Red Angel: Book II: Raiders (Red Angel Series 2)

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Red Angel: Book II: Raiders (Red Angel Series 2) Page 19

by C. R. Daems

  "I agree. The only way to stop them is to shut down their operation."

  "You could quit the NIA," he said rather forcefully.

  Alexa snorted. "No more than you could stop being who you are, Colonel. Anna was meant to chase evil men just as you were meant to be a marine. She's in their heads, so if you keep her alive, she'll find and destroy them," Alexa said from the corner where she sat.

  "Alright. We'll no longer consider any place safe, Anna."

  Admiral Rawls and Commodore Stauffer were next to visit. They stood staring at me for a long time before Rawls spoke.

  "Thank you, Anna. You saved a lot of lives. There’s no telling how many would have died if you hadn't interrupted them and warned us—your team, Carl, and I, and others who got in the way—few were armed or had access to a weapon." She paused, not waiting on a response but to inspect me. "The raiders got past building security because they had real uniforms, good quality fake identifications, and an excellent cover story—a credible threat to NIA. So how did you know they were assassins?"

  "They chased me when I chose to use the stairs instead of the elevator." I didn't think Red warned me was a good answer.

  "One of your insights?" Stauffer gave a snort.

  I nodded. "It didn't feel right."

  "It's no wonder the raiders want you and the others ... retired." Rawls said, shaking her head. "I won't blame you or the others if you want off the raider investigation. I don't want an answer now, but I'll want to discuss the team's recommendation when everyone is well enough to return to work. Carl, I'll leave it to you to let me know when the time is right."

  * * *

  "Kris, Adrian!" I shouted as they entered my hospital room. I knew they had survived, but it was still a relief to see them. Kris had her arm in a sling and Adrian had a cane and walked with a slight limp. "What are you doing here? You should be resting."

  "We're here for a team meeting," Adrian said as the two approached the side of my bed. Kris ignored Red and kissed me on the cheek; Adrian squeezed my hand. "You don't have to leave ... Alexa," he said when Alexa rose.

  "It's alright. I need to stretch my legs, and I think I'll get a bite to eat. Would you like anything from the cafeteria?" When Kris and Adrian shook their heads, she left.

  "How's Rich doing?" I asked.

  "He got hit several times. A couple of shards hit his lung and kidney. He'll fully recover, but it'll take a couple of weeks before he's fit to work," Adrian said. "Stauffer wants our recommendation for what should be done next, including whether we’re staying on. He says Rawls will make sure we get good assignments if we want out."

  "Do you?" Kris asked me.

  "I think we should first decide what we think should be done next, before we decide whether to stay or go." I felt Red emerge from my dressing gown and lie along my shoulders as if ready to participate.

  "We could close down their operation by arresting the three UAS and three foreign merchants we've identified as having supported the raider's operation," Adrian said. "If we did, they might choose to leave."

  "Or stay and reorganize while they eliminate the NIA team which caused their problem." Kris sounded resigned.

  They both looked to me, waiting for my opinion or maybe hoping for one of my spontaneous insights.

  "I believe the raiders will pursue us regardless if we stay in the NIA working the case or not. If we stay, we’re a problem to be eliminated; if we leave, they'll want revenge. If the former, we've the strength of numbers and a chance to destroy them. If the latter, we’ll be on our own, isolated and vulnerable, and the raiders will continue operating in the UAS," I said, thinking out loud and ironically coming to a conclusion in the process—or was it a Red insight? Because he disappeared into my dressing gown when I finished talking.

  "Anna's right. They won't be satisfied just to see us leave, especially if our leaving causes them an interruption in their operation. They’ll want revenge. If we stay, they’ll want us retired so we don't interrupt their operation," Kris said, and I could feel her frustration turn stubborn. "The girls’ team is staying."

  "Since the girls’ team hates paperwork, I guess I'll have to stay. And after my talk with Rich this morning, I think he will also." Adrian's smile faded. "Rawls will want our recommendation on what to do next. Any ideas?"

