Her Vampire Hero (Midnight Doms Book 4)

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Her Vampire Hero (Midnight Doms Book 4) Page 6

by Nicolina Martin

  She has so many questions. Now it begins. I expect her resistance to rise and fall and rise again, but in the end she will accept that this is her fate. I am her fate.

  Lucius sits on his throne. His hybrid woman is nowhere to be seen. He looks up as I approach. “I’m curious,” he says. “Who is the girl?”

  I frown. I don’t know how to answer. He snaps his fingers and a minion approaches. “Give the gentleman a chair.”

  I shake my head. “I need to feed.

  “Indulge me, Lou. And that can be arranged. From the neck?”

  The minion comes scurrying back with a chair that he places on the other side of the throne from Selene’s empty chair. I sit, seeing Kat’s smooth, pale skin before me. There’s only one neck in the world I want to sink my fangs in.


  “Bass,” says Lucius in a louder voice and a tall, bald vampire who is just removing nipple clamps from a young man looks up.


  “Come here with your sub. Bring a glass.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He removes his human from the St. Andrew’s cross and leads the dazed man across the floor, pushing him to sit on the stairs before Lucius’ feet, then he disappears for a moment and comes back with a glass. Lucius tilts his head toward me and Bass holds up the glass to me. I beckon the human to come closer and take his arm, holding it firm as I pierce the skin of his wrist. Several vampires in the club look up as the sweet scent of a submissive’s blood begins to pour. My own monster snarls with a profound hunger. I have fed too little these last few days. I’ve been… occupied.

  When I’m satisfied with the amount, I bite down on my own wrist and smear a few drops of blood over the wound, closing it.

  “What’s your name?” I ask the young man.

  “Sean,” he whispers, transfixed, his pupils wide, his mouth hanging open. It’s clear he thinks he’s found himself a new master.

  “Thank you, Sean, you can go.”

  He stands indecisively, staring at me with ravenous hunger. A tug from Bass makes him stumble down the stairs.

  Lucius laughs. “I believe you need to nudge that one back into his fold.”

  Bass’ eyes darken. “Yes, sir.”

  “Impressive skills,” says Lucius and turns to me. “You didn’t even manipulate his mind and yet you dazzled him completely.”

  I take a deep chug of warm, sweet blood, reveling in how it fills my veins and heats my body. “Yes,” I say simply.

  “You’re very old.”

  “That I am.”

  “And yet you lay no claim to a throne?”

  He’s still testing me, but I understand where he is coming from. Vampires are a constant threat to each other. “I have no interest in intrigues, in ruling, or holding a court of minions.”

  “It’s a comfortable life,” says Lucius and spreads his arms, indicating his club.

  “Is it? In my years I have never seen a vampire nest that doesn't crumble. It takes a harsh ruler.” I hold Lucius’ gaze. He’s measuring me up, it’s natural, but I want to know what he is made of too.

  “I find it amusing. Many men have tried to crush my empire. They have all failed. Tell me, what are your intentions with your human?”

  I glance over at the far end of the room, toward the dark corridor that leads to my temporary room, already longing to feel her in my arms again. “She needs to heal.”

  “You could have wiped her mind and let her get on with her life.”

  “She doesn't deserve that.”

  “So what does she deserve? You?”

  I look from Lucius to the cross on the other side of the room, imagining her pale body before me, writhing beneath my whip. “Probably not me, but it’s what she’s getting.”

  “Have you had many human pets?”


  “Do you plan to train her?”

  I haven’t had any plans at all, but when confronted about it I realize that it’s exactly what I plan to do.


  “And this is what she wants?”

  I frown. I’m surprised by his question. He doesn't strike me as a man who seeks consent. “Was it what your pet wanted?”

  “Selene is my equal and my queen. She’s only my pet when we play. And to answer your question: we had a bit of a complex beginning.”

  “How so?”

  “She was sent to assassinate me.”

  “Really? How did that work out for her?”

  “Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned.”

  “Nothing ever does, does it?”

