The Emperor's Mage

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The Emperor's Mage Page 15

by Clark Bolton

  Yi-La was led past a throne-like chair where a long, squat table sat on an enormous carpet. Cushions surrounded the table and as Me-Ta gracefully sat down she gestured for Yi-La to do the same. Together they opened the lacquered box to reveal the potion vial within. It too was marked with an Owesek seal identical to the one on the box.

  Although too small to see well, this seal looked also to have the name Yi-La had first noted on the box she had held for most of the day. It made her wonder what the name meant, and why Master Gang’s seal incorporated it.

  Me-Ta held up the potion as if to examine it closely before smiling at Yi-La and asking, “A precious Naralok potion, is it not?”

  Yi-La took this as a request for confirmation to which she quickly replied, “Yes, Your Esteemed Ladyship.”

  “Mmmm…” Me-Ta purred before saying, “…Call me Lady Me-Ta, please.”

  Again the voice in the back of Yi-La’s head spoke. “Like the eyes, the voice,” it said. This time she could feel a warmth coming from her ring, and for a moment thought she saw arcane-energies surrounding both her and Lady Me-Ta.

  Yi-La couldn’t resist lifting her hand with the ring on it, to grasp absently at the faintest of glows arising between her and the lady. The wispy energies avoided her hand, and when she found herself meeting Me-Ta’s gaze she became embarrassed at her actions.

  “Sorry, Lady Me-Ta…I felt a little dizzy,” Yi-La proclaimed.

  It wasn’t exactly a lie as the endless splendors of the Forbidden-Gardens did threaten to make her swoon at times, and she could hardly admit that she was chasing enchantments. She did her best to remain calm and attentive for the rest of the short meeting, though she was sure now the arcane-glow was from two colliding sources: her ring, and Lady Me-Ta.


  Yi-La spent the next six nights sleeping on silk sheets with fresh rose petals sprinkled about her pillows. Sitting up in bed was enough to signal two personal servants to rush in and attend to her every need, making her wonder why Pesnu-Jok was withholding such treatment from her. Going back to the Chey seemed not so urgent the longer she stayed in the lady’s palace.

  “Will Lady Me-Ta be expecting me this morning?” Yi-La asked the handmaidens as they dressed her.

  “Yes, Fu-Sa,” the two said in unison.

  “Okay,” Yi-La muttered as she let the two prepare her.

  The number of luxurious gowns she had gone through since her arrival was becoming alarming to her, but no one around her gave the slightest hint of concern about it. In fact, another one had been laid out already for her this morning. Chusey and Rooch would likely show up before she was expected to attend to Me-Ta, and would no doubt make a series of quick adjustments to the gown.

  “Who else will be there?” Yi-La asked, though, in fact, she knew the two eunuchs would be a much better source of information.

  “Sorry, we don’t know, Fu-Sa,” one of the young women replied.

  Yi-La nodded her head acceptingly. “That’s fine, just send in the eunuchs when you’re done.”

  “Yes, Fu-Sa,” they replied, once again in unison.

  Normally when she attended Lady Me-Ta there was a slew of other ladies present, some of whom were other consorts. They would chat endlessly about court matters that amounted to little more than gossip, Yi-La concluded. Still, it was fascinating to be a small part of the court.

  “Did you hear something?” Yi-La asked the women when she thought she heard a wailing sound.

  It made her heart race as it reminded her of the flight of the dragon, whom she had been told by others in the court had indeed been the Imperial-Chancellor Tu-Dak-Po. Walking to the door that led out into her private outdoor sitting area, she glanced about nervously.

  “We heard nothing, Fu-Sa,” one of the women told her.

  Yi-La looked down at her ring and saw that it glowed ever so slightly, and was perhaps starting to tingle. Alarmed, she ducked back into the room, and hurried over to the door that led into other areas of the palace. Peeking out, she looked for the telltale signs of arcane-energies but saw nothing. Closing her eyes, she tried hard to recall a detection cantrip, but could only come up with a very simple one that mostly involved the detection of elemental magic.

