Unbreakable Bond

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Unbreakable Bond Page 19

by Jess Bryant

  “Are you asking?” She finally spoke softly, her throat bobbing as she swallowed hard.

  “Yes.” He forced out even though they both knew he wanted to make it an order, “Will you marry me, Zoey? You’re my mate. You’re my heart. I love you more with every breath I take and I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to. We’re already mated, we sealed the bond but I want the ceremony too. I want to tie you to me in every way I can and I want it now.”

  “Now?” Her lips teased into a smile.

  He chuckled at her sense of humor and rocked his hips against her, “Well, not now-now but, before you birth our pups now, for sure.” He nuzzled her lips, “I know it’s fast but that’s how we wolves do things. Fast and completely, we don’t do anything in half measure and you’re mine. I just want to make it official.”


  His eyebrows shot up again, “Okay? Okay you’ll marry me or…”

  “Yes.” She giggled and cupped his jaw, “Yes, I’ll marry you Rafe. I want you tied to me in every way too. My mate. My husband. My everything.”

  His eyes burned and he squeezed them shut tight, trying to keep back tears. Everything. She was his everything and she was going to give him everything he’d ever wanted. A home and a family. He had the perfect little mate and she was his, all his.

  When he opened his eyes she was stroking his hair gently, caressing and soothing him in the way that only she could and his voice broke, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She leaned up and nipped at his lips. “I love you, Rafe.”

  He kissed her again, hard and possessive, and she wrapped herself around him. Right where she belonged. With him. Against him. He rocked his hips and groaned. Surrounding him. His wolf hummed from deep inside his chest. He was happy and content too for the first time in so long. They were in agreement. Zoey was theirs and they were going to do right by her. They were going to make her happy. Give her world. Because they were hers too.

  He slid a hand between them and Zoey gasped and arched, crying out his name, “Rafe!”

  “You ready for me, baby?”

  “So ready.” She whimpered.

  He groaned at that answer because he knew it was true. She was wet. Soft, hot, wet heat welcomed him when he pushed his hips forward and he groaned at the feel of her. Like coming home. He thought it would always feel like that when he was with her. Completion.

  “Wrap your legs around me.” He groaned as he levered himself up, finding the right angle and driving in hard when she complied. They both gasped. “God you feel so damn good.”

  “So do you.” Zoey scratched his shoulders as she held on, “Harder.”

  “My mate likes it a little rough?” He bit her shoulder lightly and she shivered beneath him in response. “Yeah, you like making me lose control don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes.” Her hands slid to his ass, pulling him against her as she rocked her hips up into him, “Yes, yes, yes.”

  “So fucking perfect for me.” He groaned as her body clenched and clutched at him, “Love you Zo.”

  “Love you.” She whimpered and one of her hands released him, going to the headboard to hold herself down as his thrusts increased and threatened to send her through the wall, “Oh God, Rafe, just like that.”

  “Yeah? You close?” He knew she was, could feel it in the way her body tensed, could smell it on her skin, taste it on her lips.

  “Yes. Oh God… Rafe, more… I need…” Her breaths were coming in pants and her body was straining, aching for the release he could give her, but he knew she couldn’t get there alone. Not like this. He knew what she needed. Knew even if she couldn’t ask for it in this state.

  He bared his teeth and slammed into her hard and deep as he closed his mouth around his bite mark on her neck. Zoey screamed and her orgasm ripped through her. Rafe closed his eyes and let himself go. He rode it out, feeling her body accept everything he gave it as he pumped and pumped and his cock twitched as he released jet after jet into her welcoming body. He didn’t release his bite until the last tremor had rocked through them both and they fell to the bed together, panting and disheveled.

  Using his tongue, he licked the bite mark that was already starting to heal thanks to her new shifter abilities. Zoey hummed but didn’t open her eyes. She simply wrapped herself around him as if he might try to pull away. He didn’t. He let her hold him in the aftermath of their lovemaking and enjoyed the feel of her, enjoyed knowing that he would get to spend the rest of his life with her like this.

