowned out by Redford’s pleasurably surprised moans.

  He wasn’t expecting Redford to flip them, but all of a sudden it happened, Redford hovering over him with an expression torn between need and question. For someone who had never had sex before, he managed to turn them surprisingly well, never losing their connection. “Is this okay?”

  The only possible answer was to pull his head down for a harsh, messy kiss, hooking his legs around Redford’s waist and moving them together. He felt so fucking amazing, thick enough that there was the faint burn of stretching every time he moved, the head of his cock pressing in so deep it took Jed’s breath away with every thrust. Fingers wound into long, silky strands of his hair, Jed encouraged him to find their rhythm. It was a little awkward at first, Redford clearly not knowing what to do, how to move, which angle was best. Jed freed up a hand to wrap around Redford’s hip, showing him how to rock into him, starting slow and deep, losing his breath into Redford’s lips. “Like that,” he encouraged in a mumble, in a half whispered groan. “Don’t think, don’t think, babe, just fuck me.”


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