  Lucius leans in and speak in a voice so low that no other vampire will hear it. “I want you to understand something. Anyone damages a human in my establishment, they’re out. There can be mind control, or not. Consent is sometimes given, sometimes taken. There is blood, sweat, and tears, but there is no permanent damage. Anyone who disobeys me is out. No warning. Anyone kills a human here, they die. Permanently.” He looks up, catching the gaze of another vampire, a tall, well-dressed man who sits by the bar, nurturing a glass of blood, looking like he’s waiting for someone. “Isn’t that right, Aleron?”

  Aleron’s eyes dart between me and the king. “Some have learned that the hard way,” he says smoothly.

  “I have no issue with that,” I say.

  Lucius nods. “I will let you stay while she recovers. If you are to remain in Tucson, I’ll advise you to find a place of your own. You behave and you will always be welcome to my establishment.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  We sit in silence, watching the writhing bodies. There is feeding. There is sex. The heat rises and falls, and as the hours pass the crowd thins. Selene nods at me as she comes up to us and gracefully sinks down on her throne. They are quite the pair and a pinch of envy grazes my chest. Suddenly, I long immensely to pull Kat into my arms again. I’m beginning to sense the approaching sunrise and stand.

  “Yes,” says Lucius, “it’s time. Go care for your pet. Your chamber is secure. You can sleep safely. Even I can’t get in once it’s locked from the inside.”

  Selene looks up, her pale gray eyes flashing with interest. She’s curious. They’re both curious about me and my human, but she doesn't comment.

  I nod to them and leave without another word.


  He’s gone forever it seems. I have no phone, no TV, or clock. I have nothing to tell the time and no means of communicating with the outside. Finishing my meal, I look longingly at the bed, but realize I need to go to the bathroom. I stand and immediately black out as my blood pressure takes a dive. I come to, clutching the armrest, half-lying on the floor. The walls dance around me and I have to squeeze my eyes shut for a moment to get my bearings right. Shit. That was stupid.

  Gritting my teeth, I crawl on hands and knees to the bathroom, sweating buckets, nauseous from the effort. My every limb feels as if it’s filled with lead. I really need a couple of units of blood. I can’t believe how I ended up here, captured by a vampire. I’m such a moron. Why did I have to go and be so curious?

  I crawl back, my teeth chattering. I wonder where Lou went, who he eats from. My chest tightens at the thought that he’s holding someone else in those strong arms. I’m not jealous, am I? That’s insane. I should be happy it’s not me. On the other hand, what if it’s because of me he’s out there, preying on another human? The hunger in his eyes when he saw the blood on my hands... Oh God. Everything is wrong, maddeningly wrong.

  The bed beckons for me. I want to examine the room, the drawers in the desk, and the closet, but my head pounds and I need to rest. The silky, black bed linen is cool and soft and bit by bit I inch myself beneath them, falling into a restless slumber.

  Fangs. Dark alleys. Pain. I die again and again. Helpless. Caught.

  “Shh, Kat. I’ve got you.”

  Strong arms circle my shoulders, pulling me to him. I moan and bury my face against his neck, fighting to get my breathing back under control. Th
e faceless monsters of my dream fade, but the fear clings on, raw and unrelenting.

  “Your heart pounds so fast. Bad dream?”

  “Very,” I slur. “Where were you?”

  “I thought I’d let you rest.” His hand comes up to stroke my head. He threads his fingers through my hair, making me lean into him even tighter. “You’re shaking.”

  “It was bad.”

  “About me?”

  Dazed, wrapped in his strong arms, I’m drowning in his sweet scent. He smells of Christmas, of baking cookies. He smells like coming home.

  “No. Not about you.”

  He gives me a hug and I settle in, my body molding along his. His moves are sluggish and his voice is a little different, deeper somehow.

  “Dawn is upon us. Sleep will claim me any minute. There are meal replacement drinks on the desk. Make sure you eat and drink. Don’t try to run. You can’t get out of this room.”