  “Mmm.” Zoey finally sighed, wiggling against him until she found a comfortable position, her voice sleepy, “If I wasn’t pregnant before, I think I definitely am now.”

  Rafe chuckled softly and hugged her close, “We can keep trying, just to make sure.”

  Zoey’s laughter was his everything, “I’m going to need a few minutes to rest first.”

  “Sleep, little mate. It’s been a long night and something tells me it’s going to be a really long day too. Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake.”

  “You sleep too.” She murmured softly, already falling into the clutches of her dreams.

  “Okay baby.” Rafe kissed the top of her head as he hugged her to his chest.

  But he didn’t sleep. He couldn’t. He had a mate now. A mate that even now was probably growing his pups inside of her. He might never sleep again because he had to keep them safe. Zoey. His family. His brother. His pack. Their safety was his number one priority now that he was back and he wasn’t going to sleep until he found that black and white wolf that had attacked them and put him in the ground, once and for all.

  Chapter 27

  Zoey felt every eye in the room turn to her as she walked into the pack lodge. It had been happening her entire life. Ever since she became friends with Michael and began to hang around the pack. Ever since the entire town seemed to figure out that she had feelings for their Pack Alpha that she could do nothing about. They’d been looking at her for years with a mix of pity and suspicion but not anymore.

  Today, well today they were looking at her with wide, shocked eyes and she knew why. This was the first time she’d ever been invited to a pack meeting, impromptu or not. This meant she was one of them. But as big as that news was, walking in on the arm of Rafe Hudson was the reason they were all staring.

  He’d only been back a few days. Everyone knew about the fight between him and Michael. They knew he’d claimed her as his mate. And they were staring because for the first time in as long as they’d known her she wasn’t at Michael’s side. Everything had changed and this, walking into the pack headquarters with Rafe at her side, it cemented their bond in a way that she hadn’t even realized they needed.

  Not just for her either. It also confirmed Rafe’s standing in the pack. This wasn’t an open meeting. This was for pack higher ups. Michael and his closest circle of advisors and enforcers. Rafe being invited here confirmed that he and Michael were on good terms. There wasn’t going to be an Alpha battle to run the pack.

  Rafe was a Hudson. He was Moirae. He was an Alpha. But he wasn’t going to fight his brother for the pack, which meant there was no need for discourse or mistrust. He could be welcomed back into the fold now. And Michael’s smile when he saw them come in together only confirmed it.

  Zoey smiled back at him, as much out of habit as out of love. Not the same kind of love she’d had for him before. Not even close. There were no sparks there between her and Michael. Not anymore. Maybe there never had been. Certainly not like the sparks she felt with Rafe. Because as much as she had felt like she and Michael were meant to be, fate had known better.

  It was Rafe. It had always been Rafe. They were perfect for each other and she only hoped that someday, maybe even soon, Michael would find the woman that made him whole too. The woman that made him happy. The way that Rafe made her so, so happy.

  Her mate, possessive bastard that he was, took one look at the room full of strong, shifter males and tucked h
er into his side. A low growl bubbled in his throat and she hid a smile against his shoulder. It was crazy but she loved him for his insane urge to keep her for himself, so much so that even having other males look at her annoyed him. She wasn’t a big fan of the few women in the room that looked him up and down either so she wound herself around her big, strong, gorgeous mate and let out a hum of content when he squeezed her close.

  She loved him. He had been right. It was fast and crazy but she loved him. She was a wolf now and all of her emotions were heightened. She felt everything more strongly than she ever had before, as if the blinders had come off when she’d become a shifter. She loved him with her whole heart and soul, couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else or how she’d managed to go so long without him.

  Fate had a plan all along. Rafe was right for her in ways that Michael hadn’t been, she’d just been too blinded by her devotion to him to see it. Rafe needed her. She was the only one that could put his broken pieces back together. Just like he was the only one that could keep up with her without suffocating her, could support her without her having to take a backseat. He didn’t want her to stand behind him. He wanted her right there at his side.

