Unbreakable Bond

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Unbreakable Bond Page 15

by Jess Bryant

  Knowing she was testing her limits and his, she stepped through the swinging door into the kitchen to grab her apron. As soon as she did, she bore down, expecting him to come striding through the doors behind her. When a few seconds passed and he didn’t, she finally released the breath she had been holding and looked up to find her pastry chef staring at her.

  “Good morning.” She grinned at her mother.

  “Good morning?” Laura Kent’s eyebrows hit her hairline and she laughed as she dusted her hands on her own apron, “That’s all I get? Good morning? My only daughter goes to a party, starts a fight between the Pack Alpha and his long lost brother, disappears with a feral wolf and then walks back in here covered in his scent, mated no less, and all I get is a good morning?”

  Zoey giggled, “Well, when you put it like that… good morning Mama. There’s something I should tell you…”

  “Oh, you silly, silly, girl. You went and found yourself a mate.” Her mother crossed the distance between them with her arms open, “And you didn’t even think to call and tell your father or me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Zoey stepped into the loving embrace, “Things have been a little hectic and Rafe…”

  Her mother jolted and gasped. Laura jerked back from the hug she’d bestowed on her daughter. Here eyes were wide and her cheeks had gone pale. Her dark eyes, so unlike Zoey’s own, raced over her from top to bottom before finally settling on the silver scar that graced the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

  “Oh Zozo.” She whispered softly, worriedly, as she slowly raised a hand and touched the mark.

  “I told you there was something I needed to tell you.” Zoey whispered back, catching her mother’s hand and twining their fingers, “I have a wolf now.”

  “Oh, baby.” Laura pulled her daughter back into her arms and squeezed her so tight Zoey could barely breathe. “I know how much you’ve wanted this. For so long, so very long, I’ve watched you hurt because it wasn’t Michael. Please, please just tell me that you’re happy with the mate the fate’s gave you.”

  “I’m happy, Mama.” Zoey felt tears fill her eyes and sniffled slightly, “I have a mate and a wolf now and… I think I’m falling in love with him. Just like you and Daddy did.”

  “Oh my sweet baby girl. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.” Laura pulled back and wiped at her own cheeks, which were streaked with tears, “He’s a good match then?”

  “The best.”

  “I’ve been trying not to jump to conclusions with all the gossip but you know they’ve been talking about him. The True Alpha that came back and fought the Pack Alpha for his mate? They said Michael didn’t take it well. I can’t imagine it was easy for any of you, not with the connection you and he have always shared.”

  “It was rough, to say the least.” Zoey admitted, “Not just for Michael and me but for Rafe too. It wasn’t like he expected it any more than we did but it makes sense right? The connection to Michael I’ve always felt. It’s because we’re family now.”

  “Family.” Her mother brushed her hair back softly and smiled, “Those boys need some family and I’m overjoyed that we get to be it now. Just so long as my baby is happy, I’m happy.”

  “Thank you Mama.”

  “So…” Laura dabbed at her hair and then dusted her apron, “Do I get to meet my only daughter’s mate now? I haven’t seen that boy since he was barely old enough to be called a man. I’d like to meet the wolf that gave my girl everything she ever wanted.”

  Zoey winced at the expectation that was all too reasonable, “Uh… maybe, if you wouldn’t mind, we could… wait?”


  “It’s just that, he’s really protective. Reclusive even. Getting him to come to town was an ordeal and I’m not sure he’s in the right frame of mind to meet my mom just yet, considering… everything.”

  Laura’s eyes softened, “You mean considering that I was best friends with his mother before she passed?”

  Zoey nodded.

  “You think it’ll bring back bad memories for him?” Her mother sighed and played with her hair again, “You’re a good mate for him Zo. Looking after him. If that’s what you think is best, then I’ll give you two some time before I insist he meet with your father and I. I’ll stay back here out of sight for now.”