  “You sleep when the sun is up?”

  He doesn't answer and I look up, taking in his sharp profile in the soft light of the bed lamp. His eyes are closed. My gaze travels to his chest. It’s unmoving. I lay my ear over his heart and my own heart squeezes when I hear nothing. All my instincts scream that this is wrong. It’s as if he’s dead. Our first meeting in the ER comes over me again, but this time I don’t need to be sad for him. I need to be sad for myself. If the sun is rising in this moment, it means I am expected at work in about an hour. When I don’t show up, someone will eventually look for me, and I’ll just be gone. Eventually I will be be replaced. My parents will have the police come knocking, telling them the news that I’m missing. The thought makes tears well up in my eyes. They already lost a child. They don’t deserve this. My older brother OD’d on Fentanyl when he was seventeen. I was ten. I think that’s when I decided I wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make everything right again.

  Now nothing ever will be. If I could get a message through to them at least.

  I sleep, cradled by a man, a vampire, a surreal being that shouldn’t exist. I’m weak as a baby as I drink what he brought me, as I make my visits to the bathroom before I snuggle in next to him again.

  If someone would have told me yesterday that in twenty-four hours I’d be sleeping next to a stranger, letting him bathe me and dress me, that I would feel this strange sense of trust, I would have laughed.

  If someone had told me that I’d believe in the existence of vampires, I’d have called them insane.

  Lying with my ear to Lou’s chest, I’m not laughing. He’s unmoving. There’s no sense of life.

  I wait.

  No pulse.

  No breath.

  I have no idea what time it is.

  I jerk hard when his chest moves and the sound of air whooshes through his lungs.

  “Kat,” he gasps.

  Chapter 8


  “I’m here.” I lift my head, meeting his dark gaze.

  A brief look of confusion passes his features, then he crushes me to him so hard that I cough. “I thought I dreamt.”

  “Do you dream?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I don’t.”


  “I’m basically dead when I’m asleep, Kat. I don’t dream.”

  “Then why did you think you dreamt now?”

  He narrows his eyes, looking me over. “I don’t know… How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit.”

  “Mind your tongue, young one.”

  “What? You don’t like it when I say ‘shit’? What are you gonna do? Bite me?” My cheeks grow hot. I can’t believe I said that, but it’s no wonder. I think I’ve dreamt of sharp teeth in my neck the whole night. Or day. Or whatever time it is.

  I squeal when he rips off the comforter and lifts me as if I weigh nothing. “We—” he cradles me in his arms as he carries me into the bathroom, “are going to set some ground rules.” He puts me down next to the tub and plugs it before turning on the faucet. “You can tease me, but every action has a consequence. Always. That lesson starts now.”

  I widen my eyes as heat shoots to between my legs. Lesson? I have fragmented memories of what went on out there, in the club, and the reminder, the hint, makes me tingle in a not unpleasant way. “You’re not—”

  He shakes his head slowly and I snap my mouth closed. His expression is stern as he looks me over. “Take off your shirt and your pants.”

  I’m a mess of two conflicting emotions. I can’t undress in front of a stranger, not like this. It’s not how it’s meant to be. But still, that’s exactly what I want to do. It’s as simple as that, and I can let it be that simple. Wherever his eyes travel, my skin burns. My reaction to him is not of this world. It’s hot. It’s forbidden. It’s dirty, and I want more.

  Holding his gaze, I grab the hem of my top and pull it up, agonizingly slow, baring myself before him. I drop the top on the floor, hook my thumbs in the waistband of my pants and wait, breathe. My nipples harden into taut little buds under his scrutiny and my pussy floods with heat. I push. Past my hips, my ass. A breath escapes him. I let the loose material bunch around my ankles before I step out of them. Then I stagger and he catches me. His fingers closes around my arm and the air thickens between us.

  “Sit,” he growls, his eyes raking my body.