  “Rafe. Zoey. Glad you could join us.” Michael gave them a nod before motioning to the others, “I’m sure you don’t need introductions.”

  There were a couple of smirks and snorts but everyone nodded. One or two people greeted them with smiles and welcomes. Darius never flinched from his position on Michael’s right side. His eyes slid over them but kept going, as if he were searching for threats within the safest space on pack territory.

  Zoey didn’t understand it. They’d been attacked last night but that had been outdoors and during the full moon. Nobody was stupid enough to lay siege to the Moirae pack lodge during broad daylight. But when Michael spoke again she immediately understood the tension radiating off of the big enforcer.

  “As I mentioned before, I’ve invited a friend to join us today to discuss last night’s attack. Some of you already know him but for those of you that don’t, meet Leo DeLuca, rightful heir of the Crescent pack.”

  A big, dark haired man stood up and went to join Michael at the front. He had dark features. Dark skin and dark hair trimmed short to his scalp. dark eyes that looked bottomless beneath long lashes. He was handsome, more than handsome really, though he didn’t compare to Rafe in her opinion. She knew the females must go nuts for him with those looks and the Alpha vibes he radiated. But he looked tired, a little too thin and haggard, as if he hadn’t gotten a good nights sleep in weeks, maybe even years.

  She wanted to hug him but she figured that would cause more problems for all of them.

  Zoey glanced at her mate when she felt him tense beside her but when she looked up she stopped breathing. Rafe was… smiling. Jesus Christ, her ovaries nearly exploded at the sight. Rafe was sexy when he was being broody and overprotective. Smiling? He was downright irresistible. He grinned as he watched his brother and his friend clap hands and hug briefly.

  “Did you know about this?” She whispered.

  Rafe gave a quick nod, “Michael told me he’d asked Leo to come. I didn’t know he’d agreed but I’m not surprised. His family, his pack, is in danger.”

  Zoey hugged her mate tighter as she remembered what she’d overheard during his conversation with Michael.

  The Crescent wolves were their neighboring pack. The DeLuca’s had run it for generations. Leo was the eldest son and an Alpha heir but his father had been challenged by a crazy out of control lunatic wolf. His father had been murdered and his sisters had been taken hostage. He needed help to regain his pack and he’d come to the Moirae pack hoping to get it.

  It didn’t take her long after putting that together to realize why Leo DeLuca was here now.

  “The Crescents were behind the attack on our pack last night.” Michael announced and then held up a hand when several of the wolves in the room began to snarl in Leo’s direction, “This wasn’t his doing. We’ve all heard the rumors. We know that we’ve received members of the Crescent pack that defected after a new Alpha took charge. Leo’s here because he needs help reclaiming his pack before the bastard that killed his father does any more damage.”

  “Why did he come after us?” One of the other enforcers spoke up from across the room.

  “I don’t know.” Leo admitted when everyone looked to him, “Maybe because he’s power hungry and he wants more than just the Crescent land or he found out somehow that I’d asked Rafe to get the Moirae pack involved, to have my back when I challenge him.”

  “So you brought this on us.” Another spoke up and Rafe growled beside her.

  “Easy.” She squeezed his hand reassuringly but she couldn’t help a growl of her own.

  She understood why her mate was upset and she agreed with him completely. Leo had come to them for help. He hadn’t come here to be further attacked for something that wasn’t his fault. He was only trying to save his family.

  “Leo didn’t bring this fight to our door. It would have come sooner or later. An Alpha like this one, he wants power and he’s willing to go to any lengths to get it.” Michael spoke up, “I don’t know why he came after me in particular but I do know that we’re not going to let this stand. We’ve always had a peaceful relationship with the Crescent pack but we’re aligning ourselves with DeLuca now. If you have a problem with that, speak now.”