  Casting it made her heart race even more, though it also seemed to sharpen her wits. Now she could see a line of energy seeping through the wall of the corridor across from her chamber.

  “What is this?” she muttered.

  The line was moving well past her now, on its way toward the grand hall of Her Esteemed Ladyship’s palace. In a panic now, Yi-La looked about frantically for something or someone that would tell her what to do. The magic was strong, she could tell, and if such had been displayed at Key-Tar-Om School she would have been expected to report it immediately, she was sure.

  “Call for help…no…I mean call Rooch and Chusey, quickly!” she told the women as she slipped on her sandals. “Have them find me.”

  Slipping back out into the corridor, she began slowly walking along the trail of arcane-energy. It was fading, which gave her confidence that she was doing the right thing by following it. Moments later, she was passed by rushing eunuch guards, heading in the same direction she was.

  She very much wanted to warn them but before she could think of what to say they were out of sight. Shouting could be heard now, and then gongs started to sound. A minute later the whole palace erupted into motion, and so women, guards, and administrative eunuchs hurried by in all possible directions.

  Pressing on behind a group of people, she got her first glimpse of the morning into the great hall. Arcane-energy glowed brightly from a single source here that looked to be a man who was now slowly approaching the podium. The man seemed to float slightly above the floor as he stopped at the steps. Here were nearly a dozen eunuch guards with spears pointed menacingly at the floating apparition.

  She knew the man, Yi-La told herself, but wasn’t quite sure who it was, only able to see him from the rear. It was the robes that suggested to her that it was Master Sey-Laht, whom she had only seen three or four times previously. He had come to Key-Tar-Om with Master Gang, but since helping to bring her back here to the capital he had kept his distance. Master Sey-Laht was even more elderly than Master Gang, and so she could guess why he had chosen to levitate here rather than walk.

  “Your Esteemed Ladyship, we have issued a summons for the dragon-mage Yi-La” came Master Sey-Laht’s booming voice. “Two days have passed.”

  Yi-La could tell the voice was being magically enhanced, and when it sank in that he was looking for her, she nearly gasped aloud. All this was somehow her fault, she thought, and now she had to come out in plain view of the obviously incensed master.

  Lady Me-Ta looked composed as she stood on the podium behind her guards. After a slight pause the lady called out, “No summons has reached me, Fu-Si.” She then bowed slightly. “Forgive us, please, if the yellow-robes have failed to inform that such had arrived.”

  With the conversation going on, Yi-La felt justified in delaying coming out of the shadows, thinking perhaps they would reach a compromise that would mean she could avoid further trouble. But an instant later, that idea was crushed as Master Sey-Laht motioned toward a closed door that suddenly flew open to reveal yellow-robes in the presence of a terrified Narween.

  Clutched in Narween’s fist was a crinkled scroll which looked to be bearing an Owesek seal. Thinking that Narween must have been holding it for the past two days, Yi-La felt great concern for her and so hurried toward her friend. She had to press her way past several eunuchs, who were now intent on restraining a struggling Narween.

  “Release her!” Master Sey-Laht commanded before giving Yi-La a very disapproving look.

  The eunuchs froze with indecision as they looked from the mage to Lady Me-Ta. Fortunately, Me-Ta appeared to capitulate, and so with a wave she dismissed the eunuchs. Yi-La then took several steps with Narween toward Master Sey-Laht, before deciding it was best to
start groveling for forgiveness. Crouching down on her knees and elbows with forehead pressed to the floor, she waited to see from which quarter retribution would come first.

  “You have violated the sanctity of the Forbidden-Gardens, Fu-Si,” Me-Ta told the mage in a flat tone. “Unless I’m mistaken, you’ve not yet joined the ranks of the yellow-robes.”

  “I’m sure, then, I would see you in a better light, Your Esteemed Ladyship,” Sey-Laht retorted. “But no, I simply am not here.”

  With that said, Master Sey-Laht’s image faded away only to reappear in the entrance way to the hall. He then commanded Yi-La to follow, which she hesitantly started to do while desperately avoiding eye contact with Her Ladyship. After two steps she thought to rush back to start dragging a still-prone Narween after her.