  “Thank you Mama. I’m so sorry to ask it of you I just… I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “I hope he knows how lucky he is, my darling.”

  “He does.” The rough voice came from the doorway and Zoey sucked in a gasp of air as she spun to face Rafe.

  He looked more than a little awkward, his big frame taking up most of the swinging doorframe. He also looked apologetic. His dark eyes swung from her to her mother and then to the floor. He shifted uncomfortably and his big shoulders shrugged.

  “I felt… something. I didn’t know what it was. Worry? I thought you might need me.” He glanced back up and met her eyes, “I’m sorry to interrupt. I know I said I’d stay out there I just… I thought something was wrong.”

  Zoey’s heart did that melting thing again and she stepped away from her mother, offering her hand to Rafe who quickly covered the distance between them, sweeping her into his arms and nuzzling her reassuringly. Worry. He’d felt her worry. Only it hadn’t been for herself. It had been for him. He’d felt her emotions through the bond and that connection would only get stronger the longer they had together.

  “I’m sorry. I’m fine.” She whispered reassuringly as she swept her hands over his back.

  “You were worried… for me?” He leaned back enough to look down at her and she nodded when she saw the confusion and then amazement cross his features. “I’m supposed to be the overprotective one.”

  That made her grin, “You protect me. I protect you. Compromise, remember?”

  “Sweet little mate.” Rafe brushed his lips over her forehead, her cheeks and then her lips.

  Her mother cleared her throat and Zoey pulled away from the embrace with another blush. She glanced up but Rafe only nodded. She wasn’t sure how much he’d heard. With his special wolf hearing, maybe he’d heard all of it. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he was here, with her, and there was only one thing she could do now.

  “Rafe, I’d like you to meet my mother, Laura Kent.”

  His throat bobbed slightly, “Mrs. Kent…”

  “Oh, honey, I think its just Laura from now on.” Her mother smiled warmly.

  “It’s nice to see you again… Laura.” Rafe nodded, “And I want to thank you for bring Zoey into my life. Your daughter is my perfect mate in every way and I’ll do my damndest to be good for her in return.”

  Zoey’s eyes watered again as her mother opened her arms. Rafe hesitated for only a moment. In the next breath, he’d taken two strides and was stooping to hug her mother in return. Zoey watched the two of them and felt her heart swell with love and pride. This was just the beginning of what they would share, of what being together would be able to fix for Rafe and she had no doubt that he would keep his word. He would do everything he could to be the best mate for her, because he already was.

  Laura released him with a rough pat on the back and Rafe stood back to his full height. Her mother wiped at her cheeks again and then reached up and cupped Rafe’s cheek. She held him there, small but firm and met his eyes when she spoke again.

  “Welcome to the family.”

  Chapter 21

  It was almost time. Zoey could feel it. As the day had progressed, she’d felt her wolf get stronger and stronger.

  About mid-day, they’d had to leave the bakery because she couldn’t concentrate. The itch under her skin had been bearable but only when Rafe had been touching her, soothing her and coaxing her into relaxing. Next had come the fever, the rush of heat that had made her sweat and then chill and then sweat again. The same heat that had made her all but crawl up Rafe’s body looking for relief. And all day he’d been right there for her, with her, promising her that once the mo
on was up, high in the sky, that she’d feel better.

  It had been a weird day and considering she was standing in the middle of the woods with her mate who had just stripped his clothes off and turned into a wolf in front of her eyes, it was strange to think it was about to get even weirder.

  She was going to turn into a wolf. Her. She wasn’t human anymore. She was special, just like she’d always wanted to be, but she was also terrified.

  Rafe rubbed against her leg, bringing her thoughts back to the present and she couldn’t help but smile down at him. He was a beautiful wolf. A beautiful wolf for a beautiful man. He was big but she’d expected that. He was a born Alpha. His wolf was huge and muscular and if she’d come across him alone in the woods she’d have screamed her head off. His coat was as black as midnight and his eyes shone like diamonds in the night. Considering how worried he’d been about his wolf freaking out and attacking her, she couldn’t help but smile when she reached down to pet him and he all but purred.