  There were a few murmurs but ultimately Michael stared everyone down until they were quiet. His power radiated through the room. There was so much testosterone in the air, Zoey felt like she could choke on it. A room full of Alpha male werewolves was a tense place to be and she knew now why Rafe had wanted her to stay home before ultimately relenting and letting her accompany him to this meeting.

  This place was like a powder keg just waiting for a spark to send it up in flames.

  “Good.” Michael clapped his hands in front of him ,”Now that we’re all on the same page, I’ll fill you in on the plan.”


  “We’re going to hit them just as hard as they hit us. No warnings. No attempts at diplomacy. We’re gong in hard and fast tomorrow night. The mission is to find and extract the DeLuca girls. There are three of them being held hostage and Leo believes they’re in two separate locations so we’ll break into two teams. I’ll lead one and Darius will lead the other.”

  “Wait, you’re going in?” Rafe growled, pushing to his feet. “You’re our Alpha. You should stay here where it’s safe. You’re still recovering from your injuries as it is.”

  Michael frowned at his brother, “You’re right. I am Pack Alpha. That’s why I’m going.”

  “Michael, I think…” Zoey tried but he held up a hand to quiet her.

  “I don’t lead from the sidelines. You should know that by now. I’m going.”

  “Then I’m going too.” Rafe used a tone that brooked no argument.

  He and Michael had a minor stare down and Zoey held her breath. Would it always be like this? Would they always push each other’s buttons? Or would they eventually figure out how to coexist? She didn’t dare try to get in between them this time. She knew better now. And after a long minute, Michael nodded.


  “Thank you.” Rafe lowered his head in acceptance.

  Zoey frowned, hating the idea of her mate going into another fight. She’d barely gotten him back this time. If he went into another battle and he lost focus, if he lost his grip or his control, she might lose him for good.

  But then Rafe sat back down beside her and pulled her into his lap.

  She squeaked, “Rafe!”

  “Shh.” He nuzzled his face into her hair, “I can feel how much you worry about me, mate. I love you. I love you so much. I’m not ever leaving you again. I have to go to protect Michael and keep him safe. If something happened because I wasn’t there… I’d never forgive myself. You have to trust me to get both of us back here to you.”

  Zoey hugged hi
m tight, amazed all over again at the way he read her so easily. He understood her. He had from the moment their eyes met and the bond had stretched to life between them. She held onto him and reminded herself that he was right. He was a strong, Alpha warrior wolf and he needed to find his place here, in the pack, with his brother. It was the only way he would ever be happy here.

  “Okay.” She murmured softly. “Just come back to me.”


  Rafe kissed her softly and she returned his kiss. His hands cupped her waist and slid to her ass. She felt a flare of heat lick through her veins and moaned into his mouth. And then someone cleared their throat loudly and they broke apart with a gasp.

  Zoey blushed when she realized everyone was staring at them. Rafe chuckled and cuddled against her. She tried and failed to hide her embarrassment at having forgotten where they were for a moment there.

  “As I was saying…” Michael gave them a censorious look but couldn’t hide the flicker of amusement in his eyes, “If nobody else has anything to add, we’ll break for now and regroup tonight to go over the plan.”

  “I have something to add.” Rafe spoke up and Zoey eyed him like he’d lost his mind.

  Michel was letting them go. There was plenty of time left in the day for them to get back to the cabin and have some private time before Rafe went off on this mission tonight. But he was stalling?

  “You do?” Michael looked between them expectantly.

  “We have a wedding ceremony to plan once we take care of this Crescent situation.” Rafe announced loud and clear for everyone in the room to hear.

  There were shouts and cheers of celebration at the news. Wolves loved a good party. A wedding ceremony was the best excuse of all. It was the start of a new family within the pack, which increased their strength and numbers. This one would be even more special because it meant Rafe was coming back into the pack and Zoey grinned when Michael smiled at her and mouthed two simple words.

  “Thank you.”


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