Keep Me

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Keep Me Page 12

by Faith Andrews

I dove in first, letting the crispness of the water cool me off. Riley followed after me, remaining submerged and swimming further from the boat. When she popped up, smoothing her long hair off her face she yelled up to Tessa, “Hey, Tess, you hot? Wanna jump in? I’ll come in and take Luca.”

  “Nope, I’m good for now. I’ll get wet on the next stop.”

  Wet. Little words like that coming from her mouth made parts of me that should be shriveled up because of the temperature of the water stand at attention.

  After drenching myself and taking a quick, private whizz, I took a seat at the bow next to Tessa and a sleeping Luca. She extended a plush towel to me, and the simple act of kindness made me smile. “Thanks, pretty girl.”

  She gave me a wink and I knew that even though we were both playing a game, our intentions were exactly the same.

  “So, excited about tonight?” I scrubbed the towel down my front and spread it on the seat beside her before sitting down on it.

  “I haven’t been to a concert in forever so, yes, I’m actually really excited.” Luca rustled around in her arms and she readjusted his position. She had to be hot with him snuggled so close.

  “Wanna give him to me for a few minutes? Or how ‘bout we lay him down under the canopy and give your arms a break?” I never imagined I’d be this comfortable around a kid, but Luca was the man. He and his mother had the same effect on me—I’d do anything to make them happy.

  “Good idea. My boy’s getting heavy.” With one hand, she took the towel from behind her, stood up and smoothed it down on the seat, placing Luca on top of it. She added an extra layer of protection by piling the unused life preservers around him like a fort.

  “Do you want him to be the boy in the plastic bubble? Sheesh, he’s an inch away from you, mama bear.”

  She swatted at me and just sighed, “He can never be too close.”

  After kissing him atop his curly head, she sat back down and pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

  “Hot, pretty girl?”

  She fanned herself, but I knew of a way she could cool off. Take off the damn cover-up, Tessa. “A little. I hope it’s cooler tonight. The concert’s outdoors, no?”

  “Yup. It’s gonna be beautiful, so don’t worry. I hope you packed a dress with all those sex toys.” I leaned back against the cushioned seat and spread my arms wide, soaking in the rays.

  I didn’t have to see her face to know she was eyeing me suspiciously. “A dress?”

  Sitting up again, I focused on her glistening, smooth legs, my eyes traveling higher and higher to her thighs. “Easy access, baby.”

  “Aren’t you smug? You’re so sure that I’ll give it up that easily? And you promised Riley it wasn’t a date.”

  I leaned in closer and then checked to see that my sister had her eyes on the lake and not me. “Oh, it’s a date, sweetheart and it’s gonna be the best damn date you’ve ever been on.”

  “You’re dangerous, you know that?” Usually when someone sensed danger they did anything but smile, so her grin totally gave her away.

  “And you like it.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “What if I do?”

  “Now who’s being dangerous? Your son is right next to you, my sister’s eyeballing me like I’m about to steal your virtue, and I’m so hard I can’t even stand.”

  “Seems like you were right about the blue balls, then.”

  “Yeah, maybe for now, but I will have my way with you later. Mark my words.”

  Our day on the boat was perfect, regardless of the fact that I had to keep my hands to myself. Just being around Tessa made me happy. As I showered, I thought about our plans for tonight. I hummed along to one of the songs I hoped the band would play.

  I heard them talking behind a closed door as I walked from the bathroom with a towel around my waist. I imagined them huddling, thinking I couldn’t hear. Eavesdropping on my sister was always one of my fortes.

  “It’s not about that, Tess. I’m really not trying to be a bitch. Don’t you think I’d love for you and my brother to hit it off? But when it doesn’t work out—and it won’t—it will be that much more awkward for us. He’s hooked up with a lot of my friends—and I mean a lot—and every single time I’m the one left to answer their questions about why he didn’t call or ask to hang out again. You know how bad that sucks—telling your friend that someone isn’t into you for anything more than a quick lay?”