  The apparition that was Sey-Laht led Yi-La and Narween across the grounds of the Forbidden-Gardens to the mage-gate. From this side Yi-La could see that the gate was adorned with a gigantic Owesek seal. It intrigued her enough for her to try and read the name on the seal as she tried hard not to think about what was to come. It was, however, a name she hadn’t seen previously, and before she could figure out its pronunciation the gate opened, despite the best efforts of several eunuch guards.

  “Ahh!” the guards cried when Sey-Laht’s suddenly glowing eyes wilted their resolve.

  Quickly running by the crouching guards, Yi-La and Narween ran down the red-washed steps leading into the mage-quarter of the inner-city, just as Sey-Laht faded entirely from view. They didn’t have a moment to recover before Narween motioned toward a distant Master Gang, who now stood unmoving outside the main Chey building.

  Happy for the moment to see her master, Yi-La rushed toward him but soon realized his demeanor wasn’t going to be at all accommodating to her plight. Without a word he turned his back on her when she neared, then motioned with a finger for her to follow.

  The hall of the Chey was lined with Seechen who bowed one after another as Master Gang passed by. When Gang reached a bowing Pesnu-Jok, he declared, “I have been remiss and over tolerant.” Turning then toward Yi-La and the entire hall he added, “Or so I’ve been told.”

  Yi-La fell shamefully to her knees, “Forgive me, master,” she pleaded.

  Master Gang seemed to ignore her for a moment before he commanded, “Remove that gown!”

  The command left her frozen with indecision as to exactly when she should do this, but when Master Gang waved in the Seechen to assist her, it was clear he meant this instant. Yi-La didn’t resist as the Seechen pulled, and even tore, at her fine gown in their hurry to get it off her. Mere moments later she was left on her knees in her underclothes, feeling completely humiliated.

  With a condescending look, her master informed her, “You will wear only the gray of the apprentice, and you shall not paint your face…nor any part of you…nor shall you adorn your hair!”

  Yi-La waited on her knees with head bowed as the Seechen pulled painfully on her hair to remove the hairpiece she was wearing. “Yes, master,” she said humbly as she crossed her arms to try and maintain some dignity.

  Moments later the Seechen began to wash her face with harsh, caustic soap, and rough towels. It was as if the lady’s palace had been a dream world of soft linen and enchanted perfumes. She clenched her eyes shut to drive her resolve to get through this without crying; also to avoid the soap.

  “You will attend me at all times…” Master Gang told her. “…Let no Seechen stand in your way.” Gang said this last part as he glanced first at Mage-Chancellor Pesnu-Jok, then out across all who were assembled.

  She replied barely above a whisper, “Yes, master.” This was then echoed by Pesnu-Jok.

  Gang stared back down at her, and for a moment she thought he might actually take pity on her, but then he declared, “My apprentice shall answer only the summons of a dragon-mage…save that of His Imperial Majesty.”

  This pronouncement caused a slight shudder to run through the hall, and made Yi-La’s mind whirl at the apparent weight of the command. She pictured the Imperial-Chancellor and the Lady Me-Ta commanding her presence, and couldn’t see how even Master Gang could ask her to ignore such.

  “None!” Master Gang yelled out forcefully when he apparently saw the questioning looks on the faces around him. This resulted in everyone falling to their knees and bowing their heads to the floor. “Attend me!” he snapped at her as he turned to leave.

  Yi-La quickly stood, then found she had to carefully step over and around kneeling Seechen in order to obey. Silently she followed her master out of a side door of the Chey, and down paths to a smaller building which she knew to be his personal residence. She had been within only a few times, and never for long. Thankful when they got inside before more could see her exposed like this, she tried to be as quiet and as out of mind as she could make herself.

  Inside she followed him to the double doors that marked his personal study, and here he turned to say, “Get yourself cleaned up, Yi-La. Your studies begin when the sun sets.”

  “I will, master,” she replied softly as she tried to fathom what this meant.

  Master Gang nodded his head before telling her that he expected her to open this door at that time, and without assistance. Then he turned and walked into his study, leaving a very distressed apprentice watching some very imposing doors slowly close.