  He’d shifted first only after a lot of discussion and she was glad that he had. Now they both knew the truth. His wolf would never hurt her. He adored her, just like she adored him. He paced around her in circles, his head going back and forth as if he was searching for threats and only when he was sure that they were still alone, did he turn back to her and bark.

  She smiled when he bounced around a little. She knew what he wanted. He wanted to play, but not with her. He wanted her wolf. He wanted her to shift.

  Zoey took a deep breath and let it out. She shook her hands out and tried to steady her breathing. They’d talked this through. Rafe had told her how to do it. He’d told her how to open her mind up and let the wolf come to the forefront. It’s what her wolf wanted so it would be easy. That’s what he’d said.

  “Okay, baby, here goes nothing.” She whispered softly and then closed her eyes.

  She focused on the feel of her wolf just beneath her skin. The power in her veins. The scent of her mate in her nose. The feel of fur and claws. She breathed deeply, evenly, and simply let go of her skin, let go of all her doubts and fears and worries. She let go of herself and let her wolf take control.

  And then she screamed.

  She was shifting and it hurt. Oh, holy hell it hurt. She felt every single break of her bones. She felt her muscles tear and pull as they reshaped. She screamed again as her body convulsed and she cursed Rafe for telling her this was going to be easy. This was the opposite of easy. This was killing her and never, not once in all of her dreams of becoming a wolf had she given a thought to how it would feel to shift.

  She’d been human. She hadn’t been allowed on the pack land at the lodge on full moon nights. It had been for her safety. That’s what Michael had said. But she thought it might also have been because he hadn’t wanted her to know just how difficult a transition really was.

  It was like being ripped apart. Inch by inch. Piece by piece. She lost a little more of herself with every heaving breath.

  The world around her dimmed and turned blurry. Everything shimmered and shook. She thought she was losing her mind too. Losing her sanity. The only tether to the real world that she had was Rafe. He was there with her, just like he’d promised. His wolf paced and rubbed against her. He whined as if seeing her in pain was hurting him and she tried to reach for him. She wanted to pet him, reassure him that she was okay, but when she reached out her hand… it wasn’t there.

  Zoey tried to scream again but instead all she heard was a howl.

  She blinked, blinked again and her surroundings began to come into focus all around her again. She was closer to the ground now and everything looked different from down here. Sharper. Brighter. Her eyes looked through the forest around her as if it was broad daylight instead of dark. And she could smell everything. The damp grass and the rot of leaves. She could hear them crunch and crackle and her head whipped up to find what had caused the sound. When her eyes met those of Rafe’s wolf, she felt all of those broken pieces of her click back into place.

  Zoey’s wolf shook herself, stretching and pawing at the ground and then bared her teeth playfully. Rafe’s wolf barked and hers yipped in return. Zoey’s heart swelled all over again. She wanted to launch herself at him. She wanted to press against him and cuddle with him. But there was something her wolf wanted more, something she needed on this night, her first night fully in the world.

  She yipped again and took off running.

  A long, loud howl sounded behind her but she didn’t pause and she didn’t look back. Her advanced hearing told her all she needed to know. Pounding footfalls raced after her. Rafe was chasing her. She ran, all out, as fast as she could. Her newly formed wolf leaping over logs and twining through trees but Rafe stayed right there with her. Behind her, beside her, nipping at her heels and spurring her on. She knew he could have caught her at any time. He was an Alpha. He was bigger. He was older. His wolf was more powerful and far faster. But he let her run and he… played… with her.

  She swore as they darted through trees, playing hide and seek, that she heard him laugh. Even in wolf form, she knew that sound and she loved it. She loved this. She loved that she was finally a wolf. Loved that Rafe was the one that had given it to her. Loved the connection she felt to him like this and the freedom she felt under the moon. She loved that he could be like this with her. Sweet and playful and fun.