  “But what if I’m not just another quick lay? What if he’s ready for more?”

  Thank you, Tessa for having more faith in me than my own flesh and blood.

  “I know him better than he knows himself. He’s not ready. He’s a twenty-four year old model whose ego’s gone to his head. And you, my dear, are a conquest—he’s always had something for you and after he gets you out of his system, he’ll be on to the same old shenanigans that he’s notorious for. You don’t need that right now. You need stability.”

  I wondered what Tessa’s face looked like after Riley’s insulting tirade. I couldn’t wait for her to meet some guy now. I was going to air all her dirty laundry as soon as she brought him around.

  “I know you’re right. Believe me I know. It’s just—”

  “I get it. He’s hot, as gross as that sounds… but how can I put this? On the outside he’s perfect, the total package, right?”

  More silence. Was she nodding in agreement, waiting on bated breath for her to finish like I was, or was she ignoring her ridiculousness the way I hoped she was?

  “… but looks can be deceiving, Tess. He’s screwed up on the inside… women are objects to him. He’s never been in a relationship and… I just don’t want you getting hurt, again.”

  My hands balled into tight fists. I wanted to bust into that room, break up their pow-wow and tell my bitchy sister how wrong she was. But I couldn’t let Tessa see me angry and I wouldn’t show Riley that she got to me. Yes, she had valid points. I didn’t know how to commit, but for Tessa I sure as hell wanted to try. The only thing left to do was prove Riley wrong.

  Gripping the towel with one hand, the other one met the wall with a loud, crashing thud.

  “What was that?” Riley shrieked from the other side of the door.

  It felt so good to release my fury I didn’t care that my fist created a gaping hole in the freshly painted wall.

  When the door swung open and my sister’s head peeked out, I feigned a smile and said, “Sorry, tripped on the towel. My elbow got the brunt of it. I’ll have to spackle it up tomorrow, no biggie.”

  “Klutz. How much longer ‘til you’re ready? She wants to put Luca down for the night before you leave.”

  “Not much longer. Tell my conquest not to keep me waiting too long, though. I might just move on to more shenanigans.”

  I walked past her and into my room, locking the door behind me without saying another word. She needed to know I heard her and all the terrible things she said. Her words stung me and I wanted them to bite her right back.

  He waited until we got in the car to say it to me. “You look gorgeous tonight, Tess.” I was happy he didn’t say it in front of Riley because, quite frankly, her chat in the guest bedroom did a number on me.

  I chose to ignore the pang of worry that threatened to rain on my parade and just take the compliment. “Thank you. You clean up pretty nice yourself.” And he did, even if his T-shirt, jeans, and Converse were as casual as one could get. He looked hot and I couldn’t believe he was my escort on this so-called date. My mind was already on the wrong track. Change the topic, Tessa!

  “You know, I’m surprised Riley isn’t into Airborne too. I can’t even count how many concerts we’ve seen together. There was one summer I swear we went to one a week. We really lived it up back then.”

  Marcus backed out of the driveway, looking over his shoulder. “Yeah, well, Riley’s lost her spunk in her old age.”

  I eyed him with disdain. “Old age? I’m older than her by three months. Guess you’re into geriatric chicks, huh?”r />
  “No, just you.” He winked.

  Way to keep it off topic, huh? “Let’s call the opening song. I say they play Sometime Around Midnight.”

  “You and Riley used to do this all the time—it was cute. But you’re wrong about the opener… it’s too mellow. In fact, one time when I saw them, they actually played that one sometime right around midnight. Kinda cheesy but also kinda cool.”

  I smiled, excited that I was getting this chance to see them live. “Okay, so call it then. What do you think they’ll play first?”

  “They’re opening with The Storm. I just have this feeling and I will not be wrong about it.”

  “You think you’re always right, don’t you?”

  He placed his hand on my thigh and massaged it over my jeans. “No, not always. But with certain things… I just know. By the way, good call on the tight-ass jeans. I think they’re actually hotter than the dress I pictured you wearing.”