  "I doubt arresting the merchants will cause them to leave, but it'll definitely cause them to revise their methodology. In that case, we might be doing them a favor, because it'll put us back to ground zero," Kris said.

  "What if we concentrate on finding the Controllers?" We couldn't do much until we determined the raider's next move—would they continue with the same methodology and communications? Until we knew, why not use the time to look for the Controllers.

  "How?" Adrian asked.

  "Let's make some assumptions about the Controllers and then collect information that may identify one or more of them," I said.

  "Like there are three of them," Kris said.

  "They've been here for at least a year prior to the first raid," I said.

  "They use local criminals," Adrian said.

  Kris nodded. "They each work in a separate Master Puzzle publication area."

  "They move after each raid," I said. "And they're picked up and dropped off by a UAS merchant."

  "That's our recommendation then. Concentrate on finding the Controllers while we wait to see if the raiders continue business as usual or change methodology," Adrian summarized and received nods from Kris and me.

  * * *

  Mother gave a soft laugh. "I hear Admiral Bell went ballistic when he heard you had been attacked in the NIA facility—and again when he learned this was your fifth Purple Heart. He summoned Colonel Pannell to Eastar—"

  "He wasn't to blame," I blurted.

  "I think the admiral wanted a face-to-face briefing so he could hear the specific details and get Pannell's recommendations. I understand Pannell now has a fifty-man detail and military shuttles to transport you wherever you need to go and very lenient rules of engagement on top of his P1A authority."

  "That's not going to help Kris find a husband." I felt sorry for her. Not only was she spending months on cruisers, but now she'll be followed by armed marines. It was almost as bad as having the Coaca Virus and carrying around a venomous snake—a real date turnoff.

  "No, but hopefully it'll let her live long enough to eventfully find him. You and your team are at war with the raiders. Admiral Bell is making sure you stay alive to find and destroy them."

  * * *

  Stauffer arranged a meeting with Rawls after determining that Adrian, Kris, and I had received our doctors’ reluctant fit-for-duty recommendation. We met the next day in Rawls’s conference room.

  "At ease, and sit. I appreciate you agreeing to return to work so quickly. You're certainly entitled to several weeks of convalescent leave—and a month with a shrink." She laughed. "I talked to Doctor Renata. She says you’re all crazy but stable and therefore fit for duty. I agree. You should be seeking new identification and relocation, not continuing with this assignment." She stopped for a look at her notes. "Lieutenant Commanders Shrader, Sinclair, and Paulus, you each are hereby awarded another Purple Heart. In addition, Lieutenant Commanders Shrader and Sinclair are awarded the Silver Star for your action against the raiders in the NIA facility. Lieutenant Commander Sinclair is also awarded another battle ribbon for your action on the UAS Bacchus. Congratulations." She pushed several velvet boxes and documents to Adrian and Kris. "Commander Paulus, Admiral Lultrel did mention that you disobeyed a direct order." Rawls held my gaze.

  "What—" I said in panic until I sensed her amusement.

  "She ordered you not to get anymore Purple Hearts. She said you had reached your limit for one career." Rawls gave me a wry smile. "Lieutenant Commander Paulus, you are awarded a battle ribbon for the action on the Bacchus, and a Purple Heart and the Navy Cross for your actions at the NIA facility where you saved many lives at the risk of your own. C

  They all clapped and I felt my cheeks burning. "One for all ..." I said quietly.

  "And all for one," Adrian and Kris repeated.

  "All right. I understand you're recommending we pursue identifying the Controllers while we wait to see what the raiders do next." She looked to each of us, and seeing nods, continued. "I approve." She rose and we all braced to attention. "Oh, Admiral Bell has placed each of you on the next promotion list to full commander, and Rich Gannon is promoted immediately to full lieutenant." She left smiling.

  "Slippery but fast," Kris said. "Of course, if we're alive by the time the promotion list comes out, we'll have earned it."

  "That's the good news." Adrian's far-off gaze looked thoughtful.