  Yi-La glanced at a clearly agitated Narween, who, like her, was situated on the floor near the doors to her master’s study. The sun had set now, and still she couldn’t get the doors to open as she had been instructed to accomplish. She could see that Narween was truly cringing now as she started to draw arcane-runes across the seam between the two large doors in hopes of getting them to budge.

  “Nothing,” she muttered as she motioned for Narween to take the writing tools away.

  Sitting cross-legged she stared down at the gray robes she wore and admitted to herself that she didn’t know what she was doing. The Seechen had found these for her, and it turned out the cloth wasn’t even silk, and for some reason this bothered her. Perhaps because for the last six days she had worn only silk, she concluded.

  Spinning around, she caught sight of one or two Seechen who had been lurking in the shadows, and now looked to be making themselves scarce. They obeyed her now without hesitation ever since Master Gang’s short lecture earlier. Still she missed the fine clothes and pampering despite her new gained respect.

  “Ah!” she gasped when a sudden breeze blew a sheet of rice-paper past her.

  It had come from under the door, she was sure, and so on hands and knees she quickly chased it down. Sure enough, it had arcane-script on it, which meant it almost certainly came from within. Sitting down to study the text, she quickly concluded that it was a cantrip for opening locks. Turning to look at the doors, she couldn’t help but wince at her master’s apparent pity for her.

  Shooing Narween off with a wave, she sat down to study the short spell for a few minutes before standing up to cast it at the door. A very satisfying click resulted, and when she pushed on them they opened, revealing a very calm-looking master.

  “Have tea sent in,” Master Gang told her as he settled upon a curved bench that was low to the floor.

  Yi-La bowed deeply before rushing back into the hallway to find the nearest Seechen. It wasn’t Narween, but that didn’t stop her from demanding tea be brought immediately. Coming back into the room she took up a position close to him – but not too close, she hoped.

  When the tea arrived she moved to take the tray from the Seechen, and then place it on a short table next to Master Gang’s bench. Pouring out a cup of hot tea precisely, as she had been taught at Key-Tar-Om School, she then placed it within easy reach before stepping back.

  “My tea?” Master Gang asked quietly.

  She hesitated for a moment at the odd question, then quickly replied, “Yes, master.”

  When Gang looked to be reaching for the cup she relax
ed a little, but then suddenly he swept the whole tray onto the floor. The crash of shattering porcelain seemed deafening, causing her to jump back.

  “You are my apprentice?” Master Gang asked calmly as he watched the spilt tea work its way slowly across the floor. She didn’t answer immediately, so he asked the question again, only louder. “Are you my apprentice?”

  “Yes, master,” she replied with tears in her eyes as she began to gather up pieces of the broken tea kettle.

  “No!” he said, as if rebuking her. “Apprentices taste before serving, and test before that.”

  She paused in her efforts to clean up the floor as she thought about what she needed to do in the future. “I will, master,” she promised as she tried to gather pieces of porcelain as quietly as possible.

  “Phew!” Master Gang barked suddenly, which sent the overturned tray spinning off against the wall.

  The cantrip was one that Yi-La had seen cast before, but still it startled her enough to make her squeal. Standing erect now, she wondered frantically what it was she was supposed to be doing, other than cleaning up the mess.

  “Not like that, Yi-La,” Gang told her as he motioned sternly toward a row of freestanding cabinets, each of which stood taller than she was. “That one there…with ‘boe’ marked on it.”

  She turned and slowly approached the cabinet to find that the word boe was richly inscribed across the top. She was pretty sure the word meant three in ancient Ibu-Jek, which made sense since it was the third in a row of cabinets.

  “Open it,” he told her. “Use the cantrip, but add ‘boe’ to the end of it.”

  She nodded her head hesitantly before closing her eyes and bringing to mind the cantrip she had learned but a short time ago. Casting it caused the single large door of the cabinet to swing open, revealing pigeon-holes stuffed with scrolls. Fighting the desire to pull one out, she carefully opened the cabinet door all the way before looking to her master.


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