  I plop down on the bathtub, ungracefully, my heart thumping from trepidation and expectation as he lets me go and undoes the first button on his black shirt. He holds my gaze and proceeds, button after button until his shirt falls open. He is mouthwateringly beautiful with his chiseled chest and carpet of dark hair that continues along his stomach and disappears inside the waistband of his pants. His hips are defined by two strong vertical angles that point directly to… I groan inwardly, clenching my thighs. Without a word, he proceeds with his pants. Button, zipper, and pulls down, stepping out of them. All air rushes out of my lungs and I don’t know where to look. He is gorgeous, a body made for sin. It’s just a body, I tell myself. I’ve seen thousands of naked men in my work, and had my fair share of lovers, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of a naked Lou. With that cock I dearly hope he isn’t also a grower.

  “Are you done eating me up?”

  I force my gaze up to meet his. “Isn’t that your point with this show? To impress?”

  He laughs and turns off the faucet. “You’re a little more mouthy than I expected. Come.” He holds out his hand and I take it, helping me to step inside.

  I raise an eyebrow. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  He steps in behind me and guides me down in front of him. Leaning in, he puts his mouth to my ear. “That will change.”

  “Oh, God,” I moan as he pulls me to him, my back to his chest. Against my ass I feel coarse hair and his hardening cock.

  “Lean back and relax. I will wash you.”

  “I can’t relax,” I gasp, making him chuckle.

  He drags his hands along my sides, brushing the sides of my breasts, up along my neck. One hand circles my throat and I’m forced to lean back, flush against him. His other hand changes direction and slides down to my breast. I jerk when he scrapes a sharp nail across my nipple.

  “And why is that?”

  I moan. Heat pools between my legs, building a swirling, clenching need. “Are you going to fuck me?”

  He pinches my nipple, experimentally at first, then harder. I arch from the pain that immediately turns into sweet syrup that heats my chilled core. Leaving my tormented breast, he inches his way down my belly and puts his hand between my legs, holding tight.

  “No, Kat. We are going to fuck, you and I together. When you beg me to take you.” He slides a finger along my slit, and I almost shoot up out of the tub, I’m soaked, so needy, so ready. He grabs around my chest and crushes me to him, his cock hard against my butt.

  “I don’t think that will take long,” I mewl.

  Lou rubs his finger up and down, opening my folds, making me swell. All I feel is his hand betwee
n my legs. Every nerve ending seems to gather there, eagerly anticipating his next stroke.

  “This will be your punishment then.”

  “What?” I pant. His finger on my clit makes my head spin. I rock against him, sliding my butt against his cock. Oh my God. I feel like a bitch in heat.

  “You can’t come,” he whispers in my ear while he thrusts his fingers inside me. I cry out and buck, pushing down on him. I’m so close! My whole consciousness is centered at my pussy, at him touching me. All I feel is him, his scent, his warm skin, his strong legs and arms, holding me in place.

  “What? No. Lou, I can’t—” His teeth nipping the skin on my neck make me freeze and I still completely.

  “I thought that would grab your attention. Now don’t move.”

  “Are you going to bite me?” I gasp, barely able to draw my next breath.

  “No. But you are going to stop squirming so I can wash you.” He removes his hand from my pussy and I clench around nothing.


  “Is this you begging me?”

  I whimper and he laughs. “In due time, eager one. I want you strong. I want you to be able to handle what I dish out, and trust me, you are not that strong yet even though I got your blood pressure up significantly.”

  Lou lathers me, ordering me around so that he can reach every patch of my skin. It’s pure agony. He doesn't touch my pussy again, but he plays with my breasts until I shake in his arms, unable to tell pain and pleasure apart. I want to touch him, and I try, but he grabs my wrist and slowly shakes his head, letting me know he is in charge. As if I didn’t already know this.

  Finally, after rinsing my hair, he pulls the plug and hauls me to my feet. I’m a hot mess and I don’t think I have any blood in my head at all. He wraps me in a warm towel and pulls me to him.

  “You are a delectable little creature, you know that?”

  I meet his dark eyes, his unspoken need matching my own. “What’s happening to me?” I whisper.


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