  "What's the bad news?" Kris asked, frowning.

  "We’ll probably be given our own NIA offices to manage."

  "You're right. They aren't going to let three full commanders sit around waiting for the next big project."

  That's a tomorrow problem, I mused, but said nothing.

  * * *

  "Good evening, Daughter. Hard day at work? You look deep in thought," Alexa said as I joined her for dinner.

  "In a way. Admiral Rawls informs us we’re all on the next list for Commander." I managed a weak smile.

  "Congratulations, Anna. Why’s that a problem?" she asked, her eyes wide in surprise.

  "Adrian says it means we’ll each be given an NIA office to manage."

  "And you don't feel ready?"

  "I'm not ready to leave home," I whined.

  Alexa grabbed me in a hug. "My poor daughter. Home has become your sanctuary and the only place you feel safe. Nobody can blame you. Your life has been very traumatic." She smiled. "You and I will always find a solution. We did for the thieves breaking into our home, and we'll continue to do so in the future. So, let's enjoy today and face tomorrow when it comes."

  "Thank you, Mother. You're right." I felt Red's tongue brush my neck and laughed. "It's scary when I start worrying about the future. Today is wonderful."

  Instead of retiring when Alexa said good night, I decided to give some thought to the Controllers and made my way to my home office. Red curled into my hair, obviously interested in assisting as I began making notes.

  1. There are three Controllers, each in their own area defined by a Master Puzzle publication area.

  2. They have a contact to get them what they need: thugs, Internet, and the coordinates for the UAS Merchant to deliver the puzzle to the raiders.

  3. They have to be transported from one planet to another via a UAS merchant.

  I sat back looking at my short list. Then it hit me—the Controller on New Zheng knew we had set a trap at Zeno Pharmaceutical and came directly to Oxax seeking revenge. That would explain how they knew we had returned so quickly. The Fire Rock Controller had to be on Oxax because that would explain how they managed to arrange for the attack on the NIA office so fast. If I was right, that meant a UAS Merchant would have been on New Zheng and then gone to Oxax. To my surprise, my search of the Oxax space station's records revealed that none of the three UAS Merchants who we had identified as supporting the raiders had been to Oxax recently. I quickly typed a message to Adrian.

  To: Lieutenant Commander Shrader

  Adrian, I need the Holy Star's merchant arrivals and departures for the day of the raid and the subsequent ten days. Urgent.

  From: Lieutenant Commander Paulus

  When I looked at the clock, it was nearly four in the morning, so I changed the delivery time from immediate to eight hundred hours.

  * * *

  "That was very considerate, Anna, although I do miss your early morning urgent messages," Adrian said as I waved good morning. "I noticed you delayed delivery."

  "When I get involved in a problem, I lose track of time."

  "I've sent off your request. We should have an answer this afternoon. What are you looking for?"

  "I think the Controller on New Zheng left after the botched raid on Zeno Pharmaceutical and came here to Oxax. If I'm right, I'm hoping to find a UAS Merchant that left New Zheng with a passenger and came to Oxax in the right time frame. If so, we might have the identity the Controller is using and his picture and maybe a lead on how to find the others—but our theory they're passengers on one of the three UAS merchants supporting the raiders may be wrong."

  "That would explain the raid on the NIA office, but how did he get everything organized so quickly ... unless the other Controller was on Oxax!" Kris's voice rose with excitement.

  "That's what I think."

  The time dragged by while we waited. When we got the results, it confirmed none of the three UAS Merchants, we had identified as supporting the raiders, had been on New Zheng during the critical time frame. An hour later we identified the Gypsy as the only possibility.

  "Good work, Anna. I'll put in a request for the Gypsy's itinerary for the last three years. Until we get the data, I suggest we work on trying to identify the Controller from New Zheng who was working the Suton publication area." Adrian strode off to see Stauffer.