  Perfect! And I here I was thinking I dressed modestly. “Marcus, this flattery is all so… Maybe it’s best if we heed Riley’s advice. I’m sorry if I’m sending mixed signals, but…” Should I admit that he had the power to weaken every one of my morals? Yeah, why not. “It’s hard not to fall victim to your charm, dude. You do things to me that make my head spin, even when you’re not touching me. But let’s face it… this isn’t going anywhere. It’s just for fun. You don’t need my baggage—I have Luca and my life’s still all messed up because of…”

  His hand leaped from my thigh up to the nape of my neck. The sensation of his strong hand against my soft skin was so intimate and soothing; it did the job of quieting me. “We’re not going there tonight. Forget that jackhole Zack, my annoying sister, and all your qualms. I’m not as bad as everyone makes me out to be. Don’t you know that by now? This is different. You make me feel different and I might fuck up and I know for shit sure that I won’t be perfect, but can’t you just give me a shot? All I’m asking for is a chance.”

  It was so honest and raw and so… not Marcus. It surprised me and everything inside told me that I should give in, except for this nagging feeling Riley had planted that just wouldn’t subside.

  “God, Marcus. You’re making this so hard. Can’t we just have a good time tonight? I’m tired of drama and seriousness. I need to let loose! That’s what I lo—like most about you. You make me feel free again, like I can be me and not worry about who’s watching.”

  His hand fell from my neck and returned to the steering wheel. “I’m happy I make you feel that way. Knowing that makes your rejection a little easier.”

  It was my turn to comfort him. My hand found its way to his thigh this time and he peered down at the contact. “It’s not a rejection. Don’t be like that. Let’s just take it as it comes and worry about the rest later. Please?”

  The muscles in his jaw clenched visibly under his clean-shaven face. “Pretty girl, you run a hard bargain, but I think I might just be able to comply.”

  Midway through the opening act I was starting to feel a little buzzed, a lot flirty, and damn it, this was feeling more and more like a date.

  “They’re good, no?” Marcus was back from the concession and handed me another beer. We clinked our bottles together and took a chug at the same time.

  “Really good.” Their sound was fresh, fun; they complimented the headliners perfectly. But I wasn’t thinking about how much I liked the band at the moment, watching Marcus dance around to the music. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the atmosphere, but I needed to make a confession. “Hey.” I nudged him with my butt. “I’m having a really good time.”

  “I know you are.” He winked. “I am too.”

  “Thank you. You know, in case I forget to tell you later or if I’m too sloshed.” I looked down at the floor, afraid his expression would tempt me to say more.

  His hand was at my face, his finger under my chin, tilting my gaze in his direction. “Oh, you’re not getting sloshed. I want you to remember the whole night.” He wore exactly the expression I was trying to avoid—devilish, delicious, good and bad all rolled into one.

  “Don’t worry. I have no doubt it will go down in my book as one of my favorites. I’m so excited to hear the band play already.” My eyes flicked to his luscious lips and I looked at my watch, trying to divert my attention. “How much longer ‘til they come on, you think?”

  “Pretty girl, I wasn’t referring to the band. I have other things in store for you—stop looking at your watch. Night’s still young… let it be ours.”

  His words always weakened me. So smooth. I guess it was just part of the womanizer territory. “You always know the right thing to say, like right on cue, don’t you?”

  He tucked one hand in the back pocket of his jeans and took another long pull of his beer. “I know it seems that way, and I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but I’m not used to doing much talking when it comes to the ladies, Tess. First date… you own it.”

  I didn’t know whether to be disgusted by his insinuation or flattered by his admission. The band closed their set and the venue became a little quieter. It was almost like a signal that I owed him some response. “Airborne’s coming on soon!” I cheered with my fist in the air.

  “Stop avoiding the obvious, Tessa. You said you’re having a good time, I know I do to you what you do to me. I’d bet anything that your stomach’s full of those butterflies girls always get and your panties are all wet.”