  She lost all track of time as they played and ran through the forest. His wolf was always right there with her. When she got too close to the edge of their territory he herded her back the other direction. When she caught scent of another animal and went to check it out, he shooed the deer away before her wolf could do something she’d regret in the morning.

  He took care of her. Looked after her. Protected her and cherish her. Just like he’d sworn that he would.

  And when he’d finally had enough, when he decided that he’d let her play enough, she felt his mood switch before he ever came after her. His growl lowered, became darker, and she leaped away when he pawed at her. His wolf hissed and came at her again but her wolf wasn’t submissive. She didn’t intend to go down without a fight even if she knew that he was their mate. She hissed right back at him and then took off again at full speed, knowing that this time he wouldn’t let her get away with it and falling even more in love with him when he gave a happy yip of encouragement and gave chase again.

  She headed straight for the meadow, their meadow, and the instant she hit the wide-open space he was on her. He leaped and took her down easily. They rolled as he tackled her. Paws tangling but with their claws safely sheathed. Their tongues were both lolling and they were panting by the time he pinned her beneath him.

  Zoey smiled. Her wolf hummed a happy, contented sound and gave up the faux fight. She relaxed beneath her mate and when her head rolled to the side, exposing her neck, Rafe’s wolf howled a sound that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but satisfaction.

  It was time. Finally. Zoey’s heart rate sped up as she stared into those glowing golden eyes. They weren’t just wolf eyes. They were Rafe’s eyes. The eyes of her mate. Her other half and the male that would complete her. He’d already given her so much and now, she was going to give him this. She gave a small nod and his wolf lowered his head.

  His thick, scratchy tongue tickled as he licked at her. Caressing her. Marking her before he took her. She didn’t budge. She didn’t move. She wanted him to know that she trusted him completely. Him and his wolf. She trusted that he wouldn’t hurt her. That this was the right thing, the only thing, because they were mates.

  He had to complete the circle to bond them forever.

  Rafe’s wolf licked her again and she whined and snapped at him. He was taking too long and she could feel the tension coming off of him in waves. He was holding back. He was holding his wolf back. He was still scared that he would hurt her. She bared her teeth and nipped at him again, catching at his skin and hoping he would get the hint that she was ready.

  She trusted him. Com

  Rafe’s wolf growled at her. He bared his teeth when she arched her neck. He dropped his head back and howled long and loud at the full moon over their head and then, faster than she could even comprehend he snapped forward and dug his teeth into the flesh of her neck, right where her shoulder met, right where he’d marked her in human form.

  It was rougher. Wilder than anything she’d ever imagined. His wolf took hers and sealed the bond in place. Forged it in fire and blood. Unbreakable. They were mates now and nothing could ever come between them.

  Zoey’s wolf howled right along with him. Finally, she was whole. Finally, she was home. She was, finally, who she was always meant to be. Thanks to Rafe. Her beautiful, twisted, born Alpha wolf mate.

  Chapter 22

  Rafe couldn’t remember a time his wolf had ever been so content. Docile even. He was happy. Here, on his own soil, on pack soil, with her, he finally felt like he’d come home.

  God, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her wolf looked a lot like her. Small and lean with red and white coloring, she was Zoey in wolf form. Perfection. Sassy and fun, playful and energetic but she had a calming effect on him too. She was perfect and his wolf was absolutely crazy about her.

  He couldn’t stop nuzzling her. Licking her. Loving her. He’d taken her multiple times already. So many times that he worried he should have warned her about what could happen on a full moon, especially a first full moon when a wolf’s hormones were the highest.

  He hadn’t thought about it before. He’d been too worried about the bad things that could happen to think about the good. He’d been worried that he would hurt her. Worried his wolf would maul her. He’d worried about how the change would effect her and if she would be hurting after the change. He’d thought about ways he could take care of her after, tomorrow, when they changed back into their human forms and she would need rest.


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