  * * *

  Over the next week we collected all the information the space station had, including a video where our mystery man was caught walking from the Gypsy to get a shuttle planet-side. Then we established the hotel he booked in at and reviewed the hotel's video, which showed him meeting a man in the lobby. We were in the process of trying to identify him when we received the records on the Gypsy.


  Incident at Westar

  "We have new Puzzles, three of them," Adrian said as he entered our office area. "Stauffer just received them. Rich, I've sent them to your tablet. Run them against the X25 program and let's see if we’re still in business."

  I wondered if the raiders still believed their communications protocol was viable, or whether they had changed or were in the process of changing—and if their failed attempt to kill us had impacted their decision. They certainly had time on their side. Of course, they were also greedy and arrogant and wouldn't like us delaying a very profitable business.

  Rich interrupted my musing. "Looks like we've got a winner! Anna, I've transferred the puzzle to your tablet," he shouted as he came running back into the room. He was like a new puppy: eager, excited, and happy all at the same time.

  I looked at the new puzzle and found the double asterisks in the right location: 8*115%1&52#30%6*8w. Then I removed the non-Latin letters and performed a translation of the relevant string and sent it to everyone's tablet:

  Have winner. Ten carrying precious metals in four days from post at one at 14.7812 -54.1242. Prize five hundred. If problem courier post

  "That must be the Stella Mining Corporation," Adrian said after a few minutes on his tablet. "They mine heavy metals unique to Westar. Periodically they transfer their processed ore to the Westar Space station for sale around the UAS."

  "So the raid is set for four days from today, which is the date it was posted, at one hundred hours. The GPS coordinates are 14.7812 -54.1242. However, if something changes, the Controller will post the change on the Master Puzzle's chat room under miscellaneous posts," Kris said as she deciphered the cryptic message. "Which means the fine print has bitten me again."

  "Fine print?" Adrian asked, frowning.

  "Yes, on my enlistment contract, join the navy and enjoy free rides on cruisers, front row seats to missile fights with foreign cruisers, target practice with assassins, and learning to care for a venomous red-headed krait."

  Adrian laughed. "I think Rich and I had better read our contracts. I'm hoping it doesn't have that care for venomous red-headed krait clause." He rose. "I'll inform Stauffer. He and Rawls don't have a lot of time to decide."

  "Kris, I could go—"

  "No. We're the girl team, and where you go, I go ... and Pannell and a horde of marines." She gave a good-hearted laugh. "I'm glad Dr. Renata is our psychologist, because nobody else would understand."

Thank you, Kris. I would gladly go alone, but I do love having you with me. I still don't feel like an adult." The only bad part was that it put her at risk. I might lose a few years if we were killed, but Kris would lose sixty or seventy. The thought made bile rise in my throat.

  "Attention," Adrian said as he entered our area with Admiral Rawls and Commodore Stauffer.

  "At ease. Conference room. We don't have much time." She waited until we were all settled. "The first question is how do you recommend we handle this current raid?"

  "Ma'am, we discussed the issue and believe we're out of options." Adrian looked at each of us in turn. When we each nodded, he continued. "They aren't going to believe we stumbled on their cruiser again, and besides, we don't currently have a patrol on Westar. Our current thinking is to destroy the cruiser then arrest the six merchants and the Controllers. We know two and might have identified the third, who we believe is currently on Safe Harbor. That would leave only one cruiser remaining, with no contacts."

  "I concur. That does appear to be our best option. I understand it might be an advantage to have Anna on Westar, since the time and place might change. Are you sure you want to go, Anna? No one would blame you if you didn't. We could have the NIA office on Westar check the website."

  "Yes, ma'am, I'm sure. None of us is safe until we destroy the raiders, so in a sense, I'm in no more danger going than staying. I hope going helps us get one step closer to destroying them."

  After a short silence, Rawls nodded. "What about you, Kris?"

  "Anna and I are a team, so if she goes, I want to go, and I agree with her logic. I'm at no more risk there than here. Besides, the faster we destroy the raiders, the faster I can find the father of my future children."

  Rawls smiled. "There are lots of eligible men on cruisers."


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