  “Marcus!” My eyes went wide. Not that it wasn’t true, but just that he was so blunt.

  “Come on, babe. Why fight it?” He wasn’t being cocky. He was totally sincere, looking for an honest answer.

  “Because it’s scary and… we’re not right for each other.”

  “Yeah? What scares you more… the connection, the attraction, or the amazing fucking sex we have together?”

  I sucked in a long breath through my nose. The air was musty from all the spotlights and smoke, but Marcus’s clean, masculine scent was predominant. It flooded my senses, but I stood my ground. “I’m scared you’ll hurt me. Not like Zack, I know you would never…” He wanted to say something, but I help up my hand, needing to finish. “I’m happy with the way things are. I enjoy our time together… all of it… but I don’t think I’m ready for more. I value our friendship and I don’t want to make it more complicated because I can’t offer anything more than that right now.”

  He swallowed another swig and then came closer, his hand inching its way into my back pocket now. “Okay… just so we’re clear. We’re friends… on a date… and we can still participate in all that hot sex we can’t seem to resist, right?”


  “That’s not an answer.”

  Was I a total slut for wanting to say yes? I couldn’t imagine living without his touch, but I wasn’t ready to let him into other, more intimate, parts of me. “We’ll see how you behave.” I teased.

  His eyes narrowed and he grinned. “Behave? Isn’t the whole point not to behave? Damn girl, you need to live a little.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do—live again.”

  Before he could say another word, the room went dark and the crowd was screaming in what sounded like one massive, deafening howl. When the music began to play, my body was covered in a blanket of goosebumps and tingles. The first bars of Sometime After Midnight reverberated and the crowd went insane again. I leaned into Marcus, pointing a finger into his rock-hard chest. “Ha! I told you! I win!”

  He licked his lips and pulled me close to him. “I guess you did. But I win, too.” His lips crushed mine without warning. His arms pulled me tighter to him, his hands cupping my ass and surging our bodies together. I felt his hard arousal at my waist and smiled against his lips as he kissed me. “What?” he asked, never letting go.

  “I like when you misbehave and…” I nibbled his lip and raked my fingers in his hair.

  “This song makes kissing you even better.” The lyrics fueled my e
motions and I allowed myself to get lost in the haze of it all. The swarm of people around us, chanting and cheering, enveloped us in a secure warmth. I didn’t worry about people watching, because I didn’t give a damn. This was living and it felt really fucking good.

  “Tess,” he broke way, panting. He smoothed my hair off my face, but left his other arm curled around my back to keep us connected. “We need to move. Come with me.” He swiveled around and grabbed my hand. When he tugged, I followed. Curious as to where he was taking me. We were one song into the concert and I didn’t want to miss it, but I also didn’t want to stop whatever it was Marcus was about to do to me. A shiver rolled over my body as I thought about him taking me right here, with my favorite band playing the soundtrack to the carnal act.

  “Where are we going?” I whispered in his ear, competing with the band and the loud beat of Bride and Groom.



  “Pretty girl, please just trust me.”

  Trust. There was a notion. I wanted to trust him, and I was starting to, but… Never mind, Tessa. Live life tonight.

  When we nearly collided with a brawny security guard at the entrance to the dark stairwell, my hopes of a wild night fizzled, but Marcus reached into his back pocket and flashed something I couldn’t see. The security guard shined a tiny light on the item and nodded his head, allowing us entry.

  Once headed up the stairs, I asked, “How’d you do that?”

  “Gary Schulster’s a good guy to know. He hooked us up with all kinds of extra shit for tonight, pretty girl.”

  Gary was becoming the Tessa/Marcus advocate of the year. Right now, I felt like he was my freaking fairy godfather.

  “Come on, I don’t want to miss the next song.” He pulled my arm again, and we stumbled up the stairs two at a time.

  At the landing, he pushed open a heavy door and the music became louder, saturating the air again. He ushered me to a private balcony, overlooking the side of the stage. I gaped over the edge. “These seats are sick! Why is nobody using them?”


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